  • Report:  #888422

Complaint Review: Gopher Goo - Cambria California

Reported By:
John - Cambria, California, United States of America

Gopher Goo
2751 Ernest Place Cambria, CA 93428 Cambria, 93248 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
www.Gophergoo.com, Gopher Goo, owner Dr. Heather B Vallier and her product for gopher control is making false claims of her product status.  Heather Vallier claims Gopher Goo is a patented product and protected by US patent law, however she refuses to send the patent number or any information about Gopher Goo or it's website, www.gophergoo.com in regards to patent.  Then goes online to maliciously attack our company.

Heather Vallier has done a negative web blitz against two of our companies, one which competes with gopher goo and its site www.gophergoo.com.  Our other company has nothing to do with gopher goo, her garden goo, www.gophergoo.com/gardengoo.html, or her Crop Doctor, www.cropdoctor.net.  She only attacks the non-competing business to be malicious and promote her own gopher goo product.

Heather Vallier goes onto review websites and posts false and fake negative reviews about our companies and then puts plugs about her product referencing her website www.gophergoo.com.  She is trying to scam people into thinking we are doing something wrong and then purchase her gopher goo product.  I am not sure if she then tries to sell her other products, Garden Goo or Crop Doctor but I for one would be leery based on her unethical practices she has shown.

Heather B Vallier, PhD has used many aliases to post these false claims.  We have had claims using Claire Vallier and other fake names.  These posting show up on Google and Yahoo review sites along with many others.  The common thing Heather does is defame our product or service and claim fraud and patent infringement, and then promote Gopher Goo claiming it is a better product.  Always with an unethical link to www.gophergoo.com.

The Crop Doctor, Heather B Vallier, Plant Pathologist, has threatened us, made false claims and is playing dirty games.  We have never attacked Heather or her company, or their integrity.  Any actions, including this one, have been in direct response to Gopher Goo, Heather and The Crop Doctors deliberate and malicious attack on us.

My recommendation is to carefully review the www.gophergoo.com testimonials because there is no way for a user to upload a testimonial directly to www.gophergoo.com, all testimonials are manually input by the Crop Doctor, Heather Valllier, and no review is directly input by a customer. These reviews for the gopher goo gopher removal product should be taken with a grain of salt, and not necessarily as the truth, as they are all moderated by The Crop Doctor Heather Bridgman Vallier, and could be rewritten and negative reviews for this gopher control product not included. 

Gopher Goo gopher control used to remove gophers and other pests is a competing product on the pest control market for gopher removal.  To our knowledge and according to our patent attorney, there is not a patent on file or a patent pending for this product.  She makes false claims that Gopher Goo is a patent product and claims we are infringing on her patent.  We have asked repeatedly for this information and instead of sending it to us she attacks us online.  She has told us to keep track of our profits for soon they will be hers.

In a previous email she sent said she sent the patent information to my manufacturer to try to injure my relationship with them.  This is is a direct quote from email "...BTW I just got off the phone with [**manufacture name**] and [**name**] the CEO. I guess he didn't know you were patent poaching . . . sending him out a copy of ours and there goes your manufacturer ".

This threat never followed through with a patent for Gopher Goo or any other information for www.gophergoo.com.  If your gopher control product, Gopher GOo,  is patented why would you not send it?

Another example of Heather threatening us is an email where is said, and we copy and paste this right from the email: "Hope you are keeping track of your profits, because they will soon be ours."

If Gopher Goo is patented, Heather Vallier should respond to this report with her patent number.  IT is public information so a patent number is easily looked up.  If her response does not include a patent number then we all know the whole truth, Heather B Vallier of Gopher Goo, www.gophergoo.com is a liar and and a fraud and a cyber bully.

Her latest response at time of this writing is signed:

Heather Valllier, Ph.D
Gopher Goo CEO

28 Updates & Rebuttals

The Crop Doctor

Arroyo Grande,
United States of America
Gopher Goo works!

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 25, 2013

I developed Gopher Goo, and since you pegged it correctly, this can be a hater forum (Nick Nielsen started this to bash us and we can track the negative reviews back to him), we would gladly direct you to a host of clients, customers, farmers, park and rec departments, and horse ranchers that use Goo with great success.  You get control back of your land and its enriched in the process.  Win-Win.

Please contact us and we would happily share names and numbers for you to call or email . . . the only reason we have to filter our testimonials is because of the garbage generated by Nick Nielsen and his cyber attacks and false posts.  Sad, but true, he copied us and our great product Gopher Goo because it DOES work and he wants to steal our idea.  Our phone and email can be found on our website at gophergoo dot com, and we would gladly provide real people with real situations that LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our product.  You will too!

Report Attachments

The Crop Doctor

Arroyo Grande,
United States of America
Gopher Goo works!

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 25, 2013

I developed Gopher Goo, and since you pegged it correctly, this can be a hater forum (Nick Nielsen started this to bash us and we can track the negative reviews back to him), we would gladly direct you to a host of clients, customers, farmers, park and rec departments, and horse ranchers that use Goo with great success.  You get control back of your land and its enriched in the process.  Win-Win.

