Grass Valley,#2Consumer Suggestion
Fri, May 11, 2012
I too have been a 'victim' of this change over. I had to hire a plumber to replace my shut-off valve to the house water supply after they installed their new meter. Both are in the same box. The shut-off always worked flawlessly before their installation. They denied any liability even though they admitted their could be a 'slight' chance of debris entering the gate in the valve.
Now, I too have high water bills, though not as excessive as yours. I saved my water bills for years and have proof that way but, of course, the city billings could have been wrong, too. This is something we will never know for sure.
One way you can check the accuracy is to check, on line, the useage when you are gone for a couple of days to make sure it registers "0'. Then have someone fill a 1 gal. jug at your outside faucet. Then check on line again. It should register '1' for that day. Then fill a 5 gal. container and do the same again. This way you can also check for any leaks you may not be aware of. As for the difference in daily readings, you will want to find out if your meter is read at the same time each day or, if they sometimes bleed over into the next day's reading.
For most of us it is pretty inconvenient to have to not use the water in your home for a couple of days. It takes a commitment but might be worth it. Then, with this information you can call Global and request them to check your calibration on your digital meter.
These are all suggestions that I have not yet pursued with them but intend to do so soon. I have kept a record of my on line readings and when I'm gone, I get '0' readings but wonder if the meter isn't spinning double time when I AM using water.
Good luck!!