Diversity Sports Corp. Press and Me
United States of America#2REBUTTAL Owner of company
Mon, August 13, 2012
Thank you for taking the time to inform us of your concern. Diversity Youth Sports makes the safety and security of its minor participants its number 1 priority. With that being said, we have strict policies and procedures in place to insure we do our part to succeed in that regard.
Every parent and player is subject to the Diversity Sports Code of Conduct, Participation Agreement, Refund and Cancellation policy and other terms of use. This information is given to parents when they register and they must read and agree to it prior to registering.
In all honesty, with the tens of thousands of customers we deal with, you are not the only unhappy one. While we strive to make 100% of our customers happy, we realize that in our position of league facilitators, we can only mediate the reality at hand, and we can not alter the facts. We have not suspended many customers.
When you contacted our office, your call Sir, was recorded. As they occasionally are for quality control purposes. After reviewing the call, we found that while speaking to our representative, you violated the following terms of our code of conduct: