  • Report:  #809276

Complaint Review: Garn Restoration - Charlotte Michigan

Reported By:
Fire Victim - Lansing, Michigan, United States of America

Garn Restoration
3193 Lansing Rd Charlotte, 48813 Michigan, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Garn was contacted my my local fire dept to board up my house.  The next day I was called by a guy named Terry who worked for Garn and wanted to get paid for the board up.  It just so happened that I was meeting with my Insurance co the same day and I offered them to meet me at the house so my insurance co could pay them.  It turns out that My insurance person had worked with Garn and they talked for awhile.  We went through the house and my agent told me that I could hire Garn or I could find someone else.

She then told me that if any more damage happened to the house that I would be responsible for it and not the insurance. So I needed to pick someone fast.  She then told me that Garn was a preferred agent and that they would begin working on the house right away and worry about getting paid by State Farm later.  I was confused.  So Terry stepped in and said, we are willing to start tomorrow if you hire us now.  Otherwise, someone else would want approval from state farm on the cost, before they started anything.

I think pointed out that Garn had forgotten to board up a hole in the roof, and that it had rained all that night.  I asked my agent was I responsible for that or was Garn.  Garn immediately said they did not see it that night since it was dark, and boarded it while we were talking.  My agent said all damages would be covered and that I should really think about hiring Garn.  I left and wanted to think about it. Garn and my agent stated to me that if any work was done and I did not like it, they would have to tear it down no matter the cost to Garn.  So I called Terry up and told him he had my ok to do the work.  (I should note it is not my house my parents.  However they don't live here)

The work was started and one of the first things they did was put a new roof on.  Then I got a frantic call from Terry saying he needed money.  He said he did not have money to pay his people so I needed to give him an advance so work would not be stopped and I would be stuck in a hotel for that much longer.  I tried to call my insurance agent buy she was on vacation.  So they put me in contact with someone else.  This guy told me to have my parents fax a letter over to him saying it was ok to write a check to Garn for some money.  I was ok with the amount since I had all ready had a new roof, so if the ran away, it would not be a bad thing.

I was told that it would take no more than 2 months.  It took more like 7 and its still not done!!  I will admit that I told Garn that they were fired and that I did not want them to come back to my house.   However I gave them plenty of chances to fix there mistakes and they did not.

A few of the problems that I have with Garn is this.  I stated that I wanted to make about $2000 off this fire to pay off something.  Terry from Garn told me that If I put in dry wall and not plaster I would save money.  Then it went to I had to put cheaper windows in.  Then it went to I had to put cheaper trim in.  Then it went to I hap to put cheaper doors in.  Then it went to I had to put cheaper flooring in.  So I contacted my insurance agent and she told me that the drywall would more than have covered for the $2000 I wanted.  So when I confronted Terry and my agent called him.  He said he was very sorry and that he was using some wrong calculations and that he forgot to put labor into the equation.  So Garn ended up giving me a check for more than the $2000

The second issue that I had was i had to inspect almost every day and report stuff that I did not like.  For example; Using 6 pieces of drywall instead of 3!!  So they tore it down.  For example using silver hinges and Gold Door knobs.  For example using the wrong type of windows.  For example putting hinges on the outside of an outside door!!!!!

Another issue I have was towards the end, Garn wanted me to make a list of everything that I thought still needed to be done. It was more than 2 pages long!!!  I gave them 3 days. Work was not done.  Gave them more time.  Some of it was done.  Gave them more time and was told they were done.  So I went and made a list that was more than 2 pages long and said no your not.  Gave them time and time and time and time.  Finally I stopped them.  I made a new contact with them that was signed by Terry.  It listed about a page of stuff that I wanted done. ( I did not list everything because I was fed up)  Told them how long do you need.  They said 4 straight days and we would be done.  Gave it to them.  Waited 7 days and not one thing was done!!  So I fired them.

My last issues with Garn is this.  When I fired them I was under the impression that the last check had not been signed by my mortgage company.  So I called them and told them do not sign it!!! Come do your inspection first.  They said they would.  Well, then I get a call saying that the check has all ready been cashed.  So I said how is this possible?  My mortgage company still says they did not sign the check.  So I get a copy of the check and it turns out some one has forged the mortgage companies signature.  All I know is I had my parents sign the check, I gave it to Terry, he was going to sign it, and then send it to my mortgage co. to sign it.  But apparently it never left Terry s hands.

