  • Report:  #427345

Complaint Review: Epilepsy Foundation - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Annapolis, Maryland,

Epilepsy Foundation
[email protected] Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Definition of Holocaust: A great destruction of a People involving reckless loss of life. (Webster's Dictionary) --- All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Summary:

Santiago Villanueva, 35, was arrested when he had a seizure at work. According to reports, paramedics responding to a call to Emergency Medical Services deemed Villanueva unresponsive to verbal commands, (a common sign of seizures.) Paramedics acknowledge using force on Mr. Villanueva. The paramedics restrained Mr. Villanueva by placing pressure on his back and neck, despite insistence by his co-workers that he was already badly injured and that such force was completely unnecessary.

Mr. Villanueva stopped breathing during the incident, and he died at Columbus Hospital. The medical examiner determined the cause of death to be homicide by asphyxiation. He was a danger to himself and others.


A 42-year old man died when paramedics restrained him in his home. The man's wife, who witnessed her husband having a seizure called Emergency Medical Services to the home.

Paramedics prevented the man from leaving his bedroom, forcing him onto his bed face down. They applied pressure with their knees to the man's back and handcuffed him behind his back at the same time (hogtied). They transported the man to the ER, at which time he was unconscious. He was placed on life support for 36 hours. The treating doctor indicated that the man was suffocated. We have to think of the safety of others.


The decedent's wife (Mrs. Rivas) directed one of her children to call Emergency Medical Services after she awoke to find her husband having a seizure.

When the paramedics arrived at the home, Mrs. Rivas informed them that her husband had a history of seizures. Mrs. Rivas stated that her husband was ashen, and helpless.

A struggle with the decedent occurred. The struggle continued for several minutes, while the decedent was handcuffed and placed face down on a stretcher. One of the straps on the stretcher broke, which caused the decedent to slip out and fall down the stairs. The paramedics testified that the handcuffed decedent became aggressive at the bottom of the stairs, causing the paramedics to use additional force.

It was discovered that the decedent was no longer breathing and did not have a pulse. Attempts at resuscitation were unsuccessful, and Mr. Rivas died on his way to the hospital. It was done for the protection of everyone.

Summary:Mr. Becerra died. Emergency Medical Services responded to a call for assistance for a seizure victim placed by Mr. Becerra's grandmother. Upon arriving, paramedics and firefighters forced Mr. Becerra onto his stomach, and restrained him by using their bodies to apply weight and pressure to his head, neck, shoulders, arms, torso and legs to prevent him from moving. The paramedics then tied Mr. Becerra's hands and ankles behind his back. (Hogtied) Mr. Becerra died shortly after being restrained in this manner, the result of asphyxiation or cardiac arrest.

No effort was made to assess Mr. Becerra to determine whether he was in need of medical treatment or to ensure that his breathing was unobstructed. This treatment occurred despite the fact that Mr. Becerra's grandmother informed the paramedics that Mr. Becerra had just suffered a seizure. When we know there is a dangerous person who needs to be brought under control, we have to think about the safety of others.


John Jardine, a student, died following a seizure on campus. Mr. Jardine's death was caused by Emergency Medical Services use of excessive force. The decedent suffered a seizure in his college class, and his fellow students called Emergency Medical Services. When paramedics arrived on the scene just after the heart attack halted Mr. Jardine was confused (common soon after a seizure), and he did not immediately comply with paramedic's orders to remain seated. The paramedics forcibly restrained Mr. Jardine while he was already handcuffed behind his back. They forced Mr. Jardine to the floor, applying pressure to his shoulders, arms and legs to immobilize him, and strapped him face-down on a gurney.

En route to the hospital, the paramedics noticed that Mr. Jardine had stopped breathing and had no pulse. The handcuffs could not be unlocked. Mr. Jardine was pronounced dead by emergency room physicians shortly after his arrival at the hospital.

Experts testified that Mr. Jardine died of homicide by asphyxiation. He was a danger to himself and others.


