  • Report:  #64096

Complaint Review: GTE Capital - Lee:Riverside/Williams:Long Beach,CA. California

Reported By:
- Torrance, CA.,

GTE Capital
Lee:1515Ranson Rd. Riverside.CA. Lee:Riverside/Williams:Long Beach,CA., 92506 California, U.S.A.
909-781-0739 (Lee)
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On June of 2000 I purchased a Nissan Maxima from a now defunct N.Long Beach Nissan Dealership. I paid the full amount of the car $17,500.00+ I now have a copy of the cancelled check deposited and cashed almost immediately after we gave it to them. They told us that the car had just come in and that they had'nt had time to get the paperwork in order. We needed a pink slip in order to register the car. A month went by I called to ask where the paperework was. I soon was informed that the Dealership had gone out of business and filed for Bankruptcy. We then went to the DMV to see if they could help us. In the meantime I started doing some detective work. I reached someone first that had held a lien at another Bank and got her ss.# her address etc, the man told me that she had changed Banks and now it was held at GE Capital Bank ( I tried to get a Lawyers opinion and he said I would have to sue the individuals, now theres the rub, why should we have to spend 7-8,000.00 if we had it to acquire something that we already bought. The DMV did an investigation they got no satisfaction, sent a report to Sacramento, CA. to prevent Mr.Lee from opening another dealership. It has been almost 3 years now, GE Bank has never contacted us and when I had the Lawyer call theirs they said they were going after the woman. The Attorney handling the case yould not talk to me. I am truly at a brick wall as to where to go now. Here sits a lovely 1995 Nissan Maxima and we are out of a lot of money.I welcome any help or suggestions. We have copious amount of documentation to support this unbelievable ripoff.!!!


Torrance, California

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