  • Report:  #408013

Complaint Review: Fifth Third Bank - Tennessee

Reported By:
- Tenaha, Texas,

Fifth Third Bank
Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My name is Robert **** and my son went into the Army, basic, tech school, now after 2 or 3 weeks hes gone to Korea. I made sure he and I sat down one day to get his finances straight with the bank that holds the note on his car.

He hadn't been able to do anything til then and even then I was going to have to pay to catch him up. He was 130 days behind. $1400+ and then they added $300. for not repo it.

My Debit card had to be approved by my bank to make that large a payment , but I sent $300 (as much as I was allowed) that day, and was to send the rest the next day.

I was discussing the extra $300, and they were angry and it all went south.

Two hours later they had someone rep his car, we barely got his uniforms out of it before it was gone.

I was in the service, my Dad and his Dad...I can fill a page with Uncles and cousins...We Serve! I see all this Bail out on TV and wonder how anybody, when back in the day we collected tin for the war effort, how any body can repo the only possession this young man had.

Some Yankee bank called First Third from Ohio or somewhere.. They never would have found it if we hadn't of called to straighten everything out. Then my checks were not good enough for them, they needed certified money.. Yesterday they had nothing , today it has to be handed to them on a silver platter.

I want them to bring that car back and apologize. I want the SCRA rolled up and shoved up their deposit slot !! Do you know how hard it is right no to keep the faith with this country?

The big CEOs are scooping it all up after the Bail outs and my 22 year old son, stepping up to the plate DURING Wartime, gets his 2004 Malibu repocessed by a bank 4000 miles away.

It wouldn't be so bad, but now I understand that it could effect his security clearance. Who needs enemies from overseas, when we have Banks?

Right now, I don't exactly know where James is...Korea but not sure where. I don't even have an address.

He was gone to Georgia for 11 weeks and Alabama for 14 weeks or something like that, pretty close to 130 days all in active duty, mostly where he couldn't contact us much less his bank. I called his bank and they wouldn't talk to me, my Mother called them (she works at a bank) and they wouldn't talk to her. We really didn't know what was going on and James had not changed his address. I carried insurance on it for most of that time.

I don't even like that car but what I don't like more is when any service man newby, or Vet gets treated by a bunch of draft dodging money hungry Yankee Bankers without the appreciation and respect that he deserves for his unselfishness in our countries time of need.

James bought that car all by himself, he called me that night proud that he had'nt had to ask for a co-signer or a Dad Loan. He didn't want to see it go, but the Army doesn't pay enough during the first year or so. DON"T get me started about his sign on bonus.

He will never need it more than right now but they keep saying 4-5 weeks after tech school, or basic, or whatever, all I know is if he had gotten it before he left, he would still have his car.

I'm sorry to vent on you, bet you hear alot of this kinda crap.

They will want to tack on 700 or more now that they actually came got it, even though they said the wouldn't if I'd send the 300, which I did western Union I have the email receipt.

I asked them if they knew about the Serviceman's Relief Act and they replied, Sir, we don't need any history lesson. GGGrrrrr!!! I think they do, how bout you?

Maybe they'd be speaking Japanese, or German right about now..

I'd settle if they could just keep all this off his credit report, I'd like to see him come home and buy a house and a Pick-up get married and get started on them Grand Children, I aint getting no younger, and don't need this aggravation.

I think this LAMP thing is great, and the SCRA if they really can help.


Disillusioned Patriot in North East Texas


Tenaha, Texas


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14 Updates & Rebuttals

I Am The Law


#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 20, 2009

Yankee bank? What does that even mean?


New Jersey,
It's in the title.

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, January 14, 2009

'I don't see where he was asking for any 'special' treatment for his son other than what the SCRA already covers.' For one, he put the sympathy line in the title. Second, the loan was already 3 months behind when he decided to enlist, hence, he was not in the military yet. And you know as well as anyone, they can repo the vehicle if it's a day late if they want to. Then, he makes an agreement and doesn't abide by it so they took it. The father agreed to make the payments thus any SCRA is moot.


New Jersey,
It's in the title.

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, January 14, 2009

'I don't see where he was asking for any 'special' treatment for his son other than what the SCRA already covers.' For one, he put the sympathy line in the title. Second, the loan was already 3 months behind when he decided to enlist, hence, he was not in the military yet. And you know as well as anyone, they can repo the vehicle if it's a day late if they want to. Then, he makes an agreement and doesn't abide by it so they took it. The father agreed to make the payments thus any SCRA is moot.


New Jersey,
It's in the title.

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, January 14, 2009

'I don't see where he was asking for any 'special' treatment for his son other than what the SCRA already covers.' For one, he put the sympathy line in the title. Second, the loan was already 3 months behind when he decided to enlist, hence, he was not in the military yet. And you know as well as anyone, they can repo the vehicle if it's a day late if they want to. Then, he makes an agreement and doesn't abide by it so they took it. The father agreed to make the payments thus any SCRA is moot.


