  • Report:  #650730

Complaint Review: Dr Jay Calvert - newport beach California

Reported By:
Ann - newport beach, California, United States of America

Dr Jay Calvert
400 newport center Dr. newport beach, 92660 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Ripoff Report Verified REVIEW:

EDitors UPDATE: Positive rating and recognition has been given to Dr. Jay Calvert, MD, Professional Corporation / Roxbury Clinic and Surgery Center for its commitment to excellence in customer service.

Ripoff Reports discussions with Jay Calvert, MD, Professional Corporation have uncovered an ongoing commitment by the company to total client satisfaction. This means that clients can expect that the company will work towards finding a mutually satisfactory resolution to any complaints or concerns. Dr. Jay Calvert listens carefully to client concerns and sees them as an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and become more efficient as a company in the services offered and the support for those services.

The Doctors at Roxbury Clinic and Surgery Center state that they are committed to doing whatever it takes to make the patient happy because they have always worked tirelessly to revise surgery when necessary. In knowing that plastic surgery is not perfect, they always let patients know that there is a 10% chance of revision rate on any plastic surgery procedure. They do not charge for the revision operation, but the patient does pay anesthesia fees. This is standard practice in plastic surgery industry. Dr. Calvert feels the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program is an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to customer service and he is glad that there is a program that can address these concerns that have been voiced on the Internet.

The information provided in this report is based on comments made by Dr. Jay Calvert during an on-site inspection held by a third party verification company with no biases toward Roxbury Clinic and Surgery Center.
Ripoffreport Report Image
Ripoff Report Verified .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

Roxbury Clinic & Surgery Center and Dr. Jay Calvert, MD, PCs surgical health care team have expressed that they feel very confident when taking care of patients. The project manager at Jay Calvert, MD, PC stated "I have seen Dr. Calvert intimately involved in all steps of the surgical care making sure that every aspect is performed at the highest level. It always gives me great pleasure to go back to the customer a year after their operation l and find that their results have exceeded their expectations.

Jay Calvert, MD, PC takes employee satisfaction seriously. Employee feedback and surveys reveal comments such as this: "Dr. Jay Calvert provides a very positive environment to work. Opportunities for suggestions and improvements are encouraged. The management is truly concerned about our contribution to the company and providing growth opportunities for us. They take the time to listen and communicate with employees and patients." Ripoff Report was pleased to learn that Jay Calvert, MD, PCs past and current approach to business is focused on its pledge to safety, service, and gorgeous results for their patients.

YouTube Video .. Dr Jay Calvert Breast Reconstruction Large Areolae - Follow Up.

At Roxbury Clinic and Surgery Center, they work to treat each patient equally and we aim to please all of our patients. Safety is their number one concern in taking care of patients and secondly is that they obtain satisfactory results. It is their goal that each patient has a great experience from the time they make an appointment until the time they are done healing from their procedures. Communication between staff is very important to ensure the quality of patient care.

Each patient comes into the office for a consultation to discuss their concerns. The area of concerned is examined and a treatment plan is formulated if possible and medically advisable. The patient then will meet with the patient coordinator to schedule the surgery and will be given a price quote. The patient is welcome to come back to meet with the doctor during my office hours if they still may have questions that are unanswered or any other concerns.

The treatment plan is advised at the time of the first consultation. If a treatment plan is not made at the first visit because of need for further information then the patient is asked to come back for a second consultation once all information has been obtained or the patient is referred out to another surgeon. Each patient is assessed and consulted prior to obtaining any treatments or services to ensure they are fully aware of their course of treatment. At the time prior to the procedure (usually the pre-op appointment), the patient will fill out informed consents and is advised to ask any questions that they may have regarding the procedure. All risks and complications are discussed with the patient at this visit as well.

