  • Report:  #623900

Complaint Review: Doug Fath - Internet

Reported By:
Tom in Michigan - Saginaw, Michigan, United States of America

Doug Fath
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Real Estate Investing???  If you are thinking of signing up for a course offered by Doug Fath, take my advice:  DON'T!!!  STOP NOW!!!!!!

In March of 2010, Doug launched a heavy marketing campaign to sell his "6 Figures in Student Housing" course consisting of several webinars and other materials related to investing in rental houses for college students.  All for a cost of approximately $1500.  The kicker is that he sold this program with the promise of GUARANTEED FUNDING.  He sent out the "guaranteed funding" module first, to get people to sign up.  The basic promise was this:  if you find a property that meets certain criteria (calculated on an excel spreadsheet program), he GUARANTEES that he will fund it in one of three ways.  No problem, no banks... he made it sound like he had funds lined up and investors ready to take down properties as soon as you submit them and they qualify.

I bit!  I am a seasoned real estate investor myself, and this GUARANTEED FUNDING component was perfect.  I signed up for the course and, within the first 4 weeks, submitted a total of 35 properties.  And, as instructed in Doug's materials, I tied many of these properties up with my own earnest money deposits.

The bottom line:  4 months and 35 submitted properties later, NOT ONE PROPERTY WAS FUNDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  35 Submitted, 0 Funded!  And every single property that was submitted qualified for funding under the program's guidelines.

I lost all the earnest money deposits, lost all my credibility with the real estate community where the properties were located, spent a LOT of time and money on travel, hotels, crunching numbers, etc. etc. etc.  But the bottom line, the whole thing was an absolute waste.

NOTHING WAS FUNDED........even though funding was "guaranteed."

I lost several thousand dollars and a lot of time.  If you plan on joining any of Doug's programs, please BE VERY AWARE that, at least in the case of this student housing fiasco, it was nothing more than a HUGE rip off.

I am currently talking to my attorney about starting a class action suit.   

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Doug Fath's Stupid Confession

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, April 18, 2011

Hahahahahaha... well, folks, here it is, one year later; and I still haven't received a refund from the Doug Fath Student Housing Scam.  I DID receive, however, an email entitled something like "Doug's Confession."  (He doesn't send them to me directly.  I have investor friends who, knowing how flagrantly I got scammed by Fath's "Guaranteed Funding" scam, forward these bs emails to me.)
I wanted to share "Doug's Confession" with everybody.  I'll post excerpts from it here, because the whole thing gets kind of redundant and boring.   But, as an insightful reader reads over even these excerpts, he or she can put it together with some of the complaints lodged against Doug Fath here at ripoff report (and other places on the internet) and conclude that this guy
was taking people's money hand over fist without even having a clue as to what he was doing.

I will put his "confession" here for all to see.  And I'll comment on it along the way.  My comments will look like this:  <--(comment comment comment).



Last year was an incredible year.  I grew (both professionally and personally) by leaps and bounds.  My businesses reached new heights and successes.  It was an incredible experience but something was off.

You know that feeling when something is off but you can't quite put your finger on it?

After some heart felt introspection over the last few months I realized what it was...

I stopped being authentic. I stopped being real.  <--(He started being a scam artist.)

You see, I got caught up...I got caught up in what I thought things "should" look like. I thought in order to sell products my presentation style had to look a certain way, even if it wasn't really me.  <--(Even if I guaranteed funding and then didn't fund ANYTHING!)

I got caught up in how I "should" spend my time.  <--(Taking the webinar profits he received from "guaranteeing" the funding but funding nothing....and buying apartments and other things for his own personal income and enjoyment.  At OUR expense!!!!!)

I started focusing on increasing sales (nothing wrong with that) <--(if it's done honestly!!!!) 
but it was instead of focusing on how I could maximize value...  <-- (ummm, you mean
"maximize profit" for  YOU Doug, even if you had to rip everybody off in the process!!!!)

I sent a lot of promotional opportunities without providing enough informational emails that provided value to you.  <--(I also lied about a lot of things and made guarantees that I had no intention or ability to honor!)

Moving forward, rather than focusing on sales, the focus is on value. Profits and sales will merely be the byproduct of delivering massive value to you.   <--(But beware.  If I guarantee ANYTHING just know that I don't mean anything I am saying.  I am, instead, creating the illusion of "value" so I can maximize profit and sales.  Same ol' s**t, different day.  Different approach.)

