  • Report:  #106992

Complaint Review: Espresso Italia Marketing Shadd Vickery. Patrick Albright - Boynton Beach Florida

Reported By:
- Yuc., Central America,

Espresso Italia Marketing Shadd Vickery. Patrick Albright
Boynton Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First of all you should know that they have a court case with the Federal Court for violating comsumer rights. You can have more information at www.espressoitalia.org. Go to google and type espressoitalia.org and that will take you to the page.

I bought the franchise in just under 20.000US. They were very interested in entering the mexican market. They had previously agreed to pay the taxes of the franchise on entering Mexico.

The franchise was in Customs 3 months before it passed on to be Federal Property because the taxes were not paid. They were only willing to pay 500US when the taxes were 4.000US.

They played with me for 3 months knowing that they had no intention on paying the taxes.

They sent the franchise without a Certificate of origen. When I asked for one, it took them longer than a month to send it down. When I recieved it I rewalised that it was full of lies. They stated that the products were fromn the States when the coffee is from Italy.

I was in contact with the BBB but they were just as useful as the franchise. They didn't solve anything.

I have all the information recorded. I was in contact with them asking for a full refund and compensation but they have ignored me in all cases. They offered to send the franchise again but I obvously did not accept. I could not possibly work with a company that ripped me off. The people to look out for are Shadd Vickery and Patrick Albright, president and vice president of the company. Don't lose time with this franchise. It is a real ripoff!!!



15 Updates & Rebuttals


They used "shills"

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 08, 2005

Yes, EI Marketing used paid shills. It was around $20 US per reference.


They used "shills"

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 08, 2005

Yes, EI Marketing used paid shills. It was around $20 US per reference.


They used "shills"

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 08, 2005

Yes, EI Marketing used paid shills. It was around $20 US per reference.


Central America,
What happened Espresso New York? Lies, lies and more lies...

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, April 10, 2005

Linda, just wanted to be in contact with you again. I have not heard from you in a long time. How are things going in Espresso New York Linda? I am still offended by the fact that you tried to make little of the fraud. Are you still part of it? Do you know how much they pay a person for speaking well about the company? I think the people earned more lieing about the company that what they did with the products. What can you say about all that has happened? By the way I promised Shadd and Patrick that I would get to the bottom of things and I have. You will hear about that at the latest on tuesday. It is really unbelievable what they have been up to. You see all that on tuesday. I promise you that they will be put behind bars. Linda, please do write. I really dont know what you are going to say. I am really excited to see what answer you are going to have. By the way. Espresso Italia is not out of business. They said they are but that is another lie. Linda, Espresso New York, PLEASE write,


Your Either a Liar Linda, Receiving Free Equipment or Coffee or Your Just Bought --- I know Shadd and Patrick and I know the Scam!

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 13, 2005

Linda, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as you must be new... See what those accounts you claim you have now generate in revenue. You and the majority of new people are happy... For the first couple months or so... You just might be 'dazzled' even. Rest assured, part of the tactic. Tell you what Linda... Would you mind signing a sworn affidavit as to what your making in regards to generated revenue and supply documentation to questions I ask you? You know... Since your so loyal to EI. Guess what? Since you have a great relationship with EI do this and post the findings on this site. 1. Have EI list the number of total distributors sold vs. the number of active distributors to date. 2. Have EI put in writing how many people out of the HUGE number they've sold make over $25k per year. 3. Ask EI to provide you with documention on what they pay for coffee, exactly how their financial expansion program works and what their costs are, and what they buy the machines for. 4. Ask EI how many distributors they've put in the past AND as soon as they can in the same county as another distributor. Better read that UFOC carefully. Will be waiting for you response... Good luck Linda and I really hope you didn't buy a Master... Would be a shame to lose all that money. I just hope your not a single mother with no other income source. By the way, used to work for those thieves at the most senior level so while I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt... Knowing Shaad and Pat, I personally think you just trying to help them. It's a shame too and it's wrong. That's whay I turned them into the FTC and FBI.

Michael Curran

Central America,
Ready to join us yet?

