  • Report:  #1075796

Complaint Review: FRIEDMAN & MOSES - New York New York

Reported By:
VENETIA - New York, New York,

233 Broadway New York, 10279 New York, USA
(212) 732-5800
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In 2002 I hired the law firm Margolis , Friedman & Moses LLP, to represent me in a WC case.   Attorney Mitchell R. Friedman from this law firm handled my case, and did nothing until 2010  when I fired him( no insurance, no medicine).

In 2003, I did a huge mistake to hire the same law firm for another personal injury case with a broken left ankle and left hip due to the landlord’s negligence.

Mr. friedman was not fighting for my justice; he was working for my adversary, the insurance’s carrier-Risk Management Planning Group and his illegal interests. He hate me. I was afraid to go in his office when he invited me. Always he yelled at me, screamed at me, verbally and sexually abused me.  Once a young lawyer from his office tried to stop him. No way.  

          Mr.  Friedman did not respect the Courts’ Orders, betrayed me, manipulated the deposition of Dr. Kosovich ( now fugitive), Dr. Head and Portnow at his mercy. Refused to submit my Reply Affidavit at Dr. Head, Dr. Portnow false affirmation in their medical reports and deposition done under oath.  

            My lawyer was very active to destroy my case, to humiliate me, to harass me, to insulted me, to put me down every time. He never was happy when I brought evidences. Now I understand very well why he was so unprofessional with me.

 He invited me many times in his office only to verbally and sexually to harass me. I have to survive with the doctors sympathy, sample for medicine, and later with the Governmental help.  He invited me in his office in 2009, and told me if I want to win the case , I must to come in his office “ afternoons   to work at my case”.  I refused.

Than  Mr. Friedman  started to terrorize me  with his vocabulary, screaming at me, with his threatening that  all my doctors will betrayed me, that  the judge did not like me .  He told me Dr.  Kosovich will betrayed me, and many doctors also because they lost my  file. Additionally, he mentioned from my money provided from settlement I have to pay him and the lawyer who started the case on 1997.

On December 7, 2009, I wrote to my lawyer, Mr. Friedman a letter because he did not stop the harass me, to abuse me, where I said:

            “ …Please handle professional my case. As I wrote I refuse any   settlement. The insurances wants now settlement. Where was the  insurance in all this years? What knows the insurances about my                 disparate depression, about my pain, humiliation, nightmares, and insomnia?

I am broken and broke. The emotional and physical scars and traumas of stigma as a person with veteran history in antidepressant ……. , are the fabric on my bad life.

             Once energetic and confident, I have become unsure, and a battle apathy, full of disparate thoughts. Please do not insult my sad situation. To be more familiar with my reality,  send you in exhibit a very clear situation( Exhibit 1,2,3,4,5,6). I want to know why Dr. Portnow and Dr. Head saw in me a“ wealthy woman, wealthy“? …… be aggressive with the insurance who sent me in this miserable situation.

            Do you have any idea what means to be accepted by doctors (some) only by sympathy for years? Where was the insurance? You really hurt me with this insistent settlement. Are you on my side? I want the judge‘s Decision!....“. ( Claimant‘s EXHIBIT R- Pg. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10).

Mr. Friedman continued to call me , to scream at me , to harass me and to threaten me  that I will lose my case. On December 28, 2009, I wrote to Mr. Friedman:

                        “ I received your letter dated December 21, 2009. I am very ill, and I do  not have sincere energy to talk with you, or met you. You only scream at     me, tried to intimidate , to threaten, and put me down in front of your   staff.

                        I apologies, but for third time when I wrote you, I refuse any settlement(  first $ 30, 000, and after $ 5, 000). I want judge’s justice, and  if you feel    malpractice( as Dr. Portnow at all., ) .....

                      It is enough to be very sick and with a lot of personal  problems. I do   not have power to faith with my lawyer  for my rights. After my court  deposition , you are changed 180 grade…..         I did not understand why Dr.   Caronna did not give deposition? If some doctors lost the file is not a   crime, you have their reports which I provided you.   .... ( Claimant EXHIBIT R, Pg. 1B).

