  • Report:  #629804

Complaint Review: Granger Whitelaw - Internet, Red Bank, NJ and NYC New York

Reported By:
GrangerWhitelawIsAFraud - NJ, NY, Nationwide, United States of America

Granger Whitelaw
307 Cooper Road Red Bank, NJ 07701 Internet, Red Bank, NJ and NYC, 10174 New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Granger Brewster Whitelaw of BlueCar Partners is a fraud.  He lives in Red Bank, NJ and operates his so-called consulting business from home.  The BlueCar Partners website lists him having a New York City office, in addition to, many offices around the globe.  This is simply not true.  These remote offices are merely one conference room in New York City; beyond that there are no employees of the company or established offices. 

Collectively, my relationships and I have decided that Whitelaw's business relationships average about six months before they catch-on to his shenanigans and part ways from him and BlueCar Partners.  I was introduced to this conceded individual as a "renowned venture capitalist with connections" to assist my company (an Internet startup) grow via capital raise and e-commerce marketing. In reality, Whitelaw does not put a dime of his own money into his clients' projects.  I know, because he asked me to pay him so that he could find money/investors for my company; later in our intercourse, Whitelaw claimed that he "retained" his own employees to do the same for my business. This is not true. 

Much like the stories of Whitelaw's clients before me, Whitelaw lead me and my colleagues down a wild goose chase and offered to pay me for services rendered. In the process, I witnessed tax scams which he requested be prepared and arranged so that he could dodge reporting his income to the IRS.  I was asked to help create false financial statements for the benefit of Whitelaw's personal interests (personal private jet purchases/housing, personal aviation lessons and purchase of home dwellings masked falsely as "places of business") via BlueCar Partners. I declined his proposition to pay me and/or my associates for these services and I parted ways with Whitelaw after I went to a "business meeting" with him and "his partners" and it was clear that his financial status would not support the purchase of any dwelling, private plane or the investments he was promising his clients and non-contracted staff -- all of which he had assured me he could cover and was covering via himself and BlueCar Partners, previously.

The man is a "mini Madoff" in my very best description.  He is probably bipolar because I caught him in many lies to clients and myself (be it to our faces, in email or over the phone) and throughout the entire relationship I endured with him. I witnessed him retain clients paying him/BlueCar Partners thousands-of-dollars each month, and in exchange, he promised them (as well as my associates) results if not ROI and/or stock compensation for their efforts to support his firm, BlueCar Partners, via their businesses.  BlueCar Partner's clients/staff worked without industry-appropriate compensation and often times were threatened to deliver service/due diligence per his personal threats via email, phone and/or in-person. Many of us simply followed his advice because we believed he would help advance our business and we spent millions-of-dollars on behalf of our investors (which Whitelaw did not bring to the table, despite his typical BlueCar Partners contract to fulfill such fundraising duties for his clients. Unfortunately, our companies were run into the ground on Whitelaw's false advisory and promises.  Type Granger Whitelaw into the Internet, there are many complaints and stories similar to my own.

The man is a bully.  On more than one occasion, Whitelaw requested introductions to my relations for the purpose of obtaining investment capital (seed monies) for his client's startups; however, that was not his true intent.  I gave in and personally introduced him to a relationship which purchased stock in one of his initiatives just after the newly-formed public entity was established (the startup, pre-revenue, was advised by Whitelaw to purchase the shell of an old publicly-trading company with no value trading on the OTC exchange so that "it would be easier to raise money and put it back into the company to help it grow").  Whitelaw took my relationship's money (via the sale of an "original investor's stock" in the company to my relations) and my relationships received stock for their money.  The issue is that Whitelaw had promised his BlueCar Partners' client - the newly-public startup (the same company that my new investor relationship was investing in) the investor's money to help fund the company.  As it turned-out, Whitelaw (and his mysterious "original investor" who sold my relationships the stock) walked away from my investors/relationships and then also let the public startup (aka: BlueCar's own client) go bankrupt.  BlueCar Partners is also not a registered investment advisor with the SEC.

If one were to read the clients listed on BlueCarPartners.com - 99% of those listed have not received one penny of investment from Whitelaw nor have some ever retained BlueCar Partners as a consultant.  If you read about what Granger Whitelaw did to AmberAlert - they issued a press release indicating their reasoning for severing ties with BlueCar and Whitelaw: because he promised to deliver funding and did not (again, this is his M.O. folks).  If you read about what happened to Vemics, Inc. (now Imedicor) stock, Whitelaw routinely made threats to the company's CEO and was accused of insider trading.  Whitelaw made zillions of quotes about RocketRacingLeague and it has also failed under his direction. I am certain that monies used were spent on his personal hobbies rather than to see company growth.  In another instance, I learned that Whitelaw dodged an issue with the SEC after they accused him of brokering without a license and falsely trading -- his acclaimed Grady & Hatch "Wall Street" experience was also reported and found guilty of crime very similar years before.  

The man is a con. He is a mini Madoff.  I am writing this to warn people of his malicious history of threats, false promises and selfish scams.  I strongly advise any business not to engage with this individual or his firm.  I witnessed Whitelaw being accused by his own BlueCar Partners clients of conflict of interest issues after they made him President & CEO at his discretion; I have their testimony.  I have many testimonies regarding similar claims to his lies and scams for that matter that he and his consulting business are a sham.  Granger B. Whitelaw of Red Bank, NJ is a fraud. BlueCar Partners of New York City (claiming world-presence) is also a fraud.  Whitelaw Holdings is also a name to be weary in my opinion.

Report Attachments

28 Updates & Rebuttals


Del Ray,
Who is Granger Whitelaw really?

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, February 04, 2016

I met this guy last week, and who is he really, does anyone really know?

He is either the greatest company mastermind or the biggest con man alive, I am truly not sure.

He talks about fancy cars, boats, airplanes, exclusive private prep schools and military academies.

He seems to have an amazing lifestyle, and is planning an upcoming ski trip to the Vail Mountain Resort

yet when we finished our meeting I had to pick up the check. 

Is the guy married? is there a significant other? does he really have kids? what is his real story? 

What does he really do for a living? is he legit? from what I read here I have real questions.

What is the real story about Granger Whitelaw? 



Granger rhymes with Danger

Delray Beach,
Granger Whitelaw is at Social Life Management, be careful

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, December 11, 2015

I worked for this company for several months in a marketing capacity out of Delray Florida, and you should check out and do your homework, on the company and the people. I wish I had done that first, . There are lots of secrets at the company, and then I read this posting here on RipOff Report and realized that this might be a pattern.  I looked the people but perhaps I should have looked more closely, but Granger seems to have many ISSUES! and I am more certain of that after reading this site. 

I hope the others here can find a way to get their money back from Granger, he is always talking about expensive cars, airplanes, boats, and other toys he owns. 

Pitched to invest

New York,
We just met granger Whitelaw, now he is at social life management

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, December 09, 2015

we just met Granger Whitelaw and his new company "social life managmeant" they met with us to get us to invest in them and then afterwrds I googled the guy and wow, I've never seen such an awful report on an individual or group

anyone know more about www.sociallifemanagement.com"? 

Anyone have information to share on if we should invest in his new company? 


Some investment advice

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, April 04, 2015

I do not know the truth to this report, but people need to protect themselves against such situtations by following advice of experts. Morgan Stanley's investment strategists, Gerard Minack had some good things to say before he retired.

Here is what he said:

  • Don't try to pick stocks
  • Don't try to time the market
  • Just invest in a portfolio of low-cost, tax-efficient index funds

Now, before you go scrutinizing Minack's note to find these bullet points, let me be the first to say that Minack does not actually explicitly articulate this advice.

Rather, he just demonstrates conclusively why any other investment strategy is idiotic.

For starters, Minack points out that, in the average year, 60% of actively managed mutual funds underperform their benchmark.

This means that, in any given year, you have a 40% chance of picking a fund that will beat the market. So if you try to pick a fund that will do this, the odds are already against you.

Then Minack notes that, over the 3-year period through 2012, a staggering 87% of funds lagged the market--a percentage of failure that is similar to the percentage in most three-year periods.

This means that, if you plan to hold your investment for 3 or more years, you have about a 1 in 9 chance of picking a fund that will beat the market.


KemKids Parents should worry

Palm Beach ,
KemKids and Granger Whitelaw, his next source of funding

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2015


Look on the website Kemkids.com and see they say about her online 


Christina Ingraham

Christina’s Dance Card is always full.  Christina cha-chaed her way onto the KemKids team in 2014. Originally from Indiana, Christina studied all facets of dance but fell in love with Ballroom & Latin Dancing!   After moving to South Florida in 2004, Christina has been teaching student’s young and old how to glide across the dance floor. Teaching is her passion and seeing her students learn and grow is what she loves to do.

I wonder what she is learning from Granger Whitelaw, and how many KemKids parents will be lured in. If you read all of these things about Granger Whitelaw online, they seem unbelievable that one person could do so much harm. I read what people say about him becoming a confidant and then investing their money, just to see it go away. What does the man do, and how does he do it with his posse of blonde girlfriends 

KemKids, Inc. is a Palm Beach based non-profit Dance Studio. We offer Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical, Hip Hop, Cheer/Pom Squad and Acrobatics Classes directly after school at Public and Private Schools.  How convenient is that!

KemKids, I wonder if she is being lured by Granger into finding new investors for his latest so called deal.

