  • Report:  #219746

Complaint Review: Evans Normanesq. Dynamic Law Firm Solicitors And Advocates Mark Edwards Natwest Bank - London Internet

Reported By:
- Modesto, California,

Evans Normanesq. Dynamic Law Firm Solicitors And Advocates Mark Edwards Natwest Bank
Monomark House,25 Old Glouecster Street London, wcin 3xx Internet, United Kingdom
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am in receipt of your email and appreciate how you are pushing harder to come up with the funds. Actually, your efforts are highly appreciated. Keep sourcing for funds from your end. Use this weekend and look for the fund and advise me on Monday how much you have been able to get. We have to make the payment by Monday. The bank is in receipt of all requirements and they are waiting for the payment details of the Revalidation Fees. Continue doing your best and advise when you get the money. I will try and get my own part over the weekend. Acknowledge the receipt of this email and remain blessed.


Evans Norman Esq.

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It is very disheartening to hear that you will not make any payment towards paying for the Revalidation as instructed by the paying institution. As you may know, this is a mandatory payment that must be made by every beneficiary before a transfer of this nature will take place. Your adherence to this instruction is highly needed for this transaction to come to a successful conclusion.

I used my personal savings to secure all the legal documents demanded by the bank. I equally notarized them. Right now, I just have some few pounds to live on. I will appreciate if you consider all that I have put in this transaction. I did this because I believe that I can trust and confide in you. As the executor, I took it upon myself to accomplish this objective. Now, by the grace of God, the bank has approved your fund for transfer. Please don't let me down. Proceed to western union and make the payment of US$500 - US$1,000 today and forward the payment details including the Authority to Remit form. I shall try and look for the balance and make the complete payment. It will not be easy but I will try.

Finally, I have always assured you that this a legitimate transaction and you will never regret claiming what rightfully belongs to you. You are the only person the bank knows as the beneficiary now. If you fail to make this payment, the bank will declare the funds unserviceable and send it back to the British Treasury. Please don't let me down. I have really suffered in making us get to this stage of the transaction. Go ahead and make the payment and advise me accordingly. Acknowledge the receipt of this email and remain blessed.


Evans Norman Esq.

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Good day. I am in receipt of your email and the contents well noted. I couldn't call you yesterday because I came back late from my church mid-week service.

I was at the bank this morning to ascertain the state of the transaction. Meanwhile, I have earlier notified you that the bank will approve your fund for transfer today. The Administrative department of the bank has issued me the Payment Approval notification on your behalf. I have attached a copy of the approval for your perusal and record purposes. I equally attached the Authority to Remit form which was also given to me. You are required to print out the Authority to Remit Form, fill in the spaces applicable to you, the bank account details where you will like this fund to be transferred to; sign and then return back to me through same email attachment today. Upon receipt, I shall fill the spaces applicable to me and send back to the bank immediately.

On the Payment Approval notification, you will be required to pay a Revalidation Fee of 1,250 British Pounds. This is a mandatory payment that must be made by every beneficiary before a transfer of this nature will take place. The bank advised that you make the payment to their legal department through western union money transfer with the details below:

Name: Mark Edward

Address: London, England.

The Revalidation Fee of 1,250 British Pounds amounts to US$2,500 (Two thousand Five Hundred United States Dollars). Proceed to the nearest western union money transfer office and send the money to the name above. While making the payment at western union, be diplomatic never to disclose the content of your transaction with anyone. If asked while you are making the payment, just say that you are sending it to a friend. This is a professional advise. I am optimistic that you will not make mistakes in the course of this transaction so that it will be hitch free. After the payment, send me the sender's name and money transfer control number (MTCN) to my email. Upon receipt, I shall forward it to the bank including the Authority to Remit form which you will be required to return immediately.

I want to reassure you that you are into a legitimate transaction. As it stands, you are the only person the bank knows and this inheritance fund has passed through a streamlined probate process and must be lawfully transferred to you. The end of this transaction will allow you the opportunity to say thank you Evans. I would like you to adhere to the instructions above and get back to me as soon as possible today. Make the payment, then fill the form and return today. By tomorrow morning, your fund will be transferred. Immediately the fund is transferred, I shall send you the Transfer Confirmation of the fund which I will also get from the bank. Hopefully, by next week Tuesday, you can access the funds in your bank account. Acknowledge the receipt of this email and remain blessed.