In a scenario that the doctor would not advise a procedure be done on a patient, Dr. Calvert stats that he would discuss with them their goals for the procedures, look at alternatives, and try to help direct them to either a better solution for their concerns. If they are still unable to come to a resolution, the doctor would refer them to someone for more information if he did not feel comfortable doing it for them. Dr. Calvert would communicate that in his hands that it probably wont give them what they want and he would refer them to someone for another opinion who may be able to address their concerns.

After treatment, the office makes sure to place frequent follow up calls (video calls if the patient is from out of town), frequent postop visits to the office, and having competent staff that can handle any issues that may arise with patients. They also send each patient a post-operative questionnaire that specifically addresses their care and service. The patient has multiple opportunities to voice concerns as the office is heavily staffed with nurses and/or PAs. It is not uncommon for patients to feel more comfortable addressing their concerns with the PA or nurse and therefore it is their goal to make sure that the patients concerns are addressed and proper action is taken.

Since the office has been a part of Ripoff Report, they make sure all patients are well informed and educated which begins at the very first phone call or email that they may receive from a potential new patient. They also have clarified our consent forms and policy and procedure materials that are given to every patient. Patient complaints are taken very seriously and are dealt with immediately. No matter what the complaint may be the office will try to resolve the issue as soon as possible or come up with a solution that is agreeable between all parties.

Furthermore, the office has discovered that better patient selection is key in prevention of complaints. There are many patients that have had multiple procedures from other surgeons, that makes Dr. Calvert am very careful to assess whether or not further surgery is advisable for that patient. They also have heavier screening for body dysmorphic disorder and major depression that has allowed them to save patients the frustration of having further surgery and not being satisfied with the results.

As stated above something that needs to be repeated to those seeking any kind of plastic Surgery .. The company states that they are committed to doing whatever it takes to make the patient happy because they have always worked tirelessly to revise surgery when necessary. In knowing that plastic surgery is not perfect, they always let patients know that there is a 10% chance of revision rate on any plastic surgery procedure. They do not charge for the revision operation, but the patient does pay anesthesia fees. This is standard practice in plastic surgery industry. Dr. Calvert feels the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program is an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to customer service and he is glad that there is a program that can address these concerns that have been voiced on the Internet.

Dr. Calvert, recognizes that complaints posted on Ripoff Report (whether true or not) are issues that need to be addressed, not ignored. If handled correctly, complaints can be valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Ripoff Reports on-site review of Roxbury Clinic & Surgery Center, Dr. Jay Calvert, has made organizational changes allowing its clients and employees a more streamlined approach to problem resolution and a commitment to a great patient satisfaction.

In summary, after our on-site review, which included discussions with Dr. Calvert, Ripoff Report is convinced that Dr. Jay Calvert, is committed to total patient satisfaction.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, its a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,.. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.

As a matter of policy, when a business becomes a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program they agree to allow Ripoff Report to contact every client who filed a complaint so they can make things right with them. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer ..

Check out some of these YouTube videos below.. Ripoff Report is impressed.

Dr. Calvert - Primary Rhinoplasty with Airway Obstruction.

Dr Jay Calvert Orange County Refresher Face Lift.

Dr Jay Calvert Revision Rhinoplasty.

Dr. Calvert - Ethnic Rhinoplasty and Rib Graft.

Dr. Calvert - Post Pregnancy Breast Augmentation.




Dr Jay Calvert -  Jay Calvert MD - Jay Calvert ruined my face newport beach, California

