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Fit-factory charges started appearing on my account---I have never heard of this company Internet
I ordered the free acai berry/bromalite cleanse, which was anything buy free, which I have already filed a report about. While checking my bank statement to be sure I was not still being charged hundreds of dollars for those I found a charge of $29.95 for fit-fac. I had never heard of this company. I still don't know what they do besides rip you off. I then started checking my account and found 3 charges from this company. So, my free acai berry/bromalite cleanse ended up costing over $380.00, I was speechless. I was able to contact the company and get some of my money back. This is stealing-plain and simple. Once these people have your account number they just start draining your funds. DO NOT Fall for the free sample!!!Beware!!!