KemKids, did they checkout Granger and Christina


Phone  561-267-6605

Fax      561-793-7684

Report granger Whitelaw and Christ fellowship

Boynton beach ,
Christ Fellowship, Boynton Beach, Florida, we have a cancer

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2014

Is this really the kind of member we want at our church, no matter how much money he gives to the church can we live with sin like this in our midst. Granger is like a cancer eating out our church from the inside, and the fact that we let him continue to do that As a member of our church and of the community says a lot about our church family.

Granger lured our family through his affiliation with the church, and we invested money with this man in his schemes and poof the money is gone, he prays, but actually he "preyes" on members of our church to fund his strange investment schemes, all of which he says will be big and offer huge returns, and help the world. Yet they are not real, I never met a con man before I met Granger Whitelaw. Now our money is gone and with it our dreams.

granger is obsessed with sex preying on young blonde women, his type, he promises them the world and then leave only disaster in his wake. Just talk to his exwife Laura, and how he left her with nothing while he kept his yacht his plane and his fancy ocean front mansion. The front rotating door of the mansion is just filled with eager young women looking for granger to be their sugar daddy. Clearly that is not the way god calls people to behave, and then there are the other children from other marriages he left high and dry while he continues his jet set lifestyle

i am sure i know now how he does his lifestyle it was from people like us that invest with him, I am sure the IRS and the government will get this guy for good soon, we are going to file our info with the IRS and the SEC about what he did to us. Everyone he takes money from should also file to stop him and get the reward from the IRS finders fee. We should all report him to the irs the sec and the court. when that happens what will it say about us as a church family that we let it go on so long when everyone knew and said nothing

today is the start of a new day and time to rise up and do the right thing


Granger deserves so much better

Boynton Beach,
Granger is NOT a deadbeat dad, you are a loser he is a winner

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, July 10, 2014

Granger is not a Deadbeat Dad

I dont know who you think you are, he must have kicked you to the curb

Granger Whitelaw, is not a deadbeat dad. He is a well respected Venture Capitalist who has made millions of dollars, and has a yacht, an oceanfront home and a private plane. He posts the pictures all the time on his facebook pages, and we are just friends but I cant stand when these things are posted about him online. Granger just came back from another adventure, that is what you do when you are wealthy, flying his plane and going scuba diving at another exotic location.

He is celebrating privately the sale of his company ChooseDigital's sale to a multibillion dollar company in New York. http://www.broadcastingcable.com/news/technology/viggle-acquires-choose-digital/132047 and I am sure he made millions on this deal.  The new company I read is like Google, it will be a major winner with huge deals using Granger's patented technology, Granger told us all how he was the brains behind Choose Digital and look it has now sold in a multimillion dollar deal to this amazing cutting edge new york company. As I said Granger is a winner, you are just a wannabe. 

Granter sends all of his 5 children to the best private schools in the country, schools that princes and ambassadors send their children. That's not what a deadbeat dad does, you are nuts

Granger Whitelaw is an American Army hero, he was selected to be part of an elite United Nations Command Honor Guard in South Korea, he is a true soldier statesman. How dare you say he was kicked out of the United States Army.

I think you are just a bitter EX lover he probably found out you were a loser, and kicked you to the curb like he did with Laura Whitelaw and Christina Ingraham, and the other women that were not worthy of him, including his ex wife I think her name was Buffy in New York. He deserves the best, and you obviously are a bitter old hag.

Read more about Granger here you idiot, there are all these things said about him online, he is a winner. He loves the Lord and is an active member of our church family. I hear he has also made significant donations to the church, both in NY and here in Florida. Granger is too much of a gentleman to even speak about his Winnings, he just quietly counts the huge profits, and shares them with the Lord.

The Granger Whitelaw I know is a proud quiet man, and he is not the kind to boast of a sale like this, he just quietly flew his plane off on another adventure. He did post pictures on facebook of him sitting at some wonderful resort that Ringo Starr vacations at, that is owned by a friend of Granger's.

Venture capitalist Granger Whitelaw invests in and helps manage technology firms operating in a range of different industries. A talented businessman with an intuition for successful companies, Whitelaw possesses more than two decades of experience in corporate development, marketing, sales, and finance and operations. To date, he has raised upwards of $400 million in capital for early- and mid-state firms. A veteran of the United States Army, Granger Whitelaw served as part of the United Nations Command Honor Guard in South Korea before returning stateside to attend the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota in 1985.  At the highly ranked business college, Whitelaw developed a solid foundation in management and corporate growth, attributes that he continued to develop throughout his life. One of Granger Whitelaw’s very first ventures included Angers – Whitelaw & Co., a fine art firm based in Manhattan. He followed this up with the founding of his IndyCar racing sponsorship and marketing company, called Whitelaw Racing, Inc. This company provided financial support and finding advertising and sponsorship opportunities for some of IndyCar’s most talented racers, such as Eddie Cheever and Robby Unser. 

Granger Whitelaw launched or helped managed other successful businesses in the real estate and technology industries, including EOCNET.com and CoreCommerce. In 2001, Granger Whitelaw helped establish a revolutionary new racing concept while simultaneously starting up the venture capital and private equity firm BlueCar Partners, for which he served as the Managing Director of until 2007. The racing concept grew into Rocket Racing, Inc. and the Rocket Racing League, a race promotion and entertainment firm engaged in developing an aircraft race featuring rocket-powered vehicles. 

Granger Whitelaw continues to invest millions in winning startups and he currently serves on the senior team of Choose Digital, now Viggle, and as the President and CEO to a leading technology software firm Social Media 1234.

I hope you crawl into your hole, and forget you ever met Granger B Whitelaw. 

Granger is a Deadbeat

boynton beach,
Granger is a Deadbeat D@d

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, July 08, 2014

You dont know what you are talking about, I know his exwife Laura as well as his daughter. Laura is the nicest person in the world, and is devoted to their daughter, that is why she now lives modestly in a very basic apartment  I hear that Granger does not owe 100,000, it is like 5 Times that amount, and maybe more and that he is a DeadBeat D@d like everyone here says he is. It is time for the Lord to show him the way the truth and the light and set him on a new path toward redemption and living humbly. You are correct Florida does not usually let you go over $10,000 in support, so its only a matter of time now, dont be suprized to see them come a knocking anytime now. I hope that Pastor Dave will keep Granger hidden in the back of our new sanctuary so they dont drag him off to whatever happens to deadbeats. Good luck Pastor Dave. I hope Granger gets you to invest all your money so he can pay his monthly rent on his mansion you so admire. Get some credit cards for the guy and let him fly you off to exotic destinations in his private plane, and for scuba in his yacht. Give him access to your bank accounts and cash checks for him on your account and watch them bounce like a superball.You have been warned, go pray for what to do, the Lord will set you on the right path.


Granger is a Great Guy

west palm beach ,
You have Granger Whitelaw all wrong

#10General Comment

Fri, July 04, 2014

I know this guy, I really like him, and I do not believe Granger is a fraud. He talks all the time about his companies and how he is helping them grow, and investing millions of is famililes investment fund dollars in them .  Granger told me he was CEO of Rocket Racing, and now president of a social media company.  He talked about how he signed up United Airlines for ChooseDigital, and how he is an executive there. Granger is always travelling around the world and to visit all of his companies and his work creates jobs for people. He also is focusing on family safety investing millions in the National Amber Alert program. He showed me his ring from when he won the Indy 500. 

What troubles me is that I heard from his exwife that he now has huge financial problems, owes money to everyone, including the IRS, and he went bankrupt last year, and owes more than $100,000 in back child support. I just dont beleve his ex-wife Laura Whitelaw, because Granger Whitelaw keeps posting his Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous photos all the time, and how could that be if he had the bankruptcy people looking at him. I dont believe he went bankrupt? He could pay $100,000 in a minute if he owed it. My ex owed about $14,000 in child support and went to jail several times, and could not get ahead, and i had to leave him. So how is it possible that Granger Whitelaw would owe $100,000 in back child support and not be behind bars.

He lives here on the ocean for heavens sake! They dont allow you to get that far behind in child support in florida, so I think she is just telling stories to people to get back at him, maybe Laura Whitelaw is just bitter about the divorce and how Granger is now spending his millions, and growing companies, while she was left behind. Isnt it always the guys who become rich after the divorce and get the next younger generation hot girl to go party with. So I guess you always have to consider the source, if Laura Whitelaw your ex is saying bad things about you, and your life style shows you are a good guy, then who do you believe. I believe the lifestyle because that is how Granger Whitelaw is truly living. 

Pray for Granger

Boynton Beach,
Christ Church Fellowship, Boynton Beach Florida

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, June 27, 2014

I met Granger recently at Christ Fellowship, and one of my friends told me to look what was said about him here online.

The reason I am writing is that Granger told me Christina Ingraham his ex-girlfriend, a professional dancer turned out to be a flake and mentally unstable. Also that he said she was not following the Lord. I have never met Christina, I only know what Granger told me.

Now you say he told you his ex wife is unstable, but I have met Laura and she is a well grounded, good person who loves the Lord. She is doing the best she can, raising her daughter to follow the Lord. I also met her daughter and she was a bright fun little girl. 

Granger certainly does not seem to be true to God's Word as we are called to be.