And Mr. Friedman started aggressively to sabotage my case. Only a few example: In 2002 the Risk Managing Planning Group ( The  Respondent, The adversary)  , paid Dr. Miskin to evaluate me for two times. The doctor  filed a report in my favor. My lawyer,  in retaliation because I did not answer at his sexual advances,  after 7 years in cross examination precluded my adversary   insurance ‘doctor’s report which was in my favor as:

Questions did by Mr. Friedman[ my lawyer, my adversary]:

 Q:        Doctor, when you took your history from the claimant, did you    take into account her presentation to you regarding her mental  status?

A:        Yes.

Q.        Okay. And did you believe her.

A:        Yes.

Mr. Friedman:             “ Okay. I have no more questions of the doctor, except that  we’re reserving our right to   have the doctor’s reports and his   testimony stricken.  I believe that based the  filling    dates at the          board for both reports, that they were not filed within ten    business days of the date of the examination required by Section   137 of the Worker’s Compensation Board. Under the  circumstances we reserve our right to have those reports stricken  as a matter of right and the doctor’s testimony”. 

            (WC -Deposition Document ID # 159851567- Pg. 10.  L. 2 to 10. And Pg. 11. L9 to 23).

The Insurance’s Carrier lawyer said:


“At the request of claimant’s counsel to cross examine Dr. Miskin, the doctor was scheduled to be deposed on 11/30/09. It is noteworthy that Mr. Friedman questioned the doctor solely on the filling of his reports. He has requested the preclusion of his reports“.

Gorman& Rankin PC- Rebuttal Application-  Page ,  Paragraph , April 2, 2010.

 My ex- lawyer instead to fight for my justice, he was fighting to destroy    my case.  In this way he  corrupted my 7 years doctor, Dr. Kosovich ( now fugitive) to do false affirmations under oath inclusive with self-incrimination.   The Insurance’s Carrier lawyer said:


“ The facts already in evidence are in direct conflict with his testimony”

Gorman& Rankin PC- Rebuttal Application- Page 7 ,  Fifth  Paragraph , April 2, 2010.    

   “Dr. Kosovich was deposed on 12/2/09. ….After deposition of this witness, we were able to secure his office notes“.

Gorman& Rankin PC- Rebuttal Application-  Page 6, Seventh Paragraph , April 2, 2010.







Why this conflict? Who paid for this false testimony?   Why Dr. Kosovich assumed so much risk? Who is interested in this “conflict with his testimony?”

This conflict  of testimony confirm the Dr. Kosovich diagnosis.  After  the decision was done, I went in court and I read the deposition. I was petrified. After, in the same day I saw Dr. Kosovich and Mr. Friedman and secretly I recorded the conversation. Mr. Friedman accused Dr. Kosovich by  killing my case, and Dr. Kosovich accused Mr. Friedman to be a bad lawyer, and because did false affirmation under oath, inclusive with self incrimination , now is fugitive from United States.

I did an Appeal as Pro Se, and I submitted documents ignored, or not filed by Mr. Friedman.

The Insurance’s Carrier lawyer said:

      “ We further respectfully submit that as this claimant has submitted 587 pages of documentation to the Board, any new evidence she has submitted should not be considered………that she and her lawyer attorney had ample opportunity to do so and that no good reason having been shown for said evidence not being produced earlier;…

Gorman& Rankin PC- Rebuttal Application-  Page 3, Fourth Paragraph , April 2, 2010.


I pledged the evidence to be accepted, and I asked that Mr. Friedman  to explain why he orchestrate this charade with my case, why he ignored the court’s orders, why he did not submitted all my evidences ?, why he was protective with the doctors false affirmation,  as Dr. Head, Dr. Portnov, Dr. Kosovich who falsifieed bthe truth under oath?, Why he gave to the insurances carrier possibility to say: “was offered in a complete vacuum”.

             Mr. Friedman did not represented me, he asked me to work for his interests, otherwise no make sense why he did not use and filed my Reply Affidavit at doctors false affirmations, why did not filed my  Affidavit with work search, my résumé, per court order, or the Dr. Mooney medical report ? WHY?

And as intentional obstruction of justice, ex-lawyer refused to submit Dr. Mooney medical reports sent him by fax and brought also personally in his office. He was so full of anger, hate, discrimination, malpractice, unprofessionally when he saw because Dr. Mooney treated me before 2003.

