  • Report:  #973975

Complaint Review: Frederic M. Gold - New york New York

Reported By:
james - Ronkonkoma, New York, United States of America

Frederic M. Gold
450 seventh avenue, New York, N.Y. 10123 New york, 10123 New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


From July of 2006 To June of 2012

139 N. Oxxxxx

1-631-xxx-xxxx (((REDACTED)))


I, James S. R, swear that everything I said in this letter true:

1.  I am writing this letter to report the ongoing fraud committed by my attorney, Frederic M. Gold and Philip Dinhofer, and the defense attorney's James M. Woolsey and Andrew P. Keaveney. These attorney's are dishonest and they have to be brought to justice for their crimes that were committed against me and our justice system.  I already notified the Bar Association,  the New york City District Attorney's office, and the F.B.I.'s office in Melville, New york.  All of them said, that they don't handle these types of  crimes committed by Attorney's.  I have clearly been defrauded by these Attorney's and I am asking you to do a full investigation involving Fraud, Perjury, Misconduct, Payoff's, and Conspiracy.  With all evidence I collected for the last year you will clearly see the ongoing fraud that has been going on for over six years now! Because of my disability, these
Attorney's involved took full advantage of me and destroyed my life!

2. Because of an accident I had while working in the Track Department for the Long Island Railroad on August 1, 2003,  I retained Mr. Frederic M. Gold to file a Personal injury lawsuit (FELA) for the damages I sustained that left me with 2 rods and 6 screws in my lower back. The defense attorney for the Long Island Railroad was an outside contractor named Andrew p. Keaveney who is one of the attorney's for the firm, Landman, Corsi, Ballaine, and Ford.  The Federal Judge who was assigned to the case was visiting Federal Judge named Judge Gregory W. Carman held in the Federal courthouse in Central Islip, New York.  ( R v's LIRR, case # 04-CV-1820.)

3.  Before trial was held in July of 2006 their were many pretrial hearings that took place. I was at the pretrial conference at Judge Carman's chambers in Brooklyn, New York on May 24, 2006.  Andrew P. Keaveney offically offered another job on the LIRR as a Ticket Information Clerk because of my ongoing back problem that payed $4 dollars less an hour. On July 12, 2006, my attorney excepted the position in my behalf and Judge Carman Stipulated our agreement. At trial the jury was instructed by Judge Carman, and by the attorney's that the LIRR gave me another job that I was able to do because of my disability that paid $4 dollars less an hour. The Jury was instructed and believed that the LIRR was taking care of me with another position and awarded me the $4 dollar difference for one job to the other for my work life expectancy. After the trial was over I
reported to work and I was sent home without pay.  Three days later I get a letter in the mail for the Long Island Railroad telling me I was TERMINATED.

4. I then called my Attorney, Frederic M. Gold, and told him that I was Terminated and that the Railroad broke our Stipulated Agreement. Then Mr. Gold told me that he was going to call Judge Carman to reopen the case. About a week later Mr. Gold called me back and told me that Judge Carman said No,  he will not open the case and that he said to move on to a Breach of Contract lawsuit in state court. After that Mr. Frederic M. Gold sends me a check from the FELA case about a month and a half later. He said this money should hold you over until we get back to court for the Breach of Contract lawsuit.  It took about four and a half years to get back to court.  By then I lost everything.

5. Mr. Frederic M. Gold filed a Complaint letter ( Plaintiff Demands Trial By Jury) on September 29, 2006 to the Supreme courts in New York. In paragraph # 8 Mr. Gold explains that we had a Stipulated Agreement that I was going to start a new position as a travel information clerk. The Stipulated agreement was made on July 12, 2006 by both attorney's and Judge Gregory W Carman. It was entered into evidence by my attorney, Frederic M. Gold, as Exhibit # 2 during the FELA trial. Because someone Sealed the Stipulated Agreement,  I am unable to get it at this time.

6. Mr Frederic M. Gold filed a sworn affidavit on November 6, 2008, that was notarized by Theresa Mahlstadt esq, for the Breach Of Contract Lawsuit.  In this affidavit Mr. Gold explains in paragraph's3, 4, 5, that Mr. Andrew P. Keaveney offer the new TIC position at the pretrial hearing dated on May 24, 2006, Memorialized Letter, which would minimize his claim for future damages. Mr. gold explains that Andrew P. Keaveney told Judge Carman that the offer was in fact made at the pretrial meeting.  Mr. Gold explains that they both agreed on my future lost earnings in his affidavit and that Andrew P. Keaveney has to testify against his own client, the Long Island Railroad, to be my witness at the Breach of Contract trial.  Mr Gold also said, Judge Carman, in an effort to streamline the lost future earnings figuares and calculation, encouraged Defendent's attorney, Andrew P. Keaveney and I to agree on Mr. Rxxxxs future lost earnings. Then they came to an Agreement. He also explains that the calculation of these number was reached with the assistance of Judge Carman. In this affidavit, Mr Gold admits
everything except the date of the Stipulation Agreement that was made on July 12, 2006 that was in fact Sealed to coverup this Fraud.

