  • Report:  #657820

Complaint Review: escrow.com - IRVINE California

Reported By:
righty - san diego, California, United States of America

16251 Laguna Canyon Road IRVINE, 92618-3603 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

This report is writtetn for anyone out there who wants to use the escrow.com service. Please save your money and stay clear from this company. They took my money and released it to the Seller when I did not yet receive any merchandise.

I am advising anyone out there to stay away from this company. They will not respect their contractual obligations and will unilaterally take decisions without your consent.

I deposited money to this company for the purchase of a good from a seller who misreprented informations to me. The seller refused to give me all the informations I needed or send me everything I needed. furthermore, the seller misrepresented informations in the contract and gave me inaccurate information,. Escrow.com knowing that there was a conflict, going on and that I did not receive everything, decided to give my money to the seller and did not wait for the proper investigation to take place.

I hope nobody ever signs up for this service. I am currently asking them to release my money if they do I will post it here. If not, they must loose their business licence.

Scam.. scam!!

9 Updates & Rebuttals


san diego,
United States of America
to Ronny the lawyer

#2Author of original report

Wed, November 03, 2010

please do me a favor. I do not eed you to get technical with every word i wrote. i made it very clear that te seller did not give me everyting i needed, but escrw, in their closed minded brain decided to start inspection on goods without my  approval. They however told me the inspection will start only once i receive everything. The email they claim they send m as a notification was never received. Nobody has been able to provide me with an accurate copy of that email. In the email they used a ddifferent email to send me the notification which is bizzare. The seller claims she received the email. escrow and the seller kept agreement with each other therefore making it hard for any negotition between me and the seler. they did not stay a third party int his transaction, they kne w there was a problem, but yet they went ahead and said the seller was right. Who are they to judge/?  THERY ARE NOT expert and they never asked me if I in fact receiveed everything or if i needed to be part of investigation.. It says on their website clearly that they might not log on to the website and accept a good for a customer. they did that. and they cooporated with teh seller to get my money. What you do not know is that peopel ahve been watching this sales and these people are outraged if not puzzled as to how a compnay can unilaterally release someone's money without proper investigation or without proper pproval, or start an inspection perios whn they are clearly told it should not start. or say the inspection period should not start  then claimed it strted 3 days agao in an email i never received.

Fraud fraud fraud. This was meant to be a simpletransaction it is now a chaotic crazy mess. All they had to do was wait and use fairness and good jsudgemnet andn ot team up with the seller.

But like i said this matter is going federal because can nobody take my money in an unfair way .


san diego,
United States of America

#3Author of original report

Wed, November 03, 2010

all your answers seem to think the seller is most likely right and that I tried to scam the seeller. How in the world can you make such statments without any proofs. You are trying to defend a company that violated its contractual agreements. I do not have to give you all the details in here as you are not a court. Sorry some details must remain confidential for further use.

The company states clearly that they do not accept or reject a merchadise for the buyer you have to log on and accept it yourself. They accepted the merchandise for me when I did not have everything. Furthermore, they claimed they sent me an email that was never received. note  however that  they never resent me the original email. All your rebuttal here just confirms one thing it is simple it is that you are all working togheter and did work together to defraud me. I feel sad for a compnay like yours who claim to protect buyers from this kind of situation . But it is no brainer that there is no smoke without a fire and people must pay for their actions.. ESCROW.COM must pay for theirs. And this is jsut the begining . please keep comng in here and write rebuttal,as that will make what you ddid more legitimate. ESCROW.COM violated their contractual agreement by accepting the merchandise on my heahalf when i did not receive everythign. And they did tell me that the inspection period will not start untill I have received everything.

You comany is fraudulent because it picked sides in the transaction and failed to properly handle it.

You do business you have a a licence peopel rely on you as a trstworthy person . but you are not.

I hope you can have all your employees sign up here for a rebuttal. send in 10 rebuttals on how the seller must be right. People are not stupid. A complaint does not come out of nowhere and I fear that your jdugement once again is wrong.

It is just amazing that within less than 2 hours of me writing here you all came in and started talking. Which means you know the transaction very well. Please do not try to fool people in here. You will not full the court that is for sure. YOU BBREEACHED THE CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT YOU HAD WITH THE BUYER AND YOU ARE TRing TO JUSTIFY IT. This is not kindergarden where people talk and talk. This site was launhed to file complaints for consumers who believe they have a right to a claim. it is not a court of law and please argue all day .i could find you a lawyer in here to  that you can use for a better rebuttal. I have the right to raise and to tell the world what you did and this is jsut the begining. When you get featured on TV, you will problably say I  M lying again.

There are at least 5 other comlaints in ehre about your company. The minute there is onecomplaint about a company that means there is something bizare going on.

And no I am not mad I just need people to know what you did so tht they can stay away from you. You must pay me the money you owe me and arguing in here will not help. I am here to help other people not for you so please stay clear of me.....


Ronny g

North hollywood,
Is this report by any chance....

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2010

.....related to this report?....lodged the same day?


I do not get what could go wrong with this process...it is a no brainer.

There is a length of time that BOTH the buyer and seller AGREE to.

The funds are held for that length of time as AGREED to by the buyer and the seller.

If the buyer does not feel the item is as described during the time frame as AGREED to, the item is to be returned to the seller and the funds are returned to the buyer.

If the buyer does not return in the time frame THEY agreed to, the funds are released to the seller.

How on EARTH can you screw that up unless you do not understand what an agreement is, or can not use a calendar?

Also in your report you stated and I quote "They took my money and released it to the Seller when I did not yet receive any merchandise"

Then you also state the seller did not send everything you needed and you did not receive everything. So which is it? Did you not receive any merchandise, or just not everything? If you lie or misrepresent information on a report, it makes you seem like the fraud by default.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Where are the thousands of complaints?

