  • Report:  #491981

Complaint Review: FIRST PREMIER BANK - sioux falls South Dakota

Reported By:
Atvjoel - rancho cordova, California, USA

mypremiercreditcard.com sioux falls, 57117 South Dakota, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
scam. you get a card thats almost maxed out when you first apply from all the fees which is ok i guess. buttt i went over the limit and they charged me 159 dollars plus a 25 dollar overlimit charge. my minimum payment due is 300 dollars which is more than the whole credit limit, what a scam! I will either cancel the card or just use it to buy a soda or something once and awhile once its payed off. this bank will give you too many fees that you dont want to deal with, get a secured card instead. they also charge you 7 dollars every time you make a payment. steer clear of these scam artists

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Are you kidding me?

#2General Comment

Sat, January 02, 2010

So you seriously can't figure out how this is a scam?

Sure, its all in the TOS.  That's how it is legal. 

What makes it a scam is the completely unethical and deceptive tactics used by this company (and others like it) to lure those in financial distress into signing.

Let's face it-  if you are good at managing your finances, then you will POSSIBLY have a chance at keeping a card like this in good standing.  HOWEVER, these cards are not marketed to people with good credit.

So why is a system that is designed for a sub-prime market governed by regulations that would keep even the most studious accountant on their toes?  Because the percentages hold true:  those with bad credit skills are likely to have problems, which then delivers the profit margin known as FEES.  And they justify this behavior by saying that all of the fees are there because you are a high-risk to them. 

BS- they market to high-risk BECAUSE you are high-risk.  They stand to make the most money off of the people who will eventually screw it up.  They count on you screwing it up; that's where the real money is.

How is it a scam?  Because this, and other companies like this, do the following:

1)  Bait the trap with deceptive marketing tactics and an offer too good to refuse for those in need and in desperate financial circumstances.

2)  Hook you with the contract that you "should have read fully"- btw, if a person is looking at losing their car if they don't make a payment in a week, it stands to reason that they might tend to overlook the details of the contract and just go for the quick-fix.  Chalk it up to human nature.

3)  Wait in the foxhole for you to make a mistake (which is exactly the profile of the high-risk person they market to)

4)  Pounce on you by creating "fee-feedback"- a loop that is hard to get out of once you initially make the mistake.  By the way, when you pay as much as you can to "bring your account current," it is usually not mentioned that there other fees that haven't posted to the account yet and as soon as they do it will send you back into over the limit status therefore causing another fee that will sit unaccounted for until the next bill because you didn't know it was there in the first place.  Fee-Feedback loop.

Now, if you think that is ethical behavior for a company that's mission statement claims they are there to help you, then maybe you should be an employee.

PS- In the past, I have been a victim of several of these scams.  No matter what company it was, I have been insulted, belittled, teased and made fun of by the operators when trying to rectify a mistake.  Have you ever been at risk of loosing your home or car and then, when you try to get things on track, have the people on the other end ask you "Well why did you sign up for this card if you didn't have any intention on paying for it?"  Listen you bleeping-idiot, I didn't call you for you bleeping opinion and smart-a*s highschool attitude.  I called you so I could fix my problem.  Either help me fix it or get me someone that can, but don't insult me.

The last time it happened for me was 6 years ago.  I finally got out of the loop.  I have since cleaned my credit up and those past mistakes are about to drop off the report- good riddance.

It funny that the only way I was able to clean up my credit was to finally get rid of these scams that were preying on my youthful ignorance.


How is this a ripoff?

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, October 09, 2009

I do not understand how this is a ripoff?  You went over your credit limit and you had a pay a penalty.  Any credit card company will do the same not just First Premier Bank.

If you would have read the tos before you applied for the card you would have seen the fees that are charged before you receive the card.  

I just received the First Bank Premier Platinum card and I knew beforehand that when I received the card I would only have $50 available on a $200 limit.  I also knew that if I went over the limit I would be charged a penalty.

As far as having to pay $7 every time you make a payment I do not have to pay anything.  I use bill pay through my bank, the payment goes to First Premier Bank and thats that.

I do have to pay a $7 a month fee but that is the annual fee broken up over 12 months. 

I do not think First Premier Bank is a scam.  Everything is right up front in the TOS no hidden fees or charges.  A person just has to read the TOS. 

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