  • Report:  #1280637

Complaint Review: ExecuCar - Internet

Reported By:
andy6663331 - Watford, Alabama, United Kingdom

Internet, USA
(800) 410-4444
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THis was the email I sent to ExecuCar atleast 4 times from 8/12/15. It was acknowledged and then ignored. It is now 17/01/16. I have received no response.


To whom it may concern,


I want to describe to you myself and my partners experiences with your company this last week. This is because we found the service to be completely terrible and, quite frankly, I would like a refund.

We had travelled from London Heathrow and I wanted to book a Taxi to and from the Airport as a matter of smoothness, convenience and efficient use of our short time for our trip. When we arrived at Newark, the Taxi had not arrived - I waited 20 minutes and had not received any communication at all. After speaking to the representative on the phone, I was told that the Taxi would be 30 minutes late due to delays. I did not find this acceptable - I believe that the Taxi should have left in good time, to pre-empt any delays like this. 

After 30 minutes I received an automated phone call saying that the Taxi had arrived. We came outside of the Terminal and looked everywhere but I couldn't find the car at all. I is not ideal, with quite a lot of luggage to be knocking on every black cars window asking if they are here to pick us up. Yet again, I had to call you, only to be told that the Taxi had been waiting at the wrong level of the airport and that it was actually late because we gave them the incorrect flight details. I do not believe this to be the case. The lady on the telephone read me out a different Flight Number to ours, however all the other information was the same. I do not understand how this can affect the arrival time of the Taxi. The departure airport, arrival airport and departure and arrival times were all correct. Why was I being given different excuses on each occasion at this point? The lady on the phone in my opinion should have been more concerned with finding our taxi as we were now late for our plans in New York.

After another 15-20 minutes, the taxi arrived at the end of the pick up point, not where I had asked on the phone numerous times with the lady on the phone. The driver got us to the City in good time from here - however we were taken to the incorrect Hilton and had to make our own way to the correct one a few blocks down the road. If this experience wasn't bad enough, the trip back to the airport was a hundred times worse!

We had arranged for a 7PM pick-up at the Hilton Midtown Manhattan, the details of which I confirmed you 1 day beforehand so to avoid any more mistakes. 7PM came and passed. at 7:10PM, I rang you to find out what was going on. I was told that the driver had gone to the wrong Hotel and we had to wait 10 minutes. This is not good enough, for the same mistake to happen again after I had already gone out of my way to make sure that this mistake specifically was not to be repeated. I said this to the lady on the phone and asked her to have the driver come to the front of the Hotel where we were waiting and have the driver come and get us from his car. 20 minutes passed before I had to call you yet again. The driver was not told this and was at the other end of the Hotel. We had to carry all of our luggage across to the opposite exit where the driver was waiting for us in his SUV. 

By this time is was approximately 7:40. As we got in and started to head off, the driver stopped the car and said there was a mechanical problem. We had to wait for a new car to arrive now. After 10-15 minutes, the new driver arrived with a different SUV, we were taken to the airport and arrived at about 8:30PM. We just about managed to make our flight. 

The quality of service in our experiences were diabolical. At no point did I receive any communications from you. Almost every mistake that could have been made, was made. You were late at every given opportunity, you were unable to follow a flight, you were unable to take us to the correct hotel, you were able to pick us up from the correct hotel, you were unable to provide us with a working car and get us to the airport on time. The service was unacceptable and I feel we more than warrant a refund on our purchase. 

If you agree to do so, I feel this may claw back the quality of customer service I have encountered with you ever so slightly and, perhaps,  enough for me to keep my experiences off any of the review websites.


I look forward to hearing from you shortly,


Kind regards,

Mr Andy B

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