The funny thing is that is why I started this company in the first place...to transform the financial futures of individuals and communities, by empowering them to create sustainable wealth through living a purposeful and abundant life.   <--(I was
so into helping individuals that I spent several months trying to rip everybody in my program off.  I was so into helping individuals that I (a) guaranteed funding and then (b) sent one student's properties to other students in my program to see if maybe THEY could figure out a way to fund them.  Because, in spite of my 'guaranteed funding' claim, I really had no way
to fund anything....and absolutely no clue about it.  In approaching my business in this manner, I clearly scammed and exploited everybody.  But hey... I did make a hefty profit for myself.  Even it I am now claiming "ummm, something just wasn't quite right.'   Please!!!)

Moving forward, I want to continue to educate and empower you and at the same time build a deeper connection.  I want to build a connection that goes beyond wealth and finances.  I want to build a relationship with you that is built on trust and authenticity.   <--(Beware of the shyster who, for about $1000 tuition, ants to "educate" and "empower" you.  And DOUBLE BEWARE of the shyster who, for the same $1000 or so in tuition, wants to build a relationship built on "trust" and "authenticity.")  (Isn't TRUST and AUTHENTICITY just a GIVEN in business?  Does it reallllly take a guy a whole
year to decide that, hey, maybe my relationships should be built on TRUST and AUTHENTICITY?)

Last year I was able to attract over 20,000 new subscribers to my mailing list. From a marketing and sales perspective that is great.  <--(Do the math, folks!  This guy made HUGE profits while ripping people off in the process!!!!)

I've realized that I have the opportunity to do things differently  <--(hmmm, maybe I'm not the ONLY person complaining about this shyster all over the internet!!!)

No fluff, no bullshit - just pure authenticity, real and raw.  <--(Doug, isn't this what you have been promising all along?  Why has it taken you an entire year to finally realize you might want to stop your bullshitting and, instead, be real and authentic?!!!)


And so it goes, folks. 

Before you sign up for ANYTHING that Doug Fath has ANYTHING to do wi th, just remember a few things.  (1) last year he "guaranteed funding" and funded nothing.  (2) He came on rip off report to rebut my original claim and offered me a refund.  It's been a year, folks, and that refund STILL has NOT happened!!!!  (3) That one class action suit attorney declined to file
a suit against Doug Fath because he said, in essence, "the guy is not collectable. We can sue and we can win, but we probably wouldn't be able to collect anything." 

If you still have doubts, feel free to email me.  Or check sites like biggerpockets and see the complaints against him there.
Your best bet:  get of the Fath mailing list and do NOT do business with this clown.


United States of America
Still Waiting For Doug's Next Lie-Filled Response

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, August 22, 2010

Well, it's been about a month and no response / rebuttal from Doug.  I think that is a good indication of how empty and dishonest he knows his last rebuttal was. 

But I thought I'd post again and give everybody an update:

Since my last posting here, I did report Doug Fath to the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, the HUD Inspector General, and to the FBI for internet fraud.

Also, a strange thing occured. One of those Court TV programs contacted me after seeing my posting here, and they asked me if I wanted to come out to California and litigate my case on TV against Doug. Their jurisdiction was only for $5,000, and I feel that I and other investors who got duped by this "guaranteed funding" scam are entitled to much more than that. But I laughed and said "Sure," knowing that they'd have to contact Doug to have him agree too. And I doubt that he would ever agree to be on TV, because then MORE people would see his total scam. But I thought it'd be interesting to have them at least call him and ask.

Another thing: I saw Doug's facebook page where he talks about closing on an apartment. Sure! I am thinking he made a good $300k or more off his student housing program, scamming people by guaranteeing funding and then funding NOTHING. So why not take the spoils and buy yourself an apartment. These are the kinds of things I plan on bringing up in REAL court.

Oh, and that refund he promised?  NADA!  NOTHING!  ZIP!  Another empty promise. His rationale, I'm sure, is that I haven't contacted him to work it out.  Folks, you should see all the emails and phone records I have accumulated trying to "work it out" with Doug Fath. Each response from him is one empty promise after another after another after another...   And now he wants me to contact him again and beg for a refund?  I'm not doing that!  The financial damages I incurred from following his program EXCEEDS his refund!  And he knows it!

If Doug Fath wants to settle this out of court, he knows how to contact me. Or he can communicate it through the attorneys, either one.

I will post here in a few weeks to keep everybody abreast of any new developments.

Tom in Michigan

United States of America
Doug You Are Lying...Again

#4Author of original report

Fri, July 23, 2010

Doug, what you wrote here is utter b.s. 