Also, Doctor Cocioba sent me in 2002 at his friend Mr. Friedman to take my case.  Now Mr. Freidman together with the insurances carrier precluded and Dr. Cocioba’s medical reports to ruined my case, and who refused to give deposition.

The insurances carrier said:


“ Dr. Cocioba was scheduled to be deposes on 1/8/10.…….The claimant’s attorney has disputed the method of service on the doctor……A formal record had been made seeking the doctor’s preclusion and requesting that all of his reports on file be stricken from record”…..

 Gorman& Rankin PC- Rebuttal Application- Page  9 , Third, Fourth, Fifth  Paragraph , April 2, 2010”     

 My lawyer, together with the Insurances lawyer tendentiously, and illegally,  ignored my robust evidence to destroy my case:   

 The Insurance’s Carrier lawyer said:

  “We submit the doctor’s opinion on casual relationship was offered in a complete vacuum…

Gorman& Rankin PC- Rebuttal Application- Page 7, Sixth  Paragraph , April 2, 2010.

 The vacuum was created by my lawyer and the insurance lawyer who refused to see the evidences filed a few years ago, and refused to take deposition from my doctors who treated me for years, but took deposition from one who saw me once , and did not have any medical record, and my lawyer did not provided a copy from the file.

The Insurance’s Carrier lawyer said:

      “ …..The claimant also indicated that she received psychiatric treatment at North General Hospital. Those  records have never been produced. ……

Gorman& Rankin PC- Rebuttal Application-  Page 5, Fifth Paragraph , April 2, 2010.

 The Insurance’s  Carrier lawyer  must to have a huge courage to  insult the  court with false affirmations.  How the insurances lawyer can afford to say: ”Those  records have never been produced.”?, and must be punished for her acts.

            The North General Hospital’s document was submitted in Board’s file on September 5, 2006 under Document  ID # 118755300), Dr Scott Ira and Dr. Komissarowa Document ID  # 118755299, 118770148 content 68 pages.

            How was possible the insurances‘ lawyer did not see this evidences on file, ( over 100 pages), instead they[ Mr. Friedman and  Gorman& Rankin PC ]saw Dr. Konecky’s  report, only 3 pages ?

This doctor saw me only one time on 2001. Unfortunately , as I said before, I am not a celebrity, or a beauty. How was possible this doctor (who shredded     already the medical evidence from 2001) to remember me in 2010?   Why my lawyer did not fax him his report for recollection since the WC paid him $400 for deposition? Why did not ask the doctor about his report? Why? From Deposition:     

 Q:        Doctor in the course of your profession practice did you have occasion to see the   claimant ………?

A:        I don’t recall.

Q:        Do you have any record with respect to this lady?

A:        No.

Q:        Do you have something possible under the name ……..?

A:        No.

Q:        Do you have recollection of ever treating such a person?

A:        No.

Q:        Okay.

A:                    Mr. Friedman: I don’t think I have any…..

 Dr. Knoecky Deposition Pg. 6, L 14 to 25 and Pg. 7, L. 1 to 3.  WCB # 161104…)

              Maybe the Insurance’s lawyers consider to be above the law, to falsify so visible  the truth,  and has a “special and hyper nerves“  to lie about the North General Hospital medical reports. 

            Mr. Friedman  was not fighting for my justice, he was working for the Insurance’s Carrier and his illegal interests. He hate me. I was afraid to go in his office when he invited me. Always he yelled at me, screamed at me, verbally abused me. Once a young lawyer from his office tried to stop him. No way.        

                        My lawyer was very active to destroy my case, to humiliate me, to harass  me, to insulted me, to put me down every time. He never was happy when I brought evidences. Now is light in my brain why he was so unprofessional with me.

My WC lawyer Mr. Mitchell R. Friedman sabotaged totally unprofessionally my case. He precluded the insurances’ doctor who was in my favor.  He ignored the court’s orders  to bring my Work Search ( I sent him as Affidavit). He refused to file my Reply Affidavit at Dr. Head.ad and Dr. Portnow false medical report. He  manipulated Dr. Kosovich ( now fugitive) who falsified his deposition inclusive with self-incrimination . Same with Dr. Portnow, Dr. Head.