So then I think let me get a copy of the first check I sent them. You remember the one for the emergency advance so he does not have to stop working on my house?  Turns out some one forged my name and my parents name on that!!!!!  Lets go back for a second.  Remember I told you I had my parents fax a letter to State Farm saying it was ok to give Garn some money.  Well, we thought state farm was going to give Garn a check straight up.  Turns out it was made out to my parents and Garn.  Well apparently Someone did not want to send it to my parents and signed my parents name and the check got deposited into Garns bank account.  The other funny thing is the check was also signed with my name!!  Funny since My name was not on the check and did not need to be on the check and the only one who knew my name was GARN!!!!!!!

6 Updates & Rebuttals


i worked for garn they owe me 25k

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 19, 2016

My name is jason,

I did sub conc=tract work for ryan garn at garn restoration and he blatantly screwed me over. We did drywall work for him in 3 houses and he received the money from the homeowners and did not pay me. He did this knowing he was screwing me over. 

At the moment ryan garn owes me $25,000.00 and has just shut his doors. While he shut his doors his partner Scott has started the same business with Ryans involvement. Ryans wife has started a business too, with ryans involvement. Ryan is a scam artist and half his guuys had no idea what they were doing. 

For instance at the Dicker and Deal job we did for them, Thank you Stacey for manning up and paying us, they didnt know how to install the flooring so Stacey the owner called Ryan to fix it and Ryan told him to screw off not his problem anymore. The owner than had to reinstall the floor on his dime. The flooring was so bad it didnt last a season and was coming up. 

My main point is Ryan is a crook and we need to get his name out there so he cant continue doing this. I have a list of contractors he owes money to and just doesnt care. The other problem is I have liens on the projects so sooner or later the homeowner is going to have to pay me. WATCH OUT FOR RYAN GARN 

Fire Victim

Few years later and.... NOTTA

#3Author of original report

Fri, June 14, 2013


I recently sent a letter and email to Garn.  I said, now that we have had time to cool off, how bout we talk.  I sent them copies of the letters that they sent to me.  It showed things that they promised me.  So I asked for compensation for the things they promised and did not do.  Then I also asked for a copy of my bill, and warranty information.  Guess what.  Never herd from then.

GARN is a HORRIBLE company!!!  But they will get theirs!  Companies like these dont stay in business.  Plus, I have allready told so many people.  They are loosing alot of business.

Fire Victim

United States of America
One more chance......

#4Author of original report

Wed, February 22, 2012

So after updating my post, Mr. Garn from Garn Restoration figured out who I was.  He then contacted me and wanted to do anything "within reason" to get me satisfied and to remove my posting from this site.

So I agreed to meet with Mr. Garn at the house with my brother.  My brother is the one currently living in the houst that needs repair.  I wanted Mr. Garn and my brother to be able to meet and corrdinate schedules.

We walked through the house and pointed out areas of concern.  Mr. Garn showed much displeasure with the work of his employees.  He also said that I was not being unreasonable at all.   I did not want to deal with Mr. Garns company for to long.  This issue has been almost a year.  So I showed him alot of things that needed to be repaired but told him that he only had to do the "important" things.  I just wanted this to be over with!!  Mr. Garn found faults in the project that I had not even noticed!!!  Which I thought was very nice of him to point out.

My brother and Mr. Garn coordinated there schedules and said the work would be done in a "few" days.  A few days went by and Garn had done some work on the house.  Then they told my brother that they were done.  Not half of the work had been done so we called Mr. Garn and asked him, how can you be done?  He said, "We are not done until I say we are done and when you are pleased".  So Mr. Garn came over, saw the work was not done, ordered his men to come back and fix the issue.  A "few more days" go by.  We tell Garn that we are not satisfied with the work, but that clearly they can't do a good job.  So we just want them to leave.  Mr. Garn said Ok, and told us that Lowes, would be out to fix the carpet next week since Garn had sub contracted it out.  Lowes never showed up.  Wanting the carpet to be done, I contacted Mr. Garn and asked him where is Lowes?  Days went by with no response.  I contacted him again.  He then tells me that he will get in contact with Lowes.  A few days go by and Lowes shows up.  Luckily I was there because Mr. Garn nor Lowes ever contacted us to tell us they were coming.  Lowes fixes the carpet, somewhat, and leaves.

