  • Report:  #164516

Complaint Review: East Pasco Medical Center - Zephyrhills Florida

Reported By:
- Zephyrhills, Florida,

East Pasco Medical Center
7050 Gall Blvd. Zephyrhills, 33541 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The emergency room at EPMC almost killed my husband. We were in the Emergency room 2 times within a 1 year span. The first, he was admitted.

Upon admission, every day was an emotional roller coaster as one doctor wanted to amputate without any tests or x-rays, just by a 5 minute look, (Dr. Citron who we found out later has a HORRIBLE reputation), and one doctor said amputation wasn't necessary. The technicians and individuals who read his x-rays and MRI felt he had a bone infection while the Doctors the technicians, etc. were WRONG and felt he didn't have a bone infection. My husband's daily medication when converted to what EPMC had in their pharmacy was completely different with dosages much higher. When we questioning this, we were told "honey it's like Tylenol and Excedrin, one has caffeine, one doesn't". Upon asking for a supervisor for explanation, with an attitude one was called, and the attitude continued as we were made to feel stupid for even questioning. I was by my husband's side day and night as we were afraid for him to be left alone fearing the doctors and staff was going to kill him.

One doctor felt he should have a pic line with intravenous antibiotics, another felt this wasn't necessary, oral antibiotics were all that was needed. Thousands of dollars worth of antibiotics and equipment were delivered to our home even though not required and was never picked up. This medication was left on our DOORSTEP! We donated it to a local doctor for indigents. It took over 24 hours AFTER the specialist treating him who requested his release for him to BE RELEASED BY THE HOSPITAL. (We were told the nursing staff could not reach the primary physician to sign the order even though the primary had no part in decision that was being made. At the 24 hour mark, I kept calling the Answering service and a Doctor appeared within an hour). When the doctor on call came to discharge my husband, the doctor unwrapped the bandages on his infected toe, looked on the side where there was NO sore and replied "looks good, okay he can go home". We couldn't believe it!!!!

A year later, once again we were forced to spend 4 hours in the EPMC emergency room. My husband, a diabetic suddenly started shaking uncontrollably, vomiting and high fever. An IV was inserted although no fluids were given, he was severely dehydrated! No medical history was taken by ANYONE! (Someone did come right away for us to sign admittance papers and give our $100.00 copay.) The ER doctor saw him briefly and ordered blood tests. He did not ask any questions nor did he check vitals or check his body ANYWHERE Although I kept telling the nurses he was diabetic and needed to check his sugar as he had taken insulin just before getting sick. After 4 hours with NO CARE whatsoever except blood tests, we had to ASK for the results and the DOCTOR!!! They were fine. It is now 2:30 AM! The doctor requested a urine test to rule out a urinary tract infection. As the nurse was trying to get my husband to stand so he could Pee for the urine test, (he couldn't he was severely dehydrated) my husband had a SEVERE reaction. The nurse didn't even notice. He was dripping in sweat and was very clammy. I demanded his blood sugar be taken! The nurse's reply: (with an attitude) "I didn't know he was diabetic" This was 3 hours later!!!! His blood sugar was 40. With no sense of urgency and me having to keep demanding the nurses take care of his low blood sugar, he was given a syringe of glucose about a dime in diameter aid 4-6 inches long (WAY TOO MUCH AS HE COULDN'T EAT). NOT one person checked my husband's vitals, blood pressure, sugar, or any other vitals other then once taking his temperature unless we Asked SEVERAL TIMES and then it was done with a BIG ATTIDUDE! No monitors were put on him although the machine was directly behind him, UNPLUGGED!!!

Other's in the ER were crying and yelling for help and were ignored. I overheard one nurse tell another, "there are still 15 people in the waiting room, you would think they would have gone home by now!" Most of the time, the nurses and doctor sat behind the counter discussing their personal lives. (My husband was directly in front of the nurse's station in full view. We had no idea the man who sat behind the counter almost the entire time was THE DOCTOR!!!!

I demanded his release immediately. The Doctor insisted he EAT SOMETHING prior to leaving the hospital. HE HAD JUST STOPPED THROWING UP!!! Even we knew you don't give someone throwing up food!! My husband was given ice chips after complaining he was incredibly thirsty.

5 days later, the black spot I noticed on his toe exploded into a full blown foot infection. His blood sugars were out of control, for 2 days, no matter what we did, the meter read HI and were unable to get his sugar below 400. I took him to University Hospital where not only was he taken care of quickly but the care he received was OUTSTANDING!!! My husband was diagnosed with a Bone infection and possible Char foot. The events of 2 days ago which brought us to EPMC according to the doctors, were most certainly due to this infection which was undetected or noticed by EPMC. And... The infection could possibly be linked to a year ago when he was not treated properly, as the sore never healed. The difficulty we had with his blood sugar was due to EPMC giving him TOO MUCH glucose!!!

6 weeks later, we are happy to say there is No sign of any sore on his toe, his infection in the bone is gone and we have a specialist treating his Char foot. The doctors associated with University Hospital are by far the BEST in the Tampa Area. My husband was introduced to several specialists who have been EXCEPTIONAL.

Since our experience with EPMC, we have been told horror story after horror story from individuals who were treated at EPMC. Nurses and doctors who we told of our experience were not surprised as they too have heard and witnessed this FARCE of a Hospital.

CONCLUSION: East Pasco Medical Center will kill you. Go to University Instead. WE RECCOMMEND UNIVERSITY WITHOUT HESITATION.

After speaking with several lawyers, wanting to bring Attention to the public of EPMC's poor care, we were told unless my husband died, or had loss of a limb; the government has made it impossible to file a case. Upon suggestion, a detailed complaint was filed with Gov. Bush's Medical complaint division (This division's sole responsibility is to monitor quality of services by medical institutions and medical staff), a few days later, we received a letter that the file was reviewed and it was decided our complaints of EPMC were not enough to warrant an investigation!!!! The person who took the complaint, EVERY detail for over an hour, said "this is the type of case this division was established for" and we were thanked by him for taking the time to report the medical abuse we received from East Pasco Medical Center. We have been told for some reason, when complaints are made, and MANY have been made, they are halted. East Pasco Medical Center is politically protected allowing them to continue giving POOR medical care to the community while they make a FORTUNE off insurance companies.


Zephyrhills, Florida

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