  • Report:  #923385

Complaint Review: FREE LOTTO - Internet Internet

Reported By:

PO.BOX. 4562 GRAND CENTRAL STATION Internet, 10163 Internet, United States of America
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i want to start in which i received offer after offer by free lotto .com saying that i could win $96 .000.00 million dollar by playing this free lotto service  and if i chose to used fast service  that for $14.99 per month it would automaticlly enter my numbers for me instead of me playing them daily myself in which you play 6 to 7 numbers and you can either select your own number or let quick pick select them for you. the problem is i started this on 7-2-2012 and i have been geting hassle and harassed by the membership director b kellecher about join fast service instead and all the promises of me winning million if i sign up  to this services providing that i give my personal information.

 as to the expireation date and the card number and the code and for a limited time only i was offer a so call vocher for $14.00 for the first month and i would only have to pay a small fee of .99 and i would be on my way to winning million like so many other people have .and then i found out that they had when around in some way and debit out $30.00 so far and then a little more and i have tried to contact them but they do not provide a phone number .and i tried to contact them by email but i have not got any response back.

 mr kellecher is running a credit card scam out of a dummy ploy to swindle consumers out of thier personal information in order to obtain their identity .all this is a big smoke screen set up by greed and coruption and this need to stop and  this is unfair buisness practice. and i work hard for my money as well as all the other consumers in  which has met the same faith by free lotto .com and b kellecher the membership director. they look for the weak and the vulnerable to prey on.

 we demand justice this buisness need to be held accountable for their action and put out of buisness for good so that this does not continued to happen. i dont want to see any more  consumers become victims of this kind of illegal activity. so i want them to also pay back what they owe me. they will deny it of course but they are crooks. lets brings justice for all to whom have been wrong by this scam and the artists that are responsible. i am an advocate for all the other victims as well .i do hope that you all can help me and all the other victims out their .lets closed down this scam buisness thanks.

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