This store never produced a quality product and the owner refused to refund my money. It took 4 months, and letters to the Better Business Bureau, Atty General's Office, my insurance company, and a personal letter to him indicating that I would file a lawsuit within 5 days requesting that they pay the filing fees and an additional amount for aggravation, before he finally agreed to refund.
After all of this, he insisted he was under no obligation to refund anything, claiming it was the fault of the lab and the insurance company that dictates which lab he can use. (Fine then, the lab is lousy, so give me my money back!)
The eye exam was never completed - I was told, by the doctor, to come back after I had worn the glasses for a while, to finish the exam. (I never heard of such a thing.)
In phone conversations, the store owner alternated between being rude and over-emotional and, at one point, stated that he had written a three page letter and would like to read it to me. He called my home number so many times my family members refused to answer the phone. (note: I do not know this person and have never met him.)
In the end, he tried to extract a promise from me that I would cancel all of my complaints and send him proof, in writing, that I had done so, before he would refund my money. I agreed. He mailed me the check. Yeah, sure...