  • Report:  #135084

Complaint Review: Get Fit Management - Fair Finance - Ladies Super Fitness - Dover Ohio

Reported By:
- Kirtland, Ohio,

Get Fit Management - Fair Finance - Ladies Super Fitness
137 E. Iron Ave. PO Box 186 Dover, 44622 Ohio, U.S.A.
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A year and a half ago I purchased a 3 year gym membership with Ladies Super Fitness in Rocky River, OH. The facility itself is very nice, clean, and I never had a problem with the actualgym. My beef is with their fonancing company, Get Fit Management (aka Fair Finance). It states in my contract that if I move and there are no locations within 25 miles of my new location, I can cancel the remainder of my membership starting from the date of the relocation.

Well, I DID move and there are no locations within 25 miles. I read my contract a bunch of times, just to make sure, but it CLEARLY states that all I need to do is send them proof of my relocation (current utility bill, drivers license with new address info, or lease/purchase agreement) and send them a cancellation request in writing. That is ALL it states I need to do.

So yesterday I got copies of 3 different bills with my new address to send to them, typed out my Contract Cancellation Request Letter which included the date of my move (the utility bills confirm the date), and mailedall of the above off to the correspondence address on my contract. I also called to get a fax number to send it to just for confirmation, which I was given, and I also told them to stop any further drafts to my visa card. The agrees to stop the drafts, but told me that if I was delinquent, I couldnt cancel.

I told them that the cancellation request was en route and that this was the exact reason I wanted the fax number to send the information to - so that they would know that this was why I wanted the draft stopped (not because I just didnt feel like paying). I was told to go ahead and fax it, mail it, and that the draft would be stopped, but I was told to make sure I requested contact from them when the fax was received, and also when the letter was received. I included this in the information and sent everything off in the mail and fax.

As of this morning I had no one contact me, so I called them to see if the fax had been received (my fax machine doesn't give me a confirmation sheet). I spoke with Diana and was told that no fax had been received, but that there was no need to refax it because they couldnt do anything with it anyway. She told me I had to send it via certified or registered mail. I told her that my contract only says that I needed to send it in writing, it says absolutely NOTHING about certified or registered mail. She then says that they wont accept it any other way and that it's in my contract.

I tell her again that no, it is NOT in my contract. Mine states that I only need to send it in writing, no special provisions were listed. SHe then tells me that I must have an old contract but that this is now in the new ones. I then told her that it sounded to me like they were trying to force me to adhere to a contract a did not sign, since MY contract didnt have the certified/registered mail stipulation. She says that's how it's done because they have so many gyms they manage that its too hard for them to keep track of this any other way. SHe also informed me that my draft had already been stopped (wow - they did ONE thing right out of 3)

So fine, I'm sending my information (AGAIN) to them, certified mail (I'm not paying $7.50 for registered) and we'll see how long this takes. I am keepiong a log of every call I make to them and what happens. I have a sneaking suspicion that the cancellation request will take more time than is reasonable for it ti be "processed" and that, by the time they claim to have received it, the account will be delinquent because I stopped the auto-draft, and now they wont be able to cancel it until it's current.

And for anyone who thinks I should just pay the certified mail costs and deal, this is NOT about paying the stupid $2.30 to send it. It's about my following my signed contract, and them trying to change the rules as they go along. It's about them being greedy and trying to screw people out of money by claiming that "it's in the contract" when it is, in fact, NOT in the contract that I signed.

It's about any contract they came out with containing that certified/registered mail stipulation does not applying to me, as I did not sign that, nor did I EVER receive any Change in Terms (like the credit card companies use to screw people with) containing this new stipulation.

As far as I'm concerned, Get Fit Management is shady, and tries to steal your money by making it d**n near impossible to cancel your membership, even if you legitimately fall into one of the categories in which you are eligible to cancel without incurring the remainder of the contract costs. They try to force contract stipulations on you that werent even on your contract at all, and ones that are different from what the contract you signed state.

For the record, I am sending a copy of this to the Attorney General of the State of Ohio, and the BBB. I doubt those 2 agencies will care, but at least there is a record of this out there. Also, if they try to screw me by delaying "receipt" of the Cancellation Request in order to cause delinquency and avoid cancellation, I'm going to have my attorney hand their asses to them in court. They are wrong and I know it - it's as clear as what's spelled out in my signed contract...or rather, what's MISSING from my signed contract.


Kirtland, Ohio

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... CLICK HERE to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, it's paid for!

2 Updates & Rebuttals

[email protected]

I didn't even sign UP

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, December 17, 2008

I was trying to decide if the club was right for me and the woman told me to start my contract to lock in the price. She had me to initial a couple places. I called back and came back later to tell her that I couldn't fit it into my schedule because my long Rent A Center work hours clashed with their hours. She said okay, but she filled in the rest of my info from the copy of my id that she took and then paid a couple dollars to activate my account. I never went to the facility to work out not one day in my life and never knew that it was activated until I got calls from a bill-collector!!! The corporate offices said it was buyer's regret and dismissed it. I still have a negative mark on my credit report and was unable to purchase a house because I refuse to pay them for forgery and fraud. I repeat I never ever worked out there or went back there. I was completely unaware of Yolonda's little secret commision scheme.


Another breach of contract by Get Fit Management

#3Author of original report

Fri, March 25, 2005

I received a letterfrom these people stating that they received my certified letter and are going to cancel my account due to relocation. However, they claim that because they did not receive the letter until March, they will not refund my Feb. payment. The contract clearly states that they will refund money from the date of relocation, so long as proof is shown. The bills I sent as my proof are all ones generated before Feb 15th when they drafted my Feb payment, and therefore I should get my money back. I spoke to Diana again and she said that in order to fight them (the corporate office) on this, I would have to send something certified mail again. She refused to give me any phone number to reach them and claims that they dont do any business over the phone. I told her fine, I would be reporting this to the Atty General of Ohio as well as the last incident concerning breach of contract (which I have). Even though the amount I wanted back was only $22, it's the principle of the matter. They think that if they make it difficult enough for people to dispute things, they'll give up. Multiply situations like mine by 50 people orso and you're talking about a much larger sum pf money that they have cheated their customers out of. Since I wasnt getting anywhere with them, I called my credit card company to file a dispute for the Feb charge. They said that because it was less than $25 that they would just credit it back to my account. So at least I got my money back. What a completely rotten company these people work for!!!

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