  • Report:  #1272337

Complaint Review: Genesis.Clinic - Nationwide

Reported By:
SoosIsAScam - UK

Nationwide, USA
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Genesis Clinic is yet another venture by Stephen and Emma Soos. Same theme different day.

Stephen and Emmas Soos are promoting a "New" revolutionary treatment which combined stem cells and their "God Particle" and some other rubbish for a small fee of just 799.

OK so lets break this down.  The website, genesis.clinic states DNA Diagnostics Meets Anti-Ageing.  Soos claims this is a world first. Its the worlds "Only" such product.  Unfortunately for Stephen and Emma Soos, its easy to prove them wrong.

Here are some of the claims that Stephen and Emma are making. Now remember as you read what I am about to say, this new venture hasn't launched yet.  These two have ZERO experience and are running the enterprise with a serviced office addresses (Virtual Office)

1 - Fibroblast Facefift

Highly optimised RF technology designed to stimulate your body's  powerful natural healing processes and grow new tissue, tighten skin and give you back a youthful glow

 Finely tuned and precision targeted energy waves awaken dormant regenerative processes that literally renew your skin

 So with zero experience in this industry and a new website, and no doubt selling the same chinese knock-off machines they were flogging in New Zealand, suddenly Soos Squared have a product that gives you "Immediate Effective Non Surgical Facelift" that "keeps getting better!!  
It's like --- they've discovered the fountain of youth -- and for 799 you can have it too.
Oh God it gets better:

Based on hard science and 7 years of development, this multi modality treatment hasstimulates your body's own latent regenerative and healing abilities to stimulate the growth of brand new skin and collegan, leaving you looking fresh and more youthful wihtout the need for suergey, poisons or man made fillers.

This is the choice treatment of Hollywood Stars and is the reason they keep their youthful looks well into older age.

This world class treatment is now available to you at one of our growing clinic outlets at a price anyone can afford.

Firboblasts are natures own intelligent processes that literally build new collegan and skin at the point of need.  We create tiny zones of thermal damage which signals the bodies dormant processes to kick in and begin the process of generating new tissue.

We then stimulate 3 seperate Heat Shot Protiens to express in the most optimal way possible to augment the regenerative processes that are taking place and growing new fresh tissue.

Feel and look younger in just 1 hour with the effects imporving in the following months.

"HARD science and 7 years of development"  WOW THATS BLOODY AMAZING!  Did Soos Squared develop this?  Did they put in 7 hard years of development?  
You complexion should improve slowley of the next 6 month with the full effect lasting up to a year.  Subsequant treatments build on the ones before.  Regular treatments will keep you looking younger for years.
Well, dismissing the spelling for a moment, it would appear the "Immediate Effective" headlines is followed up by "Oh -- hey you have to wait six months first and by the way, thanks for spending your 799...."
In short, the Fibroblastical Mega Super Treatment is actually the same procedure offered by hundreds of other clinics in London.  Here:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2424518/The-60-minute-facelift-facial.html
2 - DNA Treatments
How so very cool??  Now you can get your DNA treated.  RIGHT.
Soos Squared are now offering the worlds only and first and most newly invented PRESCRIPTION DNA Treatment.
So, who is issuing these prescriptions?  Dr. Soos?  HAHA Sorry, couldn't resist.
"Today you are you!, That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, 
the more places you'll go.
Don't cry because its over. Smile because it happened. 
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
A person's a person, no matter how small.
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So. . . get on your way.
Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living."
3- Stem Cells Treatments
I just don't even know where to begin with this one.  "Don't Fight Ageing, Reverse it"  That about sums up Soos Squared's new fraud.
So, are Stephen and Emma Soos doing anything unethical, immoral, illegal or calorie free?  
Well, how about YOU be the Judge.  The Miscrepresentation Act of 1967 sums up the legality of Soos Squared with this:
The Misrepresentation Act exists to protect consumers from false or fraudulent claims that induce you into buying something, or entering into a contract and allows you to claim damages in the case of fraudulent misrepresentation.  

A misrepresentation is a statement of fact (not opinion) which is made by the seller before the contract is made.

If you relied on that statement when deciding whether or not to go ahead with your purchase, and this then turns out to be wrong, you can claim compensation.

