  • Report:  #794942

Complaint Review: Encore Nationwide - Internet

Reported By:
Victor - Shoreline, Washington, United States of America

Encore Nationwide
2980 Columbia Street 90503 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked for this company 6 years ago, while I was living in Chicago. Encore Nationwide was the first marketing promotions company I worked for out of the 15 or so marketing promotions companies I've worked for in the past. I've been in marketing promotions 3 years and went on four nationwide marketing tours, three of them as an assistant tour manager. My experience with Encore started out pleasant. I had worked for them three or four times and even led one of their events as a manager. I was one of the most honest workers out of the workers I had seen. Most workers I saw working for them would disappear around corners or totally disappear from the event. Some would throw away the fliers they were supposed to be passing out. Many of the females at events complained about working the 4-5 hours they were assigned for instead of having a good attitude. I was one of the few professional people out there focused on doing my job well. Then, on one of the big events, my fourth or fifth promotion, I was falsely accused behind my back by a female worker. I had barely talked to this female for more than a couple minutes and hadn't said anything at all inappropriate. I'm not sure why she chose to destroy my character in front of Encore. I found out about her complaint at the same time I found out that I was being taken off the event and would no longer be able to work for Encore. Encore never gave me a chance to refute her claim and they never checked to see whether what she was saying was true or not. They just got rid of me, like that's the professional thing to do when investigating a complaint. When I took the issue up the ranks to Larry Hess, he treated me like I was a criminal who had a history of complaints. He didn't bother to consider my value to the company or the fact that I had been one of the few actually doing my job. He just kicked me out and made it clear that I would never work for them ever again. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? Some girl makes a complaint and I get screwed? If Encore was a small company with boring events, then I wouldn't care. But, they get a lot of great events and I enjoyed working there for the short amount of time I was working there. The problem is that they don't treat people the way they would want to be treated. They act like firing you and banning you from one of the biggest marketing promotions companies is no big deal and like you should just pretend like it has no effect on your life. ENCORE IS NOT AN ETHICAL COMPANY AND ANY PERSON WHO CHOOSES TO WORK IN THEIR COMPANY IS AFFILIATING THEMSELVES WITH A CRIMINAL ELEMENT. You've seen all the complaints on this website about them. Instead of Larry Hess admitting that he's wrong, apologizing, and trying to fix his mistakes, you'll see that time and time again he just excuses his unethical practices and pretends like he has the right to do whatever he pleases. He leads a company that's bent on making a quick buck regardless of how it affects the lives of those he employs. It's disgraceful to say the least.

Less than a week ago, I decided I wanted to get back into marketing promotions. I had stopped because I got married. I totally forgot about the incident at Encore until I tried to re-sign with them. Within two days of signing up with them, I was deleted from their database. They never emailed me or left a message on my phone to explain. It wasn't until I saw this website that I remembered everything that happened to me 6 years ago. 6 years is a long time to hold a grudge against someone for something they have no proof ever happened, especially since it was the first complaint they ever brought to my attention. You get the idea about this company. They may have great events, but the people running the company obviously don't care to put forth any effort for the good of their people.

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