  • Report:  #207195

Complaint Review: Daniels & Norelli P.C. - Westbury New York

Reported By:
- New Carlisle, Ohio,

Daniels & Norelli P.C.
900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 400 Westbury, 11590 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In July of this year I received a letter from the law firm of Daniels & Norelli, P.C. stating they would like me to contact them regarding a Providian charge card. I already am paying on a Providian charge card with another law office, so I was confused--I thought Daniels & Norelli meant the same one I was already paying on. When I asked them in a letter, the attorney Jim Scully provided a credit card number that was different from the one I actually had. When I called Providian, they had neither the credit card number nor my social security number on their computer system, so they could not verify that the debt was mine. I never had two Providian cards. Please note previous history:

The last time I was contacted about this was by a "law firm" calling themselves Golden, Wexler and Sarnese. They locked up my bank account, claimed they had a "default" judgment against me for which I never received a summons, and as a result I could not get any funds out of the bank. When I called and asked them what this was about, they claimed I owed this Providian credit card that I never had. I attempted to explain to them that the number differed from the card I physically had on my possession and that I did not have two Providian cards, but they began verbally abusing me, threatening me by stating they would "chase me until I died," and then because they would not send verification and were threatening me, I was scared enough to offer to pay them on a payment arrangement just to get them off my back. They would not agree with a payment arrangement of 100.00 a month, nor would they send me anything in writing, and proceeded to garnish my paycheck for 6.00 a week (?!). I quit the job three months later to attend college in another country, forwarded my address and did not hear anything more from anyone, until this July, 2006, when Daniels and Norelli have been trying to get me to pay for the Providian card I never had. They also refuse to send me any written documentation that would legitimize the attempt to collect, and have inferred to me that they sent a verification letter to me, so have lost the 90 day FDCPA and FCRA rights that would be afforded to me. I never got the letter--so Mr. Scully is saying I have no rights and I have to pay the judgment.

I requested an investigation from all three credit reporting agencies:

1. Transunion has deleted the judgment.

2. Equifax verified the judgment.

3. Experian has deleted the judgment.

So now I'm really confused. Two say they can't verify the debt or the judgment and one says they can. The card number Daniels & Norelli are trying to collect on appeared NOWHERE on my credit report as an open item--before the investigation or after--only the judgment sits on my report. The name on the judgment and the company Daniels & Norelli seem to be representing is Colorado Capital Investments, another company that is listed on various consumer advocacy websites as unethical debt collection practitioners who have been cited for re-aging items on consumers' credit reports in order to take them out of out of statute status in order to be able to collect on them "legally."

Both these companies have unsavoury reputations. I have filed a complaint with the New York Attorney General's office as of a month ago and have received no reply. I have prepared a letter to send to the Attorney Grievance Committee of the New York Bar Association in the hopes I will receive some kind of evidence that will shed some light as to why Colorado Capital Investments would chase me, stalk me through my bank accounts, all for an amount that is under 4,000.00.

Although Jim Scully at Daniels & Norelli voluntarily suspended collection on this account (but has of yet forwarded no paperwork detailing that this debt is legitimate), I am unsure what to do next. I am afraid, although they have not threatened to do so yet, if I don't try to pay it just to get them off my back Daniels & Norelli also will try to garnish my paycheck. I can't use the bank because I'm afraid they're going to try to lock it up like Golden, Wexler and Sarnese did. I feel very violated, and feel that I have had absolutely no recall or no rights whatsoever during this FOUR YEAR process that keeps going nowhere. Daniels & Norelli keep popping up on various consumer advocacy websites (like Bud Hibbs) for being a "rip-off" agency, whose owners are real estate attorneys, and who have absolutely no debt collection law or FDCPA law experience, so I am afraid that I'm going to get taken to the cleaners by this "law firm." Efforts to contact the owners George Norelli and Fred Daniels have been unsuccessful--George merely forwarded my mail to James Scully--who was only recently inducted to the New York State Bar Association. I have no idea what he got his law degree in, but clearly, since he is not pressing this issue, I suspect he also has no collections law experience which is why he isn't in a big hurry to resolve this with me.

Can someone please help me? I have contacted two lawyers from the NACA who decided when they found out I had no money, that they couldn't help me--Providian has no cardholder agreement because they destroy them after 5-7 years, so I can't prove it isn't mine, but they (Daniels & Norelli) can't seem to prove it is either. I just KNOW what is going on here is very wrong and I do not understand why I cannot get a lawyer to help me understand what's going on and what I ought to do. I am not in the habit of creating debt.

Thank you.


New Carlisle, Ohio

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5 Updates & Rebuttals


Law Firm Letterhead Can Imply Threat, Magistrate RulesShannon P. Duffy All ArticlesThe Legal IntelligencerJune 18, 2010

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 29, 2011



United States of America
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

#3General Comment

Thu, March 04, 2010

If the debt does not belong to you, you can hire an attorney and he will file a case against them for federal violations of the FDCPA.  It shouldnt cost you anything.  The attorneys fees will be collected from the collections firm who is violating your rights and you will get $1,000.

