  • Report:  #117759

Complaint Review: DARREN WELLS - Loredo Texas

Reported By:
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

Loredo Loredo, Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Darren Wells is a known international racist (Darren is from England) He is denied entry to numerous countries (Norway & Germany being just 2). He was seriously involved in both football(soccer ) violence as well as England's "Combat 18", a violent neo n**i group for years.

Darren ,due to his racist activties, was being forced to leave England so he sold information about his fellow nazis to the Government and to Searchlight, Europe's anti racist magazine.

While he was doing this Darren started numerous "online relationships" on AOL with various, unsuspecting American women all the while having a "real", serious relationship with a girl named Vanessa whom he was engaged to(he claimed to most of these women he was "no longer racist" despite his HUGE swastica and other RACIST tattoos on his body). He insuinated himself into every part of Vanessa's life including that of her 2 children., he even went as far as to fly them to England to be with him.

Vanessa was going through a difficult divorce and Darren enjoyed causing problems by harrassing her ex and threanting to kill him and or cause problems with his job. She gave up and lost alot of things to be with Darren never knowing all the while everything he said was a LIE.

He came to America to see her and unbeknownst to her he had plans to meet with another woman after their visit together was over. Vanessa left the airport to fly home and Darren met another woman in the parking lot!!!

WHAT IS INTERESTING IS THIS OTHER WOMAN IS MEXICAN!!!! Her name is Amy and she has two mixed(mexican and black) children!!!!

INTERNATIONAL RACIST Darren is with a non white woman all the while lying to his family and friends and girlfriend!

ALSO Vanessa became pregnant on that visit.She found out about everything when Darren never made it back to England (he was with Amy but no one , even his family knew this).

Everyone was worried sick, calling the embassy, hospitals etc not knowing where he was. When he did finally contact Vanessa he denied everything and sent flowers.

He claimed he was happy about the baby and everything would be fine. Thankfully Vanessa finally had enough and cut Darren off-she told him she lost the baby and to leave her alone. She changed her phone number/email etc IN FACT Vanessa did not lose the baby, she gave birth to a son and is raising him with her ex husband (although they remarried) AND DARREN KNOWS THIS!!!!!


Darren hates j**s. He is online constantly souting his racist beliefs and talking to other women. People in Texas should be outraged he is allowed in this country when he was kicked out of England and not allowed in other countries because he's racist.

He sits around eating, getting very fat and lying online all day-BEWARE!

Although he's ugly he can be charming but he's really a soulless, evil, blackhearted racist. I fear for his wife and her children as Darren is very violent and since he's only using them for citizenship once he's done with them what will happen? He even says in the article he still belives in racism just not supposedly in violence(which is a lie).

His mexican wife is from Loredo but they may be in the Waco area (Darren is obssessed with Texas)-LOOK OUT FOR HIM!!!!!!!

I know all this because I was friends with Vanessa who despite getting mixed up with this scumbag is a very sweet, smart, loving and caring person. Her kids are amazing and she didnt deserve getting her heart broken and her life nearly ruined.

Jessica Canton, Ohio

10 Updates & Rebuttals


Darren Wells Scum!!!!

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 04, 2008

I for one am happy this info has been posted. I hope the original poster will publish Darren Wells's address and e-mail for all to see. I'm sure it would prompt some interesting responses from his old pals back in the UK. It's also funny how many of the rebuttals seemed to have come from the same people with different identities saying the same thing. Probably all posted by Darren and his wife themselves. It's a common tactic of liars and scum to post good things about themselves in defense of themselves under different screen names.


United Kingdom

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, October 05, 2008

If Anyone has anymore information on Mr Wells it would be greatly received. Regards (((ROR redacted))) CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Glad to hear it!