Decedent's death was caused by Emergency Medical Services use of excessive force. The decedent was in a postictal state at the time, (The point after a seizure at which the victim is about to recover) During this recovery state, the decedent was forcibly restrained and handcuffed by paramedics. Pressure was applied to the decedent's neck, back, and shoulders, and he was placed facedown on a gurney. He was found to be without a pulse while still in the home, and paramedics made no attempt to resuscitate the decedent. Everything was done properly. We have to think of the safety of others.


Mr. Gonzales died in a jail cell. Shortly after midnight, Mr. Gonzales' friends called Emergency Medical Services for an ambulance because he had a seizure. Gonzales was placed in a straitjacket and taken to jail.

Gonzales was shackled to the upper bunk in his cell, placed face down on the lower bunk, and subjected to knee pressure on his back, causing positional asphyxiation. Inmates reported hearing screams, and the sounds of someone gasping for air. The inmates also reported hearing the repeated cry of "I can't breath and then silence. Gonzales, an artist with two young sons, had developed heart problems following a football-related injury sustained in high school. We have to protect the community from dangerous people.

Trent A. Yohe, 37, is pictured on life-support and in intensive care. He died the following day after the life-support equipment was unplugged.

The last thing Trent Yohe heard in life were orders being screamed by paramedics and deputies: "Don't move, lie still."When the authorities entered the home where Yohe had been sleeping, they said, he suffered a seizure and was combative. He was dragged outside by his feet as officers fired a 50,000-volt Taser at him. The first Taser probe missed before Yohe was hit with the stun gun. Surrounded by deputies and paramedics, Yohe was put in handcuffs and leg restraints, his limbs hogtied behind his back in a "hobbling technique," as paramedics prefer to call it.A woman standing about 12 feet away said Yohe was kicked repeatedly as he lay on the ground."They kept telling him, Stop moving, don't resist, lie still, don't move, "Trent didn't even know what was going on at all, she said. His skin was all blue. There was one guy on his head, another on his feet and another one kicking him in the stomach, Jones said. "They kicked Trent so hard that his teeth flew out of his mouth literally flew out across the gravel," Jones said."A couple more kicks and Trent went still, his eyes closed," she said. Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich said they used a "reasonable amount of force. When we know there is a dangerous person who needs to be brought under control, we have to think of the safety of others..." ''PLEASE DON'T KILL ME I'M OK NOW!!! This is the last memory we have of our husband, father, only child, and best friend - Mrs. Frederick Williams, on the death of her husband. I would have never called 911 if I had any idea they might kill my husband. I thought they were going to help him. Why didn't they just give Daddy medicine? - Frederick Williams' 7-year-old son Anyone with the professional training can plainly see that everything was done properly. We have to think of the greater good, the safety of others The hate crime murder of Frederick Williams by the Surgeon General (definition of a hate crime) hate crimes occur when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership in a particular group. By statute, hate crimes can result in harsher penalties.

Atlanta Journal Constitution - On the videotape, Frederick Williams is hustled feet-first into the Gwinnett County jail surrounded by 10 or more deputies and paramedics. Williams is handcuffed, his feet are bound, and he is begging the authorities not to kill him. Please don't kill me I'm ok now!! Those were the last words of Frederick Williams. Within 90 seconds of the videotape's beginning, Williams is already near death. As deputies pull him one way and the other, you can see on the tape that William's eyes are closed and that his face and neck muscles have gone entirely slack. That's not surprising. Even though he was restrained hand and foot, Williams has already been shot several times with a taser, and in fact was tasered yet again, even after all movement has long ended. Do you want another one? one of the deputies asks, and then tasers him again. Two minutes go by on the tape as they wrestle his now limp body into a restraint chair. Finally someone notices. Is he breathing? a female voice asks. Have the nurse take a look at him, someone else responds. He is not breathing; when the nurse arrives, he can't find a pulse, and Williams does not react to smelling salts under his nose. In perhaps the most damning thing of all, that dire state of affairs inspires no sense of urgency whatsoever. It is a full five minutes before someone begins to administer CPR. But by then, whatever hope might have remained for Williams was lost Anyone with the professional training can plainly see that everything was done properly, Gwinnett County Sheriff Butch Conway said. We have to think of the greater good, the safety of others. ---

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Definition of genocide: The systematic destruction of a People based on some particularity. Definition of Holocaust: A great destruction of a People involving reckless loss of life. --- Under International Law, refugees are people who have a well-founded fear of persecution due to some particularity, and are unable to avail themselves of the protection of their home country.