New Jersey,
It's in the title.

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, January 14, 2009

'I don't see where he was asking for any 'special' treatment for his son other than what the SCRA already covers.' For one, he put the sympathy line in the title. Second, the loan was already 3 months behind when he decided to enlist, hence, he was not in the military yet. And you know as well as anyone, they can repo the vehicle if it's a day late if they want to. Then, he makes an agreement and doesn't abide by it so they took it. The father agreed to make the payments thus any SCRA is moot.


Several rebuttals missed some important info in the OP's post

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, January 13, 2009

Dad made the payments necessary to bring the loan current and was told by the bank that the car would not be repo'd and they repo'd the car anyway. THAT IS THE ISSUE HERE! I don't see where he was asking for any "special" treatment for his son other than what the SCRA already covers.

J G Shrugged

Actually I think the OP is right...

#8Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 13, 2009

The SCRA was supposed to prevent repos etc when a service member is deployed. It also limits interest charged while they are deployed. It doesn't stop the debt, or the accrual of the limited interest, but it is supposed to stop court actions and enforcement of contracts while the service member is unable to respond to. OP, have your son contact his base's JAG/legal team, and they should be able to help.


South Haven,
But they did treat him right

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, January 13, 2009

That whole rah rah rah thing was completely irrelevant. He was months behind on his payments and he paid the price. As I said before, service people should actually be held to a higher standard and set a good example. I don't remember anyone telling me I didn't have to pay my bills on time when I was a sailor. silly.


New Jersey,

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, January 13, 2009

he was late BEFORE he went in to the military. Sorry....your title is incorrect in trying to play the sympathy card.


South Dakota,

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, January 13, 2009

all i have to say is wow. your son joins the military so he gets treated special? that is rediculous ive served in the military for almost 10 years and ive served overseas in iraq and while i have respect for you sons desicion to join the military he needs to learn resoposiblity soon or his time in the military will be rough. very very rough actually. yes im sure it was hard for your son to call the bank while he was in basic and AIT however its that way for all servicemen and women not just him. and its not as if he should have been suddenly caught off guard by this training he should have prepared for it and made angments to have the payments made while he was gone. granted the pay isnt the greatest but it sure would be enough to cover a car loan of this size. and as for his bonus the military doesnt pay it out right away because the bonus is for being a soldier which you arent until you complete your training. many people sign but dont make it through all the training so thats why it gets paid afterward.


Treat our servicement right.

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 09, 2009

I agree with the writer on how our servicemen and women should be treated..As a spouse of a past service person, I believe that our servicemen is being treated unfairly. After all we all can live a some what free life due to these men and women. I get up everday and go to work, drive my car,bank,see my children, go to the movies all because of the great men and women..Yes his son should have been more careful, but how can he if he over seas fighting for you and me? I say REMEMBER VIETNAM and what we did to our servicement when they came back. Don't anyone of them deserve help from all of us including getting help with their car loans, banking, mortgages? It was easy for all you to jump on the band wagon and start pointing fingers.. What would you all of done if it was you? Unfortueatly they cannot keep this type of info off the credit bureaus. They have an obligation to report this..We ALL are struggling today and sit back and point fingers at others is wrong..Thank GOD it is not you for now..GOD BLESS AMERICA


South Haven,
Give me a break!

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, January 06, 2009

As a person who was in the Navy for 5 years, my Dad fought in WWII in the Battle of the Bulge, my brother and brother-in-law were in the service I find this post embarrassing. None of us would expect in our wildest dreams to not have to pay our bills just because we volunteered for the Military. In fact we felt we should be held to a higher standard as a representative of our country. He's learning a life lesson, let him work his way through it without making excuses for him. He will be a better person for it.



#14Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

Do your son a favor and stop trying to blame his lack of responsibilty on others. He will not learn if he has you convincing him that it's OK not to pay on your car loan for over 4 months. Most lenders will repo long before that. I have several friends who are currently serving in the middle east and they are managing to pay their bills just fine. Not one of them would expect to get a free ride because they are in an active war zone. Your son needs to grow up and get his priorities straight (and it sounds like you do too).


Let me get this straight....

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, January 05, 2009

Your son was 130 days behind on his car payment...and you're ANGRY that they reposessed the vehicle? What did you expect them to do? Because he is in the military, you think he should get a free ride and pay his bills when he wants to...IF he wants to? Sorry, it doesn't work that way. While I have the utmost respect for those serving our country, I also feel that they should be held to the same standards as us "regular" folk. I pay my bills and if I didn't pay my car payment for FOUR MONTHS, I would expect them to come take it! Should a person not get his car repo'd if he's a doctor? I mean, he has to save lives...should he get a free ride too? Blaming it on the bank is just absurd. I live in Cincinnati, where Fifth Third Bank is based (so I guess I'm a "Yankee" too)...and I don't blame them one bit for reposessing a vehicle that was four months past due. No ripoff here. If your son was responsible enough to join the military, he should be responsible enough to pay his bills without daddy's help.

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