Please contact us and we would happily share names and numbers for you to call or email . . . the only reason we have to filter our testimonials is because of the garbage generated by Nick Nielsen and his cyber attacks and false posts.  Sad, but true, he copied us and our great product Gopher Goo because it DOES work and he wants to steal our idea.  Our phone and email can be found on our website at gophergoo dot com, and we would gladly provide real people with real situations that LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our product.  You will too!

Report Attachments

Hates Gophers

United States of America
Gopher Goo

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, February 25, 2013

Gopher Goo caught my eye as a way to get rid of gophers from my very large yard with a lot of gophers. I most likely need 5 pounds or more so can get a bit pricey.  I Googled "Gopher Goo" and saw this report.  Has anyone used the product and had success?  I don't want to  purchase something and it does not work.  I only want to hear from people who have used it and it worked.  Please don't respond if you do not have positive things to say, I know there are a lot of haters out there.

Please give comments only if you used Gopher Goo and had sucess.  Please give a bit of background to what your problem was it was used for.  Would you recommend Gopher Goo?  Please only give real testimonial for Gopher Goo.

Tunnel Fill

La Verne,
United States of America

#5Author of original report

Wed, June 27, 2012

How did this one resolve?  What did the letter say it has been nearly a month now so it had to come by now?

Tunnel Fill

La Verne,
United States of America
Gopher Goo - so now you are not sure if we infringe?

#6Author of original report

Wed, May 30, 2012

Heather Vallier, what you will disclose to us, if you have an actual patent, is your patent number and the claims we violate. The same information we requested 4 1/2 months ago so that you could prove your claim of patent infringement and that you'd have your lawyer send back then. That's the bare minimum anyone would send in order to claim patent infringement. And if you have an actual patent, we can look up the rest. As I kept reminding you, patents are a matter of public record. If you have one.

So wait, now your story is you and your lawyer still have to research the claims of your "patent" and see if we even infringe on Gopher Goo? What happened to "You will have a letter from my Attorney as will your manufacturer this week or early next week". So all this time you have been claiming patent infringement (since your e-mail to us on January 10, 2012) and you are your "lawyer" aren't even sure if we infringe, and your lawyer hasn't even done the research on our product to see if it even infringes on your alleged patent for Gopher Goo?

Crop Doctor, you've been claiming patent infringement for 4 1/2 months, and posting negative information about us in writing for 2 1/2 months claiming patent infringement. And now you aren't even sure if we infringe on you supposed patent? Is that going to be your way of never sending us your letter from your attorney? You slink away claiming it doesn't infringe after all.

The Crop Doctor

Arroyo Grande,
United States of America
Gopher Goo is the way to go . . .

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 30, 2012

Yes, Nick, what we can disclose to you will be in the letter from SoCal Law firm in Westlake Village. 

I never lied, I tried to work with you, and now here we are in a legal battle.  Gopher Goo is a great product that is wonderful to use, and I could not just hand over my patent to you for the same reason you didn't, and you told me in writing you understood that remember?  Why would I give you my own recipe when you are a competitor? 

Now we are at the point that we need to defend our patent and you have every right to see it and see the dates and claims we assert, and we can go from there.  For both our sakes lets stop the slams right now.  (BTW Rip off report comes up first in google for Tunnel fill but not for me, now you are only hurting yourself with this game).  If you are outside the claims of our patent then fine, but pelase play with your

I will stop and I hope that you will too.  As soon as my Attorney is finished with his research on you and your product and has the claims of our patent that we feel you are stepping on ready we will send it out to you. 

Time to move on  . . .

Tunnel Fill

La Verne,
United States of America
Gopher Goo is a SCAM

#8Author of original report

Wed, May 30, 2012

Gopher Goo gopher control is finally going to send her documentation?  The same documentation Heather Vallier was going to send 4 1/2 months ago?  Will the patent you have lied about be in this letter?

The Crop Doctor

Arroyo Grande,
United States of America
Tunnel Fill is SCAMMING you!

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 30, 2012

Sticks and stones might break my bones but your words just make me LOL.  Learn to spell Nick and make a better product, yours really is a joke, which is why you have to be so underhanded and such a liar; fake posts, fake web pages, and a fake knock off product that DOES NOT WORK.  Sad for you really you pathetic excuse for a man . . .

Hold your breath, my Attorney and I worked today on your letter and getting the trademarks documented.  YOU are the crazy one and you picked the wrong person to fight with . . . 

Tunnel Fill

La Verne,
United States of America
Im Sorry you are a narcissist psycho

#10Author of original report

Tue, May 29, 2012

Dear Gopher Goo,

Title says it all.  Hope that is close to what you are looking for.

Still waiting for patent...

The Crop Doctor

Arroyo Grande,
United States of America
Tunnel fill is a SCAM and a rip off in the worst way

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 29, 2012

My lawyer is drafting your cease and desist letter as we speak and you continue to devote your time to me you moron . . . was that suppose to suffice for an apology?  Not quite there Nick. 

You have created this all in your bald head and just won't see the truth until like your stupid video we use the proverbial legal shovel.  Can't wait for that moment . . . Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!  (grin)

Tunnel Fill

La Verne,
United States of America
Heather Vallier, CEO Gopher Goo, CEO The Crop Doctor - where is your alleged patent?