I had a bad experience with Dr Jay Calvert. He did a facelift and revision rhinoplasty. His work was horrible. The worst experience in my life. I discussed with Dr Calvert the facelift which he stated that it would be a traditional facelift and the incision would start in the temple area hidden in the hairline. He did the facelift starting infront of the ears to the jaw line. He did not do the temple nor eye area nor upper cheek area. The result of the surgery is the outer corners of my eyes were pulled downward. The scars around my ears are distant from the ears and are very noticeable. He did not even try to make the scars close to the ears (to hide the scars). The revision on the nose was a mistake. One of the nostrils is larger then the other. He did not stitch all the incision that he made around the nostril. So I have an open ended nostril. The stitches on one nostril is much higher then the other nostril. The nose bridge has many lumps. Dr Clavert said that he forgot to file the nose bridge after he finished working on it. I asked him to redo and correct the mistakes that he made. He kept staling and postponing for one year. Then he said that he will not correct it unless I pay. I guess there was a one year deadline. He is incompetent.
Futhermore, I requested Dr Calvert for a nurse to stay with me post-op. He recommended a nurse who stole my pain medications, money fifteen hundred dollars, and cellphone. The nurse is a cousin of his front office staff. One night the nurse gave me double the dose of pain medication pills to sleep and the nurse and her cousin (receptionist at Dr Calvert office) came into my room. Both women uncovered me and undressed me and took photos. They used a flash light with camera. Also the nurse put chemicals on my scars so they would not heal and they turned white. The receptionist pulled on one of my scars and ripped the scar, also she had a medical knief and made little puncture wounds around my nose, also she had a small metal rod and she continued to hit the bridge of my nose.

Report Attachments

18 Updates & Rebuttals


los angeles,
United States of America
Dr jay Calvert botched job & butchered by his staff

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, December 21, 2011

Sad event. Bad luck to run across 2 not 1 bad experience; Dr Calvert botched plastic surgery & butchered by realtor & girlfriend. @ Karen shocked by ur evil response. U commented 3 times on this report. U have invested interest defending the offenders and throwing accusations on other employees. An employee commented offender no longer an employee rather she works as REAL ESTATE AGENT in Orange County. DO NOT ATTACK THE WHISTLEBLOWER. U r attacking victim after she provided proof again & again. U r a bully. U want to attack anything then attack the issues. Oh u can't because of PROOF. Do u think there is ONE Ann or Anna in a city. Crazy, u r defending the criminal & attacking victim. U r brain is fried. @ Ann the victim- obviously criminal is Karen. Staples forgotten n nose. Dr needs eyeglasses & suspension of his medical license. Dr is liable for his employees. @ RIPOFF REPORT- Great website. @ Ann. Cheers. Include Karen n ur prayer - she might get a SOUL. @ Hulahula- agree @ daduff001- disagree. Why should a victim remove/edit/delete their own experiences out of fear & threat of persecution. You suggest censoring reports. While u r at it censor the media & news! Any change to report makes it invalid. Any omission of truth is lie. AGREE WITH RIPOFFREPORT for not allowing reports to deleted or edited. @ employee send me name of realtor through ripoffreport. Do not want to do business with this realtor. Interesting comment- why would woman take photos of undressed woman? Blackmail or lust. Men lust @ women photos. Maybe offender is male. The described heartlessly infliction wounds is not characteristic of female criminal actions rather it is characteristic of male sadistic behavior.

Karen Logue

You are commenting on your own comment?

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, December 21, 2011

Ok I get you are mad.  But you are commenting on your own comment as if it is new. Have you been under a care of a mental health physician for personality disorder? You need help in addressing your handling of issues and your self image. Taking your problems out on someone else who does not deserve it and falsely accusing people is not healthy.  I hope you get the care you need to move on in your life and be happy and not at the expense of others.


newport beach,
United States of America
Proof against DR & ex employee

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, December 21, 2011

Many thanks to Ann for speaking out and for the proof. The nurse and her cousin are obviously infatuated with you. Why else would they want to have photos of women. Actually the staff and the other woman are couple and not related. They are sick and disturbed people.

To Dr Calvert. The board should suspend your license.

To nurse & her friend. Get a life and it is ok to come out of the closet. Good luck. It is one thing to admire other and want to look at them. It is wrong what you are doing. Face it you have done very bad things.

I will pray for all.

Karen Logue

Great Doctor who is the Victim of slander!

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, December 20, 2011

I can not believe that these individuals who definitely have personal issues beyond their self image feel that making these types of allegations which are so defaming are at all responsible. To accuse his receptionist and her cousin is ludacrist. What dramatic novel are you getting your information from.

