  • Report:  #196294

Complaint Review: Family Dollar Stores Inc. - Charlotte North Carolina

Reported By:
- Harriman, Tennessee,

Family Dollar Stores Inc.
familydollar.com Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was a Manager for Family Dollar Stores for several years. I had been working 80 plus hours per week. Very tired with little sleep, my assistant and I were working in the stockroom, where we usually lived, to try and get everything put out on sales floor before the next truck. I tripped and fell full force on the concrete floor. The floor had big chunks of concrete missing through out the stockroom. My assistant witnessed this. I pulled the muscles in my back and hurt my knees.

We reported the incident immediately. Traveler's Insurance told me what Doctor to go to and I did. I was out of work for several weeks with severe muscle pull to my lower back. When I went to the Doctor with my back, it was so severe I was not able to walk. They gave me pain medication and I asked if they were going to check my knees. The Doctors told me that Travelers had not ok'd the knees to be checked so they could not check them for me. When I reported the incident, I told Traveler's I had fallen on my knees and had also hurt my back.

I had small pieces of bone floating around in the area of the knee caps. I could see them and feel them. I called Traveler's Insurance and they told me I could not have them examined. I later saw my own doctor about my knees and sure enough, both knee caps were cracked. I tried to sue them over this but, my attorney told me, Traveler's had said I had waited too long and she agreed with them. I gave my attorney the papers proving I had outstanding medical bills from my injuries from Family Dollar. Traveler's told my attorney that everything had been paid so, I had no case. I still have problems with my knees and I am really troubled by the outcome of the attempted lawsuit.

I knew I had a case but, what do you do. I paid tons of money to an attorney and to the courts for absolutely nothing. The way this company (if I should even call it a company) has treated most of their Managers is truly a disgrace. I was overworked because of no payroll worth mentioning and having to stay in my store by myself for hours because of payroll cuts or having to cut back to save for my vacation. I realized I was paying for my own vacation by doing this. However, the DM said if I wanted a vacation I must cut hours back to save on payroll.

I have so many other issues I could post but, it would take pages to do so. I may post them later. I have read so many of the posts and all I see is MY STORY all over again, about the way FDS treats their employees, their KEY people, the ones who keep their stores open and profitable for them. Family Dollar does not even consider their store employees human.


Harriman, Tennessee

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