7. A week before the Breach Of Contract (case #603453/06),held in the New york Supreme Courthouse, N.Y. ,Held by Judge Shirley Werner Kornreich.  I was told by Mr Frederic M. Gold that he was going to take the witness stand to explain the Stipulated agreement to the Jury. Mr Gold informed me the Mr. Philip Dinhofer was going to be my trial attorney.  I met with Mr. Dinhofer a few days beforetrial and explained to him that we had a Stipulated agreement and that the jury was instructed by Judge Carman that I was starting the TIC position following trial.  The jury relied on the new position less $4 dollars an hour to come up with there verdict at the personal injury trial.                                                       

8. A few hours before the Breach of Contract trial started Mr. Gold told me that he Subpoenaed Judge Gregery W. Carman to take the witness stand as my witness. Mr. Gold told me that Judge Carman was going to explain that we had a Stipulated Agreement in detail to the Jury.  The Defense attorney in this case was James M. Woolsey who works in the same law firm as Andrew P. Keaveney from the FELA trial.  Mr. Gold said that he knew Mr. Woolsey for 28 year and they have worked together in many other cases.

9. When the Breach of Contract trial started,  my trial attorney, Philip Dinhofer had me go on the witness stand.  He didn't ask me any questions about the Stipulated Agreement that we discussed in his office before trial.  When I came off the witness stand,  I asked him why didn't you ask me any questions about the stipulated agreement.  He told me that Mr. Gold and Judge Carman will explain that part of the case to the jury.

10.When Mr. Frederic M. Gold took the witness stand he was questioned first by Philip Dinhofer. Mr. Dinhofer never asked him about the offer from Andrew P. Keaveney or about the Stipulated agreement. Mr. Dinhofer avoided it again.  Next,  Mr. James M. Woolsey questioned Mr. Gold and asked him if the TIC postion was ever offered or talked about at any pretrial hearing for the FELA case and Mr Frederic M.Gold said, NO,  IT WAS NEVER OFFERED OR DISCUSSED AT ANY PRETRIAL HEARING,  AND THAT HE ASSUMED  I HAD THE TIC POSITION.  I could not believe Mr. Frederic Gold just  lied like that on the witness stand
under oath.  When Mr. Gold can off the witness stand I asked him why did you lie.  He said that I was confused and that the TIC position was never offered or documented at any pretrial meeting. I told Mr. Philip Dinhofer that Mr. Gold was lying undre oath.  He didn't do anything about it and went on like nothing happened.  It was obvious that they were in on this fraud together. My hands were tied at that point.

11. When Mr. Andrew P. Keaveney took the witness stand he was questioned by Mr. James M. Woolsey, and he said the same thing as Mr.Gold.  Mr. Keaveney also denied that he ever offer the TIC position to me and that they never had any Stipulated Agreement.  Also Mr.Keaveney said that the letters T.I.C was never brought up at any pretrial hearing from the FELA case.  Next, Philip Dinhofer questioned Mr. Keaveney and he again denied everything and then told the jury that he swore an oath when he became a Lawyer to always tell the truth.  Both  Frederic M. Gold and  Andrew P. Keaveney  committed a Federal crime when they took  the oath and then lied on the witness stand to cover up this Fraud.

12. After Mr. Andrew P. Keaveney lied on the witness stand,  I told Mr Dinhofer that I wanted a mistrial because everyone was lying on thewitness stand.  He said he will ask Judge Kornreich and then get back to me.  When Mr Dinhofer came back to me he said that she said, NO. Then I tood up and asked her myself and she said DON'T TALK TO ME,  TALK TO YOU
ATTORNEY.  I was trapped and couldn't do anything about the lying that was going on!  It was obvious that all four of
these attorney's were involved in the Fraud.  The court would only listen to the attorney's and my hands were tied.

13. Next thing that happened was Judge Gregory W. Carman was suppose to talk the witness stand and he never showed up.  Mr. Frederic M.Gold said that he called the Judge to come and take the witness stand, but now he refused to come. So Judge Kornreich said, IfJudge Carman doesn't want to take the witness stand,  he doesn't have to.  I'm not going to sent the Sheriff's after him.  Judge Carman was my last hope for the truth to come out,  and now I knew I was going to lose this case, because everyone was in on this CORRUPTION SCAM.  Of course the jury came back with a not Guity verdict in behalf of the LIRR.