Do some research on the DRCPA and see your rights and then look up an attorney to review your documents to see if your rights are being violated

Good Luck all

I am currently bringing a Federal action against Daniels & Norelli as well


New York,
Non-legal advice from an attorney

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 30, 2008

After reading your report I have some thoughts. These are just my random thoughts and opinions and are not to be construed as legal advice. This was #10 and I realized it should actually be #1: *** DEBT COLLECTORS ARE TRAINED TO UPSET PEOPLE! STAY CALM. They are trying to SCARE YOU to make you do something you normally wouldn't do (like admit you owe the debt, or GIVE THEM MONEY!)*** 1) Debt collectors can not "re-age" a debt, even though they will try to, it is illegal. When in court ALWAYS ask them to provide PROOF. Proof you owe the debt, something with your signature on it, your social security number, proof of what constitutes the amount they are suing for. PROOF, PROOF, PROOF! Many times these collection agents do not have any proof! 2) The burden that you owe the debt is on THEM not you. DON'T EVER TAKE LEGAL ADVICE FROM A COLLECTION FIRM TRYING TO GET MONEY OUT OF YOU! If you allege you do not owe the debt, they need to provide proof that you do. Many times, the law firm or successor in interest to the case doesn't have it and it takes FOREVER for them to get it from the bank. 3) Not all judges are smart and know the law. You need to be able to explain it to them in a non-crazy, non-rambling, non-ranting, polite, respectful way. Hiring a lawyer for this purpose is usually helpful. Plus, credit agencies with no documentation get nervous when you have representation. 4) A good judge should dismiss the case when the law firm comes up with no paper work. Some judges are napping at the bench until retirement. You need to use the words and phrases they understand. File an "Order to Show Cause" to stop your wages from being garnished or your bank accounts from being frozen. Ask for the case to be dismissed! Ask for the default judgment to be vacated! Ask the judge to have any money taken from you returned and to put it in his or her order. Ask for a Traverse Hearing if service is an issue. 5) Many times these debt collectors do not even OWN the debt they are trying to collect on. Therefore they have no standing to sue you. ASK FOR AN ASSIGNMENT OF THE CLAIM. *This is one of those issues that will confuse a sleepy judge* but be aware of it. 6) FAIR DEBT COLLECTION ACT 15 USC 1692 is your friend. This provides you with a potential counter claim in any creditor suit. Violations of the FDCA apply even if you owe the debt. It is a STRICT LIABILITY STATUTE and construed in the favor of YOU the consumer. It is also construed to favor THE LEAST SOPHISTICATED CONSUMER. 7) The FDCA gives you a way to collect DAMAGES from unfair creditors, but you have to plead it in your complaint or counter claim. It caused you loss of sleep, loss of credit, denial of a job. Statutory damages are up to $1,000.00. You can also get reasonable attorneys fees. 8) DOCUMENT EVERYTHING! If you make a payment to someone KEEP A RECORD OF IT FOR AT LEAST 7 YEARS! Keep the returned check, a receipt, money order ticket, WHATEVER IT IS! If you settle a debt for less than the amount agreed upon keep any paperwork you are given for at least TEN years. 9) TAPE PHONE CALLS WITH CREDITORS (NY this is okay to do, it might not be okay in other states, still good practice to help keep your own records and notes) and keep a log/notebook of all phone calls with them. Take good, detailed notes, who you spoke to, what time they called, phone number they are calling from, what they said, what you said, etc. a) Creditors can not call you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. KEEP A NOTATION OF IT IN YOUR LOG every time they do. Advise them that they are violating the FDCA and not to call at that time again, the next time they do, it's damages! b) They can only contact you at work if you let them. Ask them not to call you at work, the next time they do, it is a violation. c) They can not threaten you with VIOLENCE, use OBSCENE LANGUAGE, tell you they are a government agent, they can not repeatedly call you, and a debt collector MUST identify themselves. These are only a few examples of things collectors can not do. 10) Don't ignore arbitration notices. Lots of credit card companies like to arbitrate now. Show up, if you can't show up, phone in, submit proof, send a letter to the arbitrator. Whatever you do, don't allow them to just get a default arbitration award against you. This then gets confirmed into a judgment and this is how they freeze your assets and garnish your wages. If you get a notice that an arbitration is going to be confirmed into a judgment (they HAVE TO SERVE YOU WITH NOTICE OF THIS) attend that court date. Tell the judge it was unfair, or gotten by fraud if this is your case. A lot of judges do not like arbitration awards, especially ones done out of state. They don't have a lot of latitude here, but give them something to work with. 11) If you really owe the debt, try to settle it. Most of the time, they will offer you a settlement of at least 75% right off the bat if you can pay it in a lump sum. Try to push them to 50% sometimes they will do it, sometimes not, it doesn't hurt to try. If you have to pay in payments try to still get them to knock some off. They say they can't, but try to push them to 90-95%. Many times they wait until they have you in court, face to fact to do the settlement. If you have the money bring it with you, and show them, I have XX to settle this today, in full right now. KEEP RECEIPTS, DOCUMENTATION, EVERYTHING YOU GET! GOOD LUCK! DON'T LET THEM GET YOU DOWN!


New Carlisle,
Tried everything already, thanks suing class action

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, August 22, 2006

I've done it all--tried everything. I've written letters to FTC, Attorney General, no attorney seems to want this case. So I have a question: Anyone who has had bad dealings with Colorado Capital Investments and wants to sue them in a class action suit is welcome to contact me. (((ROR REDACTED EMAIL FOR SECURITY PURPOSES))) I have an attorney who may be interested in suing them for erroneous reporting to credit reporting agencies and for making people pay credit cards that they never had (i.e. getting default judgments without contacting the party involved, etc.) Thank you. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


There is lots of resources for help on the web.

#6Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 22, 2006

Many people are in the same position as you, and also don't have the money to hire an attorney. One of my favorite sites I've found for information is credit infocenter. The people posting have a wealth of information and can help w/ almost any situation. Do a google search for credit info center & it will take you to the home page. The forum links are on the right. Please know that I am in no way affiliated w/ this website. Please don't act until you've read up on how to deal w/ these monsters. If you don't know your rights they will take you to the cleaners. Good Luck!

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