  • Report:  #195607

Complaint Review: Dell Financial Services - Austin Texas

Reported By:
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin,

Dell Financial Services
Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Our company has multiple accounts with Dell Computers. Some systems purchased on a lease and some using Dell Credit. We purchased a system from Dell in January 2006. As I stated we have many systems from them and always pay in a timely manner as to avoid late fees.

We received a phone call from Dell Financial Services in March 2006 demanding payment from the system we purchased in January. I explained we had never received the bill and asked that they fax it to me for review. Ironically at the time I received the call I had just mailed off the slew of checks for our various computer leases. When I received the faxed invoice I immediately noticed the address they mailed it to was wrong. Wrong street, and zip code. I called them and explained that they needed to change the billing address and that I would be cuttign a check for the full amount $1640.00 that day, of which I did.

The end of March I received another call demanding money for a late payment. Clearly we didn't owe it, it was Dell that was at fault for mailing the invoice to the wrong address, but none the less to avoid an argument I cut a company check for the $30.91 and mailed it off. In April I continued to receive calls, always demanding late fee payments. I explained I had paid, offered to show cancelled checks. I have the certifid mail/signature card showing it was recieved by their office.

I faxed and mailed them to their office and yet the calls continued. I would speak with a "Supervisor" that gave me one name and spoke with a slight middle eastern accent. Only to speak with another perosn the following day stating they were the same person and their voice was free of any accent (American).

It is now June 2006 and they are still calling us stating that we now owe a whopping $176 in Late fees! We have mailed, faxed and attempted to email proof of payment with no success. And the "Supervisor" with the changing voice keeps telling me she has not received any proof from us.

My guess is this is an attempt to allow the late fees to continue to grow and hope that our company will pay in full once it reaches a hefty total. I am so frustrated. It's already difficult for me to deal with them knowing that they have chosen to outsource jobs to India in leiu of giving them to needy Americans, but this deception of never knowing "who" you are really speaking with is shady and under-handed. Its a game that they really shouldn't be allowed to play.


Milwaukee, Wisconsin

11 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Fri, September 01, 2006

I began this post in regard to Dell Financial in June, indicating my problem began in March of this year, 2006. It is now September and they are STILL calling us indicating we owe money. I have spoken to everyone from the run of the mill customer service reps to those "supposedly" in management and one party says they have found the problem and assures us it will be resolved. Adn yet another party says, we have no proof you paid, fax us copies of the cnacelled check. They have received to date 10 copies of the cancelled check showing it is paid to date. We now log each call that comes into our office from them. As of today, from March we have logged 115 phone calls to our office to collect on a debt that was paid in full. Dell computers are great, but their finance and collection services are awful. My suggestion, if you buy a Dell system DO NOT pay via any of their credit option, put it on your credit card.


Federal Way,
Update to Dell Financial's Collection methods

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, September 01, 2006

I found out from a Dell Financial representative the other day that they switch collection agencies every six months if not sooner. I also found out that the collection agency they used on me which is called "Surpass Resource Corporation" is out of business. So how in the world did Dell Financial Put me on hold the other day on the phone and get confirmation from that collection agency when they are currently OUT OF BUSINESS?! Dell Financial LIED to me! There is no other answer. They just got caught. And guess what. I am in the military so, I will be going to the FREE lawyer provided to me to resolve this problem! Busted!


Federal Way,
Dell Financials Collection Methods

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, August 30, 2006

I paid for an account that was charged off from Dell Financial through a collection agency over a year ago. To this day I am still getting calls from collection agencies to collect this debt. I called Dell Financial to ask them why I am still being called and they told me I still owed over $730 to them. I told them I payed the collection agency they paid to collect it called "Surpass Resource Corpration" that the bill in full was paid and that the collection agency told me they do not send letters or receipts, but only report the debt to the original creditor. I have tried calling that collection agency and the number doesn't work. Now a different collection agency called "ER Solutions" has been calling. Dell told me they switch collection agencies about every six months no matter if you are paying payments to one collection agency or not. Now I have no proof that I paid the debt and Dell wants $730. They aren't getting another $730 from me so that bad debt is just going to stay on my credit report.