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2010

If you state something like that..you need to back it up. I stated in my original reply I could only find 2 complaints. The BBB only shows 2 complaints. This website only shows 2 complaints. An internet search only shows 2 complaints. Divide 2 complaints by almost 13 years in business and it seems they do pretty good.

You are stacking evidence against yourself on this forum by leaving false claims, or claims you can not back up.

If there was a mistake made and the company made the wrong decision, I am sure you will get your money back. We shall see.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Seems like you have an ax to grind.

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2010

If you were actually dealing with the real escrow.com..you were dealing with a legitimate escrow company. They have been in business since early 1998. I used them for my first eBay transaction which was selling a $10,000 vehicle, a 1968 Pontiac Lemans. It was shipped from Florida to Michigan. The buyer got the car, I got paid and everyone was happy.

The second reply seems to most likely what happened. It is most likely you are disgruntled because you lost out due to violating the terms, and possibly trying to defraud a seller.

So since I know first hand this IS a legit company, licensed, and the only thing an internet search comes up with is any complaints of fraud with escrow.com is by someone else who used their name and was defrauding escrow.com as well.

You may feel ripped off because you lost out so it is understandable why you lodged a complaint here...but it seems the second reply is more likely the case..and hence the company made the right decision and operated as per stated in their terms that everyone else who uses their service is subject to.

And no..I do not work for escrow.com, I am just a customer of theirs and can vouch for them. There are a lot of scam escrow companies out there. You are doing a disservice by claiming this company is a fraud if anyone were to believe this report..


san diego,
United States of America

#7Author of original report

Wed, November 03, 2010

We now have the seller who breached her contract and who actually provided false infromations for the sale. I see your agitation here and it is sad. Because I did not reply to your report but yet you were quikc to reply to mine.

You should have identified yourself properly instead of acting as if you are a third party in this transaction. You are the seller and you are talking for escrow.com because you teamed  up for fraud.

The facts are clear and needless to say that you provided fake informations, you also misrepresented thinggs on the contract and you breached the contract. You now claim escrow.com did a number of things and you are claiming that the website is functional and everything works. That is what you always said from day one even when you knew that the buyer did not have all the informations.

the buyer never received the email notification. and you refused to communicate with the buyer. escrow and you pretty much did the whole transaction without the buyer's involvement. This report is about escrow.com services and it is accurate.

stay away from escrow.com... then you are sured that people like this who are willing to manipulate situations do not get in your zone. This seller is about the most dishonest person I have ever seen. Without entering into details, for legal purposes, this is the type of person you never want to get into business with.

and as far as escrow is concerned, they have a very bad judgement and have an horrible policy.

Stay away from this company.

PS. seller You need to kow that people actually get paid what they worked and you can not free ride on others money and that will not happen. Thanks


san diego,
United States of America

#8Author of original report

Wed, November 03, 2010

This is a reply to the reply. First I find it interesting that you are defending the company without even understanding what happened. You are very likely a member of the company because I find it strange that you replied to the report within less than 1 hour of post. Well your link seems intersting but I am not talking about some scams. I am talking about real human beings from their office in Irvine california.

16251 laguna canyon road , suite 150, Irvine california. 92618.

Well this is the company and it is the real company. You said you never heard of a complaint before? well bad business practices start one day or another or are hidden until a new manager comes. They have the worse judgement ever.

This company is problably one of the worse escrow company on the internet. Again I aM still claiming my money from them. we will test out their legimate status then.

For your information there are thousands of complaints against this company. look here


and here http://www.ripoffreport.com/internet-fraud/escrow-com-discount/escrow-com-discount-salon-sup-a6a37.htm

please before you reply to this post make sure you understand the whole issue. They need to pay me my money back. If they do Ii will post it here. IN the meantime, stay away!!!

STAY away from  THIS COMPANY!!!!!


United States of America
Escrow.com did the right thing

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2010

Escrow.com did the right thing by honoring the contract and funding the dollar amount in full to the Seller's bank account. The Buyer tried to sway Escrow.com with lies claiming that the Seller committed fraud, misrepresenation, and breach of contract which is complete untruth. The Buyer has the domain names and website in her name and the site is live and fully functional.  Anyone can check by looking at gomdt.com. 

Initially, Escrow.com attempted to force arbitration, but after the Seller provided definitive proof, Escrow.com reversed their decision as the Buyer did, in fact, know that the 30 day inspection period had taken place.  Escrow.com has written proof in the form of email from the Buyer to this effect. 

The Buyer also only filed mediation rather than required arbitration. Therefore, funds were released to the Seller and the transaction was closed. Escrow.com did not "unilaterally take decisions without [her] consent."  The Buyer had 30 days to either return the merchandise or file arbitration, neither of which she opted to do in the plentiful time frame allotted to her.

The Buyer is now attempting to sue the Seller directly.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
There is a good chance..

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2010

That the scammer has scammed escrow.com as well. Considering there has NEVER EVER in the history of this escrow service been a complaint like this against them..it seems unlikely they did this. On the entire internet I could only find two complaints against escrow.com..and they were unrelated to your complaint. Just idiots who think escrow.com should do things to risk losing money because they are impatient. They just do not understand business or the risks involved with expensive online transactions. And apparently, they do not understand how this service works..yet they agreed to it..go figure.

These scammers can make you think you are dealing with a legitimate escrow service (one of the few and maybe the only legit online one mind you) as escrow.com..but they are not affiliated in any way other then fraud, counterfeiting, bad links in emails, "piggybacking" , and copy/ pasting logos. Click the following link for an example.

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