  • Report:  #898961

Complaint Review: Governor John Kasich Ohio - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
MD - Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

Governor John Kasich Ohio
77 South High Street 30th Fl Riffe Center Columbus, 43216-6117 Ohio, United States of America
(614) 644-0981
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Governor Kasich knows that the State Medical Board of Ohio functions on the false cases of women MDs that object too strongly to the wrong care of themselves & the Ohio mistakes in simple medical/orthopedic problems.  With women MD license suspensions, they have become the new 'target' to keep male MDs from license suspension for multiple patient complaints - the women MDs don't have to have patient complaints and their 'cases' are put ahead of boxes of cases of physicians with multiple patient complaints - to get rid of competition for Carla O'Day MD and her friends. 

In 2005, Governor Taft finally ordered an investigation on Carla O'Day MD - a Medical Board Member during 1990-1993 - and her 'techniques,' but not enough was found - it was inconclusive as everything was 'confidential.'  That is not the type of woman MD that should be the President and CEO of a major Cleveland hospital - she got there the WRONG way; her and her attorney husband living off the false cases that she provided the State Medical Board.  Her attorney husband also needs to answer for Carla's actions.  The false cases she put through have never been reviewed - but they are admittedly probably false (Tom Dilling).

The same criteria do not apply for licensure disciplines: male MDs v women MDs.  Women MDs can be providers of better than average medical care, have no patient complaints, but they just objected too strongly when they could not get the 'right' care for themselves - they were supposed to 'take one' for the system.  Women MDs are supposed to allow unnecessary surgeries to be done to themselves, fractures to be left uncasted until they become 'excrescent' (a Medical Board word for 'ripen' to hugely swollen), and Catholic women MDs are not allowed families, children or ob-gyn care - they didn't 'do it' with Dr. Nice (married with two children, but friends on the State Medical Board supply his personal needs with the State of Ohio budget).  The Medical Board of Ohio ensures that certain 'friends' will be provided with patient referrals and personal needs.

Ohio has no medical mistake laws, so Medical Board Members handle medical mistakes by taking the medical license of the physicians who object or report the problems.  Thyroid disorders are at an epidemic 'high' in Ohio, no epidemiologist cares, while the State Medical Board takes the licenses of women MDs with thyroid problems - women MDs who don't need blood work as the Ohio Medical Board Members don't know what a TSH is.

Thyroid problems in Ohio are mistreated badly.  The Medical Board does not allow blood work before taking a woman MD's license for symptoms of thyroid problems that the woman MD is trying to get properly treated - the Medical Board Members can't see a swollen neck.  So the State Medical Board of Ohio has the woman MD taken off thyroid medication, and subjected to serial 'goes' to find a case - having a new right Ohio psychiatrist recommend some psych med that will then - in the setting of untreated subclinical/clinical hypothyroidism - cause the woman MD to go suicidal.  Placing woman MDs in therapy, or on psych meds, for disagreeing with the wrong care of themselves is an Ohio specialty - to fund the extra building that the Medical Board occupies, the case workers, the cottage industry of false physician licensure suspensions.  The Medical Board occupies bank real estate in Columbus at taxpayer expense.

Ohio has the highest rate of false physician disciplines & suspensions in the nation - we can't do real business so the Medical Board 'finds' business and the case complaints are 'confidential' unless the physician has 'friends' on the Board.  The Ohio physician confidential complaint 'law' is broken by the Medical Board & Govenor - for friends, campaign contributions, and the need to 'find' cases to keep jobs at the State Medical Board.  It's a cottage industry of crap.  But making women MD competitors of Carla O'Day MD suicidal by faking false diagnoses, treatments, and suspensions?  Ohio Medical Board experts have been trained in Russian psychiatric torture techniques - as one lawyer in Columbus was astounded to find. 

Ohio is only the State where medical mistakes are treated by allowing the statute of limitations to expire - the only words that talking-head Mr. Rick Whitehouse can say.  Forty-plus states have medical mistake laws, but Ohio legislators pretend to not know what they are (John Eklund, Matt Lynch).  Senator John Eklund will ask 'tell me how medical mistake laws function?'  He doesn't GOOGLE.

So women MDs pay the price as there is no reconsideration of false cases, no objective third party judicial review, no objective criteria for cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio.  The Ohio Medical Board votes to suspend a license on provisional innuendo, false testimony and lies - no rules of evidence.  The Medical Board lawyers call the woman MD lawyers and say ADMIT THE CASE. 

There's no law, or procedural rule, that the Ohio State Medical Board can't change to win a false case.  There are no procedural rules to follow to undo a false case - the physician has to die.  Other states admit the mistakes and get the physicians back to work with some payments for damages and licensure fees (some repayment plan for careers lost).  The State of Ohio is broke under John Kasich = BROKE = so there is no discussion, no negotiation, no end. 

If the physician in Ohio does not admit the false case, they never get their medical license back; the Ohio State Medical Board is never wrong even when they cheat.  Governor Kasich must be teaching his girls to cheat - the Medical Board admits that they cheat on cases - cases that have NOTHING to do with patient care except that the woman MD could not get care as her competitors wanted her dead or disabled by withholding 'care-to-function.'

Male MDs, Medical Board Members, and lay Medical Board Members can't allow the proper treatment of thyroid conditions in Ohio - it causes fractures and the male orthopedics need practice, while the Medical Board needs cases to subject to serial psychiatric evaluations at taxpayer expense.  No one has a budget for the State Medical Board, or knows how much these false cases cost.  Ask Brad Reynolds - no answer. 

Many cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio - going on for decades - have NOTHING or ANYTHING to do with patient care.  Some cases of women MDs are for 'making too much of boys being boys care.'  When 'boys being boys' care is done to a woman MD it isn't pretty. 

The misdiagnosis of thyroid conditions - so that the woman MD gets psych meds added to an untreated thyroid condition & commits suicide - is a common 'case.'  When the male MDs miss it - they tell the women MDs to 'change their story or lose their license.'  But you can't leave thyroid untreated, so the woman MD tries to get proper treatment and her license is taken to find the new right Ohio psychiatrist that she supposedly needs. 

Adding psych treatment to an untreated thyroid condition - not because the woman MD has criteria for any psychiatric disorder - will trigger suicidal behavior (hypomania or worse = the Mary Kennedy problem).  The pharmacologists, experts for the Ohio State Medical Board, and Mr. Rick Whitehouse have known this - that when they can't prove a case they can get the woman MD suicidal by getting a Hearing Officer Judge to say that the woman MD needs psych treatment for objecting to the wrong care done to herself.  That's not a psychiatric diagnosis; women MDs should be allowed to negotiate their points as in business or law. 

We are so Neanderthal in Ohio that it is a psychiatric disorder for a woman MD to object to a male MD doing the wrong care on her - to cover for negligences.  Wrong care means 'experimental' casts after Dr. Nice lets fractures ripen to 'excrescence,' not allowing proper blood work or workup, not allowing ob-gyn care so that women MDs won't have families or children (but Dr. O'Day can have 5 children and get the Directorship of the Hillcrest ER selling out classmates who are not allowed to get care-to-function). 

Board Members sell out their competition for hospital appointments, contracts, real estate and media deals - why Governor Kasich puts real estate moguls & medal spin doctor's wives on the Board - to get them hospital contracts by covering up messes taking the MD licenses of the physicians that object.

Suggestion Governor Kasich: clean up the State Medical Board.

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