I have know these ladies, and Dr Calvert's associates for over 3 years now. I have had 3 surgeries and will be having another one soon.  I had a facelift, browlift, eyes done, and chin lift. I then had a bodylift, liposuction, and thighlift. I had my breasts lifted and augmented, as well as had my upper arms lifted. Each surgery was great, no problems and great care and follow up. I want additional liposuction with more of my thigh lifted as well as fat transfer to my face. Dr Calvert's staff are the sweetest and most helpful and caring individuals. I wish all my physicians would have staff that are so dedicated to the needs of the patient.

I do not blame the doctor for suing when these individuals start dragging innocent staff members into their psychotic fantasy. I would suggest to these two individuals to get on with their lives and stop trying to drag innocent people into their dirty, murky little lives. I hope Dr. Calvert continues to stand by his ethics and is not blackmailed by the disgusting defamation to his character, skill and office staff.

One who will continue to be a patient of Dr Calvert and am confident of his skills and caring treatment. To answer your already doubting questions, no I do not work for him, I am not his wife, or one of his 4 little children, nor a personal friend. I am a patient - period - not anything more. I just really feel I have to say something when there is a true injustice and falsehoods being spread about a Doctor who I trust and very much respect.

I hope others will go and see Dr. Calvert for yourself not because I said he is good or because of morbid curiousity. But because you need a GOOD doctor, then I can assure you that is what you will find.

Shame on you ladies. REALLY!

Victim of Dr Sherri Worth

United States of America
Criminal Emplyee of Jay Calvert

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, December 20, 2011

To Ann,

The employee of Jay Calvert and her cousin a retired nurse are extremely jealous. Their aim is to destroy your face because you are pretty and they are ugly inside and outside. All their wrinkles and old age did not give them any wisdom. We have noticed that you are classy and elegant. Do not be bothered with old unwed hags.

You are not the only target of their green jealousy. The criminal is no longer employee of Dr Jay Calvert. The criminal works as realtor in Orange County and uses her work to hurt women. I am finding it hard to explain the following. Here goes: The EX-employee loves women. This is reason for undressing and photos. 


newport beach,
United States of America
Dr Jay Calvert reputation & work distroyed by his employee

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, November 23, 2011

I am surprised that Dr hired staff who are bent on destroying his reputation & work. Wondering how many patients of Dr Calvert had their surgeries butchered by his employee. The Dr probably thought that bad results were due to human error and did not realize that employee is behind it. Any other problems such as files messed up or ordering wrong implant or more serious things which Dr dismissed as margin of error or human mistake?Keep your eyes open. Such employee acts as a criminal must have been dismissed from other jobs due to similar bad behavior. Dr Calvert by law you are obligated to report this staff or take necessary disciplinary actions so this distructive behavior cease. Honestly, these types never stop. It is a thrill to them to see others in pain. This employee exhibits the characteristic of psychopath. The employee is in need of help to deal with their mental instability. Hoping that there will be no other victims.


New Jersey,
United States of America
DR. Calvert

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, November 17, 2011

Why doesn't Dr. Calvert give this woman a full refund so she can get it done correctly.  THat is the problem with all these plastic surgeons, they think they are above the law because it is elective surgery.  Good Luck Ann, and thanks for giving me and others heads up about this Doctor.