#12Author of original report

Tue, May 29, 2012

Heather Vallier PhD, I realize you may have moved. However, you have owned the house at 2751 Ernest Place, Cambria, CA 93428 since 1998, and are still the owner of record. Documentation on your OWN website for The Crop Doctor lists that same address, as well as another one at 1375 E Grand Ave, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420. Just because you have moved your business and possibly your home, doesn't mean Ted wasn't your neighbor for a significant amount of time. And when you post false information about the same chemical within a 24 hour period (and a chemical our product doesn't contain) it's rather apparent that you had a significant hand in your long-time neighbor posting that negative review and false information about our product.

And again, accusing us of bringing your daughter into it. We've been over this before. You chose to use your daughter, and include a link to her negative review of us in your own original report about our product, a report that on this ripoff report site, and will be there forever. We did not seek out her review, we did not post her review online for all to see, and then refer to that. You did that. You chose to put your daughter and her name out there for everyone to view in your vendetta against our company. So before accusing us, you may want to keep your stories straight and try and remember all that you have done, and all that you have written, in your quest to promote your own Gopher Goo while attacking our product. You used your own daughter to promote your product, that is on you entirely. 

And you claim, once again, to have not just a provisional patent, but an actual utility patent. You do
realize that is a patent is approved (which it would have to be in order to have an ACTUAL patent and not just an application) then it is a matter of public record. Actual approved patents aren't secret. And in order to give notice of patent infringement, you have to show an actual patent (typically by patent number). Not just claim you have a patent. AND you also have to show what claims of your patent are being violated. Viagra has a patent, too. That doesn't mean we violate their patent. You could have 100 patents, and unless we actually violate the specific claims of one of those patents (and you give us actual specific notice of what specific patent is violated) there is no infringement.

You plan on having your lawyer contact us, we won't hold our breath. You have been saying that for well over 4 months now.

As far as fake posts - you seem to be the queen of them. There is not one negative review about our product that does not come from you, your daughter, or your long-time neighbor. Not a single one. It may surprise you to know, because you have written so many fake and false posts about us, that we do have actual customers who are very happy with our product. But still you accuse those of being false reviews. In one instance, you accused a positive reviewer of being "fake" and the review of being by us, but failed to note that this reviewer had 17 reviews of other places and products over a long time period - and she was an actual customer of ours. And, it may also be hard for you to believe (because all your reviews are likely false and you have a hard time realizing some people have actual customer reviews), but we actually do have customers in our city, and surrounding areas, who have had good experiences and have written factual reviews.
So even though every negative review you have seen of us has been faked by you or your friends and family, we do have actual positive reviews and feedback that are not "fake". Just because you accuse all of them of being such, because you can't stand to see that people like our product, doesn't mean that your accusations are correct. 

And a simple question - if our product doesn't work, as you keep claiming, why do you keep attacking it. If it works poorly (yet according to you is a knock-off of yours) then why the attacks. And, if ours is a copy, and you claim ours doesn't work - then doesn't that mean yours doesn't, either?

However, on our website you can see a video of an actual gopher that was pushed out of his burrow with our product. Do you have anything like that, Dr. Heather Vallier, Crop Doctor, CEO Gopher Goo? Anything showing your product actually working? Oh wait, maybe we paid the gopher off, too. Maybe he came out of his burrow since we offered him a bribe. What do you bribe gophers with, Crop Doctor Heather? I don't think money would work. Maybe we had a female gopher waiting off camera. 

I think you have a very unrealistic idea of what is "against the law". You claim just about everything you own is patented, trademarked, or copyrighted. The trouble is, none of it seems to be. And you provide no proof that it is. Maybe you haven't talked to your "lawyer" lately, but as far as I understand US law, the burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused. You know, the presumption of innocent until PROVEN guilty and all that. Unfortunately, in our lawsuit happy country, someone (much like you, Heather Vallier) can accuse someone else of everything and anything under the sun. However, if the accusation is baseless, and there is no proof of anything - then all you are is some deranged, narcissistic liar. 

Goo d Luck, Heather Vallier. We await you patent information with bated breath...waiting...waiting...waiting...


United States of America

#13General Comment

Tue, May 29, 2012

Bummmm Buuuummmmm Buuuummmmmmmm....

What will happen with the saga...

Will Nick and Crop Doctor resolve their grievances...

Will she produce for us, this patent which could end all of this?

Will the world of gopher elimination ever be the same?

I wait with baded breath...

let's see what happens next...

The Crop Doctor

Arroyo Grande,
United States of America
Tunnel fill is a SCAM and a rip off in the worst way

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 29, 2012

This will all be settled in a legal manner, I have no more time for your nonsense.  Get your facts straight (where I live for example), consult an Attorney (you are going to need one), and spend time on your product, IT DOES NOT WORK-it was a total fail, and that is my biggest complaint.  At least make a fake that WORKS Nick, its a ridiculous joke.  Beside the fact that I do have a utility patent, and a provisional patent also, and you are carelessly ruining our good name with your fake posts.  You left off a few important things in your timeline Nick, how you posted as me and got your friends (in La Verne) to post fake things also.  By leaving them out I am guessing you are embarrassed yourself by what you have done, and you should be . . . and its illegal and immoral Nick. 

