  • Report:  #1181527

Complaint Review: David Zuuca - Nationwide

Reported By:
Tony Bochene - Truckee, California,

David Zuuca
Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

David Francis Zuuca is a corporate attorney, who works for, or used to work for the law firm Knox Picksen LLC, and claims to be general counsel for Solix Systems Inc, and supposedly at one time was a partner with the law firm Winters and Krug. 

Doesn't really matter corporate attorneys are all the same. They are almost always hired for one main reason; to help the bkig greedy mindless corporation cheat their own customers, as well as delivering the bribe money to our elected officials to legislate in favor of the corporation.  

My contact with Mr. David Francis Zuuca was through the AAA insurance comany. The rumors I hear are that David Francis Zuuca is envolved in other fraud and scams over the past decade, he helps his corporate clients rip off their own customers on a regular basis, but here is how the particular fraud and scam that I was exposed to works. You are a policy holder with AAA, you pay your premiums for 10 years like a good little consumer, and you believe and you trust that you are actually insured with AAA, that they will cover your loss. Well, maybe they will and maybe they won't. You see insurance in itself is a huge nationwide legal ponzi scheme. Think about it using AAA as just one lousy example, a compnay which by the way has the worst reputation in the history of California for NOT paying claims. You doubt me? Go ahead and google them, I found 181 complaints bout this trashy comny on one site alone! AAA is a total scam, and David Francis Zuuca, or Orinda California helps them cheat their own customers. Does AAA pay any of their claims? Yes of course, but doing business with them or trusting them is like taking your entire paycheck to Las Vegas. How do you know if AAA is going to single YOU out and just decide not to pay your claim, and then dare you to sue them. (Which  I am doing by the way, and I can show you how to sue any corporation, for under $1,000, represent yourself, and WIN!)

Bottom line; If you have AAA as your insurer I assure you the odds of a good healthy experience are NOT in your favor! And corporate attorney shyster David Francis Zuuca of Orinda Ca. will help them cheat you. That's his job. 

The general insurance ponzi scheme goes like this; AAA, or any other insurance company, has millions of policies with millions of people, and each policy is supposedly a legal binding contract to cover the entire loss of their insured customers. But what if all those people filed legitimate claims in the same month? Could the company pay them all? Nope.

On a good day, under normal conditions AAA in particular plays games with all their policy holders. They pick and choose who they will pay and who they will not, and they train their adjusters to look for claims they can mess with. Actually AAA was fined 1.3 million dollars a few years back for this exact same game. What AAA does is they arbitrarily decide who they will pay, and who they will stall and stonewall, and who they will try to beat down, and who they will eventually deny. And they do this based on certain criteria which has absoultey nothing to do with your claim itself. It is based on how the loss took place. Example; if you have a theft over $10,000 and there was no witness to the crime, AAA will either deny the claim entirely or they will intimidate you into taking much less, or they will just stall and stonewall you until you give up. Then they dare you to sue them, because they have a full time staff of hot shot attorneys like David Francis Zuuca of Orinda Ca. 

You can research all this, read a few books on the insurance scam, corporate attorneys and what they do for their clients, but the point of this complaint is to warn other AAA customers about David Francis Zuuca. If you ever get a letter from this guy DO NOT TRUST HIM for one second! His only job for his client AAA is to intimidate you, and lie to you, and try to trick you, and all the while threatening to deny your claim if you do not meet with him and let him interrogate you under oath.

I assure you this attorney  David Francis  Zuuca has no interest in the truth. All he wants to do if you agree to meet him and give this testimony is gather information that he can exloit or twist or contort in the favor of his client AAA. I have talked to many past AAA customers who have dealt with Mr. Zuuca and according to those past AAA customers, as well as my own experience with this pus bucket is he will do virtually anything to please his client and save AAA money on legitimate claims, including but not limited to tampering with and even falsifying evidence, and altering your testimony in favor of his client.


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