United States of America
Update by Author: Proof second document

#9Author of original report

Wed, November 16, 2011

Attached is the second document proof that Dr Calvert did the surgery. The document is the release form from the surgery center. As described previously, please note that the caretaker did not write her name rather she scribbled her name and signature. The caretaker (retired nurse), who was hired & refered by Dr Calvert to be the caretaker of the patient, refused to write her name. Note that she scribbled where she is supposed to write her name. I remember that I was being released & the attending nurse requested the caretaker to write her name & sign it. The attending nurse noticed that the caretaker did not write her name and call for her to come back and write her name in the release form. The voices were raised and Dr Calvert walked in & inquired what is the issue. The attending nurse told him that the caretaker did not write her name. Dr Calvert said that it OK and UNDER HIS RESPONSIBILITY. The caretaker's refusal to identify her name in the release form shows bad intentions.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Proof that Dr Jay Calvert is the surgeon

#10Author of original report

Tue, November 15, 2011

Note on complain: Dr Calvert forgot chunky staple in my nostrils which resulted in a scar. Dr Calvert was too busy to see me post op at his office. His office colleague saw me: he came in and asked if Dr Calvert did the surgery, asked for my name and walked off. He did not check anything.

Reports from the sugery center are attached. One report was dictated by Dr Calvert on the surgery. The other is the release form after the surgery which shows the Dr's name. Pay attention to the release form: the caretaker (retired nurse), who was hired & refered by Dr Calvert to be the caretaker of the patient, refused to write her name. Note that she scribbled where she is supposed to write her name. I remember that I was being released & the attending nurse requested the caretaker to write her name & sign it. The attending nurse noticed that the caretaker did not write her name and call for her to come back and write her name in the release form. The voices were raised and Dr Calvert walked in & inquired what is the issue. The attending nurse told him that the caretaker did not write her name. Dr Calvert said that it OK and UNDER HIS RESPONSIBILITY. The caretaker's refusal to identify her name in the release form shows bad intentions.  Names and details have been blocked-out due to confidentiality. Other forms and proofs are available.

I should have went to the Police. I was heavily sedated with medications for many months. Also, the caretaker told me that she and her cousin visited me last night. She wanted me to know who did the criminal act. She added that she and her cousin will come to visit me again also they might come to my house. I was at an aftercare center. How do they know where I live? It was a threat to do more harm at a later date. I was afraid that she will return to hurt me while I was sedated. After I was able to move, I change my room at the hotel. Then I had little mobility and moved to a different hotel. Then I left the state of CA. The damage was not fully visible until swelling decreased. In regard to the money: the caretaker told me that she will only accept payment in cash. She stole the cash and ask to be paid again.

Post Op, the Dr was informed that the caretaker placed chemicals on my wounds and face. But he ignored it. At a later date, I phoned the Dr office and talked to his business Manager and explain what happened. The Office Manager dismissed me and said she that she was busy.

Later I went to a differnt Plastic Surgeon who witnesses the stab wounds around nostrils on upper curve. Also he noted that the tear on the earlobe is clearly a rip. The Dr inquired about a lump near my temple area and I explained that Dr Calvert injected steroid shot in one temple. The new Dr was shocked. It seems that Dr is not supposed to inject steroid needle into the face.

Also the Dr lacks any care or kindness to the patients. At a post op visit, he entered the room with a young girl (less then 20 years old). He said that his nurse is off and this is new stand in nurse. They took turns in laughing at my wounds and writing notes on papers and laughing. Pure adolescent behaviour. Then he looked inside my ear and told his young assistance to take a look inside my ear. He told me that I have proferated ear drum and that I was going deaf. He is surprised that I hear now and I am going to lose all my hearing. I left the room and saw a receptionist and I asked her that the girl is too young to be a nurse. She replied that this teen ager is not a nurse rather she is daughter of one of their female staff. Unprofessional. I went to Ear Specialist and did ear exam. After examining my ear he told me that their is nothing wrong with my ear drum or my hearing. He contact the office of Jay Calvert and ask them. He hanged up the phone and toldme that "Dr Calvert is a Jerk, they just want to rattle you".

I will update this site if there is any case. There will be none.  I want him to open the case because I was tricked by them to let time elapse.


Report Attachments

Karen Logue

United States of America
Actual Patient who has received great care by Dr. Calvert.