Evans Norman Esq.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com



As we discussed on phone yesterday, I was able to secure the two legal documents requested by the bank for the onward processing of your inheritance fund for approval and transfer. It was not easy but by the grace of God, I was able to do that. I secured them with 2,000 British Pounds which is equivalent to US$4,000. I have submitted the originals of these documents to the bank. Copies have been attached for your perusal and record purposes. You will be required to print them out and keep in a confidential file.

The bank has acknowledged the receipt of these documents. The processing has started and your fund will be approved by tomorrow. Upon the approval of your fund, I will be notified to come over to the bank and collect the Payment Approval confirmation. I shall scan a copy and send to you. The bank advised that upon the approval of your fund, you will be required to pay a Revalidation Fee. This is a mandatory payment that must be made by every beneficiary before transfer of this nature will take place. An Authority to Remit form will also be sent to you. You will be required to print it out and fill out the spaces applicable to you and return through same email attachment. This is where you will fill out the account details where your fund will be transferred to. I will guide and advise you accordingly.

Finally, the good God has really been on our side. I want to reassure you that by next week Monday, your fund will be in your nominated bank account. The Revalidation Fee is a fee you can easily take care of. The bank will decide, upon the approval of your fund for transfer how much it will be. As I told you on the phone, I would like to maintain a healthier business and family relationship with you even after the transfer of this inheritance fund. I might come over to the United States to see you if you will appreciate it. Acknowledge the receipt of this email and remain blessed.


Evans Norman Esq.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com


Attn: James

Sorry for responding so later. I have been out of office for a function in Scotland . I just came in this afternoon and received your email. The contents are well noted. I wish to bring to your notice that I am the executor to this estate and I am obliged to guide you from the start to the end of this transaction.

As you may know, you were made the beneficiary to this estate for reasons best known to my late client. Maybe someone recommended you for him. To this end, I shall be driving down to the Judiciary of Great Britain for verification and reconfirmation of your details. This is to avoid misdirecting the bequest fund.

By tomorrow morning, I shall proceed to the Judiciary of Great Britain for verification and reconfirmation of the details you forwarded to me. After the verification at the Judiciary of Great Britain and you are confirmed to be the genuine beneficiary, I shall contact you officially so that we can proceed in this transaction. As we go on, everything will be clearer to you. I want to reassure you that this is a legitimate transaction and not a scam. So, make up your mind and adhere to my instructions. You are working with a God fearing attorney that has your interest at heart. By the time we are through with this transaction, you will know the essence of expanding your horizon of contacts and never to regret coming in contact with me. Acknowledge the receipt of this email and remain blessed.

Note: Attached are a copy of the Death Certificate of my late client and the deposit certificate. Please print them out and keep in a confidential file.


Evans Norman Esq.

Tell: +447783470624

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com


Dear James,

I am in receipt of your email and the contents well noted. Actually, I will be out of town today and will be back to the office by Saturday. I will notify you immediately I am back so that we can proceed in this transaction. Acknowledge the receipt of this email and remain blessed.


Evans Norman Esq.


Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail Attention: Bequest Beneficiary

We act as solicitors and our services have been

retained by Henry Cox,now late here in after

referred to as our client. On behalf of late Henry

Cox, I write to notify you that my late client made

you a beneficiary to the bequest sum of One Million

Seven Hundred Thousand British Pounds in the codicil

to his will and last testament.

Henry Cox, died on 8th day February 2005 after a brief

illness at the age of 85. Until his death he was

consultant to several oil and gas industries. He had a

sojourn in the United States and so many other

countries before he came to Cairn Energy PLC an oil

and gas exploration and production company based in

the United Kingdom. He was a knight in the Church and

belonged to several non-governmental and scientific

organizations. He was also great philanthropist and a

Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary Club International.

This bequest is to support your

activities,humanitarian services and help to the less-

privileged. In accordance with our inheritance laws

you are required to apply for claims through this law

firm to Finance House United Kingdom, where this fund

was deposited. We are perfecting arrangements to

complete the transfer of this inheritance to you. You

are required to forward the following details of

yours; full names, address, occupation, age, phone and

fax numbers for verification and re-confirmation.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter



Yours truly,

Evans Norman Esq.

Dynamic law firm

Solicitors & advocates

Monomark house,25 old glouecster street,

London wcin 3xx.

Note: As your solicitor I please advice to keep this

information from member of the public until your

inheritance is duely claimed. You can reach this

office Direct no +44 703 194 1090


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Modesto, California

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