  • Report:  #151120

Complaint Review: First Convenience Bank - Fort Worth Texas

Reported By:
- fort worth, Texas,

First Convenience Bank
1stcb.com Fort Worth, 76140 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
i havent had this account long, only opened it to have my paypal deposits put in. well everyone is correct about this bank what ever you do dont open an account with this bank. if you do withen a matter of a week or so you will be broke. this bank takes peoples money and dosent tell them ware it went other then its on hold, ok if you are holding my money for this debit and its gone off my avalible balance(and i havent over spent, or respent these fund)why when i make another deposit dose it come off that one to. ware did my money go that i had in thier to cover that debit to begin with? never credited back "never". they give no answer to this other then it was on hold and know it has posted, so you are being charged for it. i cant get it thru there thick heads, what happend to the money that was already in the bank to cover that debit, because i shur dident respend it.

also made a deposit with my paycheck this was made in cash, so i went and made a few debits(this was after i checked the phone accounts and the online banking to make shur it was avalible to spend)well i had 56.00 in bank,pluse the 403.00 i deposited so i had a total of 459.00 avalible.i made a debit of 20.00, 65.00. well i get up the next day to see on my online bank that i only have 140.00 left,i am like what is this?so i look to see that they took the rest in overdraft charges.i call cutomer service and they tell me because i made my deposit after 2:oopm it wasent posted(even though it was cash),so this caused all my pending debits to overdraft,first off they were already"suposedly holding these funds",so they had to use my holding funds to pay my new debits,what are these people talking about?

first of that night after i got home from makeing those debits they were being held off my 459.00 avalible balance.the next day all my money is gone no good resson why,i get ahold of district manager they agree to give me my money back,never saw but a 99.00 refund,know guess what all the debits i made because i was to have my refund the next day bounced,i look to see why they debited my account for 165.00 saying they gave me a double refund,what is this crap no way noware on my print out of online statement dose it show a double refund,only one for 99.00 that according to this statement still left me in the-.know they are telling me sorry nothing we can do about this,i beat they do something about it when i get through with them,i am a single mother and only make 456.00 a month(plus what little i make off ebay, witch is what my paypal payments are)i will sue,will call the news.my statement reads nothing of what they say theres reads.

when i talk to them they say you need to keep a better register,then when i try to read them what my register says they say aw that dosent matter its what are records show is what matters.this bank now has me 569.00 overdrawn-most is overdraft fees,this is after my cash deposit and after my paypal deposits,witch left me a balance of 639.00 and i only spent 354.00.crazy.

know that i look further they have been charging me overdraft fees for along time and they cant tell me why.like 132.00,33.00,33.00,198.00,132.00,33.00,33.00 and on and on.why when i had the money in my bank to cover all the debits i ever made i have never over spent,with as little money as i have i cant over spend.so they are returning the checks i wrote unpaid,all because they say they gave me a double refund(belive me they dident)so know me and my son have no food money nor any money for the whole month of aug,thanks to this bank.when i ask for president of banks phone number,can you belive they told me they are not allowed to give this number out?i dident want his home number,just his office number.what kind of bank is this.by the way some of the money that is over drawn is some of those debits that were on hold(and the money was gone from my avalible balance already)they came out of my new deposit to.anyone eles want to sue this bank?

this bank is in business to steal from the poor,with no good resson why your money disapers.then they call you dumb,i am not the smartiest person in the world,but i shur know when i am being charged twice for 1 debit.none of my statements say what they say theres dose,but then agin i cant tamper with my statement to make it say what i want like they can.

also this company offers online banking,but they say its not correct,they also offer phone banking but according to them this is not correct eather.so i ask them why offer people service(by the way you half to pay for these 2 services that are inacurit,according to them)that is according to them "no"good?if what they say is write you cant go by your own register,nor online banking,nor the phone banking,what do you go by?they are crazy if they think i am going to go by what they say.fraud is what this bank is into.one time i looked at my statement my last posted debit was 8.74 that left me a balance of 56.05 with no other debits made it gave me an overdraft charge of 132.00 plus 33.00,no other debits made past the 8.74 and had avalible 56.05, why the overdraft charges?they have no good resson,i even have more then one statement that shows no debits made after the 8.74,but still charged 132.00+33.00 this is crazy what the hell are these charges for?no answers.so to save your hard earned money dont bank with these people that steal from you.


