  • Report:  #641025

Complaint Review: Dell Computers - Internet Nationwide

Reported By:
Erik - , , United States of America

Dell Computers
Internet, Nationwide, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I have been a customer of Dells for over 10 years.  I have purchased personally at least 6 computers not to count the corporate accounts I have had with them.  Not that any of this should matter.

I purchased an XPS laptop from them.  Over the past few months it has had the motherboard replaced twice, the power supply replaced, the video card replaced and the ram replaced, and yet it still does not work.  Now keep in mind I use this computer for professional reasons and have had to suffice on my netbook while I hoped that, maybe this time, my computer would be fixed.

Of course, no such luck.

I called Dell today to report that at this point, my computer should probably fall under their lemon policy and I would like to replace it completely.  I spoke with technical support who told me they would be replacing it with a refurbished computer.  I tried to explain that this is unacceptable.  I had purchased a new computer, which Dell had now agreed was a lemon, and they wanted to replace it with a used product.  Also I would like to note that at this point, I had been on the phone for around 1 hour.

They Technical Support Department said that they thought I had a point and would need to connect me to their Customer Care Department and would note that they believe the computer was a lemon and should be replaced.

Upon speaking with the Customer Care Representative he decided to escalate me to his supervisor as he couldnt approve anything himself.

When the Supervisor came on, he explained to me that this was actually a Technical Support issue and he could do nothing about it.  I explained to him that I had been sent to Customer Care by Technical Support.  The Supervisor denied that this could have happened as Technical Support handles any kind of replacement due to technical issues.  He then disconnected me completely.  Total time on the phone now, 1 hour 47 minutes

I then called Technical Support since it seemed I would be sent back to them anyways.  I explained the issue up to this point and was once again upgraded to a Supervisor.  I once again had to explain my story to this Supervisor who then informed me that they would call the refund department WITH me and have a conference call so that we could resolve the issue.  This Supervisor also stated that a refund should be instated but she was not able to approve such a thing.

I then waited on hold for 25 minutes.

Finally the Refund Department answered, with no sign of the Supervisor from Technical Support still on the call.  I had to again explain the entire situation and when finished explained I was sent there because I was told they could actually approve the refund.  He, of course, said he could not do that, and it was actually for Customer Care to approve.  I told him that I had already been sent to Customer Care so he said he would actually stay on the line so we could all talk.  Total time on the phone at this point: 2 Hours 54 Minutes.

I waited on hold when finally Customer Care answered, with, of course, no sign of the Refund Department Representative.  I started explaining to Customer Care the situation when I get interrupted with could you please hold for one second and they hang up on me.

I call back and go through their switchboard again and get back to a Customer Care Representative who listens to my story and tries to send me back to Technical Support.  I fought it, explaining all the conference calls I was supposed to have, and all the circles I had been run in.  He then explained that I could continue, but bottom line was I was only going to get a refurbished computer, no matter what I did.

I ended up, after 3 hours and 42 minutes on the phone, having to accept a used computer for my broken new computer, because Dell has no care for their customers.

If you bought a brand new car from me, and it was determined BY ME to be a lemon.  If I told you I would take it back, but we would be replacing it with a CERTIFIED Pre-Owned! How would most people respond?

This company has completely failed its customers.  Their stock has dropped around 1/3 in the past 6 months.  Dell Computer are now being sold in Wal-Mart.  I want to discourage anyone and everyone from ever purchasing a Dell.  The only reason until now was the Award Winning Service they promised, but they do not honor their warrantees and they play games with their customers.

I hope I at least save some other people some headaches and money.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
United States of America
Dell Stinks

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, October 26, 2010

I know excatly where u are coming from,I bought a New top of the line computer almost 2 yrs ago which has since been replaced now for the 3rd time. it took me well over 30hrs combined and only lord knows how many people talking to before they agreeded to an exchange and of course not a new comp. like I had purchased but a REFURSHIBIED ONE. which also by the way was a pice of junk and also had to be replaced to make a long story short(er)i am now on 3rd replacement less than 30 days old and omg has got to be a suprise to all Dell Customers JUNK ALSO have already spent over 38hrs on phone and Comp Sharing with them.Dell NO LONGER CARES about it's customers or their REPUTATION.


Hey Anonymous - Littleton

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, October 26, 2010

"It is the Law deemed by House Bill 2284"

Deemed is correct. It is an opinion or thought, not fact, and not law. Do you have proof this bill became law in Pennsylvania?

"Fixes must take place at the purchasers location"

Wrong again. The onsite repair is only required if it's specified in the warranty.

"I've fixed hundreds of computers"

Try reading a few newspapers.


los angeles,
United States of America
Dell Computers Misrepresent and outright lie

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, October 25, 2010


I too was promised a new xps studio 9000 after about 4 repair visits. I said isn't it time to just give me a knew 9000. They agreed They said it was no longer in production so they would upgrade me to a new 9100 (better processor, bigger hard drive, different mother board). THEY LIED They sent me a refurbished 9000 with the same defective usb ports the 9000 processor, the smaller 9000 hard drive, and the 9000 mother board. They refused to honor their promise and insist I received a 9100 even though most of the specs were 9000's. Somehow when scanned it registered as a 9100 but even their scan reveals 9000 components. They are now on their way to give me the better mother board, fixing the usb ports and the 9100's processor in early November. I said that's nice but you are spending more sending repair people out hear than simply exchanging for a real 9100. They would not even compromise by extending my one year hardware warranty for a year, for free. It expires on November 25 and I am considering a lawsuit. God knows what other parts of the 9000 lemon will be breaking and when. Perhaps there are other parts that are incompatible. I will join any class action that is commenced. [email protected] BTW that AB (assembly bill) quoted here, veries from state to state. Here in CA it expedites jury trial


New York,
What Law?

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 16, 2010

It is the Law deemed by House Bill 2284 that any computer by any manufacturer must be fixed at manufacturers expense within 24 months of purchase if malfunction exists due to hardware issues rather than operator error. Fixes must take place at the purchasers location.

Please tell us exactly what law you refer to.  The House has RESOLUTIONS (not bills) and the Senate has BILLS.  Also give us the exact title of this alleged legislation.

I'm not aware of any law that mandates a MINIMUM WARRANTY on computers, complete with "at home" repair.

The Fed does not have the consitutional authority to mandate product warranties for consumer products.

I've been in the computer business since 1972.


Difference between Laws and Bi-Laws

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, September 16, 2010

It is the Law deemed by House Bill 2284 that any computer by any manufacturer must be fixed at manufacturers expense within 24 months of purchase if malfunction exists due to hardware issues rather than operator error. Fixes must take place at the purchasers location.

Unfortunately there is not subnote to that text that a "repair" means a brand new unit. A refurbished unit does constitute a repair.

I've fixed hundreds of computers and dealt with many different vendors. I have not seen one company that will provide a new unit as that is not a fiscally responsible choice by the purchaser or the seller. A new unit is far far far more likely to have issues than a refurbished unit.

A refurbished computer is tested a few times over, while a new computer is turned on to load the default software, then powered off. No real testing done. I've refurbished units and seen the life span to be far greater than most new computers. Knowing what the term "refurbished" meant could have saved you some phone time.

Comparing computers to cars is not a fair analogy as used cars do not experience the same repairs/ replacements as a refurbished computer does. I was once a car salesman as well, and know the term "like new" bears more weight on computers than it does on automobiles.

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