  • Report:  #446295

Complaint Review: Dr. Ryan Hanson Chiropractic - Irvine California

Reported By:
- Irvine, California,

Dr. Ryan Hanson Chiropractic
Hanson Chiropractic - 27 Peters Canyon Road Irvine, 92606 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In Feb of 2009 I was hired by Dr. Ryan Hanson. At a rate of $12 an hour for 8 hours combined over the weekend I was to act as a cold-call practice agent. I preformed chair massages at the Tustin Market Place.

My job entailed preforming massage and informing the people of irregularities I could see in their posture and walking (gait). Then I would refer them to the doctor who would then give them free X-Rays and a free evaluation. My "goal" was for every person that came to the office I would be paid a $20 dollar commission.

I worked for 2 months. Every weekend. Only receiving my Hourly rate. The last time I had worked for the doctor had been at an event at the "Spectrum Village" in Irvine where I had confirmed a total of 4 visits in that event alone.

Then my final meeting with the doctor I was put on "Probation" since he had not been "making enough money". After leaving an e-mail, Txt Messages, Voicemail, and several hangups of direct calls to the office I decided to walk in. From that point I was able to find that there was a total of 16 walk in visits over the 3 months not counting 4 confirmed visits from the event. Totaling a commission owed of $320. After confirming with "J" the secretary I went home and conveyed this through E-mail to the doctor.

Soon there after the doctor hired a fellow classmate at my school. Every attempt made to follow up contact has gone unanswered. Leaving me high and dry after making thousands off the "patients" I had brought in.

Valid fact

Irvine, California


7 Updates & Rebuttals

Valid fact

Santa Ana,
Great googly moogly

#2Author of original report

Sat, December 05, 2009

I made this report because I felt unfairly treated. I got an e-mail asking about the report last night. I answered some questions thinking not much of it. Then after feeling weird I decided to check the website.

The doctor has accused me of slander. I have not been on the site in months. The doctor says I am going to be sued and handled. I have done nothing wrong. I have been e-mailed by many people about this. Some have met me in person. Some have sent me threats. Some say they represent the doctor and his marketing management firm. Others tell me I should sue in small claims. I wanted to make things clear. What people are doing now I know nothing about. What I do know is that one of the last times the doctor gave me pay there were two people that I had fill out forms there. Doctor Ryan also told me others were coming in. I should have got a contract. I should have sued and got a subpoena to release records of all those that came in to the appointments made. I should have made this doctor fill a contract. Now there is some guy with a @ocregister.com e-mail telling me he can get me on TV. He told me that he wrote my name and school down on the back of the doctor's card at the car wash. He also said that I should be proud that I stood up for myself. He also said he met the other therapist and told me some things that I don't think are true. He confirmed my name and told how he found me on google and myspace. That he also found the myspace of other students too. He said there was enough evidence to make a large case.
All I wanted was what the doctor said to me in a verbal contract. I don't care about who says what or who the doctor is. I'm a single dad struggling through college at age 24 and I looked up to the doctor. After seeing people that I had helped in his office I was so happy that I had done something right. Then he dismissed me after I gave him a few months worth of weekends. I didn't get a single imbercement for those who came in. How is it my fault that they didn't do what he wanted after they went to the office?
So thats why I made my original report. Now I am being accused after people speak out against what was done. It's too bad that the doctors true colors have show up like this. I'm sure that if I had demanded through legal means earlier I'd not have even made this report. But the doctor wants to take me to court because someone else mentioned their experience. I guess they actually have some ability to do something about it. I guess that shows there is something to be learned by threatening someone with less then fifty bucks in their bank account. Well Doctor I guess if it goes to court all the stuff that man said will have to be taken into consideration. He's right I never took a drug test nor was given a tax form or even claimed. I guess thats a big problem. He also didn't have insurance for me when I was out there working but told me as long as we worked under his company name it was ok. But I have nothing to hide. I will gladly submit to any tests. I don't mind being on TV if it helps others avoid this happening to them. I even spoke to Rush Limba about it on his radio show. He thought it was funny that I didn't do anything about it when it happened. I don't really know anything. I'm not the chiropractor that went to school for 8 years. All I have is a 1 year school of Sports Rehab therapy classes. I feel like I was just a tool.


United States of America
The Doctor

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 04, 2009

Wow, talk about getting out of hand. I have this post watched and decided to make a comment in the format of the one who posted it.
The Doctor then claims that someone has slandered two people. He also thinks that somehow by not preforming the proper paperwork entitles him to threaten a massage therapist. If my memory is correct your "Former Employee" was driving a beaten down car. I also remember that when you had me in your office you told me that he was doing good. Correct me if I'm wrong doctor but is it not Law to provide a W2 form to Indi contractors? Also is it not law to provide a drug test for any employees preforming any form of Massage or Therapeutic treatment in the City of Irvine. So lets list what I can see as wrong because I really hate it when people claim I'm someone else and accuse the original person posting of committing slander:

-There is no statement here of any contract being filled.
-From the looks of statements made by the former employee and doctor, the employee was fault for not getting a hard contract in writing.
-From observations of a CLIENT the doctor claims slander. HAS said doctor done any drug tests for ANY employee he has said to have hired?