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, December 05, 2004

I am glad that Vanessa has moved forward with her life. That is exactly what people are supposed to do. I do hate to hear that she is suffering with cancer and do hope that she fully recovers from that. As it is so obvious that none of us know one another, and that everyone was linked to this website somehow by someone....it seems we are all here for one reason, respect. I can't make it any clearer for anyone that reads this site, that Darren and Amy honestly do not care about anything that has happened so long ago. They are happily married, and raising a family and do not have any concern with the past! They did not visit that "other" website, until an anonymous email was sent to her that led her to the link. Someone, probably Jessica, found Amy's email address long ago and posted it on that site and posted photos, from Amy's webpage, of herself, this is where this Jessica girl thinks Amy is mexican because Amy is so tan, and of her children with Darren when they were on vacation. As I have stated earlier, Amy hasn't a racist bone in her body! She loves life and doesn't see color. It takes a much more mature person to be that like than those who choose to hate someone for the color of one's skin. She is proud of her husband. He made an open minded choice a few years ago, and he knew what was right in his heart! The day he met Amy, he knew right then at that very moment that she was the one! The prior year of chatting online and emails, phone calls, and "real" mail were nothing compared to what it was when they met. I put all this in this posting because I am proud! Proud of my dear friend Amy, and very proud of my dear friend Darren. Darren's story is admirable! From what he was THEN to what he is NOW is nothing but ADMIRABLE! Darren and Amy, much love to the both of you and keep it going strong! Kiss that precious little girl you two have together and kiss those gorgeous sons of yalls! What a beautiful family you are! And for Brendan and Vanessa, best of luck to you all, stay strong and healthy and kick that cancer in the you know what! And as always, Jessica, sorry you didn't interupt any lives, screw up any happy homes or whatever it was you were trying to do! But in all honesty, best of luck to you also. Hopefully you can get yourself clean soon and raise your family the proper way. Remember Jessica, it is NEVER too late to make a change! Nobody can go back and make a brand new start, but anybody can start today and make brand new beginning! Last of the postings from me......bye!


Hello Mate!

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, December 03, 2004

Glad to hear you are doing well mate! Pleased to see an Englishman doing the right thing and making something out of himself as you are. Cheers mate!


It's All 100% True

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 03, 2004

Everything I said about Jessica is 100% true and for you little comment about Vanessa "checking" here-she hasn't as Im obviously not Vanessa but a very close friend of hers.As for the "other" website........Darren and Amy obviously check it as do many people ,some racist,some not.Anytime a mutual friend's name is mentioned there I ususally notify that person.I think Vanessa posted there 2 weeks age and that was the first time in YEARS (she has too many other things to do than sit around on the internet all day)AND she only posted after numerous people emailed her about it. I havent even told her about this site as I dont see the point . I guess you could say I have taken it upon myself to do "damage control" for Vanessa .(Jessica was a really good person at one point in time but she got horribly aaddicted to drugs and in the past 3 years went downhill fast which is very sad NOT THAT THIS EXCUSES HER ACTIONS AT ALL) Jessica got want she wanted-attention.And I hope shes happy .Im done with this......


Wow Amy, racist people are psycho!

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, December 02, 2004

Please just don't respond to anymore of this trash Amy! I am not surprised to see a "person" like this Jessica freak put such nasty, crude, slandering remarks on the internet about someone. If there is any truth in that last posting about that Jessica freak,which I am sure it is 100% true, then I will contact my brother and have him investigate this situation. I think it is so wonderful that Darren got himself out of that digusting lifestyle and moved forward with an educated, respectable and beautiful girl such as yourself! You have beautiful boys and a beautiful daughter with Darren. Do yourself a favor and just don't visit this website at all. Is it really worth it? Only one question for the people posting on this site... How is it that both Jessica and Vanessa knew how to check the same website? Not only this one, but the "other" one as well. Seems a bit offbeat if you ask me, but who am I huh? Hey Jessica, get off the drugs! Hopefully you can salvage a few of the brain cells you may have left in that pathetic little head of yours! Cheers!



#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 01, 2004

Vanessa is currently suffering not only from stage 4 (the second worse kind you can get )ovarian cancer but also is recovering from a vicious ,random attack which occured during a time off from her chemo(which is supposed to last nearly 6 months)yet Jessica the crack head thinks adding to her and her family's stress by spending lies about old business all over the internet will get her What ?Money? Guess old Jess forgot she owes Ness nearly $10,000 in loans that was supposedly for rent/bills,clothing/food for Jessica's children,car repairs and various odds and sods(but which in all likelyhood went to Jessica's drug addiction) This is NOT counting the bail money Vanessa LOST when Jessica jumped bail OR the Lawyer's fees OR the money Vanessa paid (all 7 grand of it ) to send Jessica to rehab which Jessica walked out of after FOUR days! Vanessa thought of Jessica like her sister and was ,after getting an inheiritence,very generous to her and her sons(Ness's godchildren)and all Jessica did was use and abuse her so Vanessa had enough and washed her hands of Jess.I guess since Jess has lost everything,even her children,she has nothing better to do than to do spread rumors(all of Vanessa's four children are fathered by her husband of 12 total years.She was ,during a legal seperation briefly involved with Darren Wells.Thats all anyone needs to know.Yes she miscarried *but* had she not her cancer NEVER wouldve first been discovered.I know Jess wants this not to be true and thinks if she tells a lie long enough and loud enough it will become true but it just wont work!) Maybe Jess thinks her trouble brewing will get her attention? Maybe so but it wont be the good kind as she is bordering on CRIMINAL HARRASSMENT and as a convicted felon Id think she wouldnt want that kind of attention. She has been warned about her antics and made aware what consquences will result if her actions do not stop-Jessica Id heed that advise if I were you(thankfully Im not!) Your pretending Jessica of caring for Vanessa and a situation that occured nearly four years ago is laughable.You've your facts all off and anyway it's a non issue.Darren and Vanessa have moved on-this I can assure you.I know you tried to make it appear that Darren was in cahoots with you to rile up Vanessa but this is all you and your sick,drug addled little brain at work-so better luck next time love. Go back to prostituing yourself for crack Jessica and leave the hardworking,law abiding,moral families ALONE!!!!!!!!!


Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, you are a busy bee lately huh?

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, November 29, 2004

Jessica.....seems as if you are one busy girl lately. Do you not have a life outside of hate and trying to stir things up? Rumor has it that Vanessa doesn't even want to be friends with the likes of you. Why don't you let the past go and let people make thier own comments on things of the past and stop trying so hard to be friends with someone who no longer wants to be your friend? Vanessa has never tried to start any trouble with Darren or myself. It is the past Jessica, and it will be nothing more than that....if you keep one eye on the past and one eye on the future, you are going to end up "c**k-eyed". For the comments you have made about my husband, well, what can I say? He was young, immature, hanging with the wrong crowd and wanted a new life. Why is that such a hard pill for you to swallow? Who cares if he called Vanessa and sent flowers? Who cares if he claimed to "still be a racist"? Who are you trying to impress? Darren and I have been married over 3 years now, we are not worried about you or anyone else for that matter. Do you think telling people he sent for Vanessa and her children for a week's stay in England is going to upset me? I had never even met him at this point! Don't be so silly little girl! As for the comments about myself....I am white! Not that it really matters, but I find it funny that people think I am hispanic, I actually take it as a compliment being that I find that race to be a very beautiful race of people. But if the truth be told, I am white....just tan easily! I get that all the time, people trying to speak spanish to me, I just giggle! Now for yourself! It is obvious that we don't know each other....for starters, I would never associate myself with the likes of your kind. I do not like racist people at all. I find them to be uneducated, ignorant, hateful, violent, and just down right mean! I associate with people who have class, education, and morals. You are one of the biggest racists around from what I hear. So for you to post anything about my husband's PAST on this website is HILARIOUS! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, oops, sorry, you hate black people don't you? And last but not least, if Darren was truly a "racist" man, he would not be married to me, remember, I have biracial children, I have been in relationships with other human beings that have a darker skin tone than mine! Oh my goodness, SOUND THE BELLS, a white girl dated outside of her race, the world is coming to an end.....teehee! You see, everyone is entitled to have thier own opinions and beliefs and I respect that. I am not going to go out and cause trouble or try to start a "race war" because all people don't think like I do. I just stay to myself. Life goes on....be happy! I will never be a racist person....it isn't in God's plan for us to be that way! Have a good day Jessica. Amy


New York,
New York,
Jessica hates him, and Candie.. loves him?

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, November 18, 2004

Whats it to YOU Candie? Maybe you should follow your own advice and mind your own business. So Jessica speaks of a bigot and his hatred associations and posts it under "Bigot" here on Rip-offs.....and Candie you are surfing the bigot entries posted, why? Because you might be one too and feel like you have to defend the bigots in the world. I thought it would be interesting to come and see about the bigots in the world but I never thought I would actually hear someone say "So what if he's a n**i or even in the d**n Klan". But of course it's a real life bigot's opinion, how ignorant of me. Let him burn crosses and hang people too, right? How twisted. You go ahead and warn the world Jessica there's more of us than them. :0)


North Carolina,
Jealous or A pissed off Nazi?

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, November 14, 2004

Jessica are you the person this man left? Seems to me you have an issue with this man being a racist when its really none of your business. Its his choice who to hate and who not to hate. I feel like maybe this man just wanted to get away from the drama that I assume you build your world around. So what if he's a "n**i" or even in the d**n klan, thats his choice. Stop being jealous and stop slandering people. Get a life. Who said that? I said that!

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