  • Report:  #306860

Complaint Review: Family Dollar - Nationwide

Reported By:
- stephenson, Michigan,

Family Dollar
US HWY 141 Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a former employee , who was fired unjust, for not completeing a refund slip. the first time in almost a year that my integrity was an issue, they offer me my own store and the next im fired. If Jen, the Manager wasnt sleeping with the DM Al, this wouldnt have happened, I wish he would pull his head out of his you know where and start using his brain, I would still be employed there if i was a drug addict or sleeping with upper management.

Also the big dogs are awhere of this ongoing affair and yet I was fired over a singature? I also know that when an employee gets hurt at work, they get a dug test,Jen The manager didnt, tell me why you can make your own assumption. I worked more than 65 hrs a week most of that was off the clock. I am furious that i got fired over a very simple COMPANY POLICY!!!. But yet in family dollars eyes it is okay to sleep with you boss. And also make you a CTM when you dont deserve it!!!

Family Dollar claims to be about family values but they cant even control there own dm who is married GREAT VALUES. Everything I say can be proven!!! As to the fact they were caught in action at a local county park , as they got caught by a State Trooper. This is a small town so you can imagine what this does for Sales. Being promoted by your DM as a CTM,and being able to travel overnight together sure has its benifits.:)


stephenson, Michigan


8 Updates & Rebuttals


Lake City,
RE; TO South Carolina

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 07, 2008

That could be a good suggestion the MYOB , but unless you work for these companies, you really don't know the rules etc.. It is against Company Policies to date or affairs(they use another term for this in handbook)within the district, if they are caught, it is automatic termination.If they were married or not, and they took intrest in each other and wanted to date, they have to report it and one or the other would have to be reassigned to another district, and that reason being of many,shrink issues,favortism, etc.. I have seen cases like this and innocent people get fired because the parties that are bumping ugly, the manager mat get mad at another manager for something stupid, and they will call the DM they are sleeping with and that DM can come in give them a hard time and even fire them.And, when you work with this company and dollar general, you are required if you are any employee at any store or region and you see or hear of this whether they are married or not, YOU have to report this in, it is part of your job, they have Zero tolerence for this.And if they find out(Corp level) that you knew about and wanted to do the MYOB policy, well that can cost your job, because you are not looking out for the Company assests etc.. I can see where you are coming from that, believe me I wanted to put blinders on and not see the crap going on, I even one time when i was on vacation and i was going to go out of town and i had left my purse in my office and hurrying to get there, I was looking for my asst. manager to say bye and I was coming by to get my purse, and I could not find her and so i opened my office door and she was doing an act of oral sex to my stock guy on my DESK!Now, I was appalled, and grossed out and pissed off, because that was a new desk, and in my office!Well, I had to term them on the spot call my DM and LP , and had to explain to them in details what happen, and at the same time the cashier said people were running out the store with merchandise, b/c they were enjoying themselves, well there is a place and time to do that, Sex is meant to be enjoyed yes, but come on grow up not in the work field, that is being to cheap and desperate.


South Carolina,
Now I understand your problem.... singular.

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

Not having the customer sign a refund slip leaves you open to a charge of fabricating a false refund. Perhaps the company could contact the customers obtaining the refund for their verification if their phone numbers had been recorded. I do remember having signed a few refund slips in the past.... once at Target and a few times at Lowes & Home Depot (sometimes a piece of hardware just isn't as appropriate as you thought!). Now about the other issue- you still have not met ALL of the criteria to justify your being concerned about it. Not SOME, but ALL. There was a time when employers would, and LEGALLY COULD, fire a (usually young) lady as soon as she married because only a single lady was considered needful of employment, while married ladies were supposed to be supported by their husbands! There was a time when employers would, and LEGALLY COULD, fire an employee for engaging in actions that brought disrepute on the firm. Kanoodling with someone not your spouse in an ungentlemanly manner would be on example. Remember, wives did not have employment. There was a time when managers of insurance companies, and their wives, would visit ALL of the homes of the manager's subordinates once a year for an obstensibly social call, but the real purpose of the visit was an inspection to ensure that the subordinate and his wife were living properly, in a proper community consistant with the subordinate's position in the company, and that they did not have posessions inconsistent with the subordinate's position in the company. The the manager's wife would inspect subordinate's wife's closet to ensure that there were no "inappropriate" garments, i.e. a fur coat in the closet when the subordinate was not deemed to be situated high enough in the company to justify such a posession. But times have changed, and today I would still argue that MYOB is the best policy concerning the personal activities of other employees when shch activities are deemed legal. [Adultry between consenting adults is legal, while sex between an adult and a minor is NOT legal.] You do whatever youy wish to do. After all, the consequences will be yours.



#4Author of original report

Thu, February 07, 2008

with the singnature i was fired over is i didnt have a few people sign thier refund slip.So my point is that they are getting away with adultry and they have not gotten punished and i didnt have someone sign a slip. which is worst


family dollar stephenson mi

#5Author of original report

Thu, February 07, 2008

this is on company time and against policy, the signature this is i didnt have a few people sigh thier refund slip.


South Carolina,
I couldn't understand your "signature problem" issue at all.....

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

and how "company policy" related to your "signature problem". But I can tell you that MYOB is the best policy you can follow when other employees are enjoying each other..... unless they are your subordinates, their behavior is directly impacting the company and is occurring on company time and property, and their behavior is also specifically prohibited in the company policies AND such a policy prohibition is allowed by employment law. In short, involving yourself in other peoples' affairs, if you will pardon the expression, can cause YOU a world of hurt.


South Carolina,
I couldn't understand your "signature problem" issue at all.....

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

and how "company policy" related to your "signature problem". But I can tell you that MYOB is the best policy you can follow when other employees are enjoying each other..... unless they are your subordinates, their behavior is directly impacting the company and is occurring on company time and property, and their behavior is also specifically prohibited in the company policies AND such a policy prohibition is allowed by employment law. In short, involving yourself in other peoples' affairs, if you will pardon the expression, can cause YOU a world of hurt.


South Carolina,
I couldn't understand your "signature problem" issue at all.....

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

and how "company policy" related to your "signature problem". But I can tell you that MYOB is the best policy you can follow when other employees are enjoying each other..... unless they are your subordinates, their behavior is directly impacting the company and is occurring on company time and property, and their behavior is also specifically prohibited in the company policies AND such a policy prohibition is allowed by employment law. In short, involving yourself in other peoples' affairs, if you will pardon the expression, can cause YOU a world of hurt.


South Carolina,
I couldn't understand your "signature problem" issue at all.....

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

and how "company policy" related to your "signature problem". But I can tell you that MYOB is the best policy you can follow when other employees are enjoying each other..... unless they are your subordinates, their behavior is directly impacting the company and is occurring on company time and property, and their behavior is also specifically prohibited in the company policies AND such a policy prohibition is allowed by employment law. In short, involving yourself in other peoples' affairs, if you will pardon the expression, can cause YOU a world of hurt.

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