You will have a letter from my Attorney as will your manufacturer this week or early next week.  Remember you first acccused ME of calling them, and now it is someone who lives near a house I own, are you going to apologize for saying it was me, because that is what you said . . . that I called and asked for your recipe.  What a joke, our product WORKS, why would I want a recipe for your crappy knock off?  Time to get honest . . . you owe me an apology.

You claim you have done nothing wrong, but you are wrong, you have posed as me (The Crop Doctor) and used our logo which is copyrighted, both of these things are against the law.  You included my daughter in all this and are using our name (Gopher Goo), which is also against the law. 

If your product is so great why does no one like it?  We tried it and it was a total fail.  Spend your time with an Attorney and working on your crappy knock off . . . Tunnel Fill is a knock off of Gopher Goo and its a total waste of money.  And you are a total waste of my time . . .

Heather Vallier Ph.D.
CEO, Gopher Goo.com
CEO, The Crop Doctor

Tunnel Fill

La Verne,
United States of America
Heather Vallier caught lying again

#15Author of original report

Mon, May 28, 2012

Interesting public record information Heather Vallier, the Crop Doctor, the Gopher Goo Goo n, and whatever other alias you happen to be using (to denigrate our product and promote your own so you don't have to spend any marketing dollars) ...

You have a house, and your Crop Doctor business, at 2751 Ernest Place, Cambria, CA 93428, and have owned this house since 1998. Ted Sebern, interestingly enough, lives at 2279 Pineridge Drive, Cambria, CA 93428, and has also owned this house since 1998. A quick Google maps search shows that these two addresses are a 42 SECOND walk from one another. Interesting...two people who live 42 seconds away from each other, who have been neighbors for well over 10 years - and they just so happened to post the exact same lying and negative information about a chemical most people have never heard of. On multiple sites, within the same 24 hour period.

I challenge anyone to look it up: Heather Vallier 2751 Ernest Place, Cambria, CA 93428 and Ted Sebern 2279 Pineridge Drive, Cambria, CA 93428

Interesting how the Crop Doctor, Heather Bridman Vallier, has her elderly neighbor call the manufacturer, contact us, and write negative reviews (with false information about product contents), on both ripoff reports and amazon.

Are your trying to get your elderly neighbor in trouble for posting lies, Heather, or are you just taking advantage of a 70-some year old man who is a kind neighbor?


La Verne,
United States of America
Maybe she is dingbat

#16Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 28, 2012

I came in for a half-day of work today, really we are all just goofing off.  I figured I would see the patent number and clarification of all this.  No doubt about it, Heather Vallier and Gopher Goo do not have patent.  If www.gophergoo.com was a patented product then she would have proudly given her patent number for the world to see.  The stage was set, the audience was in full anticipation, it was her time to shine.  She blew it.

Since there is no patent infringement this case has turned into nothing but a b***h fest and now has become quite boring.  It would have become interesting had she really had a patent.  I think Gopher Goo should just try to sell their gopher control product or what ever it is - I personally dont see either one of these products working, and these two should leave each other alone. (I bet they won't)

To sum it up...

... I think both companies would be more profitable if they focused their efforts on their own products and would go their separate ways.  Neither one of these goons have accomplished anything.

Tunnel Fill

La Verne,
United States of America
The Crop Doctor is a a fraud

#17Author of original report

Mon, May 28, 2012

Heather I did read the emails from January 2012.  Let me recap the chronological order of them, in summary form:

You: nice email, stating I am infringing patent

Me: nice email back, please send patent information I am infringing

You: nice email: request I send you my patent

me:nice email: I dont need to send anyone anything, you are accusing me, please prove your claim

you:nice email:you state your lawyer will send it, but he request ours as well

me:nice email: I dont need to send anything, I am not accusing anyone of anything, I don't even need a patent unless I am defending one

This went on for a few emails. Both you and I were cordial with one another, no problems. 

Never received any patent information or claims I am infringing upon.

Mid March, with no other communication between us, you start placing fake posts on Youtube.  I receive emails from Youtube saying these post are hitting my account.  There was no communication between us at this point.  At that time we were still waiting for proof from you we are violating a patent.  We never provoked your Youtube attack on us, this was out of left field.

Mid March you and *daughter starting placing fake reviews about our product, at the same time of your Ripoff report, and then referring to those reviews trying to deceive people into thinking they were created by legitimate people to promote Gopher Goo.  That is very low.  At this point we had never responded to anything including Youtube emails.

End of March you started to place fake and unjustified reviews about my service company for malicious reasons. 

To lower our exposure of your efforts to defame us we have started a keyword campaign to combat the damage you have created for us.  This keyword campaign will involve keywords for both our companies and target audience.  This is both legal and common practice for competing for top ranking of keywords on the internet.  You may not like this because of how I now am starting to own your keywords which in time will be more dramatic if you keep posting these false and negative claims.  I have better things to do with my time than try to combat your defamation.  However, as you keep writing these fake, hateful claims I have no choice but to expand my keyword campaign.

