  • Report:  #345112

Complaint Review: First Stone Credit Counseling - Farmers Branch Texas

Reported By:
- Dallas, Texas,

First Stone Credit Counseling
4372 Spring Valley Road Farmers Branch, 75244-3701 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Bruce Danielson claims he is the only one who can help correct your credit report. I have also heard that his unorthodox actions can cause your credit file to be flagged by the credit bureaus as your name in the credit bureau becomes associated with his dealings.

Mr. Danielson is a loose cannon. In addition to his claims that the credit bureaus are out to destroy you, you get to listen to his rants about his time in Vietnam, and how the government is watching you.

Mr. Danielson told me that I had made the credit bureaus very angry with my previous disputes, and that they were going to insure that I pay a steep price for challenging them. I believe the credit bureaus are very unethical, and that they do continue to verify inaccurate information- but I hardly think they are out to 'destroy' me like Mr. Danielson claims. Mr. Danielson used my pain, fear and desperation to pressure me into signing up with his service.

Mr. Danielson will conduct an 'evaluation' of your credit worthiness, and pull a tri-merged credit report on you costing anywhere from $200 to $500. He gets to keep this sum, even if you decide not to retain his services. Mr. Danielson won't discuss how much his services potentially will cost you until you have already paid this fee. It is a type of bait and switch. We found out that he wanted over $4,000 to fix our credit. We would never have initiated the process had we known it would be this expensive. Also, there is no guarantee that he will be able to repair your credit. PLEASE ask him for a ballpark figure of the cost of his services BEFORE you pay the deposit. We made the mistake of thinking that it would be around $2,000 max.

In addition, please refer to another First Stone Credit Counseling post on this site. This individual who posted had an equally disappointing experience.

I welcome the media, attorneys and individuals to contact me should they need additional commentary regarding Mr. Danielson. I possess some very damaging information I have received from Mr. Danielson that may be of assistance to someone else.


Dallas, Texas


6 Updates & Rebuttals

The Reputation Sheriff.com

The Reputation Sheriff.com's Investigative Report

#2General Comment

Thu, October 17, 2013


FYI: We investigate and report THE "TRUTH", as we find it, regarding negative internet reporting, such as you see here about a Texas Non-Profit corporation called First Stone Credit Counseling (FSCC) and its founder Capt. Bruce J. Danielson, a retired Airline Chief Pilot, who is also a USAF Viet Nam Veteran ("thank you" for your service Capt. "D") actually we should say Sgt. "D" who later became Colonel "D" working for a DOD contractor flying government secrets (we've seen the Doc's . . .) and on their radio talk show (16 years), THE "Consumer Fight-Back" Report. They call him Mr. "D", THE Creditmaster (and the U.S. Trademark and Patent office agrees).

Our investigations clearly shows that some of these nearly "nameless" and "bogus liars" are connected to and work for those so-called "credit bureaus" (CRA' s as the U.S. Gov. calls them) and possibly an illegal "credit repair" network. (FYI: the FTC.gov publishes that "all" are illegitimate) and those CRA's were "all" actually sued back on Jan. 26, 1996 by Capt. "D" and his three (3) employers, and their lawyers. The CRA's later "testified" they had spent $40+ Million dollars in legal fees on the case. They even hired 8 law firms including Jones Day (the world's largest law firm, claiming 2000+ lawyers, with all 8 law firms claiming over 5,000 lawyers) they even had an industrial spy calling herself "The Spymaster" who actually testified against TRW . . . WOW! And they claimed Mr/Capt/Sgt/Col "D" lost the lawsuit?!? No wonder they are still trying to put Capt. "D" out-of-business by continuing to send "screwballs" and "phoneys" like Frank V. and John to defame them with lies . . . (actually his real name is Frank Vanasco, a "draft dodger" who does some of their "dirty work"). John claims he worked for Capt. "D"s company but he never actually worked there; however, he was trying to fool them into hiring him and fronting him $20K in a loan, all the while acting as a CRA "spy". FYI: Let the record show that Frank V. later lost a lawsuit for several thousand dollars to FSCC and Capt. "D" but the "dead-beat" never paid up. Now you know about Frank V. and his "evil" so-called "credit bureau" friends, but more about him later....

In fact, their "credit bureau" system is so flawed and "evil" that CBS's 60-Minutes TV Show has                 featured them twice (2) this year while reporting a minimum of 40 million erroneous credit reports are on file. (Capt. "D" says it is probably 3 to 4 times that amount) Steve Kroft, reporter at 60-Minutes, and the producers, spent months gathering info and talking to CRA employees who admitted a lack of due   diligence throughout all the Bureaus.

Now let "THE Sheriff tell you more about why those so-called "credit bureaus" keep trying to put Mr./Sgt./Capt./Col. "D" and THE Creditmaster(s)Ò out-of-business. It is because he founded a company back in March 1990 that beats "evil" them 98 to 99 of the time all the while "legally" restoring the consumer's good credit name and freeing them from "Economic Bondage" and exposing the system's flaws! And so they are all afraid FSCC might catch-on, grow large and worldwide thus causing the CRA's to be exposed and so they're all "scared-to-death" of losing their power and becoming poverty stricken themselves.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have now found: THE Creditmaster(s) and THE Reputation Sheriff.com So, if you need "Legal and Competent" credit file restoration and/or "risk' score assistance or reputation defense, call them both through @ 972-235-1188 wkdays 0830-1700 hrs CST or leave a message 24/7 and they will call you back.

As for what's going to happen to Frank V. and his "scrumbag" friends and their website "EXTORTIONIST" buddies and those "search engine "GREED-STERS" who extort money "out-of-other-people's-misery" (like collectors and "Credit Bureaus" do ...) Go see THE Reputation Sheriff.com

By the way, have you been scroogled lately?