Way To Go Ms. Belinda!!! : )

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, June 23, 2006

The more I read about Dell the more certain I am that I WILL NEVER buy ANYTHING from Dell EVER!!! And I'm telling my family to avoid them as well. Just tell anybody thinking about buying a Dell product to come to this website and to make their OWN decision. Thanks guys! : )


Way To Go Ms. Belinda!!! : )

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, June 23, 2006

The more I read about Dell the more certain I am that I WILL NEVER buy ANYTHING from Dell EVER!!! And I'm telling my family to avoid them as well. Just tell anybody thinking about buying a Dell product to come to this website and to make their OWN decision. Thanks guys! : )


Way To Go Ms. Belinda!!! : )

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, June 23, 2006

The more I read about Dell the more certain I am that I WILL NEVER buy ANYTHING from Dell EVER!!! And I'm telling my family to avoid them as well. Just tell anybody thinking about buying a Dell product to come to this website and to make their OWN decision. Thanks guys! : )


Response to M - Methuen, Massachusetts

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, June 16, 2006

Your response to the complaint I have listed is not in anyway related or apropos to what I have written. We ARE a law firm and as such VERY clear on what our rights and responsibilities are. The rant that you have posted in response to my complaint is not germane in any context. Our firm paid for a computer system and Dell misapplied the payment somewhere within their system. We have supplied them countless times with proof by way of cancelled checks. Instead of investigating our issue they are simply allowing late fees to accumulate and harass us for payment. How then is it you are blaming us for having voiced a complaint about this situation? In what way are we wrong? We purchased a product from a well know, reliable company that offers good products and their accounting department made and continues to make, a mistake in regard to one of hundreds of payments our firm has made for various purchases. Reading the "fine print" of a contract is important, as a law firm we are well aware of that. What the contract says and a mistake by their accounting department are two separate issues. As for your statements pertaining to outsourcing. Clearly you are a retired person living on savings, social security or a fixed income. You COULD NOT possibly be employed because if you were it is very naive and somewhat arrogant for you to believe that the hundreds of thousands of Americans that have lost their jobs to foreigners is because of American greed. What would you say if you showed up to work tomorrow and were told you were out of a job because the company you worked for decided they could save money by having your position outsourced? Hmmm, clearly you wouldn't be upset because after all it is your American greed that made you work for the amount you have been working for. Shame on you and those that think as you do for not storming into the management offices of your employers and DEMANDING to have your pay cut in half so that you could save the company money! Instead you and people like yourself were greedy and chose to accept those fat American paychecks that pay for your homes, cars, food and education for your children. Get a clue!


Read the terms before accepting a product

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, June 16, 2006

If you took the time to review the terms of your agreement with DFS you would see that you have the option to go to arbitation with a dispute at your expense. The terms of the agreement state that you can not withhold or reduce your payment for any reason. Think about it, the finance company can afford to have the best attorneys in this country write the contracts that most consumers doesn't take the time to read. Shame on all of those people that don't read the small print. It's small for a reason!! If you have a valid issue with them then follow your rights that are discribed in your contract or stop complaining about it. It's easy to blame the big companies for your problems that to admit that you didn't review the terms. They didn't become as large as they are by not protecting themselves. As far as who is who do the research before you agree to the terms. Find out who is lending you the money for the product that you are buying. Just because the first word in the name is the same as the manufacture doesn't mean they are the same company. This is why the interest rate on my accounts go up, so that my creditors can make the money that they would have made from your account had you paid them what you owed them one time. Read the contract or terms of your agreement before you accept the product! Know your rights and responsiblities as a consumer. As far as outsourcing if you have a problem with it then why don't you offer to work for them for the same pay that they are paying people in India. People in our country want a great produce for little money and it's impossible to deliver that with the cost of living in our great country! You get what you pay for. The customer is always right, as long as they are getting their own way but, I've yet to see a customer be wrong and admit to it. We all need to take responsiblity for our actions.