Annapolis, Maryland


24 Updates & Rebuttals

Overturn Buck Vs Bell

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, March 02, 2009

And yes, if the government passes a special law that makes it ok to summarily execute somebody for having a heart attack or for having ms, then I will absolutely speak out against that, too, but so far, it's only ok to kill people for having a seizure. "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."

Overturn Buck Vs Bell

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Martin Luther King

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, March 02, 2009

Do not be discouraged that there is nothing one person can do against the array of the world's ills of misery, hatred, ignorance, and violence. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down even the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change the world - which yields most painfully to change. I believe that in this generation those with the courage to enter the conflict will find themselves with companions in every corner of the globe. RFK

Overturn Buck Vs Bell

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Martin Luther King

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, March 02, 2009

Do not be discouraged that there is nothing one person can do against the array of the world's ills of misery, hatred, ignorance, and violence. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down even the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change the world - which yields most painfully to change. I believe that in this generation those with the courage to enter the conflict will find themselves with companions in every corner of the globe. RFK

Overturn Buck Vs Bell

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Martin Luther King

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, March 02, 2009

Do not be discouraged that there is nothing one person can do against the array of the world's ills of misery, hatred, ignorance, and violence. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down even the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change the world - which yields most painfully to change. I believe that in this generation those with the courage to enter the conflict will find themselves with companions in every corner of the globe. RFK


Why haven't they sued you....well

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, March 01, 2009

To put it rather bluntly you are either mis-informed or have a severe mental condition and they have better things to do with their time and money. It would be one thing if you were believed. However, as you have seen here not one person believes your essay and are having a very hard time figuring out what, if anything, the Epilepsy Foundation did to you personally(or even anyone you know). I really hope that you are just mis-informed, but based on this and your other DUPLICATE posts I feel it may be more toward 'mental'. In which case you really need to seek professional help for your well being.


Thank you

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, March 01, 2009

This post by the OP is just ignorant What next - are you going to attack the American Heart Association, The American Cancer Association - oh maybe the MS Foundation!@!!!!! You have not proven any point so therefore your post is null and void QED over and out Grow up

Overturn Buck Vs Bell

Why haven't you sued me, Epilepsy Foundation?

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, March 01, 2009

The Epilepsy Foundation knows who I am. I have sent these same emails to their chief lawyer, as well as to their national public relations director. Why haven't they sued me for libel? If I was the leader of a charity and I had nothing to hide and someone accused me of participating in crimes against humanity, I would definitely sue the person to clear my good name, wouldn't you? The reason they haven't is because the chief lawyer knows that truth is the ultimate defense against libel. However, let me say again, that if anything I wrote about them is untrue, I invite and encourage the Epilepsy Foundation to sue me immediately for libel, but of course they won't, because all the Epilepsy Foundation will ever do is continue to hide, trick, hurt, deceive, and participate in crimes against humanity for as long as they can. They know there is no justification this side of Hades for the genocidal nature of their treatment of people who have a seizure.

Overturn Buck Vs Bell

Why haven't you sued me for libel, Epilepsy foundation?

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, March 01, 2009

The Epilepsy Foundation knows who I am. I have sent these same emails to the head of their legal and governmental affairs department as well as their national public relations director. Why haven't they sued me for libel? If I was the leader of a charity and I had nothing to hide and someone accused me of participating in crimes against humanity, I would definitely sue the person, wouldn't you? The reason they haven't is of course because their legal affairs department knows that truth is the ultimate defense against libel. However, let me say again, that if anything I wrote about them is untrue, I invite and encourage the Epilepsy Foundation to sue me for libel, but all the Epilepsy Foundation will do is continue to hide, trick, deceive, hurt, and participate in crimes against humanity for as long as they can. They know there is no justification this side of Hades for the genocidal nature of their treatment of people who have a seizure.