There are three types of misrepresentation and your path to redress will depend upon the following: 

  • whether the false statement was made fraudulently
  • whether the false statement was made negligently
  • whether the false statement was made innocently

A fraudulent misrepresentation occurs when someone makes a statement that - 

  • they know is untrue, or, 
  • they make without believing it is true, or, 
  • they make recklessly

If you enter into a contract as a result of a fraudulent misrepresentation, then you can cancel the contract, claim damages, or both.

The Misrepresentation Act 1967 allows you to base your claim on negligence or on the fraud. 

In addition, when a misrepresentation claim is based on negligence, the law states that the person who made the misrepresentation has to disprove the negligence. 

In other words, they must prove that they had reasonable grounds to believe the statement, and that they believed the facts represented were true. 

This is a misrepresentation under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 where a statement is made carelessly or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth.

A negligent misrepresentation may fall under common law or under the Misrepresentation Act 1967. Financial loss may be recovered in some circumstances.

This is where one of the parties, when entering into a contract, had reasonable grounds for believing that his or her false statement was true. 

In other words, it is made entirely without fault. This type of misrepresentation primarily allows for the contract to be cancelled. 

The purpose of this is to place you and the other party in the same position before the contract had taken place.

However, under Section 2(2) Misrepresentation Act 1967 the court has discretion to award damages instead of allowing you to end the contract if it deems it appropriate. It cannot award both. 

This would be judged on both the nature of the innocent misrepresentation and the losses suffered by the victim of the misrepresentation.

Stephen and Emma Soos absolutely KNOW what they are flogging is a sham.  How could these two braniacs manage to invent an entire industry over-night and make the claims they do on their website?  What about the before and after photos? or the client testimonials?


I recently underwent the Genesis treatment under the care and direction of Emma Soos, who I found to be a lovely, professional and reassuring practitioner.  Having arrived at the clinic I had a small amount of fat extracted from my abdomen that was then processed to extract stem cells.  Following this procedure I then had fat grafting injections into my cheeks and nose to mouth lines, followed by a radio frequency treatment with the stem cell serum applied straight after. Two hours later I left the clinic with a pink, slightly puffy face, but feeling totally fine. Since having the treatment I have had several people actually tell me that my skin looks really good, and I have to agree! I look fresh and smooth, and the best thing of all is it all looks completely natural. Even my lips look naturally fuller, an totally unexpected bonus.  I am hoping to see long term benefits from this treatment due to the stem cell part of the process, and look forward to reporting back in 12 months time that my skin is still fresh and bright and that my lips remain plumper. 

G Dickons - Newcastle

So where was this clinic that Emma performed this medical service at?  

OK so what about the before and after pictures?  The picture on the DNA Treatment page.

Remarkable B and A if you ask me.

Remarkable because its the identical photo of:  

Stolen content, stolen images, and fraudulent representation.  THAT is the only thing the Soos Family have achieved.

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5 Updates & Rebuttals


United Kingdom

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, July 19, 2016

Amongnst all the other aliases Stephen Soos uses, NoonIan and Noonian 20 should be added to the list.

Emma is also known as minkymoo.

Sorry Steve and Emma but you must stop what you are doing.


United Kingdom
Lies and Threats

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, February 10, 2016

THis really is a buter beware:


1  They will try and tell you they have had everything stolen - really. This is a lie. It is actually the other way round. They have held on to things they should have handed over to liquidators. NOthing has been stolen from them, they had £450k in 18 months and want to play the victim. LOL


2  They want to threaten and sue people - namely myself and 2 others - really, when was the last time somone was sued for telling the truth. NOTHING has been created, the reason I have not been sued as there is nothing he can sue me for, it is bluster and threat to shut me up. One thing is for certain, shutting me up is not equitable. You have ripped off too many people now.


3 They lost their last 2 houses. No big deal here. 2 expensive RENTED houses, that they told people they owned, creating that air of "success" when trying to seduce them into parting with money or impressing them. If you do not keep up your rent on a contract, you are asked to leave. If you fall out with the landlord, you may not have your contract renewed. In my last conversation with Soos, he was trying to insist the business be liable for half of his rent, whicch the board categorically denied. He created a £70k debt from the business to himself that was pure fabircatino. He was asked to evidence it and ignored it. He also claimed the eviction notice from the landlord was illegal and he was in turn going to sue him for over £50k. Are we getting a theme here?