Lucky for me he did not ask me to invest, after reading all of this I think he should focus on being a better person first. What will Pastor Dave Simiele do about him? perhaps he can help Granger back to our Foundation. I believe Pastor Dave and Rhonda can't know all of what is being said about Granger here. I do so love the people at Christ Fellowship gochristfellowship.com/  because it is a safe place with good people. I hope I finally find my true soulmate, but I think we should all stay away from Granger Whitelaw, his story just does not check out. I will pray for him, and that he can become True to God's Word, and Submitted to the Holy Spirit.

I will also pray for Laura, her lovely daughter, and the dancer Christina, and the other people he has come in contact with, that they find what they are looking for in the Lord. 

granger you are such a danger

Boynton Beach,
Granger what a Danger he is to everyone

#12General Comment

Thu, June 26, 2014

Stay Away, this guy Granger B Whitelaw he is bad news:

I see this nice looking guy Granger in church about a year ago, and met him over coffee, and follow him on facebook.His photos and exploits are certainly one of a millionaire living the life of luxury here in Palm Beach. He made me feel like we should be dating.

Granger talked about being a successful venture capitalist and inventor, as a divorced mom I was interesed in him as he seemed like a nice christian guy, who loved his family, but that his exwife Laura had mental health/stability issues that while he prayed on it, caused him to end his marriage. He said moved here to his ocean front condo to start a new life and so he could play tennis, fly his plane, dive from his yacht, and escape the bad new york city weather, and live in paradise.

He told me about the work he did for many companies in florida and around the world including ChooseDigital, choosedigital.com and that he Granger Whitelaw was the brains of the company, Granger said he was the inventor of their patents, and Granger said the CEO Stephen Humphreys was a lightweight and that Granger did all the work there with his own company socialmedia1234.com . I checked out Stephen Humphrey, CEO of Choose Digital,choosedigital.com/aboutus/chooser/stephen-humphreysI called the company and they acted like they never heard of Granger, and said he was not associated with the company.

I was intrigued because I liked him when I met him but this was raising red flags for me. Perhaps I had misheard the name of the company, or gotten something confused  when I met him and wanted to learn more, then I found these links


Granger even brags online about being a member of Christ Church Fellowship,grangerwhitelaw.com/about-me/ 

he also bragged about his successful army career, and serving his country. He posts pics of himself on every military holiday in uniform but is very vague about how he left the army, and how many years he was there. I think he might have been tossed by them, and it takes alot for the army to toss anyone.

So I guess he was just doing the setup on me to get me to put money into one of these companies.

I have heard from members of the church he has been divorced 3-4 times, but it is interesting all his ex wives and girlfriends all look sort of like the same person and from what I have heard at church he owes tens of thousands of dollars in back child support to his ex wives in florida and new york. I also heard that his last exwife is a nice person, former member of our church, who could no longer live with him and his instability. I also heard that he had gone bankrupt and ran out on his investors, and was only renting the condo month to month. I also heard that our pastor has had to ask him to not involve church members in his investments, but clearly he was pitching to me. I hope others look into him as well, and that through god's grace he changes his ways, gets a real job, as there is no loss of dignity working an honest day for an honest days wages.



Ocean Ridge,
Granger may have a new source of funds

#13General Comment

Sat, October 26, 2013

Granger Whitelaw, looks like he may have a new family member victim. Granger’s brother Gus Whitelaw just got engaged to Allie Busch, the granddaughter of the Busch Family and now part of the Whitelaw clan. Granger features this and his photos with his new live-in Christina Ingraham, enjoying the polo ponies, I guess we know now whose ponies they are. He seems to be spending money like there is no tomorrow, and Allie seems like a nice girl, perhaps his brother is not like Granger

Granger posts lots of pictures of him having a grand old time, flying helicopters, private planes, private islands, trips to space, trips to foreign countries, diving, and fishing all internationally. However those investors who put our trust in him now find out everything we invested in is gone, and yet Granger still lives in his ocean front estate with his latest fling Christina Ingraham.  His pictures of all his kids, from multiple wives, all smiling but they are by themselves, in the photos. They rarely smile with their dad. Could there be a reason?

Finally, there is a litany of companies Granger has been involved in, Rocket Racing League, Content Chopper, ChooseDigital, Choose Digital, and something called Social Media 123-4 I wonder if they know who their president is, or how he spent their money. Or if you invest in one, does the money go to another one?


Ocean Ridge,
Who will warn Christina Ingraham

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 14, 2013

Who will warn Christina Ingraham from Florida, now living as a livein at Granger's Oceanfront Oceanfront estate.  Granger believes he can write his own rules and take peoples money. He is glad to have his new blonde dance instructor, to teach him the moves and meet with new investors. Who will warn her about all the baggage he has. I hear he owes over Child Support of almost $100k, for his kids in NY. How does that happen? Read about Christina here,

http://www.mylife.com/christinadances and http://www.dancingatsea.com/about 

His ex said she could not live with the lies and calls from creditors, he said she was too old, and now he is on hunting 30 year old Christina, looking to lure her, wait till he starts getting credit cards in her name.  I also hear that he ruined his exwives credit and ran up huge credit card bills, buying polo ponies, and putting his other kids that he features on his facebook page, Granger  Whitelaw Junior, Lili Whitelaw, and Charles Whitelaw in the best private boarding schools all on credit cards and money he grabbed from others. Granger does not pay his bills, read all the postings here on him. He declared bankruptcy in September 2011, had his NY home foreclosed, and stiffed his friends from our church on their what he called investments in companies.

Granger makes your money vanish faster than a magician. yet you see his posting of polo ponies and jet trips to the Bahamas. So where did the money go? Whose money is he spending today? Maybe he is doing the dance.

Christina Ingraham originally from Indiana, she has extensive experience in a wide range of dance styles including Ballroom, Latin, Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Hip Hop, Dance Team, and Cheerleading both in high school and for a semi-professional basketball team. Christina is fully trained and has 10 years of teaching experience in all Ballroom and Latin dances. She teaches students from beginner to advanced, and has experience in both Pro/Am and Professional competition. Christina has a love for teaching any dance which is led and followed, Her teaching skill and excellent communication  together with her lovely and high energy personality bring lots fun and excitement to the class.

What is Granger's role at the Church, he talks about it online how he is so committed to Christ Fellowships campus in Florida, what does he do here, or is he connected to the leadership, what is the deal?




Delray Beach,
Granger has a new girl

#15General Comment

Wed, May 08, 2013

Mr. Granger Whitelaw, Ocean Ridge Florida, now has a new live-in girlfriend, Miss Christina Ingraham http://www.louisvilleballroom.com/christina.htm on his oceanfront estate. Mr. Whitelaw proudly posted a picture of his new prize Christina, on his facebook page today, with him in front of a big backboard of prominent sponsors from one of his polo matches. As you can see while he hid from his creditors in bankruptcy filed last year, and he claims to have no money, there he is playing at polo matches, buying ponies for his children, all on other people's money. Sadly his own family, including the 3 teenage children in NY, and his little daughter here in Florida, and his many many past wives. How many past wives are there? They are the true victims, will anyone ever warn Christina, of the path of financial ruin Mr. Whitelaw has led his past wives, and their families into. Perhaps she believes that things will be different for her.

Mr Whitelaw, if you have come into a large sum of money, then please pay back those who you have taken money from, those that you hid under bankruptcy. If you are without funds dont portray yourself as something you are not. We in your church family are horrified by your actions, http://gochristfellowship.com/about-us/new-here/ and are now becoming aware of how you have left your investors, past wives, and children. Others have said here, it is time to repent and start a cleaner life, You promote yourself from Christ Fellowship, posted online and on your resume http://grangerwhitelaw.net/granger-whitelaw-cv/

Volunteer for Christ Fellowship Church Christ Fellowship has many missions from protecting Kidnapped and abused girls, feeding the poor to rebuilding communities around the Globe, always with the mission of sharing the Grace of God to the people we touch. Causes I care about:

  • Children
  • Education
  • Poverty Alleviation
  • Science and Technology

Organizations I support:

  • Amber Alert GPS
  • Homeless foundation of America
  • Prevention first


New Jersey,
United States of America
Sad, but True

#16General Comment

Sat, October 13, 2012

If the statements above are not enough to make you sick and wonder why a man like this is still doing business and not behind bars for all the scams and fraud he has committed, then I am at a loss for words.

First of all, I can not claim that EVERY statement above is provable fact.  However, I do believe that every statement above is true.  You then ask why do I believe, but not say it's a fact.  Well, the answer is simple.  Unfortunately, the man is not stupid (in a business sense of course).  He is a master of manipulation, deceit and arguably has multiple serious mental conditions.  How else would he be able to screw over intelligent business owners, family, friends, neighbors and deceive judges and the IRS?  A lie here and a lie there and poof, not a person, judge nor uncle sam can do anything.

I could easily elaborate well beyond the mentioned and previous posts, but that is not necessary nor my goal because it is unnecessary.  I simply want people to be aware that he is a man that is not to be trusted in any place or sense.

By the way, just because you claim your a changed man and found God (I pray that this is true) does not mean that anyone should believe it.  The only person you need to convince is God and that's a personal relationship between you and him.  Your recent and ongoing public acts (which are disgraceful) of conviction are not convincing anyone.  The only person you are deceiving is yourself.


