  • Report:  #1469512

Complaint Review: Graeme Holm property spruiker - Bella vista Nsw

Reported By:
Paul Lang - Sydney, Nsw, Australia

Graeme Holm property spruiker
5/6 celebration drive Bella vista, 2000 Nsw, Australia
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Graeme Holm the property Spruiker for Infinity Group AUSTRALIA Bella vista The bad guys in property aren't always easy to spot. The really slick ones like Graeme Holm scam at Infinity group Australia Bella vista Rip Off have their disguises down pat and a whole bag of tricks to swindle even the most diligent investor.

Worse, many are flogging actual properties - bricks and mortar you can see and touch - rather than simply swiping your money and skipping town. For many victims, it can take years to cotton on to the con and much longer to recover from it.

Graeme Holm scam at Infinity group Australia Bella vista Rip Off has the polished nature of his tactics, there are ways to see through the smoke and mirrors. It is difficult to protect yourself and your life savings from Graeme Holm scam at Infinity group Australia Bella vista Rip Off Consumer advocate and author CRAIG Wing has devoted years to exposing property con artists.

Each day, he hears horror stories from investors - mostly middle-income mums and dads - who have been taken for an expensive ride. Graeme Holm scam at Infinity group Australia Bella vista Rip Off is also involved in pyramid schemes, ponzi scams or fictional investments that don't exist.

He and Rebecca walker are real con artists. By far the most common scam that Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off involves selling house-and-land packages or off-the-plan apartments at significantly inflated prices, like the ones he sold in Brendale, Whyalla, Gracemere, Guyra and Dubbo. Call ASIC NOW!! It's as simple as that.

Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off pockets a massive fee, like $50,0000 that's added to the already jacked up purchase price and many duped investors eventually wind up selling the property at a loss, even after an extended period of time.

Ripoffreport Report Image

Unsuspecting victims are presented with exclusive or "industry only" deals by Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off that are often deliberately overpriced by $50,000 to $70,000 or more, Watch outCall ASIC NOW!!

Signs of a dodgy deal by Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off Con artists like Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off have a whole bag of tricks to sting you, but there are some things you should be on the lookout for like his >>Unsolicited invitations to events or information about an investment opportunity you didn't ask for

. >> Emotive language and claims that are too good to be true. > Slick salespeople like Rebecca walker, who are pushy or make you feel uncomfortable. > One-stop shops where the salesperson, solicitor, financial adviser, valuer and broker are all under the one roof. Seek your own independent advice. > Properties that are over and above the average price for comparable homes in the area.

Be cautious of claims about expected rental return. Like the properties in Brendale. > Investment 'experts' like Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off with a poor reputation. Often a simple Google search will reveal their unhappy customers. > Rent guarantees or other bonuses that only last a short time.

>Unexpected fees and charges or confusing conditions hidden in the small print. There's almost nothing that can be done to stop the practice of Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off or get justice for those who've been done over, and so it continues - every day, right across the country.

The Financial Services Reform Act doesn't view property as a financial instrument, so 'experts' doling out investment advice usually aren't supervised by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). ASIC are not accountable for Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off making outrageous claims, giving dangerous or inaccurate advice, significantly inflating the price of properties or ripping off unsuspecting buyers.

"Gone are the days when developers would market their own properties. Now they give that job to specialised marketing outfits that receive hefty commissions per sale. "Of course, that's tacked on top of the price of the property so you've got a situation where an investor might pay $435,000 for a house that's only worth $350,000."

The practice is so widespread that dodgy slimy property spruikers like Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off transactions each year as legitimate ones. And spotting the difference is becoming more difficult.Call ASIC NOW!! "The investment rip off industry is just as big as the illegal drugs trade.

Forget a methamphetamine lab - a dodgy property investment spruiking company will make more money with little-to-no chance of going to jail." No part of the country is immune from these types of rackets, but there are some locations - like southeast Queensland where Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off has traditionally tended to operate.

"There are entire streets that have been created purely to rip off unsuspecting investors by Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off. It's a bit like a sausage factory." HOW Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off LURE YOU INCall ASIC NOW!! There's a saying that goes, "If you didn't ask for it, you probably don't want it".

Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off send an unsolicited invitation to attend an investment seminar or "take advantage of an unbeatable deal" should probably be ignored. Whether it's a letter in the mail or a phone call during dinner, most pitches are peppered with emotive language that's designed to fuel an investor's aspirations.

"Be wary of any spiel that mentions your children's future or their education costs, your financial future, wealth creation, retirement security and the like," Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off uses them all. Most invites use typical emotional persuasion tactics and slick operators will make it "all about you".Call ASIC NOW!!

Case study of one of Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off clients Call ASIC NOW!! Haunted by a 14-year nightmare Craig and Jane went Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Office at Bella. It’s, they expected to walk away with a few tips on maximising their savings nest egg for when it came time to eventually leave the workforce.

Call ASIC NOW!! Instead, they fell victims to a common con by Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off that cost them a small fortune for more than a decade. Back then, the Bella Vista couple were nearing 50, had some equity in their family home and were keen to ensure they maintained a comfortable lifestyle in their retirement years.

"The intonations by Graeme Holm gave some really frightening scenarios of what was needed for a retirement anywhere like the life we were living, which was hardly extravagant," Jane recalls. Concerned, they agreed to a no obligation financial consultation a few days later. There, they were told about property investment opportunities that would cost $50 a week to maintain and help provide for their twilight years. Jane and Craig travelled to the Brendale and were whisked to a number of apartments. To say they felt pressured would be an understatement, she says.