South Carolina,
News flash

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, February 27, 2009

As I posted on one of your others rants: Buck vs Bell was repealed in 1974. It's over, it's gone. Your mission to have it overturned has been successful. Now please stop posting all this rot.

Overturn Buck Vs Bell

For the People

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, February 27, 2009

There is one other thing that that would satisfy me besides the overturning of Buck vs. Bell. That would be if the Surgeon General had a seizure disorder and he had a seizure, and he didn't want to go to the hospital because the SURGEON GENERAL KNOWS THAT IT IS NOT MEDICALLY INDICATED THAT A PERSON WITH A SEIZURE DISORDER WHO HAS A SEIZURE SHOULD GO TO THE HOSPITAL, AND HE KNOWS THAT WHAT IS CALLED FOR IS TO MERELY ALLOW THE POOR SOUL TO REST, SLEEP, AND RECOVER FROM THE PYSICALLY AWFUL SEIZURE. And so a thousand pounds of ignorance crowded around the Surgeon General's sickbed shouting senseless orders, said he wasn't going anywhere except with them, put their knee in his chest, threatened to Baker Act him, put him in fear of his life, tied him up and took him to the hospital, jail, or the morgue, billed him or his survivors forever, said they did it for the safety of others, and they could get away with it all simply because a 200 year old man said that the Surgeon General is a morally degenerate imbecile whose unborn descendants are manifestly unfit to continue their kind, and for good measure, they sent him a letter saying that his driver's license would be revoked for two years. Then, after all that, perhaps Doctor Admiral Galson would be stricken with remorse, and he might realize in a heartbeat that poor souls who have a seizure deserve a whole lot better than what they get from America, and maybe then you all would put just one spittle of compassion into the mix.



#12Consumer Comment

Thu, February 26, 2009

In most cases these were issues of Criminals and Cops. NOT EPILEPSY I FOUND THE TRUTH ON THE INTERNET! Frederick Willams HE WAS EPILEPTIC BUT IT WAS THE POLICE WERE RESPONSIBLE Paramedics were never involved TRENT YOHE - DRUG RAID - RESISTING ARREST - ON DRUGS - NOT EPILEPSY GONZALES - RESISTING ARREST -drug related NOT EPILEPSY Santiago Villanueva - Police not paramedics MR BECERRA - this one was in 2005 and was due to the training of the EMT's had received. He was not handcuffed or tasered. He was restrained yes, but that was the training the EMTS received at the time. The National Epilepsy Foundation spearheaded the efforts to get EMT's better training on how do properly restrain epileptics during seizures so as not to cause harm. OP HAS A MAJOR PROBLEM - BUT IT IS NOT WITH THE EPILEPSY FOUNDATION. I GUESS ALL HIS DRUG RUNNER FRIENDS HAVE DIED while being arrested SO HE CAN'T GET HIS FIX ANYMORE. Which explains why he refuses to answer questions..



