  • Report:  #534057

Complaint Review: First Premier Bank - Sioux Falls South Dakota

Reported By:
mloudal - Seattle, Washington, United States of America

First Premier Bank
PO Box 1348 Sioux Falls, 57101-1348 South Dakota, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Annie of Junction City, OH December 1, 2009

I have had this Visa through First Premier Bank for years, and have had NOTHING but trouble. The latest probelm was back in August someone had stolen my info and used my credit card online, I called in and closed that account and opened another with a NEW card-no problems I "thought".

Anyway I recieved my new statement and I seen where my account was closed, I called in and this woman couldnt even tell me anything. She stated the ONLY way to re-open my account was to go through another credit check which lowers your credit score, and then I would have to pay more fee's on top of that. My balance was almost paid off and they want me to start all over again-its a RIP-OFF!

They charge all these fee's to just have the card, which is CRAZY! This is a scam and I want as many people to know about what they done to me. Even the Supervisor I spoke with named Mellisa couldnt even help me, all they wanted to do was open a NEW account with new charges and NEW FEE'S, no thank you! This company is a JOKE!

I cant use my credit card now for Christmas, I paid it almost off in order to buy my Children's Christmas now I cant even use my credit card because of what they done to me.

Jillian of Doylestown, PA December 1, 2009

I have been using this credit card for close to two years now. I have never charged anything over my balance and EVERY month I have paid them on time, with the exception of a single month where my payment was two days late. That month I called them to apologize about my payment and made the payment over the phone (for an eleven? maybe seven? dollar processing charge), to not be hit with a late fee.

Each month I send them a check, write the amount in my checkbook, and am done with it. Whenever I have checked my online account with them the payments have gone through. Last month I looked at my online account and noticed that I was charged a tremendous amount for being over my limit. Frantically trying to avoid late charges, I paid the penalty and the past due balance.I never received a confirmation number, but moved on with my bills.

This month I went, like clockwork, to pay my bill. I checked my balance again and now apparently "owe" this company nearly 500- 250 of which are in late payment charges. I do not know HOW they possibly pulled this off. Did they "lose" my check? Did their automated system not process my payment? I don't know.

But I called them today and asked them to please look at my payment history- which is squeaky clean- and credit me money back for the late charges, and the woman with whom I spoke told me the best she can do is credit my account 35. That means that I have to come up with the 250 before the end of my bill cycle or I get charged with another 50.

This is a scam. There is no question about it. This NEEDS to be investigated because this operation can NOT be legal. I can now not pay this company and continue to accrue debt that I know that I do not owe. I have also been having severe anxiety over this, as I do not have the money to pay them but cannot let this go to a collection agency because I am trying to clean up my credit. Someone needs to please help by looking into this, because I guarantee you it will not be a waste of time. There are many victims involved.

shirley of middleburg, FL November 27, 2009

I signed up for this card. Was charged 175.00 to do so. I was making all monthly payments on time every month. One payment "they said" was last and from then on I been charged a 50.00 late fee. I cancaled this card. My bill goes up every month month even after I make a 50 and month payment. They have called me so many times its not funny. They will not stop adding to my bill.

Robert of Fortuna, CA November 20, 2009

My wife & I were looking for lower-interest rate cards to consolidate & pay off our credit card debt. We have excellent credit ratings of 793 and 804. We applied for what appeared to be a legitimate credit card offer. I think it was a gold card, so we were under the impression we were applying for a 5,000 to 15,000 credit limit. We submitted an online application, and the bank website appeared to be legitimate. Three weeks later, I received an e-mail stating we had received a 300 (yes, get this, 300) credit limit. Our Costco card has a higher limit than that! If that weren't enough, the e-mail notification stated we had 121 in available credit. That basically implies we have 179 in charges, and haven't even received the cards yet, nor an account number! Apparently interest has already begun to accrue, as our first payment is already due -- yes, on the card we never received.

My wife doesn't recall seeing anything about 179 in up-front fees being charged to open an account. She says she thinks she read something about a 75, and maybe a small annual fee. That (the annual fee) wouldn't have been so bad, had we at least been offered some reasonable line of credit. But we've already racked up 179 in fees, and we don't even have the "product." Let's see, the card initiation fees are 59.6% of the total credit limit. Is that legal? Aren't there laws and consumer protections in place to prevent this? I filed a complaint with the FTC, as the company's business practices constitute false advertising, and might be construed as fraudulent. I'm also filing consumer victim reports with the Big 3 Credit Reporting agencies, and will report these problems to the credit agencies, such as Experian.

I read there have been several FTC actions taken against outfits like this -- one I read of was operating out of Canada. I think the FTC issued a "cease and desist" order. I'm really ticked, because my wife & I have worked really hard to establish good credit. It would be terrible if these people are to ruin my good credit rating through their terrible business practices. Please help. I want them investigated and for actions to be taken against them, to the full extent of the law.

Edith of Riverdale, GA November 19, 2009

Someone from the Premier Bank Card center called my job trying to get me to switch my credit card to their card claiming that I would lower my rate. I told her that I was on a no call an asked how did she get my #. The lady said that I sound just like Obama and asked who did I think I was and hung up. This did not cause any economic damage but is sure cause a lot of stress. Calling no less on my job. She asked for me by name my full name.

Jessica of Manchester, NH November 18, 2009

These people are ridiculous. They break FDCPA more than I can even COUNT in one conversation, and have the most insane, awful attitudes I've ever encountered. I was paying them even WITH being unemployed, and when I called to arrange payments for later, they tried to sell me on paying the whole things off. When I explained that I could not, they just got angrier and explained it was "for MY benefit". I then was unable to make payments briefly but was still contacting them to let them know I was trying, and paying what little I could here and there.