United States of America
Dear Whitelaw - Time to Make Your Peace

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, June 14, 2012

Dear Granger

I found the personal defense you wrote here more careless and offensive than what the others wrote about you and your business. If you read all of the facts that have been provided here, there is more than enough good reason for people to be upset with you. You say you are a religious, excellent, business man well lets face it, you have made some real enemies.  It would be wise to stop pointing your finger at others for a change and take responsibility. Instances such as these are the token opportunity to demonstrate that fact, Granger.

Anyone that takes the time to comment publicly about poor businesses do it because they are displeased and anything but cowards. Your reply here is not the customer service people are seeking, Whitelaw. Playing tit for tat gets you nowhere. I have personally forgiven others for you and I still keep you in my prayers so that you may grow from the mistakes you have made that wronged people enough for them to write things like this about you.

Along those lines I have some advice you should take heed without bias. You took advantage of one of our business partners' relationships. He gave you money and you told him that his investment would be wise. It proved to be a bad investment. The man felt victimized and expressed his opinions and concern to you when his money was taken and you did nothing to repay him or resolve the issue regarding his concerns.

You just defended yourself and eventually cursed him.  Now, this same man sits on his deathbed. A place that we all will be one day, Granger.  You have caused him and his family great hardship. You have literally run from your past to a new life, but those you wronged still remember Granger Whitelaw as the man who wronged them. I'm sorry but it is true.

If you have any care to practice what you now preach about your changed ways, the fact that you have found the Lord, then I strongly encourage you to use that found religion to contact this man, personally and now. It would be wonderful for you to make your peace with him and his family before he passes. It would be humbling to see you take responsibility and make these amends instead of just defending yourself time and time again. 

It is clear that this man is not the only relationship upset with you, I believe you would have less enemies in your life if you contact and apologize to everyone unhappy with you. Do not wait for them to do it, take the step yourself. Be better than them.  I have apologized for you on a handful of occasions in the past, but it's time you make this peace yourself, and not just with your own family, but with the clients you literally owe and people who are writing bad things about you. How do you want to be remembered?  Is your commentary the legacy you want to pass-on to your children or do you want to actually practice what you preach and make amends? 

Our friend was a good man. You did take his money. You did lie on legal record. And you've made harsh comments to defend yourself here. You know you took advantage of a family and you do not need me to judge you, but perhaps you should take my advice to make your peace with the man who now sits on his deathbed. Start with him while there still is time. Whats done is done, but it goes without saying that I am not the only one who wishes you would demonstrate that you have grown to be a better person and accountable businessman. I hope you found this note helpful. There will not be another one.

God be with you on your journey.


United States of America
Dear Whitelaw - Time to Make Your Peace

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, June 14, 2012

Dear Granger

I found the personal defense you wrote here more careless and offensive than what the others wrote about you and your business. I believe they have what they feel is good reason to be upset with you as the customer. You say you are a religious, excellent, business man well then stop pointing your finger at someone else for a change and take responsibility.  Instances such as these are the token opportunity to demonstrate that fact, Granger.

Anyone that takes the time to comment publicly about poor businesses comment because they are displeased with their management. Your reply here is not the customer service people are seeking, Whitelaw. Playing tit for tat gets you nowhere. I have personally forgiven others for you. I still keep you in my prayers so that you may grow from the mistakes you have made that wronged people enough for them to write things like this about you.

Along those lines I have some advice you should take heed without bias. You took advantage of one of our business partners. He gave you money and you told him that his investment would be wise. It proved to be a bad investment. The man felt victimized and expressed his opinions and concern to you when his money was taken and you did nothing to repay him or resolve the issue regarding his concerns. You just defended yourself and eventually cursed him.  Now, this same man sits on his deathbed. A place that we all will be one day, Granger. 

You have caused him and his family great hardship. You have literally run from your past to a new life, but those you wronged still remember Granger Whitelaw as the man who wronged them. I'm sorry but it is true. If you have any care to practice what you now preach about your changed ways, the fact that you have found the Lord, then I strongly encourage you to use that found religion to contact this man, personally. It would be nice for you to make your peace with him and his family before he passes. It would be humbling to see you take responsibility and make these amends instead of just defending yourself time and time again. 

Obviously this man is not the only relationship you have wronged, I believe you would have less enemies in your life if you contact and apologize to everyone unhappy with you. I have apologized for you on a handful of occasions in the past, but it's time you make this peace yourself, not just with your own family, but with the clients you literally owe and you have wronged. How do you want to be remembered?  Is this commentary the legacy you want to pass to your children or do you want to actually practice what you preach and make amends? 

Our friend was a good man. You did take the money. You did lie on legal record. You know you took advantage of his family and relationships. You do not need me to judge you, but perhaps you should take my advice to make your peace with the man who now sits on his deathbed. Whats done is done, but it goes without saying that I am not the only one who wishes you would demonstrate that you have grown as a better person and accountable businessman. I hope you found this helpful.

God be with you on your journey.

Jo Ann Bunn

The Abduction of AMBER Alert

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, November 03, 2011

Thank you for posting the information regarding Granger's bankruptcy filing. I will be submitting my claim against his case (US bankruptcy court southern district of Florida case#1133178).

I am the widow of Chris Warner, who was the founder of Engaging and Empowering Citizenship (E2C) as well as the AMBER Alert Portal. Granger was introduced to my late husband in 2004, as he wanted to invest into the company. Prior to having an agreement, we all went out to dinner, and Granger "confessed" to us that he hadn't been proud of everything that he's done in the past, but was "born again" and wanted to be a part of giving back to the community. The agreement (MOU) was that he would provide $2M in capital, to be paid as $500,000 per month, over the course of four months (beginning January 2005) as well as several million more in marketing and promotions - such as the sponsoring of an Indy car race for which BlueCar took full credit, yet E2C never received a penny from this event.

In March of 2005, after the first two payments were made (yet Februarys was a bit short, as I recall), Granger explained that his capital was only temporarily tied up and that the payments would be late...but this went on for several months, followed by more excuses. Because Chris had almost doubled the staff, as Granger was encouraging him to focus on rapidly expanding the AMBER system to other states, and promising that the remainder of the funds (~$1M) would soon be made, Chris, my parents and I all mortgaged our homes to provide E2C with short-term loans. I believe it was in June 2005 that we began to realize that Granger was not going to make any further payments, or as Chris liked to say he got us a little pregnant.

Needless to say, that this lead to legal wars with Granger. In late 2005, Granger filed an involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy against E2C perhaps as a maneuver to own the programs for pennies on the dollar. I wish he would have simply used his money and efforts to help build the system with Chris as he originally said he wanted to do for suddenly, Granger seemed to have the funds to hire the attorneys to expedite the 7. To prevent the liquidation of E2Cs assets and to keep these invaluable programs alive, Chris filed for Chapter 11 (AZ district, case #05-28175CGC).

In June 2006, Granger was not awarded any of E2Cs programs (the AMBER Alert Portal, Pets911 and Earth911) Chris was outbidded in his attempts to buy back his company (for which he received Al Gores Hammer award and the Stockholm Challenge Award aka the Nobel Prize for IT, and many, many others). Chris passed away in February 2007. In July 2008, I was awarded a $51,250 judgment against Grainger from the bankruptcy case for the trustee discovered that Granger had received a transfer of $50k (as stated in the Stipulation for Settlement and Compromise of Claim Pursuant to Fed.R.BankR.P.9019).

My Mother passed away on 9/11 in 2008, and my Father, exactly four months later, on the day that would have been their 47th wedding anniversary, passed away. Because of Grangers failure to honor the MOU, I lost both our homes (Chris had no life insurance of any kind) and am now struggling to make the payments on my parents home, which was originally debt free, til my parents leveraged it to provide loans to E2C so that Chris could make payroll. I further believe that all the stress that was so needlessly induced by Granger, filled most of Chris and my parents final days with a mixture of anger, sorrow and many regrets.

I called an automated bankruptcy line (800.473.0226) to confirm Granger's BK filing, and was shocked to hear that Granger has reported no assets. This is from the same person that flew Chris and I in a private jet to Las Vegas for a superbowl party? For whatever its worth, I will be filing my claim for ~$50,000 against Granger Whitelaw.


New Jersey,
It's All True. Whitelaw is a Scumbag

#20UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 12, 2011

First of all, Granger Whitelaw 's bankruptcy is 100% true.  You want to know how I know?  I posted it.

This scumbag Whitelaw said he would pay me and didn't. I completed the work I told him I would do and then he short changed me thousands.  When I asked him where my money is, he ignored me.  I was not about to go down to Florida to waste lots of time in court trying to collect, but I have no problem writing this report to tell people GRANGER IS A SHADY, DISHONEST b*****d WHO WILL LIE STRAIGHT TO YOUR FACE AND ALWAYS POINTS HIS FINGER AT EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT HIMSELF. HE IS A PROFESSIONAL ESCAPEE AND A LIAR.  HE WILL LIE STRAIGHT TO YOUR FACE. I confirm the authenticity of his bankruptcy and all of the information is the same provided by person who commented about it.  I confirm he moved to Florida.  His address is on the bankruptcy report - Here's that link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/grangerwhitelaw/page1/

His Grady & Hatch investment firm indictment was a long time ago, but it all makes sense why he is how he is now. Those guys were absolute scumbags, also.

This article confirms that a "Granger Whitelaw" had issues with Amber Alert, Rocket Racing League and some other companies back in 2005  http://www.pmoa.net/2006/02/02/you-know-you-have-too-much-money-when/#comments  I don't know a thing about this stuff otherwise.

