  • Report:  #1217961

Complaint Review: GT Options -

Reported By:
Helen - Hamilton, Alabama, Canada

GT Options
1855 641 6961
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I first came across GTOPTIONS in August 2014. I knew nothing about binary options. I deposit $250.00 into this broker account

when I first came across an ad with Walter Green with his "free money system". I deposited that money into my account on

a Saturday...and bright and early Monday morning I received  a phone call from a gentle man by the name of Peter Johnson.


I must say, that particular morning was one of the worst mornings of my life.  I was going through a really bad situation with my

son.  Anyway, a little later on that same morning Mr.  Peter Johnson called me to discuss my account.


I mentioned to him I had never done any kind of trading before and only signed up for the system and the software that 

Walter Green was advertising.  At the beginning he never said much about the system and informed me he and I will make the 

trades. He told me to be really successful,  I needed to put more money into the account.


I then deposited into the account that same day another $750.00 to bring the account to $1000. on his recommendation.

It was quite late that day when I finally deposited the rest of the money, so he decided to call me early the next morning.


The next morning he called. We got to talking about my plans to trade and he asked me if I am really serious about this whole

thing he can really help me to make some good money, but I needed to deposit more money into my account. I let him know

I didn't have any more money, especially when I was going through a crisis with my son. 


He said I should try and borrow the money because the market was doing really good. He said if I borrowed the money in no 

time I would pay it back....He said $5000.00 was a good starting amount, so I went and borrowed the money. When I had the

$5000.00 in my account he told me he is going to give me an insurance to protect my losses in the form of a bonus.


I knew nothing about how the bonus work...All I knew it was an insurance to protect my investment.  We stared making 

trades every morning on his recommendation.  Now, there was $10,000. In the account and every trade he made always

went in the opposite direction. in a few weeks the account was down a lot and I started to wonder if he knew what he was doing.  


Now during all this time my knight in shining Armour would call me every morning with words of wisdom...hope...love

and encouragement. Even when he was losing my money he remained calm while I was freeking out. He let me know 

the insurance is there to protect my money. 


After several weeks the account was down to just over $700.00 I started to panic and asked him where is my $5000.00

He couldn't answer me...I was virtually in tears, so I file for a withdrawal of my $700.00 and was told my the account dept

I had zero dollars to withdraw because there wasn't enough volume on my account. 


Now during all the times while he was trading for me we became good friends...he made me gain his trust so he continued to

call me, we even exchanged photos of each other and decided we'll meet each other in person.


He kept in touch with me until February 16, 2015...He vanished  after I started to question him about his where abouts. He always

made me believe he was calling from England and there is where he is stationed...He told me he is an American who is based in  

England because of his job.


I sat and I wondered how many women he has done this to. Oh....by the way, he was also a good Christian man who fear

God and live a good life...could you believe this!!!


He not only stole my money...he stole my heart based on lies. I sometimes wonder how he sleeps at night When I am left to

repay a debt that he willingly made me incurred. 


Wemen !!! Please be aware....this man is really a smooth operator"  he will put on the charms....He is a wolf in Sheep clothing. 


There are only so many people he can fool...I hope one day he meets his match.

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