I then started receiving ILLEGAL voicemails from one of their reps "Daisy" disclosing all of my private information on my voicemail, and even going as far as to curse. Just recently, after I decided to just pay online (to the tune of 7 per online payment fee), they started with the calls again to tell me I am past due.

The first one I got was 2 weeks ago, and was received while I was at work. I politely explained that I was back to work, and would love to set up arrangements now that money's coming in, but that I could not speak as I was at my place of employment. I asked for a number to reach Ms. "Casey" (no last name), at. She refused, and gave me a speech about how she's trying to help me, and that if I don't work with her, I'll lose whatever "deal" she THINKS she's giving me. I explained again that I would truly like to get back to her when I'm NOT at work, and asked for the number. She refused and claimed that she had left me numerous messages (funny, because I hadn't received ONE since "daisy" months ago) and explained that I needed to talk to her now. I asked for the number again, and she raised her voice and began harassing me. I then hung up.

Another phone call came the next week - SAME TIME - I answered and explained that I would like to call them back/have them call when I'm not at work, the EXACT same speech from the EXACT same rep! I explained that her behavior last time turned me off from wanting to contact her, and that if she listened to me this time, I would call her when I got home. She then proceeded to harass me with the exact same speech - like she was reading off a script! I then said that I was happy making the payments online, but assumed she would like a commission, and that if she just GAVE me her phone number/extension I would call back that evening. She explained that I apparently avoid responsibility etc. etc. and I promptly hung up on her again.

What is with these people? If they would just treat the customers with dignity and respect, maybe we wouldn't be avoiding contact with you? And if you weren't so sketchy, and so idiotic to call at the SAME TIME that someone had said was a BAD TIME an expect a different outcome, maybe I'd have more faith in your company. Having worked in collections, I'm disgusted.

starleen of sussex, NJ November 17, 2009

I'm just yesterday mine first premier bank statement. I'm was paying online in my bank account. now was paying every month. them tells mine overpayment one month and at add over limit want me pay 116.18. that mine payments only 25.00 an month. that can't pay all this. that scam. that last credit limit at 325.00. now them had total balance of 391.18. them scam me always.

Them add of Finance Chsrge at 9.90% -balance and 19.90% on cash advances was at last year. can't pay anything that them scam me. that them just at payment of 25 from my bank account .that so frustrating.

mine disable was 2 strokes. can't talk very well though and losting everything from they doing this. please help me this. thank you

David of Newport News, VA November 14, 2009

Since I've opened this account two (2) months ago, I was given a credit limit of 250.00. My initial credit after all the charges were deducted from this account was only 71.00. I made a few purchases and when I checked my balance a few days later, I was seeing a charge of 2.00 that I was overdrawn but that my credit limit had somehow had dropped from 250.00 to 200.00. I then went and made a payment on line for 50.00, of which they charged me 7.00 to make and then called them and confronted them about the over limit amount. It took me almost an hour and a half to get the point across that the reason for the over limit was due to their changing the limit amount. I have since made another payment on line which will cost me another 7.00 out of the 180.59 that I paid.

I was told that the funds were on hold until the 14th for clearance but that when I used the card, the amount that the charge was for is instantly deducted from my available balance. I do all my payments on line and there is only a couple that charge for that type of payment. All the other payments that I make get posted either within minutes of the payment or by noon the next day. The only reason for an electronic transaction to take any longer to process than that is that the funds are being held to draw interest before being posted.

I received many an e-mail from this company saying 'how much they wanted me back' and then they treat me with this kind of disrespect, I DON'T THINK SO'. There is no reason for an electronic transfer to take three days to post to an account, no mater what. My SSAN, disability, even my income tax is posted to my balance of my checkink account within minutes of it being sent by these organizations so why should it take all that time to post to my account other than this companys' greed for money. PEOPLE BEWARE, FIRST PREMIER IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED!!!!!!!!!!

Nicole of Las Vegas, NV November 13, 2009

This company is one of the worst companies in the banking industry. Not only are they charging 39.00 overlimit fees and 39.00 late fees, they charge you over 200.00 to get a 300 credit limit. Then, they make it sound like they're doing you a favor by making your credit history better! They're not.

It's an 'unsecured' credit card run by unsecured banking executives reaping the rewards of those of us whom have credit impacted by the current economic situation or by other situations beyond our control. These are the 'bottom' feeders of the industry and should have fines assessed their company in the same amount they charge their customers.

Shalaunda of Picayune, MS November 9, 2009

I have been out of work for 2 years now, constantly have been looking for a job and was receiving unemployment. Prior to all of this happening, I paid my credit card with this company and everything else, actually usually more than the minimum. When my unemployment ended, that left everything on my husband to pay, needless to say, we are stretched! I received a call that started out okay. Then she went through the usual spill that my card was past due. I let her finish and explained that I am not working and I am not receiving unemployment. She then asked if I was working and when did my husband get paid, I replied with, "Yes he is working."

She then asked if he could pay and I told her no, he is taking care of enough. This is when the call took an interesting turn. She then asked how long have I been out of work, I told her 2 years and she said, "I find that hard to believe. Well, you need to figure out how to pay this." I then hung up. Are these people serious? I have been looking for work for all this time, and I usually get the, "You are over qualified speech."

What am I supposed to do? I want to file a complaint against them because they are so very rude when people are trying to explain their situation to them. They are some of the few people that have managed to keep their jobs. UGH!!!! They have also charged me excessive fees when they contact me to set up a payment, I have to pay them a phone fee in the double digits or if I pay online, I still have to pay a fee. What can I do. We are living in very different circumstances these days and it is really hard.

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