  • Report:  #1295196

Complaint Review: DERRICK BOLES - nampa Idaho

Reported By:

nampa, Idaho, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

The below are facts.  They are not rumors, thoughts, opinions, or presumptions.  All of the below is available to you via public record request.  You can search his name by clicking here.

Derrick Boles has been proven to be dishonest. He is an excellent speaker, and uses that to pursuade people to invest, donate, or help him and or his cause.  He starts and stops new companies very, very often, both for profit and non-profits.  You can view them by clicking here.  

In 2015, Derrick Boles and ALL of his companies (profit and non-profit) were sued in an Idaho court (Ada County) and judgments were filed against him and all entities in excess of $25,000.00.  The court found him liable and now his deceipt is on record to serve as proof for anyone to review and to be protected.  You can search his name by clicking here.


In the lawsuit, the counts on the civil case against Boles and his entities were:

Fraud, Securities Fraud, Invasion of Privacy, Breach of Contract, and others.


NONE of these counts were dismissed, and judgment against him and his entities were issued.  

There is only one thing worse than a con-man, and that is a con-man who uses God to deflect what he is truly all about and doing to others.

Be very cautious when speaking or getting involved with him in any capacity, and no matter what is said or promised, protect yourself and DO NOT EVER GIVE HIM OR HIS ENTITIES MONEY!

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
The Real Boles

#2General Comment

Fri, September 07, 2018

 I just have to say, knowing Derrick Boles for a while now let me just say point blank ....There needs to be more Derrick’s in this world, and if there were, the world would be a much better place. What I know of Derrick, is that he has a passion, dedication and selflessness for others that is truly remarkable.

The amount of time he spends with adults and more importantly youth to help develop as good citizens is unheard of. Truly grateful to have Derrick in my life and know many others that feel the same. Gerry

Hans Schatz

The Truth about Derrick Boles

#3General Comment

Mon, January 16, 2017

To all those that seak truth that may read this rebuttal about Derrick Boles, here is the other side of the story.

Let me start by saying that I have known Derrick Boles for about 10 years.  In that span of time I have collaborated with him in many ways and in many capacities.  We have traveled the country side working with non-profits, civil and civic organizations, corporations, associations and concerned citizens.  We have driven, flown, walked and used the train.  We have shared the stage and challeneged the status quo or the hurting with a message of hope and growth and change in each of those environments, for as few as 4 people to as many as 5000.  You name it, Derrick and I have been through it, all over the US.

Now, to be clear, I was not an employee of Derrick's but initially a friend as we met in a Christian men's group, and then as a supporter of the loud and clear message he was presenting and proposing to America.  LEADERSHIP 1ST is needed for harmony and growth as a people and a country.  I assisted Derrick for years in his quest while he faced adversity and retalitory discrimination pretty much every where he went.  It was amazing to see him always stand tall and deliver a message of Hope, Change and Love and to tell the audiience (from school age youth to pasters to CEO's to polititians, to Police, to coaches and many more) that they had to stand on Truth and with that they can be a better person and help others as well.  

I had thousands of hours to watch Derrick work, be with him in strategy sessions with hundreds of people and companies, see first hand his preparartion for an event or project, and then see him tackle execution of that event or project.  NEVER did I see him even flirt with anything that was disingenuous or corrupt, ever.  He was just the opposite, always.

The greatest example I can give is when I had hired him to do management training for my former company, Food Services of America (I was a SR VP at the corporate offices, $1.8B coompany) and he was on a significant contract to work with about 75 of our key mid-managers.  He also was doing some development work for the parent company CEO with a division president that was struggling.  Derrick was asked to assist him with his leadership skills and was working directly with that president.  Derrick provided written follow up emails to the CEO and SVP of Human Resources of their progress.  One day the SVP of HR asked him to alter him email documents so they could fire the president he was working with that would reflect poor growth in his leadership training, Derrick said no.  The SVP of HR then threatened Derrick and stated that if he did not do so ALL of his contracts would be discontinued, worth thousands of dollars.  Derrick stood his ground and said that would never happen and he would not falsify any document ever, even if it meant losing a large consulting contract.

In closing, Derrick Boles is possibly the most stand up man I have ever worked with and with my many projects and multiple opportunties to see him work behind the scenes over the years, he has NEVER EVER displyed the behavior that the Ripoff Report is stating.  Evil people witih evil intent get away with ruining people's lives all the time, through the legal system even, but that doesn't make them right.  Small minded people bent on revenge go to great means to hurt others, the exact opposite of the Golden Rule we were all taught as children.  Derrick Boles is a man of integrity, honesty and love, just as I and thousands of others would testify.  My guess is that the person that filed this report cannot say the same.

I will gladly communicate with any company or organization that has more questions.  Be confident that you and your organization will be forever changed if you work with Derrick, and in an amazing and positive way that you will be able to measure in increased results and a more mature functional team.



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