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, November 13, 2011

I know people will say this is fake I have seen that before.  But I personally have had 3 surgeries by Dr. Jay Calvert. I lost over 110 lbs and have had much skin removed on arms, thighs and a complete body lift, face lift, eyeslids, lipo, breast lift and augmentation. I could not have asked for better results or care. Dr Calvert was extremely caring
and interested in what I wanted and how I felt as well as his entire staff. Dr. Calvert was very reasonable for the work that he did and the extensive attention and aftercare I have received. I know I have seen several reviews by a couple of people that seem like personal vendetta's and it is very sad.  I would hope that others get the opportunity to experience the quality of service and care that Dr. Calvert provides.

Karen Logue

United States of America
Great Doctor

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, November 13, 2011

I know people will say this is fake I have seen that before.  But I personally have had 3 surgeries by Dr. Jay Calvert. I lost over 110 lbs and have had much skin removed on arms, thighs and a complete body lift, face lift, eyeslids, lipo, breast lift and augmentation. I could not have asked for better results or care. Dr Calvert was extremely caring and interested in what I wanted and how I felt as well as his entire staff. Dr. Calvert was very reasonable for the work that he did and the extensive attention and aftercare I have received. I know I have seen several reviews by a couple of people that seem like personal vendetta's and it is very sad.  I would hope that others get the opportunity to experience the quality of service and care that Dr. Calvert provides.


San Francisco,
United States of America
Reviews cannot be deleted from Rip Off Report!

#13General Comment

Sat, November 12, 2011

if a person reads the terms of use for Rip Off Report they will see that reviews are NEVER removed, not for any reason. EVER! So, even if a person wished to retract their post, they would not be able to.

I think it's wrong that the person who filed this complaint is being sued by the doctor. They obviously had a terrible experience with the doctor, and now, even if they wanted to remove the review to avoid legal action, they cannot.
The doctor should be careful suing for defamation/libel as this could backfire and expose more problems for him. 
Even if the author of the complaint wanted to edit or remove the complaint, it's 100% impossible.


long beach,
United States of America
Strange Story?

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, September 13, 2011

The first part of the report seems fairly lucid like one might expect in a consumer complaint of this type.  The second part of the report is incredulous and indicates some significant issues with the writer.  What has been described in the second part of the report would constitute criminal conduct were it to be true.  Is there any evidence of this alleged conduct?  If not, then the writer's report constitutes slander - how would the writer know these things happened if unconscious due to a deliberate over-dose of pain medication?  Who takes $1,500.00 in cash with them into cosmetic surgery?  Does the writer have photographic evidence of the unhealed scars and alleged chemical burns?  Does the writer have photographic evidence of the scars from the knife (not knief) wounds on the nose?  How does the writer know of any photographs taken if the writer has not seen them (and, if the writer has seen them, why can't the writer produce them as evidence of criminal conduct).  What is alleged in this report is criminal conduct - why wasn't any of it reported to the police?  Because of the outlandish and unsubstantiated claims contained within this report, any credibility from the first part of the report is essentially nullified.  Writer should be careful of a potential legal backlash by Dr. Calvert which would be entirely justified based upon the ludicrous (and obviously false) nature of these claims.  This report should be deleted in its entirety in the absence of any substantiation of the alleged claims.


Help for victims of Dr. Calvert

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, September 01, 2011

here are agencies where you can file complaints against Dr. Calvert. 

You can email and call each agency, but it is essential that each complaint be filed IN WRITING and you must be persistent with your follow-up until you get the response you deserve.

California State Medical Board: http://www.mbc.ca.gov/consumer/complaint_info.html. (800) 633-2322

American Medical Association:
(800) 621-8335

State of California Department of Insurance - Fraud Division:
(323) 278-5000
Here is their complaint form:

FBI Health Care Fraud Task Force: www.fbi.gov and search for your local field office.

Coalition Against Insurance Fraud: http://www.insurancefraud.org/fraud_bureaus.htm

National Insurance Crime Bureau: https://www.nicb.org (818) 830-6546 Publicly, they claim to focus primarily on vehicle insurance fraud. But they have an investigative unit for medical insurance fraud.

