Ben Jecmen who is the owner of D&J Machine has knowingly been taking money from people for goods and services and then not delivering. That is straight up stealing! Why isn't he in jail? He sold me a crate engine that had to be completely rebuilt because it was put together so poorly with cheap parts and even wrong parts. Please understand this entire list was before the engine had any miles on it. It's not like this engine was being used and pushed hard, this is all brand new and discovered on start up. The cylinders we different sizes due to not being properly machined, the crank had the wrong bearings and wasn't positioned properly, intake had square ports but matched with oval port heads, hardware bolts were used on engine, flat cam, bad lifters, bent pushrods, bad alternator, bad distributor, wrong spring for cam, and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head. Ben bragged to me once that he had caller I.D. and wouldn't take calls from certain customers, but I never thought that would be me one day. I filed a complaint with BBB, and Attorney General and he made up so many lies when talking to them, until I provided the proof. What I didn't know was while this was going on with me, he was taking money from others to build their engine, but never built it, refunded them, quit taking their calls, and lied to them. He even told one person he shipped their engine when it was never built. He then closed his business in the middle of the night. He screwed me out of $7,000 and many other people as well. He belongs locked up for what he has done. All you have to do is Google Tuff Dawg Engines and start reading. A lot is on City Search as well.