  • Report:  #587157

Complaint Review: Elizabeth Mcgrath - Internet

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Internet mistress targets married men - Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

Elizabeth Mcgrath
4402 ne 77th street seattle washington 98115 98155 Internet, United States of America
206 526-1823
mcgrath at ucolick.org
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This woman Elizabeth (Betsy) McGrath should not be forgotten.  Her neighbors should know "what" she is.  She is a gold digger going after married men because her boyfriend of 20 years left her to find real happiness and actually marry someone he loved which wasn't her.  He stuck it out with her for 20 years the last three never touching her and trying to get away.  His name is William Lloyd Burgess.  He was so desperate to get rid of her that he signed his house and land over to her to get away from her.  He signed it over for $6,000.  The house is crap, but the house and land are worth nearly 500K. 

She is 59 years old and getting scared of how she is going to support herself because a researcher at a 4 year college in Seattle isn't going to cut it for the old bat.  So, she seeks out stupid, vulnerable men who have marital problems and she amplifies those problems.  She terrifies the men into not having any contact with the wife because she is terrified if the man sees the wife she won't be able to manipulate the divorce because she knows she doesn't measure up so she comes up with all kinds of scary scenarios to keep the other woman's foolish husband from any contact hoping she can get the divorce done and trap him before he realizes he's been a fool and an idiot and goes back to his wife.  She convinced my husband not to even meet me in a police station which was my condition of not fighting the divorce. I figured if he saw me in a place he felt safe (because of all she'd put in his head) and he didn't have any feelings for me that I wouldn't fight the divorce. She beats men's self esteem down to the gutter and then she builds it up by convincing them she is their savior and she is the only one who truly could ever love them.  She says anything she can to convince the man that she is truly the love of his life and that she genuinely loves him all the while scheming to trap him to support her in her old age.  And these idiot men fall for it.  I swear the woman is adept at brainwashing.

Prior to her advancing age she was satisfied with just having sex with multiple married men she'd met over the internet.  She would meet them in hotels or at her house let them do her and then move onto the next one.  She likes married men.  She hates what she's never had: marriage, children, a family, a home of her own.  She hates women so she goes after their husbands thinking she is striking a blow at women when all she is really doing is "getting used like the s**t she is by married men who don't give a dam about her", who just use her for cheap dirty sex which by the way she only likes from the rear like the dog she is and then the men go home to their wives having used the dog.

But, now she's old and she needs a meal ticket so she causes chaos to end a marriage so she can have that meal ticket.  She accuses the wives of being the meal tickets.  The wives who've made sure the bills are paid and taken care of the husbands and don't live extravagantly.  But, she slips up making mention of wants for a sailboat, a truck for her mutt of a horse, a ranch, travel and etc.  Who is the viper meal ticket that would be Elizabeth (Betsy) McGrath.

She's looking to bleed off these idiot men retirement accounts, claim social security under their earnings, claim spousal benefits on their investments as the new wife and suck their money dry.  She knows how to manipulate a divorce she almost manipulated mine.  Can you just imagine how impossible the fool who falls for this fake, vulnerable, "oh I'm afraid to grow old alone," you are my hero man bullshit and all the other bullshit she says to stupid men to build their ego's so she can live off them as she's nearly 60 and desperate as hell - can you imagine how impossible it would be to get rid of her?  She would bleed him dry.  Her ex boyfriend Mr. Burgess got off lucky giving her "his" house for $6,000 which he knew was worth $500 K.  He knew she would take everything so he gave her that.  Can you just imagine "how badly" he wanted away from this monster woman?

Since I've reported her she just won't go away.  She is so outraged at being outed as the b***h she is she can't just call it a loss and go away.  Vengeance at being outed drives her to still contact my husband.  My next step is to go to court for a restraining order, contact the media, and make it all public.  And I don't care if it makes it public for what a betraying fool my husband has been.  I have had enough!  She should have accepted being ousted on this site was her "due"  called it a loss and moved on, but she didn't so I have nothing to lose by ousting them both.

She "claimed" her and her neighbors saw me skulking around her neighborhood.  Which of course crossed my mind, but I didn't figure she was worth it so I never did.  But, my dear husband tricked me into posing for pictures saying I looked pretty and he wanted them for himself and then he sent them to her.  Of course since I wasn't around her house or neighborhood she "claimed" it was a mistake.  But, I know what it was.  She wanted the pictures and what she did was post them on some l*****n website with my email.  I got invites from women saying they saw my picture and wanted to hook up for months.  Now, I have no problems with l*****n women, but I am straight and this was just another childish sick thing dear Betsy did.

My next step is taking her profile on the plentyoffish website she was on and all she has done to embarrass her employer and stalk my husband and harass me directly to the dean of the college she works for and we will see if the dean thinks he wants a monster like that on staff.  I have nothing to lose and everything to tell.

Yes, men that fall for this are idiots.  And they deserve blame.  But, this woman is a pro at this.  Hell she got property worth $500K for $6,000 from Mr. Burgess just so he could get free of her.

She won't let go even when the husband goes back to his wife and family.  She calls playing victim and talking about how scared she is to be alone.  Of course she's scared.  She should be she's a manipulative 59 year old spinster looking to leech onto a married man's retirement, assets, and etc.

Unfortunately, I still love my husband knowing he can be a fool, but if he ever betrays me again with any contact with her - that love will turn into a vengeance that hasn't been recorded in a hundred years.  If he doesn't get that I won't let her keep pulling this crap then he can have her.  But, he will be exposed as well.  You may think "how can you love him and say you will do that?  Well, the answer is I do love him, but if he is capable of causing me anymore pain I will not love him anymore and will diligently return the  same pain.

If my husband can't get he would have lost it if I had done this to him then he isn't worth loving. 

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