National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association: http://www.nhcaa.org/eweb/StartPage.aspx (202) 659.5955

Local Law Enforcement: Go to the police in the jurisdiction in which the incident(s) occurred, either Beverly Hills or Newport, and file a report.  Beverly Hills has a financial crimes unit.

You can also report Dr. Calvert to the fraud department or customer service department at your medical insurance provider.  Again, this should be in writing in addition to any phone call report.

You should also file complaints with your medical insurance provider.  Make sure you follow up by sending a certified letter.

Here are some articles that may help:




Anna and Jamie, once again, thank you for speaking out.  Please do not let Dr. Calvert scare you.  The only way to prevent him from doing this to other is to continue to speak out.

If youd like more free information, please email me at (((ROR redacted)))

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


United States of America
Help for Anna and Jamie in bringing Dr. Calvert to justice

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, August 30, 2011

To Anna, Jamie and any others who are posting honest reviews, here are some organizations which can help defend your right to post your reviews:

Electronic Frontier Foundation: http://www.eff.org/
Public Citizen: http://www.citizen.org/Page.aspx?pid=396

Here is a good article discussing the protection for on-line anonymity: http://www.citizen.org/documents/litigating-civil-subpoenas-to-identify-anonymous-internet-apeakers-paul-alan-levy.pdf

You can also file a complaint against Dr. Calvert for violating your first amendment rights with his legal scare tactics.  California is an Anti-SLAPP state. SLAPP lawsuits are designed to scare people so that they do not post negative reviews.  You have every legal right to post your honest reviews.  Dr. Calvert may find our quickly that the justice system does not tolerate SLAPP lawsuits.  Here is a good example: http://www.mediapost.com/publications/?fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=150711

Anna and Jamie, thank you for speaking out.  Do not let Dr. Calvert scare you.  The only way to prevent him from doing this to others is to continue to speak out.

If youd like more free information, please email me at [email protected].


newport beach,
United States of America
Evidence against Dr Calvert

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, August 25, 2011

1- Attached is one (for now) photo post-op by Dr Calvert

2- I will be posting a copy from the surgery center proving that Dr Calvert did the surgeries.

3- Representative of Dr- The Dr knows my name unless he had so many bad surgeries and too many complaints that he does not remember my name.

4- Dr Calvert ruined my face and my job and my life. His work made me look like frankenstein.

4- Truth shall prevail.



Report Attachments


United States of America
Thank you Ann for speaking out and all power to ripoffreport.com

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, August 24, 2011

Comment in regard to legal action by pasquale caiazza:

The victim of Dr Calvert Ms Ann is in Ca and Jay Calvert practice is in Ca. So why not file a case in Arizona. Because it is a hoax and no case. If you had a case to file then you would file it in CA.

I have noticed that Jay Calvert hired a company to remove all the negative comments about him in other search engines and reviews such as yelp.com. But here at ripoffreport.com, the Dr and his hired reputation cleaners were unable to remove the report. All Power to you ripoffreport- fair and honest. Voice of the truth shall be heard above those who have money to buy companies to clean their dirty mistakes and erase them. Well not here Pal.

Pasquale Caiazza, Attorney for Dr.

