  • Report:  #634211

Complaint Review: dhgate.com - Internet Nationwide

Reported By:
Tom - Utopia, Oklahoma, U.S.A.

6F Dimeng Commercial Building No.3-2, Hua Yuan Roa Internet, Nationwide, United States of America
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 Caveat Emptor - "Let The Buyer Beware".  Dozens of vendors on {www.DHGate.com} are claiming to have 1,000mw (1 WATT), 2,000mw (2 WATT), and 3,000mw (3 WATT) Red and Green LASERS for sale at ridiculously low prices. There are dozens of vendors on this particular Web site making identical claims, and the site has first-page Google visibility for the search term "1000mw LASER". There is a 1,000 Milliwatt PEN LASER (powered by two AAA batteries) - with a "star cap!!! What a joke!!!

Obviously, this entire site (DHGate.com) is a rip-off - at least where LASERS are concerned, since there is NO WAY that dozens of vendors would make identical typographical errors in their descriptions, adding an 'extra zero' to their product's power rating. I only show a few examples here, but there are many more on this one Web site alone, and hundreds more on the Internet as a whole.

Everyone is trying to cash in on that 'magical' four-digit power number. One Thousand Milliwatts - and even Three Thousand Milliwatts - It has a nice 'ring' to it, doesn't it? There are thousands of people who know shinola about LASERS, who may purchase their first LASER there... and get totally ripped off.

Now, one might say that I may have jumped the gun in my judgment here, but let me tell you that I've dissected so many LASERS, that I know from whence I speak. What is shown on their Web site is FRAUD and MIS-REPRESENTATION.

Their own ads are a contradiction. I'm surprised none of the forums warn of this, and if you are a member of such a forum, or blog on the subject, perhaps you would consider linking to this page and alerting those who aren't astute enough in their new hobby to be aware of what to look for.

The dead give-away for even a novice LASER Enthusiast is in the ads themselves. A great LASER Web site at (((REDACTED))) has posted screen shots of the actual ads, and tells you how to spot a fraudulent power claim. 

In every case except in these ads - which are numerous on DHGate.com, you will note that it states "Safety grade: Class IIIb" - or "Class B". Well, a 1,000mw LASER is Class IV; NOT Class IIIb, and certainly NOT "Class B"  because there is no such category as "Class B". 500mw or above puts a LASER into Class 4 - an entirely different 'animal'. A mistake? A Site-wide type-o? No, I don't think so. Ad #4 avoids listing the "class" or "Safety Grade" entirely, probably because the seller knows that a 1,000mw Class IIIb LASER is a non sequituer. A lie of omission is still a lie.

If you want REAL LASERS with CERTIFIED power outputs, don't deal with China... you're liable to get ripped off big-time.

There is a very good article posted on:
  (((REDACTED)))that shows several screen shots of these ads, and you should read it before you spend good money to buy a LASER pointer. These guys are US-based, the owners are straight-up people with great customer service, and you get what you pay for.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

#2Author of original report

Fri, September 17, 2010

DHGate sellers are advertising 3,000 milliwatt hand-held LASERS for which NO TECHNOLOGY EXISTS to manufacture them. There are DOZENS of sellers on this Web site multiplying the actual power output of these devices by a factor of TEN - and IGNORANT CONSUMERS who never saw a REAL high-power LASER are so impressed by this YRASH, that SOME of these vendors are getting 100% positive feedback from their customers.

It is simply IMPOSSIBLE, for example, to construct a 1,000 milliwatt LASER into a PEN, and power it with two AAA batteries - the LASER DIODE DOES NOT EXIST, THE DIODE DRIVER DOES NOT EXIST, and TWO AAA BATTERIES couldn't POSSIBLY SUPPLY the 1,200 milliAmps (1.2 Amperes) of current needed to operate this device, even if the parts to build it were available.

I have contacted this Web site (DHGate.com) and several of its sellers to REMOVE DECEPTIVE ADS, but I guess that a fool and his / her money are soon parted, and not ONE of these B.S. ads were changed or removed.

THIS IS FRAUD, PURE AND SIMPLE - If you want a REAL LASER or any information concerning high-power hand-held LASERS, look up "Awesome Lasers" on Google. Their Web site explains all about this issue with DHGate under the topic "False Power Claims".

My advice is to KEEP AWAY FROM DHGate if you want to buy a hand-held LASER or LASER Pointer. Awesome Lasers is the REAL DEAL!

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