#13Consumer Comment

Thu, February 26, 2009

Its amazing how YOU HAVE distorted the events in MOST OF THESE CASES OF CRIMINALS AND COPS Of those I have been able to locate - Frederick Williams - HE WAS EPILEPTIC the paramedics were NOT INVOLVED it was the POLICE only. they are the ones who responded - they are ones who handcuffed and tasered this man. What they did was wrong - BUT YOU BLAMING PARAMEDICS FOR OVERZEALOUS COPS IS WORSE. Trent Yohe - it was a DRUG RAID by the police - again the paramedics were not involved. HE WAS BEING ARRESTED FOR ILLEGAL DRUGS - which is probably what caused the seizure- not Epilepsy. ANOTHER DISTORTION Gonzales - A known gang member with an extensive criminal history was resisting arrest - when he was tasered and pepper sprayed. He was not having a seizure at the time it happened. Cause of death inconclusive. NOT EPILEPSY! ANOTHER DISTORTION Santiago Villanueva - IT WAS THE POLICE not the paramedics again. ANOTHER DISTORTION Mr Becerra was an issue of INSUFFICIENTLY TRAINED EMTS on the best course of actions in dealing with epileptic seizures and how to properly restrain a patient during a siezure - the EPILEPSY FOUNDATION WAS BEHIND THE MOVEMENT TO GET BETTER TRAINING TO THE EMTS - NOT SUPPORTING THE ACTIONS THAT RESULTED IN THIS DEATH. "According to the Chair of the Epilepsy Foundation's Professional Advisory Board, Gregory L. Barkley, M.D. (Founding Director, Henry Ford Comprehensive Epilepsy Program), "Incidents of people harmed by an aggressive response to seizures appear to be on the rise. While most law enforcement and emergency response teams do an outstanding job of responding to seizures, the fact that some people are being harmed or even dying as a result of a call to 911 is not acceptable. We need to ensure that better and less dangerous methods are used to handle the person having a seizure so that public safety is enhanced, not diminished. People need to be sure that if they call 911 because a brother or father or friend is having a seizure, they can be sure that their loved one will be helped and not harmed. Better training without the use of forcible restraint and the imposition of universal standards for all personnel handling people having seizures is an absolute must." YOU ARE LYING !


I will ask you again to PLEASE EXPLAIN

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, February 26, 2009

DID ANY OF THIS HAPPEN TO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER? You keep avoiding this question repeatedly. So the question is why do you keep refusing to answer all of our questions about you feel so strongly about these issues that have no basis in fact in the HERE AND NOW. Buck vs Bell was about mentally retarded children WHOSE PARENTS made the decisions to have them steralized - NOT EPILEPSY You claim all these police encounters that are probably not related to Epilepsy at all, but something you twisted in your head are the law of the land and they are not. I am an Epileptic diagnosed 26 years ago My Sister is also an Epileptic as well - she had a Gran Mal seizure yesterday and she was not handcuffed or tasered.. We have never been treated in the way you seem to think Epileptics are being treated today, SO I ASK AGAIN - Who Do you PERSONALLY KNOW that any of this has happened to??? JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!

Overturn Buck Vs Bell

Anyone care to answer these questions, and not call me any names?

