  • Report:  #1207690

Complaint Review: etyres -

Reported By:
itsascam - chigaco, Massachusetts, USA

United Kingdom
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

If you are considering buying an etyres franchise – please don’t.   

Just give your money to a charity so at least some deserving people will get your hard earned money.

A few questions for Mr Tony Bowman and his team of robbers, how much money does a franchisee really make?  How many franchisees do they really have?  How many have failed.  If etyres are so successful why they have got so many free areas, we cannot have all made so much money we just went on a long holiday. 

So how many have actually gone bust, ask why, this whole thing really is an ongoing disaster.

When you are buying the franchise they will give a good talk, but ask why Oliver Hall and Alex Kapidia were given extra territories free of charge and also put on the etyres payroll, they just support the whole scam.

Then ask to speak with Eammon Burne about what the real position is, as a so called qualified accountant he can see the figures don’t work, is it due to being Bowmans mate and involved in the scam. Also note that Mr Byrne resigned as a director of etyres just as Mr Bowman was discharged from being a bankrupt, why would that be.

 If it’s such a good opportunity why are they now discounting the franchisee fee’s maybe the scams are finally catching up with them?

You have to then question Donna Lucas, as Finance Director, she has access to all the figures so again is also part of the scam.

That’s five people all happy to take your money, they cannot defend their lies, people have lost houses and been made bankrupt because of their scam.

Could Mr Bowman also explain why he is such a great business man he has only just been discharged as a bankrupt.

Those that have been caught in their scam should contact action fraud, http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ only by us logging complaints will a case be built up against this bunch of rogues, and if there is no case to answer  be Police will not be able to build a case.

In the High Court of Justice

No 2035 of 2004

Anthony Richard Bowman

In Bankruptcy

Residing at Lower Court 3, Copley Hill Business Park, Babraham, Cambridge, CB22 3GN. Lately residing at 14 Clarendon Street, Cambridge, CB1 1JU.

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rule 11.2 (1A) of the Insolvency Rules 1986, that it is my intention to declare a first and final dividend to creditors of the above-named estate no later than four months from the last date for proving. Creditors who have not yet done so are required, on or before 4 November 2014, to send their proofs of debt to Steven Williams of Begbies Traynor (Central) LLP, 1 Winckley Court, Chapel Street, Preston, PR1 8BU, the Trustee of the Estate, and if so requested, to provide such further details or produce such documentary or other evidence as may appear to the Trustee to be necessary. A creditor who has not proved his debt before the date specified will be excluded from the dividend..

Steven Williams, Trustee

02 October 2014

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United Kingdom

#2General Comment

Thu, August 13, 2015

As another victim I could not agre more with this posting. Mr Bowman is a crook and has no respect for the people who keep in airplane fuel. 

In my experience however the other names mentioned are simply led by Mr Bowman and his antics. Mr Burne left the company I believe for being too honest. 

Facts and figures

#3Author of original report

Tue, June 02, 2015

Thinking about buying a franchise, ask a few questions:-

Etyres have been selling franchises for around 20 years, and on average appear to sell around 10 a year, so that’s around 200 they have sold.  Yet they only have around 50 active franchises. However you do the maths it’s always poor.

So, please explain - Where have the other 150 gone, have they gone bust, just packed up, earnt so much money they walked away.  The reality is that even if this is 30% wrong in the assumption, then that’s still a poor result.

On average they appear to have sold the franchises for around £20,000, that’s £4,000,000 they have taken for franchisees that at best have a 25% success rate, but in real terms 100% have failed as no territory achieves the figures and profit they suggest.

So still tempted:-

Take the etyres declared turnover, available from companies house, divide this by the number of actual franchisees, (now at this time etyres need the number of franchisees to actually be quite low!)  You now have the average turnover per franchisee, note you need to look at the actual number of areas a franchisee has, for example Luton 5, Manchester 2 etc.

So now you have your turnover per franchisee area.  Note exclude out of area work as this is not a right and you can’t depend on this as Bowman could sell it at any time. Take around 20-30% off and this should give you a reliable figure for each franchisee.  With this your are expected to pay all your costs, loans and a wage.  The numbers won’t work for you.

Work out your sales margin per tyre:-

  • Deduct the cost for old tyre disposal (say 75p)

  • Deduct the amount for a new vale (say 7p)

  • Deduct the amount for balance weights (say 10p)

  • Deduct the cost of new tyre

  • Deduct the etyres handling charge (5%)

  • Deduct etyres management fees on your entire turnover (yes you pay twice) (6%)

You now have the margin per tyre.


Now think about the bills to pay:-

  • Fuel for the van

  • Insurance for the van and public liability

  • Loan repayments for the van and equipment

  • Mobile phone bill

And a few more bills will be sent from etyres

  • Add words

  • Leaflets

  • Stationary

  • Anything they feel like, Could be a promotion computer costs anything they want to at all

And a few more things:-

You will need somewhere to store scrap tyres, Bowman may say not but do you really want 2-300 scrap tyres at your home, are you even allowed to keep them a home they are a fire hazard and you live in a residential area. 

You will need somewhere to have your deliveries, you need a place to accept deliveries as you can’t stay in all day waiting for your deliveries as you need to be out fitting tyres, and anyway 4+ deliveries a day from your suppliers in a residential area, will your neighbours complain.


So after all this still tempted, I hope not, but if you are ask etyres to guarantee levels of business you will receive, also note that needs to be part of your contract (not just an email saying its all wonderful) as etyres have some extremely strong non-reliance clauses in their agreement, in essence anything they say written or not won’t count!

So I hope this helps in making your decision not to buy a franchise from this lot.

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