Regarding the comments written about Granger's involvement with some stock, the Swiss bank accounts, the "original investor",etc  Don't we all know that game by now?  It is the Granger Whitelaw Superbowl! Let me guess, Whitelaw was actually hired, then fired and no one made money but Granger on the IPO?  I feel bad for you if you were part of that scam.  I never invested with him because I can think of at least five other companies who terminated, if not had issues, with Granger Whitelaw due to claims of ethical "conflict of interest"or that Granger did not professionally render the services he was retained to render.  If you think I might be of assitance in your case against him, contact me.  I can be contacted if there are specific questions to help people collect or testify.  I mean, I just know he's a piece of s**t who gets off on moves like these.

A professional I crossed paths with on ticker 'VMCI' told me that a firm he had reason to believe that the CEO of that company and Whitelaw blasted it out to his firm's clients in an attempt to rise the stock price a few years back. All I can confirm is that I was told about this act after the fact, but I'm going to email that investor this report, because if his firm can show proof in email/etc, the SEC will have a field day with these pricks! That is clear testimony of an illegal attempt to pump and dump.

But all I really care to say is Whitelaw - sit on it and spin you bankrupt scumbag! ..I..  What goes around comes around, b*ch.

Regretful Referral

United States of America
Granger Whitelaw Bankrupt is True????

#21Consumer Comment

Fri, September 23, 2011

I am here 'cause I just goyt an email this morning from a person that I referred to Whitelaw-----
Dear _, I think you will find this article interesting:http://www.ripoffreport.com/business-consultants/granger-whitelaw/granger-whitelaw-blue-car-part-b3a4f.htm This is the guy you referred me to, Granger Whitelaw! He was seeking an CFO to serve as accountant and help him navigate around paying his tax obligations and you had me meet him at his home in Red Bank you remember? Thanks GOD I didnot take his offer, illegal, I just read of his bankruptcy filings! I know he was concerned about owing Internal Revenue Services. Your group is no longer working with hm, right? I figure you know about this if you were owed millions or anyone you know, but please do not mention my name if you post, I want nothing to do with it. Good luck!! Warm Regards, _
------Obviously, you can imagine how troubled I am knowing I made this referral. I did not know how bad Granger is, he seemed legit when I met, but he told me he was "President" of some real estate fund named "Hedge"?  Is his bankruptcy filing FACTUAL? Where can I read how much he owes partners and the IRS? I may really owe my acquaintance an apology in this case. Thanks for any assistance you can provide in regards to these questions.


Boynton Beach,
United States of America
Update: Granger Whitelaw Bankruptcy Notice!

#22Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 19, 2011

Update: Granger Whitelaw Bankruptcy Notice!

Granger Whitelaw filed for bankruptcy and here is a link to view the official notice to prove it: http://www.flickr.com/photos/grangerwhitelaw/page1/

You can read six variations of this two page document via the link provided.

I got word of this recently, but I did not receive one of these notices, myself.  Granger does owe me and others I know who were duped in one of his scams. We invested in Granger's stock GENH.  His own employees knew nothing about his oversees Swiss bank accounts or who the "original investor(s)" are that I was advised to purchase the stock from.  I have never heard from Whitelaw about the stock, a refund or returns on my investment, since the day he asked me to wire him the funds to his Swiss bank account.

I am contributing to this gossip now that we all know we'll never see our money back from this crook. We can all forget about that nice return on our investment he presented!  

Upon my request, the company we invested in (stock: GENH) did contact me several times to discuss my stock purchase, however,  they had no record of my purchase or shares.  To this day they have been very professional, but it does not help me any that they are unaware that I had invested through Granger Whitelaw in GENH at all.

Granger Whitelaw is a Wall Street con man just like everyone says he is. Based on what I've read here on this site and the money that I invested based on Granger Whitelaw's advice and lost, personally, this gangster should be locked up and they should throw away the key. End of story.


New York,
Granger is Trouble.

#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 03, 2011

Regarding the sneaky agenda of Granger Whitelaw ( Granger B. Whitelaw ), I guess there will always be enough people in the world for Granger Whitelaw to pull the same trick on every company that comes his way?  Granger Whitelaw is as much a venture capitalist as he is a loyal business partner - take note of the sarcasm.  Professionals actually advise their portfolio companies professionally.  They look out for the company's best interests and it's capital.  They have an honest vested interest.  Here is a telling article published by a few small periodicals known as The New York Post and also PrisonPlanet.com on Granger Whitelaw.  The nice thing about today's world is that you can actually copy and paste these links into Google and see the documented facts for yourself.  I advise everyone reading this website to do that with all of the links in the comments on this site; especially those which show factual proof about Whitelaw's reputation and lack of ethics.  I did it with each and I was not surprised to find that they are indeed real links!  The collection of comments written on this site are the warning sign I never received when I met Whitelaw.  I learned my lessons the hard way.  Granger Whitelaw actually deserves credit because he is definitely a professional liar.  Today I did a Google search and realized that Granger 's current profile claims he is running a social media company called socialmedia1234.com ( http://www.socialmedia1234.com ).  Based on my experience, I assume that someone will report issues with socialmedia1234 and Granger Whitelaw's involvement in that, next.  All I can suggest is that people should read about Granger Whitelaw before getting involved with him and send these comments to your attorneys if you are really suing him.  Good luck!

THE ugly business of beauty marches on. Former Bobbi Brown prot?g?Beth Bender, creator of the "Get in Line" eyeliner stencil, has yet to make good on a settlement she signed with venture capitalist Granger Whitelaw, and he's on the verge of taking the company's new owner, Total Entertainment Inc., to court for his $3 million. "I was brought into Beth Bender to run the company, and my settlement was with Beth Bender," Whitelaw said, but he hasn't been paid by Bender or Total Entertainment. "I don't care where the money comes from. It's just a really ugly, terrible mess." Besides Whitelaw, there's a list of publicists, Web designers and consultants who have yet to be paid. "Everybody will be paid," Bender insisted. "[Granger] created all of these problems. He lied to me and all the people I work with. He bankrupted my company in less than six months." A source familiar with both sides said Bender is not blameless. "She was right there with him writing the checks."


New York Post acrhive

Alex Jones' PrisonPlanet.com (this link takes a few minutes to load. Its an old web archive)

Frank Esq.

New York,
New York,
In Reply to: "Regarding abovementioned Lawsuit"

#24Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 12, 2011

Use the following email address for contacting Esq.: [email protected]  Please let us know your results.


United States of America
Regarding abovementioned Lawsuit

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, May 18, 2011

I too have issues regarding Mr. Whitelaw.

I attempted to contact the aforementioned lawyer mentioned in the case listed above, Bridget Butler.

She seems to not want another case as I have left two messages with no response.  Anyone know how else to contact her?

I feel it would come down  on Whitelaw twice as hard with an additional case filed by the same attorney.  Ideas?  As I am definitely going ahead with my own lawsuit by the end of next week.


United States of America
Thank You!!!!

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, April 23, 2011

My partner and I were torn apart as the result of Whitelaw's greed; we want to thank whoever has contributed all of this unbelievable research on him and his criminal history. As aweful as it is to read, it's nice to know people are speaking-up about this a*hole.

I have contacted the attorney handling the lawsuit mentioned to see what can be done with me and my partner's case against Granger as well.  if you have any updates please let us know!!!!????

Regardless of what happens, I hope more people Google this jerkoff and read this Ripoff Report. the man is a w***e.

Former Investor

Confirmed. Deceiptful Individual/Firm. Supporting Facts.

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, January 19, 2011

Dear Ripoff Report,

As a former investor, I would like to report that my family was also scammed and threatened by Granger. We no longer deal professionally with him or his firm either, because we were deceived, as were a few of his partners and dear friends of ours. We have known that Granger has had it coming to him for a long time, but apparently subpoenas, lawsuits and SEC violations are old news. It is perfectly clear to us now that multiple sources do not file similar legal proceedings, forward concerned email or release bad press about a person or company they believe is just.

Typical Granger. In his comment the pip used the excuse of family in his own defense. Our hearts go out to Granger's family because no family deserves to share his bad reputation, including ours and any of the other investing-families he has wronged. Granger is without question personally responsible for creating his own enemies and he must be in permanent denial given his involvement with organized crime. Anyone who would rather spend his time defending his own reputation by using his family as a scapegoat; rather than actually doing what it takes to repay the investors he has stolen from, clearly has no sense of reality or ethical and moral value. We will refrain from commenting on our family's specific investment with him to protect our safety and innocence; but in our eyes, Granger is still the same manipulative person and corrupt businessman that the facts state he is. Granger has made some very poor decisions that have hurt his own reputation as well as the people and the companies who trusted him. It would behoove him to pay for his crimes, rather than be free to continue to weasel selfish excuses, living his life as a free citizen and continuing to pull the wool over more investor eyes.

Agreed. Granger is the most talented sociopath we've ever met. A few personal facts everyone should also know about Granger is that he is not the next inventor of Microsoft, nor was he ever the inventor of any profitable business for his investors to the best of reported knowledge. He and his firm are all fluff. Without industry experts like Peter Diamonds, Granger is nothing more than a boastful troublemaker and a crook who learned what he knows about stocks from a Wall Street firm led literally by mob members who plead guilty and were formally indicted. Granger is not the harmless, self-made capitalist he makes himself appear to be, today. Over the years, he has done an excellent job of mooching his way into high circles purely because he has (or had) access to family money-relationships. In our opinion, he is still the same spoiled brat who only made time to work in order to support his prior drug addiction.

