  • Report:  #1062667

Complaint Review: Dish Network - Englewood Colorado

Reported By:
CCMAC - Midlothian, Virginia,

Dish Network
9601 S Meridian Blvd Englewood, 80112 Colorado, USA
(888) 615-3451
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My nightmare began when I called DISH for service first of August 2012. Yes, that’s 2012. I was told numerous false things like: they never lose a signal unless its high winds like a tornado or hurricane. Wrong! Within the first 10 days I lose service 3 times for RAIN.  They also told me I had free Blockbuster. After they “installed” the service, I found out I needed the internet for that. NICE – and they knew I didn’t have the internet because I tried to get it from them, and they said they didn’t sell it.

The day they “installed” the dish, they placed it on Common Area – I live in an HOA community. I said NO NO, don’t leave it there. He said they would be back in 2 or 3 days to move and bury cables. While he was there he also CUT all the Verizon cables going to an old Verizon box in my garage. Well, guess what – I know you will be shocked to hear this, they never came back to move and bury those very attractive ORANGE cables. I called, and called and called – I started out nice, next couple of calls I became more angry, the last call I made I was CRYING because I was just threatened with a FINE from the HOA if it wasn’t moved within 24 hours. SO, I took myself out back, yanked ALL the cables out of the wall, carried 6 LARGE and heavy cinder blocks in to the garage, and carried the LARGE and heavy DISH with its big giant HEAVY frame, in to the garage. I sat in my garage on the floor and cried. My back hurt, my head hurt, I was SICK to my stomach over this mess. All I wanted was some TV for my kids. Look what I got.  And the DISH had only been installed about 2 weeks at this point!

I called again. I finally got a very lovely girl (and by lovely I mean horribly nasty) in the “Executive Resolution” department. She said she would “look in to this” and get back to me within 3 business days” I said, and when you don’t, because I know you won’t, how do I get you? She said, “I said I would call, and I will”. I know this is going to come as another shock to you all…but my new friend never called. I had to call again. And guess what, she was “no longer with the company”.

I had to tell my story all over, why you ask, because my friend never made a note in their “system” of why I was calling. This person said they would have someone call me to come out, reinstall properly, bury cables, and fix it all.

Guess what, never got a call. I waited about a week.

I called yet again, and said CANCELL IT. Yes, I was in tears again. Just cancel it. She convinced me to freeze, so we could get this all straightened out. She said she would research the problems, she was apologetic, and said they would take care of me. She would call me back within 3 business days (now I’m scared, I’ve heard this before). But, I’m a sucker for a nice person, and she seemed nice and sincere.

Guess what, no call. Ever.

I ordered Verizon. I need TV for my kids! Verizon was out, installed, and working…within 3 business days. At least one company stood by that promise.

So, I waited out my 6 month freeze. Got the dreaded email that my freeze was ending and had to make yet another call to DISH to say, I’ve moved on. So, I did. The lady was very nice; I would be too after all, if I was getting 400 dollars for literally, NOTHING. I mean, I paid for the first MONTH in advance, had service less than 2 weeks, and yanked it all out of the wall, remember? So, I gave her my credit card, she charged me for the return boxes. I got the boxes, immediately went to UPS, took lots of pictures of the contents of the box and shipped back the equipment. I received and email on 03/27/2013 saying they received my equipment and will test it, check it, etc., to make sure it was in good working order.

I received another email 05/16/2013 saying “your dish bill is now available, your balance is 422.63, your bill total will be automatically drawn from your account ending 1234 (my credit card last 4). It was sickening to see that total, but I said to myself, GREAT, SEE YA. Nightmare over.


I received another email 06/16/2013 saying “your dish bill is now available, your balance is 422.63, your bill total will be automatically drawn from your account ending 1234 (my credit card last 4). Of course I logged on to my credit card account, surely they wouldn’t charge me twice. No, they hadn’t. As a matter of fact, they hadn’t charged it at all. Strange because THEIR email says it will be automatically charged. I thought well, maybe it takes 10 days, you know, has to process, and all that good stuff. NOPE.

Got a call to my cell phone at work yesterday. I was WORKING and missed the call, but they were kind enough to leave me an automated message saying my account was DELINQUENT.  Are you JOKING?

Well, I didn’t have time last night to call. But that’s ok, because DISH called MY WORK NUMBER today. I was already on another call, so missed it. But I once again got an automated message saying I needed to call them about my DELINQUENT account.

So, I came home tonight, made my call. Of course I couldn’t make one call. My first call landed me in another county, she said her computer was going through an update and couldn’t help me, but would transfer me. She did alright, transferred me right to the DIAL TONE department.

I called back yet again, and this time just started letting them have it. I was immediately put right to the big shots at the “Executive Resolution. He asked why I was calling. I said, do you NOT SEE notes? He said he did, but wanted “MY SIDE”.  I have NEVER in my life had chest pains, but I honestly thought I was going to die, right then, on the phone, with DISH. My chest hurt so bad I couldn’t breathe. I basically screamed my 10 month nightmare back to “Eddie”. Explained the emails I received that said…“your dish bill is now available, your balance is 422.63, your bill total will be automatically drawn from your account ending 1234 (my credit card last 4), and asked him WHY are you harassing me AT WORK??

He said, well, our emails say that, but we can’t automatically charge a card. I swear to ALL who is reading this, I thought I was in the twilight zone! I asked EDDIE, then WHY does your email say it will be automatically charged??? He said, he didn’t know.

I have never, ever, EVER had a more horrific experience with a company, in my LIFE. EVER.

Nearly 600 dollars for not even, TWO WEEKS of “service”.

HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE – financially – emotionally – and physically.

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I'd like to help you

#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 31, 2013


 I'd like to take a look at your account as I understand you've some ongoing concerns with your experience with us, which I'd like to improve!  If you could please email me your account number at [email protected], I can go over it in detail with you and get this all squared away.  Thank you for your time and efforts and I'll look forward to speaking with you further!

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