14. After court was over I got into a cab with Mr. Gold and Mr.Dinhofer and I was very upset about the Scam that happened at trial. When we got out of the cab Mr. Frederic M. Gold told me not to worry and that there was problem.  Mr. Frederic Gold told to me that Mr.Andrew P. Keaveney's Law firm was in a lot of trouble because of this Breach of Contract Lawsuit.  He said that Mr. Keaveney never had permission for the Railroad to offer the TIC position at the Pretrial hearing!  Then Mr. Gold said he has a lot of money for me from  Mr.James Woolsey and Mr. Dinhofer said he was going to appeal this case.I responded by saying,  YOU CORRUPTED MY CASE. Then Mr.Frederic Gold and Mr. Philip Dinhofer walked away from me.  I stood there in shock and couldn't believe this was going on!  The next Monday after court I tried calling Mr. Gold and he would not respond
or call me back.

15. After a few weeks I went to the Federal Courthouse in central Islip, New york and also went to the Supreme Courthouse, N.Y., NewYork and copied all the paperwork that was on file from the Personal Injury case and the Breach of Contract trials.  I found the evidence to prove that both Frederic M. Gold and Andrew P. Keaveney  both lied and Committed Perjury on the witness stand,  because they wereworking together to coverup a Fraud.  Also, someone put a SEAL on all the EXHIBIT'S from the Personal Injury case to cover up our Stipulated Agreement so knowone can get it.  If you look at the History of case number ( 04-CV-1820 ) in the Central Islip, New York,Federal Courthouse,  you will see that(HISTORY #47  is sealed) and
all Exhibits were sealed.  When they are UNSEALED you will see the Stipulated Agreement that both attorney's lied about!

16. I also contacted the Supreme Courthouse in N.Y. New York and found out the Philip Dinhofer did file the notice of an Appeal on December 22, 2010.  Then I wrote Mr. Dinhofer and asked him what was going on with the Appeal.  Mr Philip Dinhofer wrote me back and said he never filed any Appeal.  I sent him 3 letters asking him about the Appeal and he sent me 3 letters back and denied that he filed any Appeal in my behalf.  The problem is that I have 2 letters that Mr. Dinhofer did file an Appeal,  but he denies that he ever did.  The Notice of Appeal letters are signed and dated with his name( Mr. Philip Dinhofer) and his address is on the notice of Appeal.  Then I get a letter from Mr. Frederic M. Gold telling me that Mr. Philip Dinhofer
went to the Supreme Courthouse and had himself removed from the Appeal.  Like I said,  Mr Dinhofer denied in 3 different letter's that he filed an Appeal in my behalf.  Now I have Mr. Gold telling me Mr Dinhoper had himself removed from the case somehow in which I was never notified by the court of this. LIE AFTER LIE AFTER LIE!!! Now the Appeal has expired because of their actions. This has been an Ongoing Fraud for the last 6 years now and these Attorney's have to be stopped.  How many other people have they done this to and how many people are they going to do this to?

17. Because of my own attorney that I retained to represent me,  Mr.Frederic M. Gold was involved in this fraud my family and I have been suffering very badly! I am disabled with no job now and millions of dollars was stolen from me because of this Scam.  I have the evidence to prove that Mr. Frederic M. Gold,  Mr. Philip Dinhofer,  Mr. James M. Woolsey,  and Mr. Andrew P. Keaveney were all involved in this Conspiracy.  I have been going through this ongoing fraud for over 6 years now and until I get justice, I will not stop. These attorney's involved are destroying our justice system with there dishonest ways.
Trust me, they think there gonna get away with it.

18. I am asking you to do a full investigation in this matter so I can get justice from these Attorney's that are abusing there
License's. There has to be someone overseeing the corruption that goes on in the court's between these attorney's. They are abusing there license's to profit in a dishonest way and need to be stopped. I already have a lot of the evidence you will need to conduct your investigation against these attorney's.  I am sending you the evidence that will clearly prove that what I told you is true. Please Help Me! Everyday is getting harder to deal with this Corruption that destroyed my life!  All I'm asking is for the truth to come out.  You will see that everything I said is true.

19. When I was in court for the  Personal injury trial or theBreach of contract trial everything was in my attorney's hands.
I am relying on my attorney to represent me in the best of his ability's, and to find out that Mr. Frederic M. Gold was working for the defense attorney's all along.  Mr. Frederic M. Gold and Andrew P.Keaveney clearly lied on the witness stand to misinform the jury at the Breach Of Contract trial. All the Attorney's involved in this Fraud are trying to cover it up, but I have the evidence in Mr. Frederic Gold's own words that he did have a Stipulated Agreement . 

20. Because of my disability, I am suffering everyday with cronic back pain because of the rods and screws in my back.  Now I have to deal with these corrupt attorney's that took advantage of my situation!  I cannot live with what they have done to me!  I will gladly sent you the evidence I have to prove that what I am telling you is true. I desperately need help.  To much time has gone by and my life is destroyed. I can't live with what these attorney's did to me. Thank you for reading this letter.  I hope to hear from you.    

James Stephen R

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