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 28, 2004

Linda, Did you say that Espresso Italia was a great success? I would never want to put your reputation at stake but what did you really mean saying that you are successful? An ex-employee has been in contact with me about Espresso Italia, affirming that there are HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE in the same situstion as ourselves. You are a real life miracle. You can join us whenever you think it is prudent. We are taking the Espresso Italia Franchise to court as a group... you can still join us. Hope to hear from you soon, Another Espresso Italia Fraud Victim,


Central America,
Why don't they respond???

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, September 19, 2004

Linda, you are defending a company that, according to you, have been very good to you. There are other people that say 100% the opposite. NOW, IF WHAT WE ARE SAYING IS UNTRUE, WHY DOESN'T ESPRESSO ITALIA RESPOND? They know that I have all the evidence to prove their rip off. Things are pretty obvious and that is very damaging for their image. I certainly would not invest in a company that has been comitted of fraud and does not have the decency to respond. You can insist in that you are having a great time with the company but when other people come accross similar rip off's what can they expect from Espresso Italia? With their silence they are fully acknowleging their rip off and their value for people and money. Thanks again, The facts are very simple, if they were innocent they would prove their innocence.


Central America,
I now understand everything.

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, September 15, 2004

There will be another Rebuttal report soon by someone that bought the franchise and asked for specific information and it's really unbelievable what has happened. I will let him tell his story. He states that he bought the franchise two years ago and is still waiting to re-gain the money that he invested. Remarkable!!! One speaks about a "thriving business" when I have more and more replies stating that this franchise is a fraud for a number of reasons. With the mail that he sent me I fully understand why you wrote your rebuttal. No one will touch out integrity if we don't give any motive. Wait until you have problems and you too will see Espresso Italias response. Give yourself time and you will eat my words. You are still in pampers at this stage. I am motivating the other unsatisfied clients to write to this page to let more and more people know. I am still wondering why they dont get in contact with me. They are only confirming the fraud. I feel sorry for the genuine people that work there like Dan Suster, he is just another victim.


Central America,
Guilty Runs ..ESpresso Italia has proven to be a fraud.

#10Author of original report

Tue, September 14, 2004

Thank you Linda for your participation. As I have clearly proved. ESpresso Italia has proven to be a fraud. Why dont they get in contact with me in this page? Guilty runs!!! I know that you have been in contact with them and they prefer to remain quiet because they know that they created a big fraud and that I have all the information. I do not want to discredit you but you seem to justify the fraud because things are going "well" for you. That is just as ridiculous as people from Florida saying that 9/11 didn't affect them because they were OK. It is a tradegy that has affected the world over. You should not permit a moral relativism in your life. You are saying that you are enjoying your investment but seem to try to dismiss that there is an issue that has to be taken care of. Is is obvious that my homework has created a positive effect. You will see another three points where the franchise has created a fraud. You will see that when it is exposed publically. I accept the fact that you are not going to reply but that is OK. I will end in inviting you, once again, not to put your repution and business at risk defending something that is obviously wrong. One thing that we should never betray, for whatever reason or benefit, is our dignity. I wish you the all the success that you deserve.


Stony Point,
New York,
Integrity Intact - Business Thriving

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, September 12, 2004

Dear Michael: Once again. I am entitled to espress my opinion and positive experiences with Espresso Italia. My integrity is intact because it IS COMPLETELY TRUE that IN MY CASE the company has fulfilled its obligations INCLUDING following FTC regulations pertaining to business opportunity offerings. Because you feel you have an issue does not mean that I, or others do. As far as my opinion is concerned, I have an obligation to protect and defend my GOOD investment, THRIVING business and company name, which distributes a great product by Espresso Italia. Good luck with everything. This will be my last rebuttal. Yours Truly, President, Espresso New York 1-866 44 LATTE


Central America,
Homework done. Why doesnt Espresso Italia show its face and not you