Attorney Mitchell Friedman verbally and sexually harassed me.  He used me as a credit card, as his asset. For this from a proposal settlement of $30, 000.00 in final I got nothing due my lawyer and the insurances's lawyer.

Supplementary, after I fired my  lawyer, the insurances lawyer  had  the courage under oath to falsify the truth by saying  they served me a true copy  of Rebuttal  WCB Document ID  # 207822299. I was NEVER served with any Rebuttal from the Law Office Gorman & Rankin as I mentioned in my Letter  sent to Office of Appeal on April 12, 2013 .


                        REGARDING 2003 ACCIDENT.


 I felt on the steers my building in 2003,  due the negligence of the constructor’s  company. I have broken left ankle and hip since. The Lenox Hill hospital under Mr. Friedman direction falsified the medical report.


Later the neighbors told me another women fail a week before me.  Both of us had Mr. Michael Friedman as lawyer. After, a year and ½ . Mr. Friedman,  “ miraculously” breached the contract with me and keep only the WC . I do not know about another woman because she left the building immediately.

             The case was taken by another lawyer who again “ miraculously” lost the statute of limitation. Maybe they have any knowledge I must to die , and for this reason  did not file evidence as affidavits in court, and my landlord continue to intoxicate me.

  In 2011 after MRI , the doctors asked me to bring my 2003 X Ray at left ankle, and they saw broken ankle.

I contacted the hospital who gave me their insurances The RISK MANAGEMENT PLANING GROPUP, same with my WC  carrier  insurances.

 I was contacted by the RISK MANAGEMENT PLANING GROPUP’s  lawyer, who told me that she will help me if I will bring my X Rays. I said “ no problem” and I went at TD Bank , at my safe deposit box to take my X rays. BAD SURPRIZE ! WAS STOLEN!.  ( I have an open complaint with Consumer Financial product).

 After repeated violations at  my Safe Deposit Box at TD Bank I closed the account. After a while, “ good people “ put  part of the stolen evidences from my safe deposit box in storage.

 I called the RISK MANAGEMENT PLANING GROPUP’ s  lawyer and I told her  that I found the X Ray. And she told me : “ Sorry, is too late.  The statute of limitation from when you discovered the malpractice is over”. I anticipated this answer, because all my evidences with broken ankle and hip disappeared by being  stolen by interested people.

 Mr. Friedman, the RISK MANAGEMENT PLANING GROPUP’s  lawyer, and the landlord ( GLENCORD BUILDING CORP who poisoned me with Carbon Monoxide and toxic gases), are not strangers in all these illegal acts.

 At this time I still have medical bill for physical therapy  l unpaid. Otherwise my ex- lawyers could provide the building’s  insurance for  treatment. But they  did not, also Mr. Friedman  did not for my WC case .

            Attorney Mitchell R. Friedman  pushed me in bankruptcy, eviction, collection, and now again in collection.

 He did not care about my broken ankle and hip about my heath problems. He cared about his subjective and illegal interests.

He  orchestrates all my lawyers to do illegal acts ( inclusive 3 lawsuit with forgery in my name, a life insurances and assets for half millions also with forgery in my name- what I know at this time). I decribed it before in Ripoff reports about GLENCORD and MERCK.

He was sure I will pass away (I will died ) with the GLENCORD BUILDING CORPORATION criminal acts to poison me with Carbon Monoxide and Toxic gases. He calculate everything to fraud American Government. Nor my WC case is took by SpECIAL FOUND, who filed also an appeal  because was an mistrial at Mr. Friedman and Gorman& Rankin PC MERCY.  

Because of the deliberate, unjustifiable, unethical, without integrity, and bad intentional nature ( criminal),  in conspiracy I pledge for Justice and People with Power to set appropriate punitive damages in an amount sufficient to punish Attorney Mitchell R. Friedman, the Gorman& Rankin PC and the doctors who falsified the truth under oath ( in my WC  case) for theirs  conduct , and to establish an example to deter others attorneys, doctors, insurances from similar conduct.   



2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
New York,

#2Author of original report

Sat, August 24, 2013


 The corrupted  Dr. Kosovich, he also tried to help   GLENCORD and my bad lawyers who did forgeries lawsuits in my name.

He prescribed me as usual Lunesta.  At Duane Ride Pharmacy, the pharmacist   told me that the insurances  did not pay for  Lunesta but a generic one.