-From statements of the doctor a quota had to be met. The doctor refuses to acknowledge a single one of these walk ins that the employee was to refer in. But the entire issue resides with the fact a potential client googled the doctor after a first appointment and stated a valid observation.

-If the former employee has made any statements the only way the doctor can disprove them is by displaying all paperwork and files of work that said employee did or did not provide for work. This would mean a full investigation of the doctors practice and paperwork. Also any claims made online can be disputed at any time by anybody. If the doctor feels that he has the right to follow a law suit he will have to submit to the court a set of documented facts.
-Did the doctor follow state and federal law during hiring of any of these so called employees? If claims made online are true then the doctor, if he wanted to take this to court, needs to provide a drug test for himself, his staff members accused, and documentary of the statements made and submit himself to a possible removal of practice license and federal and state fines for malpractice and endangerment. This means everyone on his records would have to be notified of said malpractice and places the doctor in a position that everyone that came in that he treated and that any of his current/former staff treated and have not returned the right to follow up with a lawsuit of their own.

This can go on and on. And from my encounter with the doctor and being accused of slander only acts as a defamation of myself. I'm sure the original poster "Rob" as the doctor loled at has every reason to feel bad that he spent time out there for, Doctor Ryan, getting survey and being paid. And I don't know if you keep your staff on a tight leash when they are off hours but there are laws in place to protect patients. When someone smells something funny people will talk about it. If you plan on taking a "CMT" to court for defaming you and you haven't even said that "We have done everything in our power to assure you that no one is doing anything wrong and we are a sound practice." and you go as low to accuse ME of being your former employee then there is something really wrong. When I make statements quoting my wife they are her words. If your former employee suggested to a classmate to go and work for you wouldn't you find it a waste of time for that person to continue something after they stated that was their fact?
What kind of doctor are you?

I've got this subject on notify doctor. If you want to explain yourself please do. Rippoff report is made to give people with no voice a voice. That includes patients who you scare the crap out of and your former employee that was working said patient that walked out that you never followed up on. So here are these questions for you to answer:
Do you have a W4 for your employees current and past?
Do you give the mandatory drug test for all your employees (required by the state at time of hiring for any medical practice) and are they up to date?
Do you have all this paperwork on record so that you can file your lible suit and provide proof that all claims here are untrue?
Do you pass the state required mandates to operate a Massage Facility in private and public places?
Do you have insurance to cover liability outside of your practice?
Do you have a accounting record of all hours worked of hired employees?
Do you have a permit for the places that I've seen your employees work and if you do can you provide proof of the permit?
Are you willing to provide an in person interview for a statewide Television station stating that everything that has been said here is either true or untrue and are you willing to have it nationally publicized?

That last question is because I work with a reporting firm and both CSNBC and Fox are looking for more stories from Rippoff Report.com

Best Wishes
Mike I

PS I found Robert's e-mail and he refuses to comment. Apparently there is a "Group" that has threatened him in some manner about this over 3 months ago. I'm attempting to get the name of this group so that I can attach them to this subject. His quote was "The doctor treated me well. But I was left wondering what happened. After a few months of silence I sent him a text and a few emails . Soon after I started school and didn't really care. I wrote the report because the doctor told me people were coming in but he wasn't able to land them. I felt gyp. I have no comment as to how he runs his practice but when he told me people were coming in I thought I was going to get that commission he promised me. I was getting stacks of these reports filled out and turned in the following Monday. But I never saw anything beyond the hourly. Then I got email from some group he works with telling me that its against the rules to talk about the doc like that. I was apparently blacklisted and would never work for a doctor in their network again. Bum deal I guess. Cant say anything against the man. Oh well it paid more then slinging metal around on the weekend!", wow is all I can say. So not only does the doctor accuse his former employees of slander but he has some sort of group blacklisting people for him! Who are they? What motive does the doctor have in attacking some guy that normally "Slings metal all day". I don't know but maybe we will find out.

The Doc

Hi Rob, lol...

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, December 04, 2009

Robert.....this post has also been forwarded to our lawyer....you have now comitted slander against 2 other people....


United States of America
Second Link on google?

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, December 03, 2009


I actually got a "Free Massage" from the person that started this post. His name was "Rob" and I filled out the paperwork with my wife and had the doctor call me in (Erika didn't want to go). So I went in for the interview where I was given X-Rays then told I had a Gross misalignment in my thoracic region and that if I did not get it fixed I'd have hip pain and lower back pain and all various problems by the doctor. I was told I had to set a date for my next appointment for treatment and when I asked about alternative treatment, the doctor, Ryan told me that there was no other way. At this point I decided that I was not interested at that time. About to leave I was then told that my medical plan would cover it. Since I have a HMO with the company I work I thought that I may just go for it so I gave the girl at the counter my information and I was told by the doctor that I would be contacted when I was cleared. Doctor Ryan said that Robert was "Doing a good job and bringing lots of people in who had problems." I asked if I could get a massage from him but the doctor said that "Rob has an exclusive post to take care of." whatever that meant.

