Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? Lisa Muse Non-existent customer service...NO WORK FOR PAY , Internet
It is very unfortunate that Lisa Muse with has stolen my hard earned money to start a website for my own web based business. I paid her a $450 deposit for a service package including but not limited to web development and logo design. After about a week or so into a job that she quoted 11 days to complete, her lack of professionalism leaked through. She has stood me up in meetings with no forewarning. I've had to call/text/email her repeatedly to get her to even respond when she felt like doing so. I let her know that her lack of customer service was not sufficient and even after that, no improvement. I've done everything that she's asked me to do...purchase web/hosting products, submit websites that I liked, submit logos that I liked etc. In return, I have received nothing but a few images of mock up logo's that I didn't like/approve.
And deliverables that she agreed upon submitting the next day (nearly 2 weeks ago)...
I haven't heard from this woman since. No call, email, or text answered in nearly 2 weeks. I'm not sure how this is okay to her. Even if something was wrong, she really should have contacted me. Instead, I find myself here, in hopes that someone else doesn't get ripped off like me.
I am fair. I feel she should at least refund my deposit, less the cost of the logos (if she sends me working files)...even if they were god-awful ugly...Oh! and less the 15 mins she took to post a coming soon image on my site. Anything else she said she did...she can't seem to send proof that it's done...