United States of America
Legal Action

#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 19, 2011

To Ann

On January 27, 2011, a complaint entitled Dr. Jay W. Calvert, an Individual; and Jay Calvert, M.D., Professional Corporation, a California Corporation v. DOES 1-25, Inclusive, was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court Central District, located at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, California 90012, and designated Case No. BC453888 (hereinafter, the California Action).  The California Action includes causes of action for defamation, trade libel, slander per se, intentional interference with prospective economic advantage, negligent interference with prospective economic advantage and false light.  The Plaintiffs in the California Action seek money damages, including punitive damages, as well as declaratory relief.  As alleged in the California Action, these causes of action are brought against the individual(s) who intentionally published on the www.ripoffreport.com website a report containing false statements about Dr. Jay W. Calvert and Jay Calvert, M.D., Professional Corporation.  The report was published by an individual using the name Ann.  The report number assigned by the website to the false report that is the subject of the California Action is 650730.  The California Action was instituted because the published report contains statements that 1) are false; 2) were read by third persons; 3) were intended to disrupt Dr. Jay W. Calvert and Jay Calvert, M.D., Professional Corporations business relationships with third parties; and 4) place Dr. Jay W. Calvert and Jay Calvert, M.D., Professional Corporation in a false light.  Dr. Jay W. Calvert and Jay Calvert, M.D., Professional Corporation have suffered damages as a result of the publication of the false statements contained in report number 650730.
On or about August 15, 2011, Case No. CV2011-014894 was assigned to a legal action entitled Dr. Jay W. Calvert, an Individual; and Jay Calvert, M.D., Professional Corporation, a California Corporation v. DOES 1-25, Inclusive, by the Superior Court of the State of Arizona In and For the County of Maricopa, located at 201 West Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona 85003 (hereinafter, the Arizona Action).  The purpose of the Arizona Action was to obtain a Subpoena Duces Tecum compelling XCentric Ventures LLC, an Arizona Limited Liability Company (hereinafter, XCentric), the manager of the website found at www.ripoffreport.com, to provide Dr. Jay W. Calvert and Jay Calvert, M.D., Professional Corporation with information that will lead to the discovery of the true identity of the individual(s) who published report number 650730 on the www.ripoffreport.com website which is referenced in the preceding paragraph.  The purpose of obtaining this information is so that Dr. Jay W. Calvert and Jay Calvert, M.D., Professional Corporation can properly serve, and prosecute the California Action against, the actual individual(s) who published the statements on the www.ripoffreport.com website which is referenced in the preceding paragraph.

On August 15, 2011, the Superior Court of the State of Arizona In and For the County of Maricopa issued a Subpoena Duces Tecum directed at XCentric which included certain requests that will lead to the discovery of the true identity of the individual who used the name Ann and intentionally published the report on the www.ripoffreport.com website which is referenced in the preceding paragraphs.  Said Subpoena Duces Tecum has been served on XCentric.

The individual who used the name Ann as referenced above, PLEASE BE ADVISED that you have the right to timely and anonymously file and serve a response to the Subpoena Duces Tecum.  Such a response can include an objection to the Subpoena Duces Tecum.  Any response to the Subpoena Duces Tecum should be filed with the Superior Court of the State of Arizona In and For the County of Maricopa, located at 201 West Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona 85003 and a copy of the response should be mailed to the following (1) Lori V. Berke, Berke Law Firm PLLC, 1601 North 7th Street, Suite 360, Phoenix, Arizona 85006; (2) Pasquale P. Caiazza, Law Offices of Pasquale P. Caiazza, 606 E. Chapman Avenue, Suite 201, Orange, California  92866-1601; (3) XCentric Ventures, LLC, 3200 N. Central Avenue, Suite 2000, Phoenix, Arizona 85012.  If you desire copies of any pleadings filed in the California Action and/or the Arizona Action, you may obtain them from the Los Angeles Superior Court Central District and the Superior Court of the State of Arizona In and For the County of Maricopa.

PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that, if necessary, fourteen (14) days from September 8, 2011, legal counsel for Dr. Jay W. Calvert and Jay Calvert, M.D., Professional Corporation, namely Berke Law Firm PLLC referenced above, will file a motion in the Arizona Action requesting that the Superior Court of the State of Arizona In and For the County of Maricopa issue an order compelling XCentric to provide the information requested in the Subpoena Duces Tecum that was previously issued on August 15, 2011 and subsequently served on XCentric.

This notice is being provided to you pursuant to the Court of Appeals, State of Arizona, Division One holding in the matter entitled Mobilisa, Inc. v. John Doe 1, et al., Case No. 1 CA-CV 06-0521.

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