We recently received information about Granger and the firms he has run that summarize a very shameful career and a warning sign the investment community should be made aware. We are posting these facts in support of the accusations made, because the type of person we are dealing with is a professional parasite and shouldn't be allowed to do business. Period. We hope that these types of comments help to expose Granger, make him realize his faults and take the necessary steps that will not only salvage his reputation and soul, but honor the commitments he made to those investors he has decided to cheat. In closing, my family and I can sleep at night knowing that even if Granger continues to escape the judgement of our judicial system, our prayers will be answered someday when our Lord God decides his ultimate fate.

The following research has been conducted regarding Granger Whitelaw's fraudulent activities. These are public findings with reference to creditable sources:

Amber Alert serves ties with Granger Whitelaw and Blue Car partners regarding false statements made oF raising capital for the portal:

"AMBER Alert Prog. Severs Ties w/ Granger Whitelaw & Blue Car Partners

Press Release Source: Amber Alert AMBER Alert Program Severs Ties With Granger Whitelaw and Blue Car Partners Friday February 17, 5:14 pm ET (MARKET WIRE)--Feb 17, 2006

The AMBER Alert Portal (www.amberalert.com), a public/private partnership deploying a state-by-state alerting system that links law enforcement and citizens in the common goal to rescue abducted children, announced the severance of all ties with Blue Car Partners and Granger Whitelaw, who holds the roles of Chairman of Blue Car Partners, CEO of The Rocket Racing League, and Managing Director of Soliton R&D. On April 27, 2005, Blue Car Partners, led by Granger Whitelaw and Lee Olson, issued a national press release stating that the corporation invested $5,000,000 as a sponsor of the AMBER Alert Portal. While Blue Car Partners and Mr. Whitelaw continue to promote the fact that they have funded this sponsorship and have been utilizing the Federal Trademark of the AMBER Alert Portal for their benefit, no funds have been provided by Blue Car Partners to the AMBER Alert Portal. As quoted in the September 1, 2005 issue of Information Week's Government Enterprise edition, in addition to quotes within other media coverage, Mr. Whitelaw claimed to have "donated over five million dollars" to support the AMBER Alert Portal. Due to inaccurate representations, as well as underfunded commitments, Mr. Whitelaw and Blue Car Partners have negatively impacted the expansion of the AMBER Alert Portal, a public service that is provided without cost to state governments and taxpayers. "It is in the best interest of everyone that this relationship be officially terminated," concluded Todd Sander, Director of the AMBER Alert Portal. "We relied upon Granger Whitelaw's commitment to provide funding for the portal and engaged partners to help expand the system on that basis. It is vital that all parties work to meet expectations when entrusted with providing the primary AMBER Alert network for eight states." About AMBER Alert Portal The AMBER Alert Portal enables law enforcement to activate AMBER Alerts directly through the Portal. These alerts are then disseminated within minutes to other government agencies, broadcasters and the public via cell phones, pagers, fax, email, other wireless devices and PCs. This digital AMBER Alert activation reduces the amount of time it takes to issue an AMBER Alert by up to 90% while exponentially increasing the number of individuals looking for the abducted children. Contact: Media Contact: Kate Donlon AMBER Alert Portal 480-889-2646 Email Contact - Source: Amber Alert http://biz.yahoo.com/iw/060217/0110359.html "

Rocket Racing League hired a new President: Whitelaw officially resigned as President. Today, he is no longer listed as Co-Founder or Partner of our investment. http://www.rocketracingleague.com

Whitelaw consulting practice terminated: The website representing Granger Whitelaw's consulting business, Blue Car Partners, was removed from the Internet sometime in 2010 according to online cache' reports. http://www.BlueCarPartners.com

4. Mr. Whitelaw was taught to pump-and-dump stock as Vice President of Mergers & Acquisitions at mob-run Grady & Hatch:"Grady & Hatch Identified in Operation Uptick as a brokerage controlled by organized crime whose chief operating officer was a member of the Luchese crime family." http://www.rgm.com/articles/Herald-Star.html

"SEC helps nab alleged New York pump and dump mobsters"


"Seven Members and Associates of Columbo and Luchese Organized Crime Families Pelad Guilty To Racketeering and Extortion In Connection With Boiler Room Stock Fraud Schemes." http://www.docstoc.com/docs/874988/Guilty-Pleas-in-Penny-Stock-Conspiracy


"...from 1988 to May 2000, to manipulate the stock of five companies whose securities traded on the OTC Bulletin Board or the NASDAQ Small-Cap Market." http://www.deepcapture.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/Mitchell-U1.S.-Attorney-case-against-Rossi-et.at.-12-05-2008.pdf

"The proof at trial established that Wolfson and Grecco used corrupt brokers at the following brokers dealers in the course of their scheme: Royal Hutton Securities, Bell Investment Group, Wolff Investment Group, Carribean Securities, Grady and Hatch & Co., Sharpe Capital, J. Banks Securities, and J.W. Barclay,"states the U.S. Attorney's Office." http://www.crimes-of-persuasion.com/players/wolfson_allen.htm


5. Richard Selby Lawsuit vs. Valiant Holdings et al: This lawsuit was filed against Granger Whitelaw, Valiant Holdings and Blue Car Partners; in August of 2010 on account of multiple fraudulent investment activities. http://dockets.justia.com/docket/new-york/nysdce/1:2010cv07267/368512/

Below, the entire lawsuit has been provided, unedited, for our review:

Case 1:10-cv-07267-LTS Document 1 Filed 09/21/10 Page 1 of 16




Plaintiff( s ),







Plaintiff Richard Selby brings this action through his attorney Bridget E. Butler, Esq.,

against Valiant Holdings, Granger Whitelaw, and Blue Car Partners, LLC, and alleges as



1. Plaintiff Richard Selby [hereinafter "Selby" or "Plaintiff'] brings this action to

recover monies which have been wrongfully withheld and taken as part of a

conspiracy to defraud Plaintiff. Plaintiff had an ongoing business relationship

with Defendant Granger Whitelaw [hereinafter "Whitelaw"] and Blue Car

Partners LLC [hereinafter "Blue Car"].

2. Whitelaw solicited capital investments from Plaintiff for various start-up

companies over the course of several years, in conjunction with his company Blue -

Car. Whitelaw and several business associates/employees, namely Ryan C. Gray

[hereinafter "Gray"] and Brian Brick corresponded with Plaintiff regarding these

investments. Whitelaw identified himself as a stock promoter with inside

information regarding news of several companies. Plaintiff did invest in several of

these companies. This action seeks to recover monies intended for investment in

an American company called First Asian Fuel Corporation ("First Asian Fuel"),

as well as monies intended for investment in Vemics, Inc. ("Vemics"), as well as

outstanding compensation owed for work performed by Plaintiff.

3. Plaintiff corresponded with Defendant regarding this particular investment over

the course of several months at the end of 2005 and January 2006. Plaintiff agreed

to invest $50,000 in First Asian Fuel after reviewing a written business plan for

the company. On January 17, 2006, Plaintiff did receive the requested information

regarding First Asian Fuel from Gray.

4. On January 20, 2006, Plaintiff executed a bank transfer of $50,000 to a client trust

aCGount, of Whitelaw's counsel in Beverly Hills, CA, intended for investment in

First Asian Fuel. Gray forwarded a stock purchase agreement for Plaintiff for his

execution and instructed him to fax back an executed copy and send an original

to: Alkizia Investments, Inc., c/o Univalor Liason Office, 14 Rule Kleberg, 1201

Geneva, Switzerland.

5. However, later in the day, on January 20, 2006, an outgoing wire transfer was

made from the client trust account to Univalor Trust S.A., Geneve, Switzerland,

for Alkizia Investment Corp., in the amount of $50,000. The receipt of this bank

transaction was obtained upon request by Plaintiff who inquired what was done

with his money.

6. To date, despite repeated demands, Plaintiff has received no stock certificates for

First Asian Fuel, or any proof of ownership in this company or any other, much

less any refund of the $50,000 investment.

7. In June 2006, Defendant Whitelaw approached Plaintiff requesting a $35,000

bridge investment into Vemics, a Delaware corporation with a principal place of

business in Nanuet, New York. Whitelaw made representations that this stock was

"hot". Whitelaw then pressured Plaintiff to authorize a wire transfer of $35,000

into Defendant's account for the investment in Vemics.

8. Plaintiff proceeded to authorize a wire transfer of $35,000 on or about June 2,

2006, directly to a bank account of Whitelaw in New Jersey.

9. Upon receiving Plaintiffs funds, Defendant Whitelaw took numerous steps to

depreciate the value of the Vemics stock. Upon information and belief, Whitelaw

consulted with an Over The Counter ("OTC") advisor, regarding the immediate

circulation of an email notification of an anticipated sharp decline in the value of

Vemics. These actions resulted in the significant drop in value of the stock that

caused Plaintiff to realize a loss of the entire investment. However, Plaintiff, to

date, never received any stock certificate for this purchase of Vemics.