Paris, your lack of service abilities is only exceeded by idiocy

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 09, 2006

Paris, I believe the strongest testament to Dell in your rebuttal is that your employment status is EX. What document should the OP fax? The error was discovered in the faxed invoice. This alone should be enough to waive any and all late fees. I would imagine with all the business given to Dell that the OP's company has a particular account exec. That should facilitate the correction of invoicing and late fee billing. It appears that you are to quick to ridicule and too lazy to read the complete complaint. Dell can only be considered lucky for your departure. OP, Have you tried contacting your AE? What appears to be happening is your monthly pymt. Is short by the original late fee resulting in an ongoing late status. This should be easy to resolve, but you need a facilitator. As for outsourcing, love it or hate it but welcome to the 21st century.


Thinking outside the box - Everything is outsourced including the depts that oversee the Credit department.

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 09, 2006

Everything is outsourced including the depts that oversee the Credit department. Nothing works fast at dell "Inside the box" for one because the departments are so spread out from one another. I feel the point is to frustrate the client till they payup or shut up. I was a former Tech support contractor and know what thats like. #1 The system used for "Logging calls" only supplys a first name and ID number so anyone you talk to there can be whoever at anytime. #2 dell preaches " Call Ownership" but from what I saw during my stay was the opposite. Its what I call "Punting" #3 They find a reason to not own up to something. Blame it on someone , pass the buck whatever you wanna call it. Do not expect to get this fixed unless you pay the full amount they are requesting because once you get it paid, the dept in charge of it will not clear it till 3-7 business days later, which means you incur another late fee. heres how to resolve it. Contact the Credit department, Immediattely ask to speak to a supervisor, Once you get one ask for Her or his supervisor or Team lead. Once you get to that level get their first and last name and an Id number and ask their job title. Once you have that, request a FULL list of the charges and late days and periods, and request a "Review" of the charges while you are on the phone. Ask for it to be faxed or emailed to you so you can review it with them, once you and the real supervisor have gone over it - They should see the mistake. Request it to be instanly fixed and that you will wait. This should take about 10 minutes, if it is not then request their supervisor and ask to be transfered their because time is of the essence. Let them know you are not going anywhere and that you want it resolved before any more time passes for more fees to be added. Then once they say it is fixed , Request in Writing they send you proof that it has been remedy'd then get your case number. After that if they have conformed, then you can use this information in a future civil case if they refuse to fix it. DO NOT Threaten DELL with a lawsuit accoring to the guidelines of Dell Support they can end the call if you threaten in any way or use abusive language. Be very calm and nice throughout this. If they do not comply - Take them to court They need to log EVERY CALL, and if they don't. Then yes it is against the rules to charge a fee for a fee , which is what starts happening. I don't believe it is planned that way , but The Dell rules and departments have many flaws and holes. If you have to agree to pay the first fee , which means no more late fees ,do the compromise to stop the fees. If they state you owe the entire fee... well... cancel your future dealings with them , and start fresh with a new company, but what I would do is start searching the net for Former persons with the same issue and make a class action suit against them. Seek legal advice and make sure the lawyer knows and has the info from the above described, which means you made an attempt to resolve the debt , here is your case number and now you are being harrassed by bill collectors even though you have attempted to resolve it . Let a Judge take a look at it because They will not be swayed by big business. =) Hope this helps


well did you

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 09, 2006

So you didn't have to fax to Dell a document showing your billing address? I think you did and if it was wrong at that time why didn't you fix it? I think this is a matter of you being to lazy to read what you signed. Yes I know this to be a fact. I used to work in this department and thats the only way a lease is approved. You screwed up. Fax them something showing the correct address and move on. And pay your late fees.

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