 I took  ther generic , and finally I was curious what generic it is because I could not  sleep at all. Bad surprise. Actually it was stomach pill ( not sleeping pill).

               I did research and complaint. 

 Dr. Kosovich  under sombody pressure,  replaced by phone Lunesta  with stomach pill, FOR SLEEP DEPRAVATION,  to tort me,  harm me, to abuse me, to exhaust me conform scenario.

 After many nights with non-sleeping time, you became irascible, agitated, and with predisposition to mistakes.

 When I asked Dr. Kosovich to give me a note saying that he did not prescribed pills  for stomach to replace  Lunesta, he started to  beg  me to pardoned the  pharmacist,  and suggested to settle the case. I kenw h ewas guilty.

I was shocked , but sincere I did not understand what is going until 2010 when Dr. Kosovich falsified the truth under oath in my WC case,  knowing I must to die with so many poisoning of CO.

 On gross false in Dr. Kosovich  WC  deposition is that he knew I was in a  Biological Master (for a course not done),  and that I took 40 credits master and PhD. At deposition he said I refused  to go to school, and much more.

 Who put presure in this doctor?  My lawyers with forgeries lawsuirs in my name who wanted me with gardian, or mentally instabile? Why he and my ex- lawyer used  used double evidences  in my WC case ?.

So shamefull . Now he is fugitive from USA.

I did nothing wrong!

For this I pledge for justice, AND WHAT HAPPEN TO ME, never HAPPEN AGAIN TO SOMEBODY.



New York,
New York,

#3Author of original report

Fri, August 23, 2013




 In 1997 I had an accident at work. I tried to be brave, but finally I ended with a PTSD and phobias, and I cannot work anymore in medical area.

 My WC case was taken by the law firm MARGOLIS & FRIEDMAN, with his lawyer Mitchell Friedman.  As I mentioned before in my Report  filed  in Ripoff  Report, on 8/14/2013, I am a victim of my greedy lawyer Mitchell Friedman,  and some doctors ( Dr. Kosovich, Dr. Head and Dr. Portnow ), who did perjury, obstruction of justice and false affirmations under oath in my  W C B Index no:  097621…, now in Appeal.  

 All this corrupts people favorite the Unum Provident Insurances and Risk Management Plan Group, and fraud the American Government. My lawyer Mitchell Friedman sabotaged my WC case ( and my broken ankle and hip case),  and did not respected the courts’ orders. He was my adversary.

 In  2010,I fired my lawyer, I abandoned Dr. Kosovich ,  and I appealed my case as Pro Se. Also, the Special Fund lawyers filed an appeal because was a mistrial, and the case was tendentiously tergiversate over 7 years by my attorney to be taken by  the Special Fund.

From 2002 until 2010, when I hired and after fired  Mt. Friedman  I did not have any WC insurances, I did not have any medicine, I did not receive a penny. NOTHING in retaliation because I did not answer at his  sexual harassment, and because he protected my adversary.  

 On May 3, 2003 I write to my lawyer:                      

“ Dear Mr. Friedman

  WC Insurance do not pay the prescriptions. Also the  consultation with Dr. Levinson, Weber, Carsaca. What I have to do? Thank you for your help and time”.  (Claimant EXHIBIT R- Pg 37).

I survived with samples, doctors sympathy , and finally due the generous  help from the American Government.

All because my lawyer Mitchell Friedman favorite the Risk Management Insurances,  Unum Provident Insurances, and GLENCORD BUILDING CORPORATION ( my ex landlord) guilty with my broken ankle and hip injurie due his negligence, and my injury with due many  poisonings me with CO.

Attorney Mitchell Friedman ignored the Court’s Orders, ignored my civil rights , treated me as his asset, as a credit card, and manipulated the doctors deposition at his mercy.

He cared to pay all doctors who falsified the deposition. The only doctor who did not falsified the deposition, Dr. Carasaca, was not paid for two years even was a Court’s Order, and only after many faxes and phones done by me.  Dr. Kosovich falsified grotesque the deposition inclusive with self incrimination. Now he is fugitive. 

 Dr.  Portnow also. Due to Dr. Portnow false deposition I lost the LTD with Unum Provident. Dr. Portnow saw me in 2002 for 3 times but  over charge the insurance for  another 4 visits, and after refused to see me because I could not pay him.  