The next week I saw "Rob" at the carwash again. This time with a line of people and a stack of filled out "Papers". I came up to him and asked how he was he was polite and responded that "work's work!" and focused on his job at hand. I asked if I could have him work again and he obliged. Having told him that I went into the doctor and they were handling things with my Insurance. After 5 minutes he ushered me off and wished me well. I offered him a tip but he refused saying that "can't take money, it would be considered a solicitation." but people were leaving tips in the bag by the table with the paper as he was working on others. So I dropped a five and left.

The next monday I was called and asked when I was coming in. After a few moments of talking with "Jessy" I found that nothing had been done with my insurance and no follow up was taken with my info besides just an attempt to confirm my appointment. I told her to use the information that I left her with and that I was not interested in paying if I couldn't have it done with my provider. Jessy said that she would take me off the list so she did.

Months later I was shopping with my wife at the District's Whole Foods market where there was a girl doing the same thing that Rob had done. Since the wife was interested she filled out the paperwork and put her work address and phone on dotted line she was off. After watching this tiny girl work on my wife, who'se almost six foot, I tried not to laugh. Then after a while I noticed something as my wife started to cough. Some sort of bitter perfume was coming off "Juliette". So after the 8 minute chair massage my wife was teary eyed and coughing. We left there after saying thanks and taking a business card. After a short while of sitting in the car I could smell that perfume it was some sort of cannibus extract that was coming out of this other therapists sweat while she was in the sun. Being that my wife is allergic to the plant we decided that if the doctor likes hiring people that smell like pot it's not a practice we want to get involved with.

I shared this report with her and she was furious. "Rob was underpaid if thats all he got!" and "I can't belive the doctor said he was doing good yet never paid a single comission!" and various other obscenities about how she's glad she didn't go in and get Diagnosed by a "Quack" and be paying to fund someones pot smoking. I also think there is something strange about a "Doctor" renting a single room and a desk and claiming to have use of the entire building. There are other doctors there but they are not on "Ryan's" payroll nor are services rendered and paid through the same medium (There is a different Secretary for the other doctors and they all take money seperately).

The Doc

Thanx you for your concern...

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 02, 2009

I wanted to thank you for you concern. At that time we were doing a marketing program utilizing massage therapists as a hands on community outreach. The patrons would fill out a short survey so the therapist could focus on areas that the people had tight muscles and tension and also to also rule out any reason that that person should not have a massage, such as a woman in her first trimester. On that survey a question was asked if the person would want to come in for our bodywork sampler package which included a free consultation and exam as well as a half hour massage with one of our massage therapists. We occasionally offer this service as a community outreach to let people come in and visit the clinic and see if our services can be of benefit for them. If their problem was out of our scope, by the way we have two chiropractors, two orthopedic surgeons, an acupuncturist and two massage therapists, then to inform them about their health concerns and refer them to the appropriate provider to handle their situation.


Healing center

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, December 02, 2009

 The owner  of this chiropratic office stated his office is one of the best healing centers in the county and I would like to know what diseases if any his office has treated and healed ? My second question is, why do you have your employees that are not "Doctors" out doing/ making medical diagnosis of people at car washes while giving them  back rubs? This sound to me like your having them practicing medicine without a license which should be reported to the California state Chiropratic board.

The Doc

Setting the record straight.

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 02, 2009

As this is an obvious attempt to defame our wellness center I must set the record straight. Robert R. CMT was hired in 2008 as an outside marketer/public relations representative for our center. His job was to perform chair massages at a local car wash on patrons as they waited for their cars. As he came across people with health conditions or concerns that we had the services to help, he was to offer them a complimentary chance to check out our center. As a marketing position, it is necessary for staff to hit certain targets in order to be a productive part of our team. In this post, it is necessary to produce an average of one person to just show up into the office for a free consultation for every 3 hours of work. Any less and they are not a viable employee. At that time, as a bonus for work performed and to reward hard work, anything over this target would qualify them for a bonus schedule. Robert was not even close to ever hitting this target and we even reduced it for him and he still never ever came close. Because of his enthusiasm to work, he was given multiple chances but eventually he had to be let go for a complete inability to perform the job he was hired to do.  And as a side note about the 4 people at the event he is referring to, not one of them ever came into our center.


As for the classmate he refers to, we had to replace a great therapist that was moving out of the area and we were interviewing for a new in-office massage therapist. Through his own recommendation of our great work with our clients he told his classmates about our center and a few of his classmates had come into our clinic for an interview, along with many other therapists from job postings. As a result, we came across Juliet who had an amazing natural ability for massage and we would have been crazy to not add her to our team. A year later she still remains as our primary in-office massage therapist and our clients absolutely love her and her work.


We work hard to provide an exemplary level of care for our clients and firmly hold our position as one of the top healing centers in Orange County and therefore do not take these attacks on our credibility lightly. This report and Roberts information have been forwarded to our attorney to take legal action on this matter. It is a shame that websites such as this one try to give out credible information for consumers but also make it easy for anti social personalities and disgruntled employees to take easy and unchecked attacks at good businesses. It only takes a few people like this to ruin it for the rest of us...


Yours in health,

Dr. Ryan Hanson

Executive Director

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