This would never of happened if you did not report fake claims against us.  This has been very costly for us in both time and money.  However, we have never contacted you, said negative things about your product or went after you personally.  We may have more favorable things to say about our own product, however, we do not say yours does not work.

Then, after several months of still no patent information, you continue with Ripoff Report again.  You have Ted contact the manufacturer on your behalf and he attempted to call me on Friday afternoon. Missed call 805-927-4053 at 3:04 pm, we look up name: Ted Sebern of Cambria (your current/former  town).  Oh look same one who posted on here with you and Amazon right after taking with the manufacturer who gave you no information and called me right away.

Ted then posts wrong information that you assumed was in our product, which it is not.  And here we are today with no patent information to back your claim, still. 

So I ask you Heather.  Who started what?  Look up all the emails and posts, this is not made up, this is black and white.  I have only responded to you and never have been the aggressor.  Look back at all the evidence that has piled up.  You act, we counter act.  You like to dish out a lot of BS and then cry when we put up a fight.

Lets assume for a minute I have no patent.  Now what?  I am not breaking any laws or ethically doing a thing wrong.  I am marketing a product.  If you have a patent I am infringing on, by all means you should notify me of that.  Then send me proof of your claim.

All this could have been avoided if you sent your patent information.  That is all we ever asked from you.  In all your responses here you avoid the question:  Where is your patent information for gopher goo or Crop Doctor or Heather B Vallier or www.gophergoo.com or any other?  You claim trademark infringement, but never forward a document that states anyting.  You have not been truthful up to this point so it is difficult to take you at your word.  Patent and Trademark information is public record so if you have anything I could just look it up.  My patent attorney says youd don't have anything on file he can discover.  If you don't have a patent, then leave us alone, you should have never contacted us in the first place in that case.

The Crop Doctor

Arroyo Grande,
United States of America
Tunnel fill is a SCAM and a rip off in the worst way

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, May 28, 2012

I see you have a friend who claims to be from New York Nick.  No problem my friend, next week it will all be settled in a legal fashion.  You cannot steal a patented idea and use another person's identity and intellectual property Nick, and I will provide you with all the proof you need that the idea, the name, and the logo are all protected . . . its a fact.

As for my daughter, she is not a child she is a young adult and she has seen what you are doing.  She needed no coaching.  I am not sure what age your children are, and I never once mentioned them ever and never would.  At least I appreciate that we see eye to eye on that, and that you were not trying to hurt Claire with your post.  I am guessing your kids are much younger than mine, and if one of your young adults wanted to post I think you would let them, she wanted to do it.  She said nothing but her truth, and she is a part of Gopher Goo, its a family affair.  She works for us, so she is offended by some of your comments, as well as actually worked with your product with us.  It was a fail, it did nothing what so ever.  Just nothing at all, nothing happened.  We were all sort of surprised by this, and I think that bothered her too.  She is a plant lover and a gopher hater and she wants to get out a product that works to people.  Maybe we got a bad batch, but I swear we followed the instructions and nothing happened.  I would honestly have preferred it to work so I could see it, but it was just watery liquid and what looked like peat.  Check it out for yourself or I could even send you some of what I have left.  It really didn't work Nick.

Think back and read my first emails to you.  I tried hard to be nice and I was nice . . . and you declined to send patent information and even said you understood why I wouldn't either.  This got ugly when you stole my identity and posted as Susan Crapola on your You Tube video . . cute name to chose by the way, and apparently she is the Crop Doctor?  That was really low Nick, why did you think you had to do that?  I was completely civil up to that moment and after when I asked you to remove it and told you Crop Doctor was trademarked.  And the Gopher Goo logo Nick, its copyrighted.  Go to my website www.gophergoo.com and look at the bottom of the page, you will see that every thing on that page is copyrighted, including and especially my logo.  Using it is illegal, and its costly, and I hope for your sake you can remove it.  You made it easy to prove for me by posting it on here.  How would you like me to do that with yours?  Try to see this from my side; I found you and realized that we had a problem, I informed you nicely about the potential patent issues, and I suggested we work together to come up with a solution.  In return I get this cyber slam and fake You Tube posts saying that the Crop Doctor endorses your product??  REALLY???  How low can you go?  I could do that too but where do we draw the line?  Stealing my identity was really when I got mad . . . think about it Nick, how would you like that?  Me as you posting comments.  Wrong and illegal both.  Remove the posts, I know you are Susan Crapola and you CAN remove them, so just do the right thing and do it.  It will be addressed along with the Gopher Goo ey posts.  You made me go here and you said you checked it and you are fine, however I seriously think you need to quickly check that again.  I am over this and lets just do what your friend suggested and let the Attorneys hand it from here on in . . . like I said, you made me do this.  Go back and read how this started and now look where it is.  We both just want to do the same thing, and I wanted to work with you, but unless you can get those fake posts off there you leave me no recourse but to pursue this legally, and my Attorney is one sharp guy. 

Let's just end this cyber slam and settle it in court.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I will try to do the same.  Please take a moment and re-read my first emails to you, I did try . . . that sure would have been an easier route to take than the road we are on now.