"The whole scene was presented with increasing levels of urgency. Our minder was a little miffed that we wouldn't sign (a contract) immediately." While discussing their options back at the hotel, they flicked open the newspaper that was in their room. The property section was missing, which they later realised was no accident.

If there had been an easy way of comparing local property prices - given this was pre-internet listings - they might've seen the massive gap between what local agents were fetching and what they were being asked to pay. The next morning, they met with the company's investment adviser.

They liked one of the holiday apartments and it came with a one-year rent guarantee, so they agreed to purchase it. "Coincidently, a solicitor just happened to be working in an office upstairs on the Sunday morning and prepared the contract for us to sign. We really had no idea just how badly we'd been bitten at first." A few years later, a bank valuation of the unit came in at $285,000 - well below the inflated $335,000 purchase price they'd paid. Soon after, management costs and commissions began to spiral out of control. They'd bought a lemon.

They weren't alone. Dozens of interstate investors had been sold overpriced properties by the same dodgy outfit.Call ASIC NOW!! Jane and Craig are about to join a class action lawsuit to recoup their losses. Instead of contributing to their retirement, that apartment gouged about $12,000 per year from their savings. "As a result, I'm still working at nearly 67 years of age," she says. "We were just an honest, perhaps financially nave couple from a the mortgage belt in Sydney taken advantage of by a conman Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off .

Hardly sophisticated investors. We wanted to be independent and not a drain on the community." "Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off will tell you about education, building your personal wealth and how to find so-called 'safe' properties. The invitation will be personal and understated, so as to not raise any alarm bells when you get it.

The words 'no obligation' will also find their way in there, no doubt." At the appointment Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off will Tell you about , students' or clients who have experienced great success and are willing to provide glowing testimonials. They're likely to be actual investors, but ones who haven't yet realised they've been stung.Call ASIC NOW!!

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) warns that the investments offered at these offices of Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off are often overvalued or require the payment of fees and commissions that often aren't disclosed until later.Call ASIC NOW!! A number of extra incentives are usually included, like rent guarantees and discounts for buying off the plan.

All might not be what it seems though. The cost of providing these bonuses has probably been tacked on top of the purchase price of the property. Other warning signs include the promise of learning "secret and exclusive techniques", insider tips about so called risk-free investments or offers of unofficial loans or finance arrangements to cover the cost of the property. Call ASIC NOW!!

Scam bait could also come in the form of emails from reputable-looking clubs or marketing outfits, glossy junk mail or telemarketing calls. "These cons are hard to spot,. "The operators present lots of impressive research about the area where the investment's located and claim to have negotiated a great deal with the developer. "There are thousands of poor people who are taken for a ride every year."

Take the story of another victim of Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off victim: an investor who bought a House and Land Package in Gracemere through Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off . He paid $395,000 for the property in 2015 and it was rented as full time.

When he realised he had been duped he got it appraised for $265,000. Graeme Ripped Him off, "He was 50 years old at the time and looking to set himself up for retirement, and now it looks like he'll have to rent for the rest of his life." Almost any investor could be susceptible, but many spruikers target working families looking to kick-start their investment portfolios, as well as people 45-plus starting to think about their retirement years.

Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off is a con man. Call ASIC NOW!! WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR Dodgy dealers are difficult to spot. There are some who fit the clich and can't help but show off their wealth with expensive suits and flashy sports cars. Like Graeme Holme $6,000,000 mansion and the Maserati that Rebecca Walker drives.

Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off mention how rich they are whenever an opportunity arises. "Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off Is a Spruiker a property Spruiker. One of the mistakes people make is to not trust their gut instinct.

It might be wise to exercise caution when dealing with a smooth talker who's got the gift of the gab like Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off.Call ASIC NOW!! Be wary of people who ask you questions to which the only answer is 'yes'.

Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off talk about how these investments can reduce your tax and secure your hopes for your family's security and your children's future." They make "outrageous claims" about an area or individual property and anything that sounds too good to be true probably is. Call ASIC NOW!!

Spruikers like Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off will also look for ways to circumvent the safeguards that would normally alert an investor to a shonky arrangement. When you're buying property through traditional channels, you consult with lots of different people and get their professional advice.

You might see a real estate agent, a lawyer, a lender, perhaps your accountant. Most of the time in these con situations, you're pressured to let them take care of it all - it's a one-stop shop at Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off. Call ASIC NOW!! Alarm bells should definitely ring when you see a one-stop shop - the solicitor, valuer, broker, agent, insurer and builder all under the same roof like at Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off.

Investing in property can be nerve-wracking, however feeling under pressure to enter into a deal should always be your cue to head for the door. You shouldn't ever be in a hurry - take your time. Compare apples with apples.   HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF from Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off Call ASIC NOW!!

One of the easiest ways to avoid being taken for a ride by Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off is to not buy investment properties through them. In every single case, these types of cons wouldn't happen if Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off buyers simply got independent advice from a valuer.

They didn’t and Graeme Holm scam and Rebecca Walker Rip off at Infinity group Australia Bella vista scam Rip Off ripped them off. Call ASIC NOW!! Call ASIC NOW!! Call ASIC NOW!! Close him down.

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