1.  I followed every single procedure that was written.  And you know and I know that every single one of those properties qualified for "guaranteed funding" under your program's guidelines.  The problem was on YOUR end, not mine.  You didn't have, or never did have, anything lined up for "guaranteed funding."  I think that was clearly evidenced when you were actually SENDING STUDENTS IN THE PROGRAM TO ME TO MAYBE COUGH UP THE FUNDS TO BUY THE PROPERTIES!!!!  THESE STUDENTS, JUST LIKE ME, SIGNED UP FOR YOUR PROGRAM FOR THE (NON-EXISTENT) "GUARANTEED FUNDING," AND THEY ENDED UP BEING SENT TO ME AS INVESTORS / BUYERS? You have got to be kidding me?!!  One guy even said, "I am getting ready to submit your properties for the "guaranteed funding."  I wrote him and explained, "Wait a sec... if he is not funding them for me, why in the world do you think he would be funding them for you?"  Then we understood.  We were both getting jacked around.

2.  I DID put "financing contingencies" on every single contract, (and please, I didn't learn that from YOUR course.  That's real estate 101!)  But after having everything dragged out 1 month....2 months....3 months....., it was either end up in court with these realtors and sellers, or concede to them taking my deposits.    And especially with HUD.  HUD doesn't play around with "financing contingencies."  HUD keeps the $1000, no questions asked.  And you mess them over too many times and you end up having ALL your bids rejected.

3. And THIS paragraph takes the cake: 

Doug writes, "The properties submitted for
funding did not meet our specific written criteria.  The funding requests 
were based on projections and, after our own due diligence, these
projections were not verifiable." 

FOLKS, that statement right there is enough to make you steer clear of ANYTHING Doug Fath puts out there.   Let's take a good look at this:  First of all, Doug puts a program out there that costs $1500 a student. And to get people to pay this money, he "GUARANTEES FUNDING!"  He sent a "guaranteed funding" module out to get people to sign up.  Basically, if the properties meet a certain criteria, as calculated on a spreadsheet he supplied, the funding was "guaranteed."  I submitted 35 Properties!  Not 1.  Not a couple.  THIRTY FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!    And now he has the audacity to say, "the properties didn't meet our specific written criteria."  Hahahahahahahaha!  That is so pathetically crooked it is hysterical!  (That is what you're in for, folks, if you sign up for a Doug Fath program!) So all 35 houses submitted didn't meet the criteria!  Wow!  I must either be the biggest effing idiot on the planet, or something is very very very crooked in Doug Fath Land.

4.  Doug, I'm airing this "misundertanding" publically because that is what this forum is about:  helping people avoid rip offs like your course!  And I am glad you're rebutting, so they can see flat out what a scam this is!!!  "um, the 35 properties submitted didn't meet our specific written criteria, so we didn't come through with the guaranteed funding."   If they didn't meet your criteria, why then were you advertising them to your OWN STUDENTS in the course as "turn-key student houses"??????  Please!!!!!!

It is just a matter of time before other students in the course show up here and start telling THEIR stories.  Let's see how many of THEM have gotten funded!

Folks, judge for yourself.  It is your money and your time. If you DO join a Doug Fath course, DO be sure that you are meeting the "specific written criteria."  hahahaha, I am going to be laughing about that all night.  I met that written criteria IN SPADES!  I know it, and Doug knows it!

I am anxiously awaiting another great rebuttal!


Investing In Cashflow

United States of America
We respectfully rebut

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, July 23, 2010


We are writing to respectfully rebut the compliant posted by Tom.  First, we would like to offer Tom a full refund of his tuition but he refuses to answer our calls or correspondence.  We also assume that he seeks to recoup additional expenses which we honestly do not believe that we are responsible for.  If the course did not work for Tom, then as a matter of integrity we are ready to issue him a refund of his tuition. 

First and foremost, Tom did not follow the terms, conditions and procedures in our course.  The guarantee that we offer has specific conditions which Tom did not meet and further, he made offers and tendered deposits on properties without including a key and basic contractual condition a financing contingency.  If he had used the specific procedure and form included in his course material, his earnest money would not have been at risk.  That is certainly not our fault.

The properties submitted for funding did not meet our specific written criteria.  The funding requests  were based on projections and, after our own due diligence, these projections were not verifiable.

We regret that Tom has chosen to air this misunderstanding publicly, but we stand by our course and our commitment to customer satisfaction.

We invite Tom to contact us but we will not negotiate in a public forum.

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