Heather Vallier

Report Attachments

Dwight S.

New York,
New York,
United States of America
The Crop Doctor is looney

#19Consumer Comment

Mon, May 28, 2012

Heather Vallier, The Crop Doctor, Gopher Goo or any other name she goes by is out of her mind.  I have read all this, dont ask me why, I was looking up another company when I saw it on the first page.  I have many patents I work with for my company and protect them to best we can.  I have looked up for my own curiosity if there is a patent under Gopher Goo, Heather's name or The Crop Doctor.  None show up.  If she started selling this in November 2010 or earlier her patent pending would even show up for public record.  If she started selling it before that and filed a patent one year after her first sale, which is easily looked up, her product is not patentable.

My guess is she found out she can not patent her product and so is trying to scare you into thinking she has some voodoo on you, she does not.  Then that did not work so she slams your product all over the internet in an attempt to hurt your sales and in her case promote her product as well.

Nick, dont let The Crop Docgtor person harrass you.  In my opinion you have a good lawsuit against her for all she has done.  I would not even give her the pleasure of responding to her on here, thats what she wants you to do.  Engaging her only encourages her to continue.  Just ignore her, contact your attorney and let him handle it.  If I was in your state and I would gladly represent you, you have  a strong case.

No legal advice given here, these are only my opinions.  Contact an attorney for legal advice.

Good luck.

Tunnel Fill

La Verne,
United States of America
Gopher Goo has no patent

#20Author of original report

Mon, May 28, 2012

Heather, why would I need to send a patent.  I do not need a patent to produce my product.  Our product is patented, however, you do not violate it currently.  We also have a patent pending which we will not disclose any information about as advised by our patent attorney.  This also has no impact on us producing or selling our product, nor you or any claim we know you don't have.

If someone in the future violates our patent we will go about it the proper legal, moral and ethical way.  That is to say we will have our patent attorney send a letter of cease and desist along with a list of claims they are infringing upon.  Of course, like any sane individual, we would send our patent number so their attorney could look it up.  If they were unable to find it, we would gladly send the copy to them for their review.

After sending all the legal claims we would give reasonable time to respond.  If we were unable to work this out we would seek the advice of our attorney and weigh our options.  Those options may include legal recourse, or trying to work out licensing agreements.  None of which we would expect to do if we do not send proof of our claims, that would make us look very stupid.

Our response would most definitely not include posting on my competitors Youtube account and then posting fake and false information about them.  It also would not include trying to go after another business they own or bring their small children into it. 

You said we brought your child into this gopher goo scam but how can that be?  The only other person we have mentioned is a Claire Vallier if that is who you refer to.  We do not know who this person is. We assumed it was another alias of Heather Vallier.  We obtained that name from a post on a website where that person posted a fake review about our product. 

So if you are the type of "mother" to get your child involved in such matters then shame on you.  You even went as far as to link to this post in a previous rant of yours.  I know when you lie as much as you do it is hard to keep track of them, but it is Heather Vallier who brought her daughter into this.  If fact if we knew that ahead time we would have left her name off of here out of respect for her, but now it is on the internet forever.  I am appalled to see a "mother" put a child into such a position.

In regards to reviews, there is no bad reviews by anyone other than Heather Vallier (or alias), daughter (name not used out of respect), and Ted.  Ted posted false information about our product.  Our product does not have polyacrymides as he falsely accuses us of.  This is why Ted called the manufacturer  to find out what it is so you could get that information for your gain.  We knew it was you calling, you are not that smart, despite your alleged PHD.

In closing, we are not accusing you of any patent infringement at this time so we are not sending you any information in regards to our product.  However, if you ever upgrade your product to be like ours, we most certainly will send it to you in the manner described above.  Since you are (falsely) accusing us of patent infringement and posting lies about your patent status, the burden of proof is on you to prove your patent exists.  You must also let us know what claims we are infringing on, which in 4 1/2 months has still not happened.

You ask for our non public and private information about our product like an internet troll and trying to bully us into giving out our information.  Please go back under your troll bridge and take your goo with you. Goo d day.

The Crop Doctor

Arroyo Grande,
United States of America
Tunnel fill is a SCAM and a rip off in the worst way

#21REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 27, 2012

I contacted you first and asked for your patent info . . . still waiting on that.  I never asked your manufacturer for a recipe, again a lie.  I did call and told them about what you are doing and next week along with you they will have legal proof of our claims from our Attorney, along with what we can disclose to you to shut you up.  Since you never even tried to settle this nicely why should I do that and provide you more information to steal from us?  Think it through, why didn't YOU send along YOUR supposed patent information.

Even though it might be legal to do some of your underhanded and bottom feeding tricks, its immoral and ridiculous.  If your product is so wonderful why does no one like it?  Read your OWN reviews . . . they are terrible and honestly, we tried it, it did nothing at all.  Did we get a bad batch?  Have you tried ours?  If not you should, it actually gets the job done.

If you want me to leave you along take down the fake posts (my IT guy traced Susan Crappola to you Nick in La Verne).  You can add a letter to my name but its still using a trademark . . . and for what reason?  To fight with me, to annoy and harass me . . . you started this so produce your patent and lets have it over and both go back to work.