The list with this pair is endless but the net is finally closing in and the letters will start to drop through their letter box very soon.


United Kingdom
How Low They Stoop

#4Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 08, 2016

So, now they are preying on the vulnerable, getting them to raise money for them in the hope of getting better. Whether the pioneering treatment is a success or not, the modus operandi of these scammers will be to ensure where their share of the money goes...their pockets.

This is not decrying those people suffering and I wish them nothing but well and do hope that DNA / Stem Cell is the root to conquering MS....if it is, it will not be this pair that created the cure.


This is about how these scam artists pray on the vulnerable. This new facebook page...




Shows images of people I know, who are not part of their empire, nor do they have permission to use those images. This builds total distrust in what they are doing. Old images, nothing that was part of the Genesis "miracle", all of which questions the sincerity of what these people are doing.


Ask him about VAT and whether he has paid over the £32k to HMRC from a former company. He has certainly not provided the information asked for, his solicitor refuses to help him, speaks volumes for me. FRAUD


Ask him why he lied to liquidators about Medisico assets and what he did with them. FRAUD


Ask him why 14, at least, businesses of his have started and been shut down without having filed acconts. IMPROPER CONDUCT


Ask him where equipment is that belongs to suppliers and was in his possession as it was not safe - maybe you are being treated on it and are in danger yourself. FRAUD

The tail of lies and deceit will only be reinforced by others. He has been asked to provide infornation about the above on many occassions and his response is firstly to lie and then to block email access. He is so "not bothered" he created his own personal blog, www.stephensoos.com showing just how not bothered he is - so not bothered you went into pages about it - total clown. Threatening is central to his sociopathic nature. He will say, these are the ramblings of a bitter and vindictive person - I can tell you they are not, they are the truthful facts and a real man would deal with the issues and not keep creating sideshows. Come on Soos, both of you actually, man up, I will come down to Kams place. 

Having your pockets at risk to this man and his equally culpable wife is one thing, putting your health in their hands too is one risk too far in my book.




United Kingdom
Genesis.Clinic Stephen and Emma Soos

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, December 16, 2015

The familiar trail of them burying their heads is now so apparent but they are too busy looking to take more money from people so it is only to be expected.

They are peddling an IPL machine that does not belong to them for £4k so they must be hard up again, saying its "one Emma has been working on" - hogwash and poppycock. BUYER BEWARE

They have talked a Dr Kam Singh in Leicester into letting them use his premises for treatments....another one who looks like he wants to learn the hard way with this pair....these are doctors who do not realise their reputations are at risk here...





United Kingdom
They Reap What They Sew - Stephen and Emma Soos

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 10, 2015

They have been working on this miracle for 7 years you say? Hang on though, last year, they had over £800k of shareholders money in a listed business to bring this to the forefront of aesthetic medicine.

Does this mean they kept this "secret", this "life changing" invention away from the shareholders of Medisico deliberately because surely a skilled and caring businessman would have had the interests of the shareholders and creditors first....

No, £800k of shareholders wiped away, £500k of creditors hung out to dry. They even tried to sell equipment they did not own to pay for the liquidator. What sort of skilled businessman is prepared to sell something to a customer and not use the proceeds to pay the supplier but instead put the business into liquidation!! Thankfully the customer did not buy from them.

The pair have no morals, they care only about their own pockets but they will spin you the greatest line of spin and pity to get you onside and make you believe they are the victims in all of their failures. Believe them at your peril. Too many have and too many were ripped off, time this all ended now.

For those new to these con artists, they benefitted by over £450k personally through Medisico and took from everyone else. They took peoples time, emotion, money and left them all out of pocket with nothing but the dream of hope and how tomorrow would be great. They are trying to rope people into Genesis with similar claims and promises but they will fail as the truth is now out there.

The articles you are now reading about Soos Squared are not hogwash or poppycock. The articles are not hearsay or rumour. They are not from bitter ex colleagues or suppliers, they are simply FACTS from people they have RIPPED OFF and who want to ensure NO ONE ELSE is RIPPED OFF by them.


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