  • Report:  #58263

Complaint Review: Degreeinfo.com - Berkley California

Reported By:
- anonymous, Alaska,

PO Box 7956 Berkley, 94707 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
It is my opinion that degreeinfo.com is a joke .....

I recently posted a follow up response on degreeinfo.com. Unfortuately however, it was removed within 24 hours. Apparantly, degreeinfo.com does not like it when people express different viewpoints, and will delete any such content. They are even abusive, and insult those who dissent. Luckily, I have been able to contact a few people who have been mistreated by the Degreeinfo.com regulars, and most are willing to file their reports here.

Below is a copy of the response I filed to Degreeinfo.com post #74249. Again, it was deleted within 24 hours.


JMetro & Turtle,

I agree with most of what you say, but you won't get very far on this website (degreeinfo.com). This site is operated and dominated by wanna-be members of the elitist academic establishment who reference phantom research studies in an effort to back up their hypocrisy, and shut out those with dissenting opinions.

These are individuals who usually claim to promote equality, tolerance, diversity, and acceptance. Unfortunately, they are also the same people who fail to practice what they preach. This failure is demonstrated by their approval of discriminatory transfer and admission practices, as well as by their referrals to certain accreditors as inferior. They even seem to gang up on those who advocate for nationally accredited schools.

Transfer students with DETC credentials would represent diversity within traditional academic environments, wouldnt they? Therefore, if the so-called academics who dominate this site really wanted to see a truly diverse educational system that is accessible to everyone, they would be heavily promoting equity in credit transfer. Rather, they use what voices they have to insult certain accreditors, and point out transfer acceptance flaws that we are all already aware of. Instead of highlighting degree utility issues, they should be speaking out in protest of such atrocious behavior.

Whats worse is that when outsiders disagree with their viewpoints, they seem to spend a good amount of time making insulting and derogatory remarks; rather than addressing the actual issue. This is especially true when the people they disagree with have made a few spelling errors. Check out a few of the KW threads, and you will see what I mean.

Luckily, any power these individuals possess is limited. This is because most of the frequent users of this site are living in the fantasy world that I refer to as academia. The rest of us, who represent the majority of the U.S. population, live in the real world, the professional world. We work for employers who focus on generating revenue. And employers are able to generate such revenue by hiring qualified workers with credentialed training and education. The source of recognized accreditation is not very important to most employers; nor should it be. It really only seems matter to the very small liberal elitist population.

For a long time now, I have been hearing about the research of Richy Douglas. His studies allegedly prove that DETC credentials arent highly valued amongst employers. Poop or get off the pot Rich! Either show us what you youve got, or keep quiet until youre done. Where is this alleged research? Were there Surveys? If so, what kind? What companies did you contact? What were the questions? What types of questions were used? Open ended? Dichotomous? Was there bias?

It is my opinion that until such questions can be answered, and the results can be verified, Richy Douglas has no business publicly sharing any preliminary results he may or may not have. This is because doing so could be damaging to all involved. Likewise, I feel that Dr. Bear has no business advising people about DETC employment acceptance on the basis of such phantom research. Again, unless it can be accessed by all, it should not be referenced.

Like Turtle, I feel that using the aforementioned unavailable research is at the very least extremely irresponsible. Furthermore, I believe that Richys remarks could definitely be considered libel. This is because he has referenced his unavailable, incomplete, and possibly inconclusive studies as fact, not opinion. If he can not substantiate what he calls fact, he could and should be held responsible in a civil court and forced to pay damages. Either way, I have a personal gut feeling that even if a study truly exists, it will be heavily slanted. I suppose only time will tell.

I am hopeful that those who come here in search of quality distance education schools, will spend time making educated decisions. Paying too much attention to these discussion board elitists could be hazardous to one's future.


W. Savage

Mystery, Alaska

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Contact Degreeinfo Administrators

#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 04, 2006

"This site is operated and dominated by wanna-be members of the elitist academic establishment who reference phantom research studies in an effort to back up their hypocrisy, and shut out those with dissenting opinions" Most of the regulars from the 2003 degreeinfo are at www.degreediscussion.com . Many degreeinfo members teach at accredited schools as professors and adjuncts. They also work in law enforcement, law ( attorneys ), private practice, and educational administration. It is a discussion board. Degreeinfo.com posts are based on opinion and should not be taken as serious. Members post decent information. Many of them are enrolled at NA and RA institutions. So they have good information about their respective school. They don't shut out those with dissenting opinions. Trolls, degreemill apologist, and degreemill operators will be banned. "Apparantly, degreeinfo.com does not like it when people express different viewpoints, and will delete any such content" Degreeinfo.com administrators will delete content if it violates their TOS. What was posted violated their "Terms of Use". Messages from regulars are removed at times. Does not happen often, but it does. "Luckily, I have been able to contact a few people who have been mistreated by the Degreeinfo.com regulars, and most are willing to file their reports here" Probably degreemill apologists, trolls, degreemill operators, TOS violators. I say, let them be mistreated. I have seen many of them who have posted at degreeinfo. The great majority end up attacking regulars like John Bear and Rich Douglas. I can contact the regulars at degreeinfo, degreediscussion, and degreeboard if you need a personalized response. Below is a copy of the response I filed to Degreeinfo.com post #74249. Again, it was deleted within 24 hours. Have you contacted the administrators? What have they told you? This would be an appropriate action. The board members can not help you. "It is my opinion that degreeinfo.com is a joke" Why do you continue to post and access the site? If you are interested, there are many distance education list serves operated by accredited universities. degreeinfo is only "one piece of hey in a large heystack".


Degreeinfo Administrators

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 25, 2006

If you have any problems or concerns, you should have contacted a moderator or corporate representative. Your post was inappropriate for a distance learning discussion forum and insulted degreeinfo members by name. This is in direct violation of their terms of service (TOS). Many regional, national, and unaccredited institutions of higher education have been scrutinized at degreeinfo. There are even arguments and disagreements about the differences in quality among regional accreditors. Discussions can get heated and a gang mindset can persist. You can see this as a flaw or opportunity to engage the poster in constructive discussion. Graduates and non-graduates at degreeinfo will prefer certain schools and accreditors over others. This is the academians "nature" if you will. It is the result of a personal attachment to the college or university. People will have negative or positive views about certain accreditors and universities. It is the nature of the human beast. If you believe that a poster is offending you, then ignore them or report the individual to a moderator. Degreeinfo has helped hundreds of prospective students with concerns about distance education and facilitated academic advising. With the help of degreeinfo.com discussion boards, I have seen many degreeinfo.com members advance to the masters level and beyond. Degreeinfo members have assisted me as well.

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