While all this is happening, Mr. Garn NEVER contacts me nor my brother to make sure Lowes has contacted me or to try to make me think that Garn Restoration has any Business Skills or Customer service!

I would also like to point out one issue that occured that really struck me.  The windows in my house had never been sealed correctly.  So Mr. Garn ordered his team to fix this.  When Mr. Garn came out to inspect the house after all work was done, HE noticed that his team had sealed my window shut!!  Thats right.  A professional contractor has people working for him that instead of sealing around a window, so air does not come in, they seal it shut so it can NEVER can be opened!!!  Of course Mr. Garn had someone come over and fix this.

I would like to say thank you Mr. Garn for showing me how incompetant your company is!  Also thank you for showing me how incompetant your employees are.

Mr. Garn  begged my brother to take my report off this site becuase his business was hurting.  Well, I hope this puts them under!!!!

Legal action is still being decided on...  I just cant decide if I want to ever see their lying faces again!!!!

Fire Victim

United States of America
A clarification for the OWNER of Garn Restoration.

#5Author of original report

Fri, December 30, 2011

Dear Mr. Garn,

As the owner of Garn Restoration, I am sure that you are more than clear on the facts of the case which I detailed in my complaint.  If you need it made simplier, How is this:

1 You were contracted to repair the home mentioned, yet you were unable to finish the job with out a $20,000 advance.  Somehow my parents signatures ( they are the owners of the home) and my signature appeared on the check without us ever seeing it.

2 Your representatives gave me a figure on what would be saved in the repair of the home by changing several items ( drywall instead of plaster, sliding glass door instead of french doors, etc).  When the figure was reviewed by me and the Insurance Agent it was discovered that you had significantly under valued the amount of savings.  I find it interesting that a Company as Knowledgeable as you claim to be could be so far off on the values that your representatives quoted.

3 Your representatives at our initial meeting indicated that the work would take 6 to 8 week to complete, yet we are approaching the one year anniversey of the fire and the work is yet to be completed.

4 Durring your companys attept to finish the job, I found numerous occasions where I discovered your company was not doing the work they were contracted to do.  Only after it was called to Garn's attention did Garn make a feable attempt to try to complete it.

5 At what Garn consided the end of the project, I was asked for a punch list of items that still needed to be completed or were in poor condition.  You were given the list and after several weeks of waiting nothing was done.  At the same time Garn was demanding payment for the project even though it was not complete.  The demands included threats by representatives of your company as well as having one representative agree to the process of completion of the project only to be followed minutes later by a threatening phone call by another representative of your company.

6 After several weeks of promises unkept, a representative of your company signed an agrement to complete a new and shortened punch list which included a promise by your company to complete the list within three business days.  We even agreed to have an independent third party review the list and the repairs in order to get the job done.  At the end of 5 not 3 days, the list was not even close to being completed.

7 Finally it is still a mystery to me how a check issued by the Insurance Company, signed by the home owners and given to a representative of your company to be  turned over to the Mortgage company never made it there.  Somehow the check found its way to your bank account without being signed by the mortgage company, even though the mortgage company was listed on the check as a payee.

So Mr. Garn, since you seem to be confused by my previous letter, I hope this clears it up and perhaps you will reevaluate your company, because apparently they are not doing the quality of work that you apparently think they are.

The guy who just left Terry a message :)  Lets see if he calls me back to fix a totally different issue.

Ryan Garn

United States of America
We are as confused as you

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, December 29, 2011

After reading about 2/3 of this complaint, I couldn't even figure out what the alleged customer (?) is complaining about.  Is the complainer the owner, the tennant, the prospective buyer, or the child of the owner, or is he/she even informed about this job.  If the readers of this can make any sense of the complaint then please let us know.


Eaton Rapids,
Also a victim...

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, December 14, 2011

We are also victims of Garn Restoration (see our story on Ripoffreport.com).  We had to hire an attorney to handle our fiasco, for lack of a better term, with Garn Restoration.  May I suggest that you file complaints with the Better Business Bureau, and at the state and county level.  I will be happy to provide the information privately on who we filed complaints with at the state and county level.  Your complaint should also be filed with the proper authorities, as these type of experiences give alot of contractors a bad name.

Good luck!

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