fort worth, Texas

3 Updates & Rebuttals


fort worth,

#2Author of original report

Tue, July 26, 2005

i have read my terms of this bank.everyone knows if you overdraw your account you will be charged fees,but when you dont overdraw,and you have money in the bank,and you still get overdraft charges you are being ripped. the bank needs to change the terms to"if you open an account with us and intrust your hard earned money with us,you can kiss it good buy."sorry but your bank must be a good one,because this bank is taking peoples money for "no good resson". i do keep a register and it reads the same as my print outs do,and when you try to tell them what your register says they tell you that your register dose not count.been told this about 9 or 10 times now from this bank. look at the reports i am not the only one this bank has done this too. look around on the internet,hundreds of people have been done the same way,and this bank dont seem to care.only thing is to find the other reports you half to know all the names this bank gose by. when you try to resson with this bank it dose "no"good to them you are wrong and they are correct,i have hAD THEM TELL ME THAT I AM DUMB AND MY REGISTER DOSENT MEAN A THING,ALSO TIERD OF BEING SCREAMED AT BY THE PEOPLE FROM THIS BANK,I AM NOT DEAF I CAN HEAR JUST FINE.my boss is a self made millinar,and he has looked at my register,my printouts,my account,and he even sees how they ripped me off.was going to get loan to Clear this up(from boss)but instead he is paying to get lawyer,to prevent this bank from doing this over,and over to other people.sorry but i could see maybe 1 or 2 being wrong,but hundreds. this bank prays on poor people.oh and by the way got letter yesturday from bank,and this so called double refund they gave me,they charged me a 33.00 fee to take it back out of my account.lets just say they did give me a double refund(trust me they dident,but they have ajusted the records they have to say they did)if they did make a mistake on giving a double refund why in hell would they charge you for there mistake. thats how this bank work,fraud.i got your buy a dictionary,ya i dont spell very good,but then you dont know me and dont know that i could not finish school,because of a tragedy,that happend to me when i was 15,so go on make fun,i still am being ripped,and this is not a mistake on my part,its the banks part. i may not have completed school,but i have raised a 15 year old child by myself"with no help from anyone",until this point of opening this bank account i have been doing just fine. shur all the other people they done this to feel the same.SORRY THIS BANK SUCKS RIP-OFF-BANK.SHAME ON THEM FOR TREATING THE POOR THIS WAY, SHAME ON THEM. IF THEY WERE TAKING YOUR MONEY YOU CAN BEAT YOU WOULD FEEL THE SAME WAY.THEY ARE NOT GOING TO GET AWAY WITH THIS ANYMORE,BECAUSE WHEN THEY GO TO COURT,THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE TO COME UP WITH SOME GOOD RESSON WHY THEY HAVE CHARGED ALL THE HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE ALL THESE FEES,"WHEN THEY HAD MONEY IN THE ACCOUNT""AND NO ONE HAD REALLY OVER DRAWN".MOST PEOPLE HAVE THIS PROOF TO. ALLS I WANT IS THIS BANK TO MAKE MY ACCOUNT WRITE,SO FAR THEY HAVENT.HAVENT MADE ANY DEBITS PAST 7-21-2005,STILL OVERDRAFT FEES PILLING UP.OH YA THIS BANK WILL ALSO CHARGE YOU A 33.00 OVERDRAFT CHARGE FOR THE 2.00 FEE THE ATM CHARGES YOU. THIS BANK FALSELY DEBITED MY ACCOUNT FOR 165.00+33.00,THATS WHY MY ACCOUNT IS "NOW OVER DRAWN".WHEN THEY TOOK THE SO CALLED DOUBLE REFUND OUT(165.00),PLUSE THE 33.00,IT CAUSED MY DEBITS I MADE TO BOUNCE,EVEN MY 2.00 ATM FEE.SORRY BUT I DONT GO AROUND SPENDING MONEY I DONT HAVE.THANKS TO THEM ALL MY CHECKS HAVE BEEN RETURNED,KNOW I HALF TO COME UP WITH THE MONEY TO PAY THE CHECKS PLUS THE COMPANY FEES.


Fort Worth,
have read the terms

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 26, 2005

i have read my terms from this bank.first off anyone knows you will be charged a fee if you over draw,thats just fine.this bank charges you over draft fees when you havent overdrawn,and have money in your bank. sorry but you must have a good bank that dont rip you off.i know what this banks terms are, and they need to state that when you open an account with them you can kiss your hard earned money good buy. oh and by the way got letter from bank yesturday,the double refund they so called gave me,they charged me a 33.00 fee to take it back out of my account. i do keep a register,and my register matches what my printout says.did not resive double refund from this bank,what money i had posted was my paycheck,and my paypal deposits.they had no write debiting my account for money without a good resson.my boss is a self made millinar,he looked at my,"my"register,my print outs,and he even sees how they cheated me. i was going to get a loan to clear this bank account up(from my boss)but instead he will give me the money to get lawyer to let this bank know that its not ok to mess with peoples account,and not have a resson for doing it. read the other reports,i am not the only one this bank has done this too.i could see maybe 1-2 people being wrong,look around on the internet,they have done this same thing to hundreds of people,and until know got away with it. only thing is this bank gose by several different names you got to know what you are looking for. oh so sorry i dont spell perfect.said i wasent the smartiest,but do know when i am being ripped.


Find you account terms and conditions.

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, July 25, 2005

First, located the terms and conditions you received when you opened your account. Second, buy a dictionary. In the terms and conditions, there should be explanations for your bank's policies on holds for deposits, account fees and any other services that are charged a fee with your particular account. Can find it? Go online and search their web site. There should be a link somewhere to it. You may have to search a bit. They may not make it easy to find (I have found that there is sometimes a link if you select "open an account" option - just don't complete a new application). Do not keep a running balance based on their online statement or automated telephone service. Keep your own separate account register either on paper or using computer software. Only use the online statement to check for any fees applied to your account. If you have been charged a fee that doesn't agree with the terms and conditions of your account, THEN call the bank and complain. You will at least have some ammuntion to argue with, otherwise they can tell you anything for a reason and you will have nothing to back up your complaint and possibly get back the charged fee. It's not just First Convenience Bank. All banks charge fees for certain services and have policies which are all within banking regulations. Most consummers fail to read any of the terms and conditions they are supplied with when they open their accounts and are then surprised when their accounts are assessed fees.

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