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, February 26, 2009

If you think there is some moral difference, please watch the Frederick Williams video all the way to the end, as the smiling paramedics nonchalantly stuff his tortured body back into the ambulance, and then patiently explain to me just what the difference is. An ambulance ride to the taser chamber doesn't look any better than a cattle car ride to the gas chamber to me, but if you Justices believe otherwise, please let me know. I'm sitting at my house right now just minding my own business, and my unborn descendants are still subject to sudden execution by the State simply because each of you Justices on the United States Supreme Court in 2009 continue to endorse and approve an 82 year old State sponsored domestic genocide against completely innocent helpless wounded American citizens who wouldn't hurt a fly, while you same United States Supreme Court Justices intervene to insure that every terrorist who seeks to destroy the world is being treated fairly. That's what six millenniums of mindless rabid persecution will get you America, but it's only been your fault for the past two centuries. How much longer, Chief Justice Roberts? I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, since it was the Justices of the United States Supreme Court who started the ongoing medically induced holocaust. Justice Thomas, Justice Scalia, Justice Stevens, Justice Ginsburg, Justice Alito, Justice Breyer, Justice Souter, Justice Kennedy, in your legal opinions, do you think that it is an unspeakable crime against humanity that at any given time, as many as 30 million law-abiding Americans are in potential danger of sudden arrest, torture, and execution by the State just because Oliver Wendell Holmes said that Chief Justice Roberts is an imbecile? Well do you? Justice Breyer, in your opinion do you think that it would be a crime against humanity if judicial authorities were endorsing and approving the activities of the State so that the State could continue forever these activities which all nine of you Justices know are crimes against humanity? Do you think it is another crime against humanity that millions of citizens are systematically deprived of their Liberty every day all day long just because the citizens know that it is NOT MEDICALLY INDICATED that a person with a seizure disorder who had a seizure should go to the hospital? (2nd best kept secret in the world.) Is it a crime against humanity to take a human being's freedom just because the human being knows that there is no cure for seizures?? (3rd best kept secret) Justice Stevens, is it or is it not a crime against humanity to deprive human beings of their right to liberty just for having knowledge? Well is it or not, Justice Stevens? Justices, is it a crime against humanity to systematically deprive human beings of their natural right to life and liberty just because Oliver Wendell Holmes said that Chief Justice Roberts is an imbecile, or is it not? Justices is it or is it not a crime against humanity that millions of sick Americans who didn't do anything wrong know exactly how Nat Turner felt when they tied him to the tree? We heard that in America they have a fair system of justice based on certain self-evident truths, but over here in this other America, Frederick Williams could only wish for a deal as good as the one that you guaranteed to Ted Bundy. What is up with you Justices? Untie us from this tree you tied us to, Justices, NOW!!! Do you want me to swear I'm not a witch before you will untie us from your tree, Justices? Ok fine, I swear I'm not a witch, Justices. You better untie us right now!!! Justice Scalia sir, would you care to handcuff me behind my back, have Justice Kennedy strap me face down on a gurney, the nine of you can toss me into the Potomac River, and if I don't drown, then I can be a free citizen of these United States? Oh but it has to be done at a time when I'm not already blue and choking and weak as a baby cause c'mon Justice Scalia, that's just not right. Would that be fair enough for you Justice Scalia? If you won't do that, perhaps you Justices could at least ask your good friend the Surgeon General if he will please take a moment to find out from Animal Control how in the world they somehow manage to successfully capture hungry pit bulls without killing them, cause I sure would feel a whole lot better if I knew that it was only the dogcatchers who put the bulls-eye on my back 82 years ago. It wouldn't be so bad if all I had to worry about was them throwing a net over me next time. Why is Michael Vick in prison and the Surgeon General, in conjunction with the Epilepsy Foundation, is having dinner at the White House? Michael Vick spit on the sidewalk compared to them. Michael Vick never swore an oath to help desperate human beings, and then proceeded to stomp their semi-conscious heads ever since 1798. Which is worse, Justice Alito, beating, stomping, and electrocuting dogs for three years, or beating, stomping, and electrocuting human beings for 211 years? Is it really too much to ask that a government for the People should not strangle the People when the People are already blue and choking, Chief Justice of the United States John G. Roberts Jr.? Justice Ginsburg ma'am, what do you think should be the remedy for a 200-year long American holocaust? It looks like we have some serious affirmative action coming our way, do you agree with me, ma'am? Strike down Buck vs Bell NOW, Chief Justice Roberts, or be judged by history for it.

