i went there to get in my front teeth two new crowns the doctor jaydee marrero she convence the i need another so i decide to have three crowns since crowns was ready i see the color wasn't matchng with my others teeth i let her knw she put it anyways i was so upset aftr i pay so much money like total 5thousand dllrs i wen to tralk to manager say the i f i want redue it for 50% off i was so upset. That was start in febrary /2009 , Then in 08/08/10 my crowns fall off i was feeling so bad . i don't have no money so i have to glue that crown i went back to their office say the can do me the job nothing cheap or special i was like i don't have no money. So i went home furios i passed few days wth glue in the crown till the glue messed the crown wasn't able to put it anymore so i visit other doctr in Florida dental centers and they tryng to help me but i still don't have the full amount. i w'll love to the Great Expression give me a refund for all the bad service. And that kind of job is very , very painfull . I hope you guys can help me.