Heather Vallier

Tunnel Fill

La Verne,
United States of America
Gopher Goo is a SCAM

#22Author of original report

Sun, May 27, 2012

Heather as abused, harassed, bullied and falsely accused us for months now. Here was her chance to let the world see if her patent claim was true and give any justification to her unlawful acts. She says we "started this", but all our online activity regarding this are in response to her attacks.

I looked at her Youtube thing and I see someone with the name cropsdoctor with an "s"
after crop. One of her many alias is cropdoctor with no "s".  As far as we are concerned these are two different people and we do  not regulate what name people put on Youtube. There are many people on the internet who use cropdoctor as there company name or their  nick name so I believe it is probably not trademarked, the same as she lies about Gopher Goo being patented.

As far as any descriptive words I use for my product I invented, I violate no laws I am doing something called "marketing", look it up. I can use any keywords I chose on any site I chose.  If you did more of this and stop worrying about my product and defaming it, you may have a chance of success. Instead, you go onto sites where I pay for marketing and slam my product and then promote Gopher Goo, usually with a link like www.gophergoo.com.  You don't think we have legal recourse? The difference is, we don't care about you or your product and wish to concentrate our efforts on marketing our product.

Now you have made false claims stating what is in our product. You clearly state a chemical, have your friend do it for you, which is not in our product. A direct lie in the product review. This happens right after you call the manufacture for our ingredients who knows it is you and does not give it to you.

She is such a narcissist she actually called the manufacturer to ask for the recipe.  They then called me to say you are up to your dirty, slimy tricks again. It is obvious you don't have patent, nobody is buying it. I am glad to see you are passionate about your product but that passion can be used in more constructive ways.

Heather, please just leave us alone. We are happy to leave you alone. If you can do that we wish you the best of luck on Gopher Goo and wish you and your family the best.


La Verne,
United States of America
I Guess Gopher Goo is a SCAM

#23REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 27, 2012

Clearly www.gophergoo.com is a scam.  With all the opportunity to give the patent and all she does is ask for the other guys patent who does not need one.  In my opinion Heather Vallier is a big fake liar.  I was not sure who was in the right here before, but clearly Gopher Goo is a SCAM.

The review for Gopher Goo is it is a scam, at least that is my testimonial. 

The Crop Doctor

Arroyo Grande,
United States of America
Tunnel fill is a SCAM

#24REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 27, 2012

As you know I have tried to be nice to you and work with you and requested your patent information which you refused to provide us.  You wrote that under the advice of your attorney you would or could not do this.  I asked first, and you even n acknowledged that, and said you understood why I would not give you information, but here you go again demanding it.  I have the emails . . . and now you are using my name, my copyrighted logo, and the name of my daughter in this nasty and borderline crazy diatribe.  

What I told you is the law, its the truth, and the wheels of justice grind slowly yet exceedingly fin.  This is alll is headed your way . . . hope you are ready . . . when you posed as me on the web, stole our idea, our name, our logo and then sell this crap as if its our product you broke the law. Period.  Gopher Goo is a patent protected product and our name and logo are also legally protected and even posted that here you nasty "Rodent Guy".  Get a good attorney, you stepped into a big pile of your own making and time for this to end.

You started all this with the fake posts, and now you will deal with what you created, which is a big mess that you will have to answer for.  I tried this the nice way, but you just drop lower and lower with your use of our logo, my daughters name,  and  your bizarre ranting.  I offered to do this the easy way and you insisted on this way . . . so get ready to deal with it.  You disgust me!


La Verne,
United States of America
Gopher Goo Scam

#25Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 27, 2012

I read through the complaints here and this seems so simple to resolve and yet nobody has mentioned it.

Heather Vailler of Gopher Goo just needs to provide her patent.  She must have one with all that she has said.  Then I think all this will be cleared up.  I see her asking Nick for his, but he makes no claims she is infringing on his patent so why does he need one?  He does not need one to produce a product - only to protect one, seems silly.

I am going to watch this one to see how is plays out.  I hope Heather either responds with a patent or has a good reason not to post it.  Like one of the post says, if it is only a patent pending then of course there is no patent or protection.  If this is the case Heather is way out line and probably due for a law suit for making false claims but I have a feeling she has one.  No one is pycho enough to post all this and then not have it.  Of course if there is no proof of patent what is the other guys supposed to do just take her word for it?

I hope tomorrow I wake up, log in, and there it is...

Tunnel Fill

La Verne,
United States of America
More competitor negativity from Gopher Goo

#26Author of original report

Sat, May 26, 2012

Dr. Heather Vallier, you have been claiming patent infringement of your Gopher Goo product since January 10th both publicly and privately, and to date have provided no proof of any actual patent (including patent number) or of any specific claims of your supposed Gopher Goo patent that our product is infringing on. You have asked for specific information on our patent application, but have been unwilling provide any of that same information on your supposed patent. You may be a PhD, but you seem to have a very difficult time understanding the simple concept that if you even have a patent application, a patent application (which we also have) does not equal an actual patent, and with no patent, there is no infringement.