You can trust these people at First Stone I GUARANTEE IT! And I'm THE Reputation Sheriff.com !

So go call 972-235-1188 now!                                                   Signed: THE Reputation Sheriff.com


 P.S. You can soon go to my “New” web site and learn much, much more about these EXTORTIONIST’S (“blackmailer’s”) CRIMINAL SITES and WHAT TO DO ABOUT THEM and their website procedures and web hosting friends also get paid (court ordered) by them and paid again for being “Scroogled!”



former employee

United States of America
former employee of first stone

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 31, 2012

I am a former employee of first stone, I can tell you now that I received a letter from First Stone ordering me to cease and desists from writing any negative comets about Bruce Danielson and First Stone Credit Counseling, also he has  demanded that I apologize in writing and  publicly recant all of the negative comments  that have been said.

There are a few problems with the letter that was sent to me, first this is the first time I have heard about any of this, when I left First stone all I wanted to do is put it behind me and move on, unfortunately for myself and other former employees of first stone Bruce Danielson will not alow that to happen. There is something seriously wrong with Bruce.

For Bruce Danielson to think that he has some type of authority or power to order any one to do as he commands is nutt's. He has no more power or authority than any other average citizen. For all of the other former employee's of first stone, Bruce is still out there, and still up to his old trick's. Bruce has no life, his life to intimidate, threaten and sue anyone he thinks has offended him in some way, anyway. Bruce must be the center of attention at all time's, if he is not the center of attention he will cry like a spoiled child.

I will say that if Bruce Danielson said that the sky was blue and the grass was green i would go out side and look for my self, and if the sky was blue and the grass was green I would still doubt it. Bruce Danielson is nothing more than a lire and a thief, a first rate scum bag.

Do your self a favor stay away from First Stone, he will only rip you off. 


Greenway Capital

Fort Worth,
I Belive This Company Is Up To No Good

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, January 03, 2012

I called First Stone Credit on January 02, 2012 after hearing Mr. D on a local radio talk show. As a Credit and Consumer Financial Counselor I was amazed at the lies this guy was spreading on the air, so I call and pre-tedned to be a potential client. After about 3 minutes I could tell this guy was a complete "FRAUD". He provided so much false information about the credit industry and the "LIGITIMATE" people in the business. Let him tell it, he is the only one who can assist consumers with credit issues. Anyone that lies to get clients is nothing but a criminal. How does this guy stay in business? Consumers BEWARE.


United States of America

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 13, 2011

Working on the inside of First Stone, I can say with no hesitation, Bruce Danielson is a con artist!  He is a selfish, lying scumbag, whos only care in this world is HIMSELF!  He does not care if people spend their time and efforts away from their families and other obligations to help him.  He will say anything he needs to say to get you to do whatever he wants, but the minute things dont go EXACTLY the way he wants them, he throws a temper tantrum (yelling, screaming and hanging up on you) like a child! 

He lies to his clients all the time, giving false hopes that he is the only one that will fix EVERY ONE of their credit issues when he knows in all actuality he cant!  First Stone could be a great company if it wasnt for Bruce constantly sabotaging everything!

So if you are a client, vendor or anyone that has dealt or are thinking about dealing with Bruce or his wife (she is just a yes woman backing him up even if she knows hes wrong) . . . RUN!!

If you are a current client, it is just a matter of time before you experience his idiotic personality and decide to fire First Stone.   

Warning Signs:  (you may experience it second hand, especially to his wife)

1.   Hang up the phone within mid conversation . . . RUN!!!

2.   Yell and scream because hes not getting his way. . . RUN!!!

3.   Any other disrespectful act  . . . RUN!!!

Forewarned is Forearmed! 

I totally agree 100% with the former employee garland post!!!

I know Bruce put the First Stone Associate up to writing something positive about him.  He or she must have been new to the working with him.  Im sure by now, they have seen his true colors and have regretted what they posted before and would take it all back in a heartbeat!

First Stone Associate

United States of America
Associate of First Stone

#6General Comment

Mon, August 08, 2011

I currently work with Bruce Danielson at First Stone.  From my experience, Ive never seen Bruce abusive to his employees or staff. 

First Stone Credit Counseling is a Consumer Advocate, meaning that they fight for individuals that have hired them.  Bruce does use intimidation, BUT against the companies that are abusing their clients (which is why they hired them).  

So if that means suing the companies in small claims court that are taking advantage of consumers to increase their bottom lines, then so be it!  I will NOT feel sorry for the corporatized financial and credit industry that get sued that have ruined this country and have taken advantage of so many in financial trouble.  They have a team of people working for them to work in their best interest, suing if necessary.  First Stone does exactly this for their clients!

former employee

United States of America
former employee of first stone

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, April 19, 2011

I am a former employee of first stone credit, I can tell you do not believe any thing Bruce Danielson,tells you do not give him your money, do not even go to his office. Bruce Danielson is not a Vet Nam vet, the truth is he was in the Air Force and he worked in the Dental lab making teeth, he never left  the U.S. He will charge you what he thinks he can get away with, he once tried to charge on man9 thousand dollars because Bruce thought the customer had that kind of money. Bruce Danielson
loves to sue people the records I was able to find was unbelievable, when he was sued, he lost, allhe did was file bankruptcy and reopen under the name first stone.

I am telling the truth Bruce Danielson is a lier, a bully, all he will talk about is all of the people he has sued, he never tells you that all of these law suits are filed in small clams court, for the people that have had the misfortune to have worked there it is a revolving door, know one stays more than 6 weeks, he is abusive to his employees and even the customers. This person has gone threw so many lawyers I don't think he can get one to represent him any more as a sales rep Bruce Danielson 
cheated me out of my money as he dose with any one that works for him.

Former Employee that dose not want to be sued.

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