  • Report:  #61445

Complaint Review: GMAC - General Motors Acceptance Corporation) - Fort Worth Texas

Reported By:
- 65706, Missouri,

GMAC - General Motors Acceptance Corporation)
P.0. Box 901009 Fort Worth, 76101 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am filing this complaint on behalf of a family member who like thousands of other victims were collectively ripped off on car leases by GMAC (General Motors Acceptance Corporation), Honda,

Mitsubishi and Mazda. My family member was taken to the cleaners

by GMAC.

After a massive outcry by thousands of victims,the Federal Trade

Commission and several state attorneys general felt the "heat" and took what APPEARED to be punitive action against what can only be termed "white collar fraud".

Unfortunately ALL this grandstanding in the media did was to

make the PAC money compromised attorneys general LOOK good to the voters by appearing to take "forceful action" against the

white collar sneak thieves.

BUT these "public protectors", like the FTC limited their

"punitive action" against the villains to merely asking them to cease their deceptive, misleading, evasive and fraudulent marketing tactics in their commercials.

Those included among other underhanded tricks, using "quick as a wink, flash card" disclaimer-disclosures" etc which were flashed on the television screen so fast that the victims could

NOT see them or understand them.

"No down payment leases" were another deceptive, entrapment tactic.

The attorneys general and the FTC also asked the vilains to take the "blur" out of their fine print, hidden hook "entrapment legalese" in their lease contracts which camouflaged and concealed thousands of dollars in hidden, buried costs.

And of course the Federal Trade Commission posted a report on it's website which I've downloaded onto floppy disks so the

evidence couldn't be "deleted or destroyed".

BUT these white collar sneak thieves who collectivly fleeced and ripped off thousands of Americans for hundreds of millions of dollars were allowed by these states attorney general AND the FTC to KEEP THE PROCEEDS OF THIS FRAUD.

Furthermore they allowed the villains to continue to use their

"accessory to fraud" credit bureu henchmen to FORCE victim surrender to the fraud and fleecing by holding them hostage to their credit ratings.

Many victims who attempted to escape the scam by returning the vehicles early were hit with huge deficiency judgements which of course went on their credit reports.

Naturally while the attorneys general needed to pacify the voters and make them happy they could NOT afford to alienate their special interest PAC money benefactors who held the key$

to their political careers. SO media grandstanding was the

extent of their "action on behalf of the victims of this fraud".

Now Webster's defines FRAUD as "gain by deceit". "The LAW"

applies that defination to the "average person" who perpetrates

an act of "gain by deceit" against a merchant, business, corporation or financial institution such as GMAC.

IN FACT it is a felony offense to make a false, misleading, evasive or dishonest statement on loan application or lease

agreement such as a GMAC car lease.

That is punishable by several years in prison, forced restitut-

ion, a FELONY RECORD FOR LIFE ---, and of course a "bad credit rating".

BUT when the white collar sneak thieves and their accessory to

fraud credit bureau henchmen perpetrate "gain by deceit" on

THOUSANDS of victims "the law" merely grandstands in the media -,

then quietly allows the sneak thieves to slither through a

PAC money purchased loop hole --, AND KEEP THE FRUITS OF FRAUD".

In these car lease scams like so many other big business and corporate scams the perps did NOT go to jail, pay restitution or

wind up with a bad credit rating.

There is little doubt that THESE white collar sneak thieves

wound up with big promotions, huge bonuses, lucrative stock

options and lavish pension plans for "enhancing the bottom line" of their employer.

Now I'm retired from a federal law enforcement agency and I've SEEN a LOT of powerless and politically abandoned people doing a LOT of time behind bars for a ripping off FAR fewer victims for

FAR less money than these corporate scoundrels got away with in this scam!

There is something very wrong with that scenario and I can assure that it plays a KEY role in much of the contempt for "the law", rage and even violence that plagues our society today while "the law" twiddles it's thumbs and "wonders why".

If the AVERAGE person committed the offenses that these corporate sneak thieves AND their "accessory to fraud" credit bureau henchmen enforcers commit that "average" person would be

charged with FRAUD, extortion, blackmail, character assassination and a laundry list of other serious charges.

It's time to draw a line in the sand and bring this type of

scandalous abuse to a screeching halt.

In view of the fact that just the involvement of the state

attorneys general and the Federal Trade Commission has PROVEN

dishonesty, rip off and fraudulent actions on the part of these

sneak thieves I think it is high time that we unite to get justice for ALL of the victims of this scam.

There is NO ethical basis and there should be NO legal tolerance for the credit bureaus to act as "accessory to fraud" enforcers in scams such as these.

It is criminal in every sense of the word. The "LAW" locks up mafia goons for using blackmail to facilite fraud and force compliance but limits punishment of PAC money protected high roller white collar sneak thieves to a request "not to do it

any more".

Hiding behind "the law" does PROTECT the villains but it does NOT sanitize fraud, extortion or blackmail by white collar sneak thieves and their accessory to fraud henchmen credit bureaus


In view of the fact that this WAS IN FACT a scam I believe we must mount a united campaign to FORCE the credit bureaus to

completely and permenently DELETE AND EXPUNGE any and ALL

reference to this scam from ALL credit records of ALL victims of this scam. That includes but it not exclusive to any and all

deficiency judgements which have been lodged against victims.

No reasonable or honest person should have any problem with honest and ethical businesses, lenders etc protecting their

interests by ETHICAL use of the credit bureaus. That is simply

"free enterprise" and we all must be responsible for paying

legitimate debt which was incurred in a spirit of honesty and

"fair play".

Being held hostage to blatant fraud and rip off is entirely

another matter and there is NO place in a truly FREE and

honorable country or political system for such tyranny!


Marshfield, Missouri

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on GMAC Financing

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Research first

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 23, 2003

As with everything else and as a general rule, especially with a major purchase etc...., always do your homework. The trend in advertising in this country seems to be taking on a whole new venue. Deceptive and misleading advertising is now becoming widely used by almost everyone, and they are all getting away with it. Your best ally is yourself. Be aware and dont expecy sometihng for nothing. There is no free lunch. Read the find print and ask questions.

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