We have asked time and time again for any proof at all that you hold a patent on Gopher Goo, and all we receive is your constant claim that you have a patent and that our product infringes on your patent. We have asked for this information since January 10th, 2012. Since January 11th, you have stated that your attorney will provide us with information on your patent, and here we are 4 1/2  months later, with no further information to back up your claim that Gopher Goo is patented. We would welcome information from your lawyer, or your Gopher Goo or Crop Doctor company showing that your Gopher Goo product is patented. At least if we got legitimate information, we could respond appropriately. Instead of proceeding in the legal way, most likely because you have no legal claim to a patent for Gopher Goo, you have decided to attack our product and our unrelated service company with vitriolic falsified reviews.

In your last comment, you even decide to take a lower road than you have taken so far, which is hard to believe is possible, and bring our children into this. Our children have had no interactions with you or the product you claim is infringing, and bringing comment about them into your nasty online reviews speaks volumes about your character.

You claim you did not ask for royalties, but direct quotes from you to us include, The patent is processing and your profits will be ours soon and Hope you are keeping track of your profits, because they will soon be ours and you will pay my legal fees also, and they are piling up. I guess those arent even requests for royalties, but outright threats regarding money because we didnt simply fold up manufacturing our product on your word that its patented.

Yes, we are tired of the nasty games. It would be wonderful, Heather Vallier, if you would stop your hate-filled, self-promoting
attacks on both our companies, and proceed in a legal way (when, and if, you can). But since we have requested that you do that for many months now, I dont actually expect that to happen.

You prefer to use our advertising and marketing to publish negative ads and reviews to promote your own product. Maybe if you
decided to spend a little money marketing and promoting your product positively, instead of following our product to denigrate it and then insert your own advertising for free, you would have no need to tear down our product with false reviews. As the online community can see, even in these reviews you dodge the request for your patent number. We have requested this information over and over again, privately and publically. We ask for it again, publicly. If you have an actual patent, please provide this information. Otherwise, please stop your negative campaign and focus on your product, instead of the constant self-promotion of your Gopher Goo product on many of our marketing and sales sites.

The Crop Doctor

Arroyo Grande,
United States of America
False accusations by a knock off product

#27REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 26, 2012


I was nice to you to begin with and politely informed you that you were producing a patent protected product that was a copy of ours Gopher Goo.  (www.gophergoo.com).  

You started this by poaching our product and refusing to provide any information on your patent when I asked for it, which after an extensive search by my attorney does not appear to exist.  We are years ahead of you and the most important part is that our product Gopher Goo does in fact work and yours is a sad joke.  Its more expensive and it does NOTHING.  We bought and tried yours and it never did anything at all, no swell, no nothing.   At least if you are going to create a knock off, make one that works!  You are ruining a good idea with your cheap and ineffective knock off and then posting fake reviews as if I endorsed yours . . . which I NEVER did and you know that.  You posted my name on your crappy and ridiculous you tube videos, and in it you can hear a little girl saying "that doesn't work".  She is correct, tunnel fill is a ridiculous and ineffective product that DOES NOT WORK!

You started the Cyber attack by posing as me (The Crop Doctor) on your you tube video and my attorney will love that you are using our logo in this post, it is also trademarked.  You and wonder soil both will have a letter next week that will clear this up, and although I did not demand royalties from you what you are doing is illegal and immoral both.  

I am tired of your games and nasty posts, fake posts, and harassing comments and threats.  Give us  your patent information and we can clear this up today, but you can't do that, can you Nick?  Sad that you stoop so low . . . what are you teaching your children about how to behave and how to run a business.  If you lie about this, what else?  Disgusting . . .

Heather B. Vallier, Ph.D

Tunnel Fill

La Verne,
United States of America
Thank you for your gopher goo comment

#28Author of original report

Sat, May 26, 2012

I appreciate your support.  I have been so quiet over this whole attack against us which is so unfounded.  I am in no way suggesting any faults of Gopher Goo or her site www.gophergoo.com it is her business practice.  Anyway, thanks for cheer up, I need it, The Crop Doctor is stressing me out with this post.



United States of America
I'm on your side-

#29General Comment

Sat, May 26, 2012

Based on everything I've read, I'm going to side with you on this. I don't have gophers, but if I ever do Tunnelfill will be my choice.  Seriously. I don't know if it works or not, but based on how you've had to deal with the nastiness of that ***** with her product pushing (which may or may not work, i don't know and it's not the point) and her constant self promotion I would pick you based on your professionalism alone. 

She claims your videos are crap. She states in one that "you can hear a little girl saying 'that didn't work' " which she took out of context, and is very obvious to anyone who watches.  Personally, even if your product doesn't work (which i highly doubt is the case) I would still choose yours over gopherspew. I was just cruising and reading reports when I came across yours.

d**n I wish I had a house with some gophers jacking up the yard right now, just so i'd have a reason to buy from you. If I wasn't totally broke right now, I'd probably buy some anyway and give it to my apt maintenance people (as if they actually do anything anyway). 

I digress.

Good luck with your business and I wish you and your family the best!
from Shreveport (now it's time to eat some mud-bugs!)

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