#12Author of original report

Sat, September 11, 2004

First of all Linda, I do not in any way want to be offensive. Thats not my nature. Secondly, I have done my homework that you have asked for. I will present that in a few seconds and I expect 10 out of 10. I never speak for the sense of speaking. I must be able to sustain what I am talking about, otherwise my opinion is just that, my opinion, and that would be very subjective. Thirdly, I have no problem with you. Why doesnt Espresso Italia show its face and not you. You are at this minute in time a person that has bought the franchise and are speaking about your experience but lets get back to facts, I was robbed and THEY have to solve that problem. That is not your responsibility. Now, according to the Federal Trade Comission and the Franchise rule, Part 436.1 and I quote, " It is an unfair or deceptive act or practice within the meaning of section 5 of that act... not to include.... no.4 A statement disclosing who, if any, of the persons listed in paragraphs (a) (2) and (3) of this section: i)has, at any time during the previous seven fiscal years, been convicted of a felony or pleaded nolo contendere to a felony charge if the felony involved fraud (including violation of any franchise law), embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, missapropiation of property, or restraint of trade. ii) has, at any time during the previous seven fiscal years, been held liable in a court action resulting in a final judgement or has been settled outside of court any civil action or is party to any civil action (A) involving allegations of fraud (including violation of any franchise law or unfair or deceptive practices law).... iii) is subject to any currently effective State or Federal agency or court.... Well, I think things are pretty clear. All that you have read about should be known before buying the franchise. I have three people that will give their testimony in affirming that they had not recieved such information. That in itself is a breach of the franchise law. I too will take them to court for this and for a false certificate of origin and for not fulfilling the contract. Once again Linda, this is not against you but against Espresso Italia. THEY have to respond!!! I invite you not to put your hands in the fire for the company because you are only giving reason for people to doubt your integrity as a person. I dont think that this is fair on you.


Stony Point,
New York,
Untrue Allegations, Concerned with the allegations, they contacted me regarding the information posted on this site

#13UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 10, 2004

Dear Michael: I would like to respond to your irresponsible allegations as to how and why I found myself on this website. I have referred a number of people to this business opportunity. I advise them to do their own research about the business as well as to reaearch Espresso Italia before making a decision. Two individuals that I had referred, actually friends of mine, came across this website when they did web searches on the Espresso Italia business. Concerned with the allegations, they contacted me regarding the information posted on this site. Since this website encourages dialogue, and this is AMERICA, I have posted my opinion and positive experience with Espresso Italia. Luckily, my experience has been a positive and profitable one and it has changed my life. My positive results may not be representative of everyone's experiences, but, nevertheless neither is yours. As far as the FTC goes I think you should do your homework. Many businesses have been restricted or sited as to how they can present business opportunities. When I inquired about this opportunity, Espresso Italia was forthcoming and fully informed me of, and provided me with, FTC rulings and restrictions concerning income earnings forecasting. I spoke with Espresso Italia's corporate compliance/ integrity officer who made sure that FTC regulations were not violated when I was speaking to staff about purchasing the distributorship. Please do not attack my character or integrity because I have an opinion that is not in agreement with yours.


Central America,
What are you doing Linda on this web site Rip-off Report looking up Espresso Italia when you are a "satisfied client"? ..hmmm?

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 09, 2004

This is really unbelievable. What are you doing Linda on this web site Rip-off Report looking up Espresso Italia when you are a "satisfied client"? Who put you up to this? Where you paid? I would not be suprised if they asked you to respond, otherwise it is totally illogical that you would look up Espresso Italia when you are a satisfied client. Besides, I am telling my story of a rip off that I am going to prove publically. I suggest you see where you can get your supplies of coffee because when I arrive to Boynton Beach, the company will have nothing to do but to accept the rip off and that is going to do them a lot of damage. When I eventually start a court case they will have to inform all future franchise prospects of the court case and that is what the Federal Trade Commission demands. Will they be able to sell you coffee after that? Will the company be self sustainable abter this? You decide! Thank God that things are going well for you!


Rockland County,
New York,
Good Experience

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, September 07, 2004

I am an Espresso Italia Distributor in the NYC Metropolitan area. My company is Espresso NY espressonewyork.com I purchased a master distributorship. I only have good things to say. I have found Espresso Italia to be very responsive to me. I am placing my machines rapidly. I am getting quality leads and assistance from the company. I am selling coffeeand am in full time business for myself. I am happy that I made this investment. I am sorry to hear of the gentleman's problem in Mexico.


Thanks, ..you just saved me money!

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, September 06, 2004

I was interested in buying this franchise. Thanks for letting me know beforehand.

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