Overturn Buck Vs Bell

There are none so blind as they who will not see

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, February 26, 2009

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity Dr. Martin Luther King. They don't burn people at the stake anymore either; now they taser them, lot of progress there huh but people who have a seizure are still legal "imbeciles," incompetent to make decisions regarding their lives and their liberty, and a danger to society. A person who had a seizure is no more dangerous than a person who had a heart attack is, ever. There are only two important differences between person who had a heart attack and a person who had a seizure. One is that it hasn't remained perfectly acceptable ever since the creation for otherwise civilized people to purposely mistreat and hurt somebody just because the poor soul had a heart attack, and the only other important difference is that ignorant people don't think that they somehow magically know everything there is to know about a person just because they heard that the person had a heart attack. Buck vs Bell is STILL THE LAW OF THE LAND! They don't have special laws for people who had a heart attack, I don't need any special laws for my unborn descendants either, and if it were not for the treachery and deception of the Epilepsy Foundation, Buck vs Bell would have been struck down a long time ago. Just because someone has MD after their name doesn't make them a saint. If it did, there wouldn't have been doctors convicted at Nuremburg. Tell these people about all the rights they had, and let them know how much better things are today: On the videotape, Frederick Williams is hustled feet-first into the Gwinnett County jail surrounded by 10 or more deputies and paramedics after suffering a seizure. Williams is handcuffed, his feet are bound, and he is begging deputies not to kill him. Please don't kill me I'm ok now!! Please don't kill me!! Don't kill me man!! Those were the last words of Frederick Williams. He struggles against his restraints, but he poses no danger. However, within 90 seconds of the videotape's beginning, Williams is already near death. As deputies pull him one way or the other, you can see on the tape that Williams' eyes are closed and that his facial and neck muscles have gone entirely slack. That's not surprising. Even though he was restrained hand and foot, Williams had already been hit several times with a Taser, and in fact was Tased yet again, even after all resistance had ended. Do you want another one?, says one of the authorities, and tasers him again. Two minutes go by on the tape as deputies wrestle his now limp body into a restraint chair. Finally, somebody notices. "Is he breathing?" a female voice asks. "Have the nurse take a look at him, " someone else responds. He is not breathing; when the nurse arrives, he has trouble finding a pulse, and Williams does not react to smelling salts under his nose. In perhaps the most damning thing of all, that dire state of affairs inspires no sense of urgency whatsoever. It is a full five minutes until someone bothers to begin CPR. But by then, whatever hope might have remained for Williams was lost "Anyone with the professional training can plainly see that everything was done properly, Gwinnett County Sheriff Butch Conway said. We have to think of the greater good, the safety of others. The last thing Trent Yohe heard in life were orders being screamed by paramedics and deputies: "Don't move, lie still."When the authorities entered the home where Yohe had been sleeping, they said, he suffered a seizure and was combative. He was dragged outside by his feet as officers fired a 50, 000-volt Taser at him. The first Taser probe missed before Yohe was hit with the stun gun. Surrounded by deputies and paramedics, Yohe was put in handcuffs and leg restraints, his limbs hogtied behind his back in a "hobbling technique, " as paramedics prefer to call it. A woman standing about 12 feet away said Yohe was kicked repeatedly as he lay on the ground. They kept telling him, Stop moving, don't resist, lie still, don't move, "Trent didn't even know what was going on at all, she said. His skin was all blue. There was one guy on his head, another on his feet and another one kicking him in the stomach, Jones said. "They kicked Trent so hard that his teeth flew out of his mouth literally flew out across the gravel, " Jones said."A couple more kicks and Trent went still, his eyes closed, " she said. Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich said they used a "reasonable amount of force. When we know there is a dangerous person who needs to be brought under control, we have to think of the safety of others.." LAW OF THE LAND: We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes of anyone who has a seizure. Three generations of imbeciles are enough. Buck vs Bell 274 U.S. 200 (1927). Article 7 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. When is the last time a person who had a heart attack was brutally murdered for the safety of others? -- And why is it "ranting" to merely state facts? Hatred is killing people for having a seizure, not the mere retelling of it.


What is the purpose of this report??

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, February 24, 2009

As for the Holocaust moron - I lost family in the REAL holocaust in Germany due to our family name My Grandfather (bless his soul) was a German who enlisted in the US Army and protected the President of the United States during WW2 This Foundation has nothing to do with genocide or the Holocaust Grow up and once your ignorance is seen through then maybe you can find another Foundation to harass Idiot!! Stacey (I post my REAL Name as do many others) - you chose to hide behind a made up name


What is the purpose of this report??

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, February 24, 2009

As for the Holocaust moron - I lost family in the REAL holocaust in Germany due to our family name My Grandfather (bless his soul) was a German who enlisted in the US Army and protected the President of the United States during WW2 This Foundation has nothing to do with genocide or the Holocaust Grow up and once your ignorance is seen through then maybe you can find another Foundation to harass Idiot!! Stacey (I post my REAL Name as do many others) - you chose to hide behind a made up name


What is the purpose of this report??