My lawyer did not arrange a lien with Dr. Portnow for visits, but accepted his false deposition, and invited him in 2010 ( even never see me from 2002) for cross examination which is a professional self-incrimination. At cross examination Mr. Friedman  cared only to be paid the doctor with $ 400  after I lost due him my LTD.

 Pg. 8 , L. 1 to 9 .         Q:        Doctor Thank you. And , Doctor did you get paid for your                                                                                                     time testifying the last time this was on ..

                                      A:        Yes.

                                    Q:        Okay. Mr. Friedman: I’m going to ask that the doctor be                                                                                                 awarded a $400 for this time today.

 Nothing to establish   the truth.  Nothing about  my Reply Affidavit at Dr. Pornow 's false affirmations  under oath. NOTHING!

 Regarding Dr. Head  the same. My lawyer asked me to do Reply Affidavit at Dr. Head's  false affirmations under oath, and at cross examination, did not mention about my Reply, and why the Dr. falsified the truth.

He cared only to be paid the doctor.  

 More about Dr. Kosovich.   ( now fugitive) false statements under oath, the insurances carrier

lawyer said: 

“……The facts already in evidence are in direct conflict with his testimony “[ Dr. Kosovich  who falsified also the deposition with self-incrimination].

 Gorman& Rankin PC- Rebuttal Application- Page 7 ,  Fifth  Paragraph , April 2, 2010.


On March 1, 2010, I read in e-file the depositions. I called my lawyer, Mr. Friedman and I fixed an appointment in the same day .  When I met Mr. Friedman he said: “….. you lost , Dr. Kosovich killed your case….” I recorded the conversation.

In the same day I went in Dr. Kosovich office,  and I tasked him why my lawyer said “ he  killed my case” ?  and I give him the  recorded conversation. Dr. Kosovich was very upset, and he suggested me another lawyer for appeal because “ you have a bad lawyer” .

After I abandoned Dr. Kosovich, Mr. Friedman called me and for approximate a hour ( he did not know I recorded the conversation) , tried to convince me to go for treatments at Dr. Kosovich.

It was an arrangement between my attorney and Dr. Kosovich. He falsified the deposition, and me I got the right to continue the treatment but not disability or economic loss.

They need Dr.  Kosovich to be the  GLENOCORD BUILDING CORP.'s  salvation for many poisonings with Carbon Monoxide and toxic gases. they need that corrupted doctor now fugitive. His deposition is a total FALSE.

Mr. Friedman did not calculate that I will abandon my 7 years  doctor Dr. Kosovich .

  My ex attorney Mitchell Friedman’s in his letter dated August 2009, said:

 “ Please be advised that on your hearing held on August 10, 2009, the judge requested that you provide a list of your employment history including where and when you applied even though you did not get the job”


 He knew I had broken ankle and hip, heart problems, PTSD, chronic migraines.

Also, he knew I was full time student in master with this heath condition to find a job, also that I worked as substitute teacher very sick only to survive.

My lawyer did not care I did not have insurances, medicine, money to survive.    What my lawyer did. NOTHING.

 My work income last year  2009,  was $2, 824.75 as Substitute Teacher.

My many  medical reports , my  my student loan ,  my  Reply Affidavits  at Dr. Head and Portnow, my Affidavit with job search  conform Court’s Order were hidden by my lawyer .

The WC Judge said:

“  -----Claimant has not sufficiently sought work within her vocational capabilities.

RESERVED DECISION  2/24/2010 , Pg. 2.

 EVERYTHING WAS AGAINST ME. He knew I must to pass away with so many poisoning with Carbon Monoxide an toxic gaze done my  ex landlord Glencord Buyildibg Corporation , favorite by him and Mr. Tepreman.

As a result of Mr. Friedman,  Dr. Kosovich, Dr. Pornow and Dr. Head,  legal  and medical malpractice, negligence , harassment,  perjury, abuses described above,  I  suffered ( and continues to suffer) damages, including humiliation, loss confidence, emotional distress and financial interest, economic loss.


I take responsibility for all affirmation, and I am ready to bring proof in support of them.

Actually, the depositions in  my WC case,  and the evidences talk also the truth.









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