  • Report:  #783829

Complaint Review: gamewar.com - Internet California

Reported By:
JcCorne - El Nunya, California, United States of America

Internet, California, United States of America
none provided
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
gamewar.com advertises itself as the best place to buy and sell your online MMO accounts.  It's not. Here's my quick story.
I submitted my account info for review after the website said it would pay me an acceptable amount (the exact price I asked for actually).

Within 2 hours my password AND contact e-mail on the account were changed.
a few minutes later I get a couple emails saying my submission is pre-approved and "we just need your contact info and preferred method of payment".
I had allready supplied these things.

I waited 3 days, emailing them each day to inquire what was going on as if there might actually be someone listening and pressing buttons an stuff (there is by the way, they only speak up when they don't get to rip u off tho) and then said "F gamewar" an  got on with the games customer support to return control of account to myself. Thats when I finally hear from gamewar.com, they sent me an email saying "well after review of your account we can only offer you $x",
not even 1/4 of what the automated quote was.

Long story short.
Gamewar.com advertises it will not alter anything submitted until YOU (the seller) are about to be paid.
gamewar.com changed my login and contact info to the account with no intention of paying anything for the account. They had my home phone # to use to call up and say "Hey , we are about to assume ownership of this game account, heres your chance to say yea or nay...  we are now paying $x to your paypal account thanks have a nice day." Nuff said, I think.

Heres the kicker though, here it is almost 2 weeks later and they are still contesting ownership of MY account and not returning any of my corespondance. They're going have "awaiting your reply" as my submission status as long possible to try the exasperation factor.

Gamewar.com is not only setup to rip you off , it also has some audacious lowlife m**o's that are going to ignore you until you give up trying to get YOUR property back.
2 thumbs down and a ..I.,

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Customer Support

United States of America
Resolved Case - Competition Posting, Not A Real Customer, Provided No Proof

#2UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 10, 2011


Appreciate your reply as well.

It really depends on what game you are referencing. Many of the games we sell, as well as the "new" games we will be listed next month allow virtual trading.

However, the sale of virtual accounts is a gray market as it causes no direct damage to them as they are now receiving money from a "subscribed" account which should have been "unsubscribed". In most of these games, the reason it's stated there in their Terms of Service is so that the game developers can protect themselves legally from class action lawsuits against gamers if they ban an account that was gold farming, macro, botting, or exploiting their game.

As for your PayPal Statement, you are 100% correct. PayPal is the worst online method for virtual trading, and the only reason people use it is because they buy into PayPal's Buyer Protection marketing that they will protect you when they don't support virtual transactions. However, with us we accept 5 payment services that do protect against virtual transactions being MoneyBookers and Click & Buy who investigates virtual transactions and asks for proof which we are required to deliver to them, MoneyBookers Escrow and Escrow.com who handles the transaction as a third party which the payment isn't released to us until the customer is satisfied with his order, and lastly we accept direct credit card which you aren't billed until AFTER we deliver your item and can be disputed of course with your financial institution as long as you don't abuse or lie about the situation as we can rebuttal with proof. Those 5 payment methods give buyers all the protection they need, yet the good bulk of them get bought into PayPal False Marketing.

In closing, the Original Poster has yet to provide any proof, and nothing he says matches with anything related to any issues during the time he posted this complaint, so I am going to assume this is competition who posted this once again. Eventually, we will catch you, and the more you post, the more we build a stronger case against you. If you are in China or another location, don't think you're immune, as it's cheaper to hire an attorney there, and the US is one of the best countries in terms of Freedom of Speech versus other countries who will not protect you with this same Amendment.


United States of America

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, October 05, 2011

@customer support

Appreciate your reply, but any entity that willingly helps someone violate TOS agreements. Certainly leaves more than a little doubt to their legitimacy.

Paypal has been notorious for not caring about their users getting ripped off. So this fact is pointless in many users eyes.
If you indeed are legit, please accept my apologies.

Customer Support

United States of America
Resolved Case - Competition Posting, Not A Real Customer, Provided No Proof

#4UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 05, 2011

This message is for JcCorne,

After reviewing your complaint, you provided no information to validate your claim. In order for us to assist you, we need any of the following pieces of information:

  • Your order number, OR

  • Your email address

  • The actual website you purchased from as you mentioned two websites but they are completely different companies
Without proof, this claim cannot be validated and therefore should not be taken seriously
as you could be competition defaming or slandering our company. However, if this isn't the case, then you should have no issues providing us the information above in order to prove that you are indeed an actual customers of ours.

Upon providing this information, please email customer support or contact us by facebook on our website for more information. Once we receive this information, we will then review your issue and respond immediately resolving the issue as we would if you normally contacted our support. Until then, we cannot move forward with any actual on this complaint as we don't know who you are.

Games such as Anarchy Online, Diablo 3, EverQuest 2, and others allow you to sell virtual products. Other games allow you to transfer characters and accounts. So depending on the game, we don't violate the terms and conditions. Also, in countries such as Korea, the virtual product industry is legal.

You're completely wrong. If MMO Account Buying websites weren't legit, then they wouldn't be able to process payments by PayPal or other merchants because you have to maintain a 1% chargeback or less ratio. Going above that would lead to the closure of your account which you would not be able to reopen and wouldn't be able to send or receive payments. Furthermore, we have plenty of positive feedback to state otherwise and we also offer the ability for customers to go through escrow programs to receive or send payments which provides 100% security on their transactions.


United States of America
Heres how they work

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, October 02, 2011

None (At least, I would assume none) of these MMO account buying websites are legit. They are hoping you will do one of a few mistakes so they can steal or at least plunder your account. They know full well you cannot tell the MMO admins the truth, and that users wont bother to attempt recovery at all.

If you insist on using those services, plan on getting grieved in one way or another. Best to just avoid them, and save your account for a friend or relative to assume. I have heard of limited success on auction sites, and local listings.


Just a tip...

#6General Comment

Sun, October 02, 2011

Do not expect ethical behavior from a company whose business model is entirely based on violating the terms of conditions of other companies.

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