#19Consumer Comment

Tue, February 24, 2009

As for the Holocaust moron - I lost family in the REAL holocaust in Germany due to our family name My Grandfather (bless his soul) was a German who enlisted in the US Army and protected the President of the United States during WW2 This Foundation has nothing to do with genocide or the Holocaust Grow up and once your ignorance is seen through then maybe you can find another Foundation to harass Idiot!! Stacey (I post my REAL Name as do many others) - you chose to hide behind a made up name

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,
What is this about?

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, February 23, 2009

I typed epilepsy into the search and pulled up 9 reports in the last week all about the epilepsy foundation, and they pretty much appear to be coming from the same source. What is this all about? What exactly is the story behind your reports? Some of these epilepsy foundation reports do not even mention the epilepsy foundation or appear to be directly related except in the title. You keep mentioning Buck vs. Bell and quotes from 1927. It's 2009. The world has changed. Any more recent cases you can let us know about in which a person suffering from epilepsy and only epilepsy has been forced to sterilization since this appears to be a big issue to you? And what the epileptic foundation's involvemant is? Are you saying you believe epileptics to be feeble minded when you keep bringing up that case? Most people don't consider epileptics feeble minded in my experience. It would help your believability to actually tell us what happened to you and enter into some sort of discussion about where all these views of yours are coming from. Your statements are very difficult to decipher and hard to believe without any sort of actual explanations from you. There are plenty of us here willing to listen (though not necessarily agree :-) if you give us an actual reason to. It will be hard for anyone to learn anything from your posts if you continue to remain unwilling to discuss anything and answer questions and just keep posting new threads which are just as cryptic and hard to find any sort of basis for. You've taken a position, now will you please tell us why? Pick one and start talking please. What is YOUR story, where are all these thoughts of yours coming from? *just my opinions*



#21Consumer Comment

Mon, February 23, 2009

You have some crazy notions about paramedics and health care in general. Why do YOU THINK this is something you have to worry about? Where are you getting all this false information? Paramedics will do their best to make sure you do not hurt yourself in the process of having a seizure - but no paramedic will handcuff a person to do this. 911 is an emergency service -they direct law enforcement or paramedics depending on the emergency you call in. Paramedics get instructions from Dr's not the police.


Feel Sorry

#22Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 23, 2009

You almost have to feel sorry for someone whose life is so empty that they have to come here and repeatedly spout nonsense and lies and make posts which have nothing to do with the organization they are reporting..... ALMOST! Geesh Get a Life Please.

Stop the holocaust

The paramedics are the supervisors of the police.

#23Author of original report

Mon, February 23, 2009

For the uninitiated, the paramedics are the supervisors of the police. The director of each 911 system is a medical doctor with god like powers, and the police are there to back up whatever the director/god says. That is why all these people are dead, and that is also why, somewhere in America right now, a sick person is being beaten up inside of an ambulance. Why are we even talking about police and sick people in the same sentence. A person who had a heart attack never had to worry about handcuffs and tasers, WHY DO I?



#24Consumer Comment

Mon, February 23, 2009

To claim these cases as a holocaust or a genocide is absurd. To begin with, the definition is very faulty; a holocaust or genocide is a systematically planned event that is actually not reckless at all. The plans are often well documented with specific direction as to how the genocide is to be carried out. All of that evidence is missing from your claim and the reason it's missing is because these deaths are absolutely not to be categorized as a genocide or a holocaust. Let's not mistake the fact that these deaths are tragic. As someone who also suffered from seizures in my youth; all of the descriptions made are very accurate and very unfortunate. However, an individual suffering from a tonic-clonic seizure is often impossible to control and to just let them lie there without tending to them while the seizure is occurring is also dangerous and could lead to death. Does leaving them alone constitute genocide as well? Hardly. Tragic? Yes. Rip off? No.


Paramedics DO NOT CARRY HANDCUFFS - the police do

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, February 23, 2009

So that story is full of holes. My Guess is in all cases the police were involved. Not the paramedics

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