  • Report:  #14576

Complaint Review: Gary Fraser - Port Colbourne Ontario

Reported By:
- St. Catharines, ON,

Gary Fraser
326 Catharine St. Port Colbourne, L3K 4L4 Ontario, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I too was ripped of by this complete idiot. Gary and I had been friends for several years so the fact that he conned me and my family out of money is hard to take.

He has the ability to suck people into his world by acting the part of a wealthy investor and offering the same type of success to others by getting involved with him. The fact that we were close friends made my decision to get involved very easy...I trusted him and his wife.

All of the money that he throws around is merely investors money (although I have heard that the well has run dry). I am sure that he will be looking for more 'investors' as this is how he survives.

Please, if approached by this individual take my advice...do your do diligence, talk to a lawyer, talk to the police (Niagara Regional Police), have him investigated (do a search of his home it is mortgaged to the max and for sale), and talk to other investors.

Gary Fraser, I can't wait to see you in jail you a**-hole.


St. Catharines Ontario

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