10. Plaintiff was also retained by Defendant Whitelaw, to be a consultant under

contract for Valiant Holding, Inc., ("Valiant"). Pursuant to the contract, Plaintiff

was to work for Valiant and be subsequently paid, on the 16th of every month, a

salary of$10,000 plus expenses. Plaintiff worked for the time period of June 15,

2006 through July 15,2006, and has never received payment for his work



11. At all times relevant to this action, Plaintiff Richard Selby, is an individual

maintaining a residence at 5215 Ingersoll Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50312.

12. At all times relevant to this action, Defendant Valiant Holdings has maintained a

principal place of business at 110 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York

11797. Blue Car is a New York Limited Liability Company maintaining a

principal place of business at 350 Fifth Avenue, Ste. 6401, New York, New York

10118. Granger Whitelaw is an individual who now sits on the Vemics, Inc.,

Board of Directors. Vemics is located at 523 Avalon Gardens Drive, Nanuet, New

York 10954. Mr. Whitelaw resides in New Jersey at 8 Johnny Ct. Red Bank, NJ 07701.


13. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1332, this Court has diversity jurisdiction over this action

because there is diversity between the New York defendant Valiant Holdings,

Inc., New York defendant Blue Car Partners LLC, New Jersey defendant Granger

Whitelaw, and Iowa plaintiff Richard Selby. This action also involves violation of

federal law.


14. Whitelaw solicited capital investments from Plaintiff for various start-up

companies over the course of several years, in conjunction with his company Blue

Car. Whitelaw is also president of Valiant. Whitelaw and several business

associates/employees, namely Ryan C. Gray [hereinafter "Gray"] and Brian Brick

co.rresponded with Plaintiff regarding these investments. Plaintiff did invest in

several of these companies. This action seeks to recover monies intended for

investment in two American companies - First Asian Fuel, and Vemics, in

addition to compensation' for work performed.


15. Plaintiff corresponded with Defendant regarding this particular investment over

the course of several months at the end of 2005 and January 2006. Plaintiff agreed

to invest $50,000 in First Asian Fuel after reviewing a written business plan for

the company. On January 17,2006, Plaintiff did receive the requested information

regarding First Asian Fuel from Gray.

16. On January 20, 2006, Plaintiff executed a bank transfer of $50,000 to a client trust

account, of Whitelaw's counsel in Beverly Hills, CA, intended for investment in

First Asian Fuel. Gray forwarded a stock purchase agreement for Plaintiff for his

execution and instructed him to fax back an executed copy and send an original

to: Alkizia Investments, Inc., c/o Univalor Liason Office, 14 Rule Kleberg, 1201

Geneva, Switzerland.

17. However, later in the day, on January 20, 2006, an outgoing wire transfer was

made from the client trust account to Univalor Trust S.A., Geneve, Switzerland,

for Alkizia Investment Corp., in the amount of $50,000, for 50,000 shares of First

Asian Fuel. The receipt of this bank transaction was obtained upon request by

Plaintiff who inquired what was done with his money.

18. Upon information and belief, Plaintiff's $50,000 investment was used to fund an

audit of a different company, Alkizia Investment Corporation, without Plaintiff's


19. Recently, Plaintiff discovered through Pacific Stock Transfer Company that

50,000 shares of common stock in First Asian Fuel was issued, in Certificate

Number 126, to Plaintiff, c/o Granger Whitelaw, on June 29, 2006, six months

after the wire transfer and Plaintiffs execution and submission of a stock transfer

agreement. Plaintiff never received this certificate.

20. To date, despite repeated demands, Plaintiff never received stock certificates for

First Asian Fuel, in a timely manner, or any proof of ownership in this company

or any other, much less any refund of the $50,000 investment, or any monies

reflecting the value of the stock purchase.

21. None of the defendants filed a Form 144 Notice of Proposed Sale with the SEC,

detailing compliance with SEC Rule 144 [17 C.F.R. Section 230.144].


22. In June 2006, Defendant Whitelaw approached Plaintiff requesting a $35,000

bridge investment into Vemics, Inc., ("Vemics"), a Delaware corporation with a

principal place of business in Nanuet, New York. Whitelaw made representations

regarding the value of this stock. Whitelaw then pressured Plaintiff to authorize a

wire transfer of$35,000 into Defendant's account for the investment in Vemics,

in exchange for 35,000 shares ofVemics common stock.

23. Plaintiff proceeded to authorize a wire transfer of$35,000 on or about June 2,


24. Upon receiving Plaintiffs funds, Defendant Whitelaw took numerous steps to

depreciate the value of the Vemics stock. These actions resulted in the significant

drop in value of the stock that caused the value of the stock to plummet.

25. Whitelaw held himself out to be an "insider" to Vemics. He had been on the

Vemics Board of Directors up through 2005.1 Whitelaw has never filed any

I Frederick Zolla, another Director ofYemics, did comply with New York law and register the company as

an issuer of stock in 2005, with an offering of over $7 million US dollars. Granger Whitelaw never filed

documents regarding the above mentioned stock transactions, the $50,000 transfer

for First Asian Fuels, and then the $35,000 transfer for Vemics, with the

Securities and Exchange Commission, in violation of Section 5 of the Securities

Act [15 U.S.c. section 77e and section 77d(1 )].


26. Plaintiff was also retained by Defendant Whitelaw, to be a consultant under

contract for Valiant Holding, Inc., ("Valiant"). Whitelaw was the principal of

Valiant and has been mentioned as a "partner" of Valiant in the media, recently.

Pursuant to the contract, Plaintiff was to work for Valiant and be subsequently

paid, on the 16th of every month, a salary of $1 0,000 plus expenses. Plaintiff

worked for the time period of June 15, 2006 through July 15, 2006, and has never

received payment for his work performed.


Violation of Section 5 of the Securities Act 15 U.S.c. section 77

Paragraphs 1 through 25 are realleged and incorporated herein by reference.

28. Whitelaw violated Section 5 of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C. section 77e and

section 77d(1)]. Whitelaw promoted stock in First Asian Fuel and Vemics, as an

insider, but failed to file a Rule 144 Notice of Proposed Sale for the sale of 50,000

restricted shares of First Asian Fuel and the sale of35,000 shares of Vemics.

29. Whitelaw violated Section 5 of the Securities Act [15 U.S.c. section 77e and

77d(1) because he is an affiliate who cannot rely on the Rule 144 [17 C.F.R.

any required documents with the SEC, in accordance with various rules under the Securities and Exchange

Act of 1933, which he was required to do as an affiliate of an issuer of restricted stock,and/or an insider in

control of restricted stock. Plaintiff does not qualify as an "accredited investor" under this Act.

section 230.144] safe harbor, or Section 4(1) [15 U.S.c. section 77d(1)]

exemption, for the resale of 50,000 shares of First Asian Fuel stock.

30. Whitelaw violated Section 5 of the Securities Act [15 U.S.c. section 77e and

77d(1) because he is an affiliate who cannot rely on the Rule 144 [17 C.F.R.

section 230.144] safe harbor, or Section 4(1) [15 U.S.c. section 77d(1)]

exemption, for the resale of35,000 shares ofVemics stock.

31. Plaintiff has suffered the loss of his $50,000 investment in First Asian Fuel and

$35,000 investment in Vemics, as a result of defendants violations of Section 5 of

the Securities Act 15 U.S.c. Section 77.


Common Law Fraudulent Misrepresentation

Paragraphs 1 through 21 are realleged and incorporated herein by reference.

33. Defendant Granger Whitelaw contacted Plaintiff regarding a stock purchase in a

new company First Asian Fuel Corporation. Plaintiff orally agreed to invest

$50,000 in this company.

34. The aforementioned agreement was oral in nature, and was based on good faith

dealing, given the prior investment relationship between the parties.

35. At the time the Defendant made this representation to Plaintiff, the representation

was clearly false.

36. At the time that Defendant made such representations to Plaintiff stating on

numerous occasions that the investment would be for Plaintiffs stock ownership

in First Asian Fuel, Defendant knew that such representations were false.

37. At the time that Defendant made such representation to Plaintiff, Defendant

intended Plaintiff to act upon it by transferring a large sum of money to an agent

of Defendant.

38. At the time that Defendant made such representation to Plaintiff, Plaintiff

reasonably believed it to be true and Plaintiff was totally unaware of its falsity.

Plaintiff researched the existence of First Asian Fuel and consulted an attorney

regarding the investment decision.

39. Plaintiff reasonably relied on Defendant's representation and transferred $50,000

to an attorney agent of Defendant's in California, with the reasonable belief that

he was making an investment in First Asian Fuel.

40. Plaintiff had a right to rely on Defendant's representation because they had a

business relationship and Defendant was in the business of soliciting investments

imd First Asian Fuel was an actual registered entity.

41. Plaintiff did receive a stock purchase agreement to review, execute, and return to

Defendant immediately after making the $50,000 wire transfer. Plaintiff did

execute the agreement, return it to Defendant, in anticipation of receiving stock

certificates in the mail.

42. In the subsequent months, Plaintiff did not receive any stock certificates for First

Asian Fuel or any notice regarding this investment.

43 . In the subsequent months, Plaintiff has made several oral and written demands

regarding this investment and for his stock certificates, or a refund of his


44. To date, Plaintiff has never received any stock certificates for First Asian Fuel, or

a return of his $50,000 investment, despite repeated demands.

45. Accordingly, the agreement between the parties is void and Plaintiff has suffered

damages equivalent to the $50,000 wire transfer for investment in First Asian



Common Law Negligent Misrepresentation

Paragraphs 1 through 21 are realleged and incorporated herein by reference.

47. Defendant owed a duty of due care to Plaintiff in his capacity as investment agent

for First Asian Fuel; with all parties fully aware of the serious implications of

their oral agreement, for Plaintiff to transfer $50,000 to an attorney agent of

Defendant's in California for the purpose of purchasing stock in First Asian Fuel.

48. Defendant breached his duty of due care by misrepresenting to Plaintiff that he

would transfer to him, stock certificates representing his ownership in First Asian

Fuel, after Plaintiff reasonably relied on the misrepresentation and transferred the

$50,000 and executed a stock purchase agreement.

49. Plaintiff did reasonably rely on the repeated and consistent statements of

Defendants affirming and reaffirming the investment and Plaintiffs stock

ownership in First Asian Fuel.

50. Plaintiff did not receive any proof of ownership of stock in First Asian Fuel and

upon demanded his $50,000 investment back, Plaintiff has received nothing.

5l. Accordingly, Plaintiff suffered damages in the amount of his investment of



Common Law Breach of Contract

Paragraphs 1 through 21 are realleged and incorporated herein by reference.

53. Plaintiff duly and faithfully performed under the agreement to transfer his funds

in the amount of $50,000 to an agent of Defendant, for the purpose of purchasing

stock in First Asian Fuel.

54. The aforementioned agreement was in good faith and was coupled with full

performance by Plaintiff.

55. Plaintiff came to realize that Defendant was not delivering any proof of Plaintiff's

stock ownership in First Asian Fuel.

56. Plaintiff came to realize that his investment was wrongfully sent to a Swiss bank

account with no connection to First Asian Fuel.

57. Plaintiff demanded his $50,000 investment be returned immediately as well as

rescinded the contract.

58. To date, Defendant has refused to deliver to Plaintiff the $50,000 refund of his

intended investment.

59. By reason of the foregoing, Defendant is indebted to Plaintiff for money had and

received by Defendant on behalf of Plaintiff and wrongfully withheld, all to the

monetary damage of Plaintiff.


Common Law Fraudulent Misrepresentation

Paragraphs 1 through 25 are realleged and incorporated herein by reference.

61 . Defendant Granger Whitelaw contacted Plaintiff regarding a stock purchase in a

new company Vemics. Plaintiff orally agreed to invest $35,000 in this company.

62. The aforementioned agreement was oral in nature, and was based on good faith

dealing, given the prior investment relationship between the parties.

63. At the time the Defendant made this representation to Plaintiff, the representation

was clearly false.

64. At the time that Defendant made such representations to Plaintiff stating on

numerous occasions that the investment would be for Plaintiffs stock ownership

in Vemics, Defendant knew that such representations were false.

65. At the time that Defendant made such representation to Plaintiff, Defendant

intended Plaintiff to act upon it by transferring a large sum of money directly to


66. At the time that Defendant made such representation to Plaintiff, Plaintiff

reasonably believed it to be true and Plaintiff was totally unaware of its falsity.

67. Plaintiff reasonably relied on Defendant's representation and transferred $35,000

to Defendant with the reasonable belief that he was making an investment in

Vemics, at a certain value.

68. Plaintiff had a right to rely on Defendant's representation because they had a prior

investing relationship and Defendant was in the business of soliciting investments

and Vemics was an actual registered entity.

69. Subsequent to the transfer of funds, the value of Vemics stock dropped

significantly, due to various actions by Defendant.

70. In the subsequent months, Plaintiff has made several oral and written demands

regarding this investment and for his stock certificates, or a refund of his


71 . To date, Plaintiff has never received any stock certificates for Vemics, or a return

of his $35,000 investment, despite repeated demands.

72. Accordingly, the agreement between the parties is void and Plaintiff has suffered

damages equivalent to the $35,000 wire transfer for investment in Vemics.


73 . Paragraphs 1 through 25 are realleged and incorporated herein by reference.

74. Defendant owed a duty of due care to Plaintiff in his capacity as holder in control

of stock for Vemics; with all parties fully aware of the serious implications of

their oral agreement, for Plaintiff to transfer $35,000 to Defendant in New Jersey

for the purpose of purchasing stock in Vemics.

75. Defendant breached his duty of due care by misrepresenting to Plaintiff that he

would transfer to him, stock certificates representing his ownership in Vemics,

after Plaintiff reasonably relied on the misrepresentation and transferred the

$35,000, anticipating receipt of a stock certificate.

76. Plaintiff did reasonably rely on the repeated and consistent statements of

Defendants affirming and reaffirming the investment and Plaintiffs stock

ownership in Vemics.

77. At no time did Defendant suggest or did Plaintiff consent that his $35,000 be a

donation of any sort to Vemics or Defendant.

78. Plaintiff did not receive any proof of ownership of stock in Vemics and upon

demanded his $35,000 investment back, Plaintiff has received nothing.

79. Accordingly, Plaintiff suffered damages in the amount of his investment of



Common Law Breach of Contract

Paragraphs 1 through 25 are realleged and incorporated herein by reference.

81. Plaintiff duly and faithfully performed under the agreement to transfer his funds

in the amount of $35,000 to Defendant, for the purpose of purchasing stock in


82. The aforementioned agreement was in good faith and was coupled with full

performance by Plaintiff.

83. Plaintiff came to realize that Defendant was not delivering any proof of Plaintiffs

stock ownership in Vemics.

84. Plaintiff demanded his $35,000 investment be returned immediately as well as

rescinded the contract.

85. To date, Defendant has refused to deliver to Plaintiff the $35,000 refund of his

intended investment.

86. By reason of the foregoing, Defendant is indebted to Plaintiff for money had and

received by Defendant on behalf of Plaintiff and wrongfully withheld, all to the

monetary damage of Plaintiff.


Paragraphs 1 through 26 are realleged and incorporated herein by reference.

88. Plaintiff duly and faithfully performed under the agreement to perform work as a

consultant for Valiant during the months of June and July of 2006.

89. The aforementioned agreement was in good faith and was coupled with full

performance by Plaintiff.

90. Plaintiff came to realize that Defendant was not paying Plaintiff any

compensation for the work performed.

Plaintiff demanded his $11,000 paycheck, pursuant to the agreement.

92. To date, Defendant has refused to deliver to Plaintiff the outstanding $11 ,000


93. By reason of the foregoing, Defendant is indebted to Plaintiff for money had and

received by Defendant on behalf of Plaintiff and wrongfully withheld, all to the

monetary damage of Plaintiff.


WHEREFORE, plaintiff Richard Selby respectfully requests that this Court enter

a judgment:

A. Finding that Defendant Whitelaw violated: Section 5 of the Securities Act [15

U.S.C. section 77e];

B. Defendant wrongfully misrepresented to Plaintiff that he would invest $50,000 in .

First Asian Fuel on behalf of Plaintiff, as is alleged in this Complaint; and

C. Finding that Defendant wrongfully misrepresented to Plaintiff he would invest

$35,000 in Vemics on behalf of Plaintiff, as is alleged in this Complaint; and

D. Finding that Defendant breached an agreement with Plaintiff by failing to pay

him for his work perfom1ed for Valiant in June through July 2006; and

E. Order judgment against Defendant in the amount of $96,000 as is the equivalent

of Plaintiff's investments in First Asian Fuel and Vemics (totaling $85,000), in

addition to, the outstanding $11 ,000 of compensation owed for work performed

at Valiant;

F. Interest at a rate to be determined by the Court;

G. Costs associated with bringing this action including attorney's fees, filing fees,

and service fees.

H. Such further relief as this Court deems fair and reasonable.

Dated: August 17, 2010

New York, New York

Respectfully Submitted,

Attorney for Plaintiff, RICHARD


Law Office of Bridget E. Butler, Esq.

12 Desbrosses Street

New York, ew York 10013

(917) 328-7144


United States of America
I agree

#28General Comment

Thu, November 18, 2010

All I can write is, Granger claims by his own website, bluecarpartners.com, that he was the team owner of the 1996 and 1998 Indy 500 winners. A quick phone call revealed this to not be true. I'm sure Granger will say he knows them, which he does. But he had no part of those two teams. If a man lies about something like that, what won't he lie about. The only difference between Granger and Madoff is 65 billion.

Granger Whitelaw - The Real One

New Jersey,
United States of America

#29REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, November 08, 2010

The person who wrote this is obviously a SPINELESS COWARD filled with anger and hatred towards me. I am not going to justify this nonsense with a full response. I will, however, offer if he or she wants to give their REAL NAME and contact information to me..or all of us here where you have chosen to write these twisted words and accusations....I will respond directly to you. 

As for the Ripoff Report...I have contacted the editor and asked for this misleading and libelous story to be taken down. They offered to "investigate it" for $2,000 to start, that should tell you a lot about the "reality" of this site.

So, I hope for anyone reading this, you can see this is an abusive of the internet by someone to HIDE anonymously and throw disparaging remarks towards another person. If you have REAL FACTS..than let's see YOU and THEM.

I am not hiding. I am not a criminal, I am a good person who has done and continues to do many good things. I have not always had all things become successes, but I never walk away from anything, and I have never intentionally hurt anyone.

The worst is how these types of words hurt my children and family. It is shameful that this type of thing is allowed on a website under the "first amendment" and a LoopHole in internet law!!

If you wish to contact me, I can be reached anytime at 917-797-8782 or [email protected].

Reports & Rebuttal
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